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Radiation protection around CERN's high-energy accelerators represents a major challenge due to the presence of complex, mixed radiation fields. Behind thick shielding neutrons dominate and their energy ranges from fractions of eV to about 1 GeV. In this work the response of various portable detectors sensitive to neutrons was studied at CERN's High-Energy Reference Field Facility (CERF). The measurements were carried out with conventional rem counters, which usually cover neutron energies up to 20 MeV, the Thermo WENDI-2, which is specified to measure neutrons up to several GeV, and a tissue-equivalent proportional counter. The experimentally determined neutron dose equivalent results were compared with Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. Based on these studies field calibration factors can be determined, which result in a more reliable estimate of H(*)(10) in an unknown, but presumably similar high-energy field around an accelerator than a calibration factor determined in a radiation field of a reference neutron source.  相似文献   

Photoneutron spectra around the treatment bed of a Varian Clinac 2100C machine were measured using a Bonner sphere spectrometer. To overcome problems with pulse pile-up and detection of non-neutron-induced events, the active detector of thermal neutrons normally used at the centre of the spheres was replaced by a sandwich of four CR-39 track detectors interleaved with 10B radiators. Track densities measured for the CR-39 detectors in Bonner spheres were used for the unfolding of neutron spectra. Neutron fluence and ambient dose equivalent for the whole energy range and partial energy intervals were derived from the neutron spectra.  相似文献   

The paper describes spectrometer equipment in the IPPE experimental laboratory for neutron spectra measurement in mixed (n,γ) fields. The laboratory was founded in 1957 and it occupies a leading position in the field of nuclear facilities radiation spectrometry and benchmark experiments in Russia. Spectrometer equipment includes spectrometers based on the organic stilbene scintillator, hydrogen counter and Bonner balls. Basic fields of spectrometer application are mixed radiation neutron spectra measurement of radionuclide sources, of nuclear reactors and accelerators; study of neutron transfer through the material, including benchmark experiments and measurement of neutron spectra in the rooms of nuclear facilities.  相似文献   

Neutrons can be produced with low-energy ion accelerators for many applications, such as the characterisation of neutron detectors, the irradiation of biological samples and the study of the radiation damage in electronic devices. Moreover, accelerator-based neutron sources are under development for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT). Thin targets are used for generating monoenergetic neutrons, while thick targets are usually employed for producing more intense neutron fields. The associated photon field produced by the target nuclei may have a strong influence on the application under study. For instance, these photons can play a fundamental role in the design of an accelerator-based neutron source for BNCT. This work focuses on the measurement of the photon field associated with neutrons that are produced by 4.0-6.8 MeV protons striking both a thin 7LiF target (for generating monoenergetic neutrons) and a thick beryllium target. In both cases, very intense photon fields are generated with energy distribution extending up to several MeV.  相似文献   

The Health Physics Measurements Group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has initiated a study of neutron reference fields at selected US Department of Energy (DOE) calibration facilities. To date, field characterisation has been completed at five facilities. These fields are traceable to the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) through either a primary calibration of the source emission rate or through the use of a secondary standard. However, neutron spectral variation is caused by factors such as room return, scatter from positioning tables and fixtures, source anisotropy and spectral degradation due to source rabbits and guide tubes. Perturbations from the ideal isotropic point source field may impact the accuracy of instrument calibrations. In particular, the thermal neutron component of the spectrum, while contributing only a small fraction of the conventionally true dose, can contribute a significant fraction of a dosemeter's response with the result that the calibration becomes facility-specific. A protocol has been developed to characterise neutron fields that relies primarily on spectral measurements with the Bubble Technology Industries (BTI) rotating neutron spectrometer (ROSPEC) and the LANL Bonner sphere spectrometer. The ROSPEC measurements were supplemented at several sites by the BTI Simple Scintillation Spectrometer probe, which is designed to extend the ROSPEC upper energy range from 5 to 15 MeV. In addition, measurements were performed with several rem meters and neutron dosemeters. Detailed simulations were performed using the LANL MCNPX Monte Carlo code to calculate the magnitude of source anisotropy and scatter factors.  相似文献   

The response of radiation protection dosemeters in terms of the phantom-related operational quantities Hp(10) and H'(10.0 degrees) was measured for personal and area monitoring systems in mixed high-energy electron and photon radiation fields with energies up to 7 MeV. Using mixed radiation fields composed of different fractions of charged particle and photon fluence, three conditions were produced at the point of measurement: charged particle equilibrium (CPE) (a), a lack (b) and an excess (c) of charged particles relative to the conditions of CPE. Personal and area dosemeters of different types were investigated under conditions (a)-(c). A large variability of the response of the different dosemeter types was observed. The results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Quasi-monoenergetic reference neutron beams in the energy range between 20 and 100 MeV have been produced and characterized with a proton recoil telescope, a scintillation spectrometer, a 238U fission chamber and a Bonner sphere spectrometer. The beams are well suited for the calibration of detectors used in neutron spectrometry. A new method is described which reduces the correction for the contribution from low-energy neutrons present in the beams.  相似文献   

Conventional radiation monitors have been found to underestimate the personal dose equivalent in the high-energy bremsstrahlung photon radiation fields encountered near electron storage rings. Depth-dose measurements in a water phantom were carried out with a radiation survey meter in the bremsstrahlung photon radiation fields from a 450 MeV electron storage ring to find out the magnitude of the underestimation. Dose equivalent indicated by the survey meter was found to build up with increase in thickness of water placed in front of the meter up to certain depth and then reduce with further increase in thickness. A dose equivalent build up factor was estimated from the measurements. An absorbed dose build up factor in a water phantom was also estimated from calculations performed using the Monte Carlo codes, EGS-4 and EGSnrc. The calculations are found to be in very good agreement with the measurements. The studies indicate inadequacy of commercially available radiation monitors for radiation monitoring within shielded enclosures and in streaming high-energy photon radiation fields from electron storage rings, and the need for proper correction for use in such radiation fields.  相似文献   

Currently, ~70 % of the occupationally exposed persons in Germany are working in pulsed radiation fields, mainly in the medical sector. It has been known for a few years that active electronic dosemeters exhibit considerable deficits or can even fail completely in pulsed fields. Type test requirements for dosemeters exist only for continuous radiation. Owing to the need of a reference field for pulsed photon radiation and accordingly to the upcoming type test requirements for dosemeters in pulsed radiation, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt has developed a novel X-ray reference field for pulsed photon radiation in cooperation with a manufacturer. This reference field, geared to the main applications in the field of medicine, has been well characterised and is now available for research and type testing of dosemeters in pulsed photon radiation.  相似文献   

For the altitude range and inclination of the International Space Station (ISS), secondary neutrons can be a major contributor to dose equivalent inside a spacecraft. The exact proportion is very dependent on the amount of shielding of the primary galactic cosmic radiation and trapped particles, but is likely to lie in the range of 10-50%. Personal neutron dosemeters of simple design, processed using simple techniques developed for personal dosimetry, may be used to estimate this neutron component.  相似文献   

A device based on a single silicon detector of special converter/detector design optimised for the determination of the neutron dose equivalent is also used for the determination of the photon dose equivalent. While the neutron dose is determined on the basis of signals corresponding to energy depositions above 1.5 MeV, depositions between 80 keV and 150 keV are used for the photon dose equivalent. In this way, a photon response is achieved which varies by less than 30% in the energy region from 80 keV to 7 MeV for irradiation at normal incidence and at 60 degrees to the normal. The lower limit of detection is of the order of 1 microSv. Neutrons contribute to the photon reading by less than 2% in mixed fields with a comparable dose equivalent from neutrons and photons.  相似文献   

Within the EU Project EVIDOS, a spectrometer with 24 silicon detectors mounted on the surface of a polyethylene sphere is used for the determination of the energy and direction distribution of neutrons and photons. It has been characterized with respect to neutron radiation with energies from thermal up to 15 MeV and to photon radiation with energies from 65 keV to 6 MeV. The first measurements described here were performed in the simulated workplace field, CANEL, at Cadarache, with the purpose of checking the instrument and the unfolding procedures.  相似文献   

A compact liquid organic neutron spectrometer based on a single NE213 liquid scintillator (5 cm diameter x 5 cm) is described. The spectrometer is designed to measure neutron fluence spectra over the energy range 2-200 MeV and is suitable for use in neutron fields having any type of time structure. Neutron fluence spectra are obtained from measurements of two-parameter distributions (counts versus pulse-height and pulse shape) using the Bayesian unfolding code MAXED. Calibration and test measurements made using a pulsed neutron beam with a continuous energy spectrum are described and the application of the spectrometer to radiation dose measurements is discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed in Cave C of GSI (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung) using the LAND (Large Area Neutron Detector) in combination with the deflection magnet ALADIN (A LArge DIpol magNet) in front of the LAND where charged particles and neutrons can be separated. This arrangement is used to create high-energetic neutron fields by irradiation of a thick lead target (5 cm) with deuteron beams with the energies of 500 or 800 MeV per nucleon. In break-up reactions the neutron is separated from the proton which is deflected in the magnetic field of the ALADIN. The produced neutron radiation, which has a pronounced peak at the nucleon energy, is used to measure the fluence response of the GSI neutron ball. A thermoluminescence (TL) based spherical neutron dosemeter was developed for the area monitoring for the quantity H(10) at high-energy accelerators. In the same experiment, the spectral neutron fluence Phi(E) is measured with the LAND in the energy range from 100 MeV to 1 GeV. The measured fluence responses are compared with results of FLUKA calculations and the corresponding fluence-to-dose conversion coefficients. The measured dosemeter responses are too high in comparison to the calculated ones (up to approximately 50%), the dosemeter reading gives dose values which are too high by a factor of 1.1-2.2 related to the corresponding fluence-to-dose conversion factors.  相似文献   

Superheated emulsions being inexpensive, easy to fabricate, and having tissue equivalent composition make them as one of the popular neutron dosemeters. One more advantage is that they can be made insensitive to gamma rays by the choice of the sensitive liquid. It is observed that the response of commercially available bubble detector to neutron decreases above 20 MeV while its response is roughly flat in the 0.1-15 MeV region. This restricts its application as a dosemeter to high-energy neutrons. The response of bubble detector from Bubble Technology Industries, has been observed by using Pb-breeder for high-energy neutrons from different facilities in Japan. It is observed that 2-3 cm Pb-breeder is effective in increasing the response of the detector to the nominal value. Theoretical calculation using MCNPX code indicates an increase in neutrons in the energy range of 0.1-10 MeV with Pb-breeder. The present work indicates the possibility of using the bubble detector as a dosemeter to high-energy neutron using a Pb-breeder of proper thickness.  相似文献   

The design of a portable high-energy (20-800 MeV) neutron spectrometer based on CsI or BaF2 is described. The particle discrimination properties of these scintillators allow the light-ion spallation products (p, d, t and alpha) from neutron interactions to be identified uniquely. One or more of the resulting pulse-height spectra can be unfolded to reveal the incident neutron spectrum. Dosimetric quantities can then be calculated based on the unfolded spectrum. Due to the high stopping power of these scintillators, modest-sized crystals are suitable for this application. Combined with advances in electronics, a lightweight instrument capable of on-line particle discrimination with a real-time display of neutron-induced count rate is feasible. Preliminary experimental data are presented, and the importance of validating MCNPX-generated response functions is discussed. A brief discussion on future work follows.  相似文献   

The spectral neutron and photon fluence (or flux) measured outside and inside of assemblies related to fusion reactor constructions are basic quantities of fusion neutronics. The comparison of measured spectra with the results of MCNP neutron and photon transport calculations allows a crucial test of evaluated nuclear data as generally used in fusion applications to be carried out.The experiments concern mixed neutron/photon fields with about the same intensity of the two components. An NE-213 scintillation spectrometer, well described by response matrices for both neutrons and photons, is used as proton-recoil and Compton spectrometer. The experiments described here in more detail address the background problematic of two applications, an iron benchmark experiment with an ns-pulsed neutron source and a deep penetration mock-up experiment for the investigation of the ITER in-board shield system. The measured spectral neutron and photon fluences are compared with spectra calculated with the MCNP code on the basis of FENDL-1 data. The agreement is better than 10% except for the photon fluence from the iron benchmark experiment, which is underestimated in the calculations by 25%.  相似文献   

Well-characterised neutron fields are a prerequisite for the investigation of neutron detectors. Partly in collaboration with external partners, the PTB neutron metrology group makes available for other users neutron reference fields covering the full energy range from thermal to 200 MeV. The specification of the neutron fluence in these beams is traceable to primary standard cross sections.  相似文献   

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