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Regressor selection can be viewed as the first step in the system identification process. The benefits of finding good regressors before estimating complex models are especially clear for nonlinear systems, where the class of possible models is huge. In this article, a structured way of using the tool analysis of variance (ANOVA) is presented and used for NARX model (nonlinear autoregressive model with exogenous input) identification with many candidate regressors.  相似文献   

Eye movement is the simplest and repetitive movement that enables humans to interact with the environment. The common daily activities, such as reading a book or watching television, involve this natural activity, which consists of rapidly shifting our gaze from one region to another. In clinical application, the identification of the main components of eye movement during visual exploration, such as fixations and saccades, is the objective of the analysis of eye movements: however, in patients affected by motor control disorder the identification of fixation is not banal. This work presents a new fixation identification algorithm based on the analysis of variance and covariance: the main idea was to use bivariate statistical analysis to compare variance over x and y to identify fixation. We describe the new algorithm, and we compare it with the common fixations algorithm based on dispersion. To demonstrate the performance of our approach, we tested the algorithm in a group of healthy subjects and patients affected by motor control disorder.  相似文献   

A FORTRAN IV program (UANOVA) to carry out unbalanced analyses of variance, associated variance component testing using synthesized error mean squares and degrees of freedom where appropriate, and the generation of summary statistics is presented. Data transforms are available to assist in meeting the requirements of the ANOVA method, and the data structure is defined as part of the input stream. The summary statistics include estimates of the population mean and variance, and confidence limits for the mean and variance components. The latter are approximations for levels higher than the first, however their calculation affords on indication of the imprecision of the point estimates. The program has been verified, where possible, with published data sets, results of these tests are presented.  相似文献   

Measurement reliability reflects the ratio of true (subject) to observed (subject plus error) variance. Analyses of reliability are limited due to difficulties in obtaining accurate estimates of the sources of variation upon which this relationship depends. This paper presents a simple analysis of variance procedure, using BMDP8V, for estimating the necessary variance components of mixed models, from which reliability may be assessed.  相似文献   

This study introduces a framework for re-design of manufacturing systems into practical optimum just-in-time systems by integration of computer simulation and analysis of variance. The conventional JIT approach is mostly applicable to static production systems and the dynamic production systems require a more practical integrated JIT approach. In addition, the re-design of existing dynamic systems into just-in-time systems must follow a practical path, which can be a cumbersome task. This means, a unique practical optimum just-in-time system that considers system's limitations and its dynamic behavior must be designed. To achieve the objective of this study, first, the actual system must be totally modeled and simulated. Second, the integrated simulation model is tested and validated by analysis of variance. Third, the optimum (most fitted) JIT design is developed and tested by modeling actual system's limitations and its dynamic behavior. The framework is applied and tested for an auto production line and a heavy rolling mill workshop.  相似文献   

利用Visual Basic设计了方差分析数据处理系统。简单介绍了方差分析的概念及作用,详细介绍了方差分析数据处理系统的设计,并对所设计的数据处理系统进行了性能评价。用方差分析数据处理系统考察影响油页岩渣浸出过程,发现B(碱液浓度)(F=73.1616)和C(油页岩渣粒径)(F=82.0762)是影响浸出过程的主要影响因素。表明本系统能在化学工业生产领域发挥良好的作用。  相似文献   

提出一种新的基于双因素方差分析的推荐算法DFAR.该方法基于成熟的统计学模型,简单易理解,具有很好的鲁棒性.实验结果证明,该算法相比传统的项目协作过滤算法取得了更好的推荐效果,并大大节省了算法所需要的空间.  相似文献   

基于变异系数的模糊传感器数据融合方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在多传感器信息融合过程中,有时要利用多传感器对某一对象进行不同方面观测,而数据融合的目的是要对研究对象进行类型识别。根据统计分析理论,利用变异系数,给出了一种新的模糊传感器数据的融合算法。该方法不需要假设总体的分布类型,不需要定义受主观因素影响的关系矩阵,可以充分利用测量数据,避免丢失重要的极端数据,使结论更符合实际。仿真实验表明:算法有效,非常简单。  相似文献   

Gabor filter banks constitute a very robust tool to extract discriminant information from a visual scene. After the now “classical” bank with 5 frequencies and 8 orientations proposed by Lades et al. and Wiskott et al., many other parametrizations of a Gabor filter bank have appeared. In order to find the optimal parametrization for a face recognition experiment, we have performed a 6-way analysis of variance of Gabor parameters using FERET, FRAV2D, FRAV3D, FRGC and XM2VTS face databases, including frontal and turned poses, facial expressions, occlusions and changes of illumination. Considering independent criteria to find the optimal Gabor filter bank, the bank with the highest recognition rate was found to have 6 frequencies and narrower Gaussian widths in the space domain. These results were obtained with Mahalanobis distance for a k-NN classifier, with analytical and holistic Gabor feature vectors. Moreover about 20% of the banks studied here obtained in average a better performance than the classical bank. For most of the databases considered, the highest recognition rates have been achieved with analytical representations (frontal images, images with turns or occlusions), with a holistic preponderance for images with gestures or changes of illumination. The inferiority found for holistic Gabor representations versus their analytical counterparts can be explained for the intrinsic redundancy and the size of the feature vectors of this kind of representation.  相似文献   

This contribution concerns variance analysis of linear multi-input single-output models when the inputs are temporally white but where different inputs may be correlated. An expression is provided for the variance of a linearly parametrized estimate of the frequency response function from one block, i.e. from one input to the output. In particular, this expression reveals that the variance increases in one block when the number of estimated parameters in another block is increased, but levels off when the number of parameters in the other block reaches the number of parameters in the block in question. It also quantifies exactly how correlation between inputs affects the resulting accuracy and a graphical representation is provided for this purpose. The results are applicable to parallel MISO Hammerstein models when the nonlinearities are known and generalize an existing variance expression for this type of model.  相似文献   

State-space analysis and identification for a class of hysteretic systems   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this paper we present results on the twin subjects of system analysis and system identification for a class of state-space realizable dynamic systems under the influence of hysteresis. The class of systems in question consists of models in the form of a linear time-invariant dynamic system in series with a differential model of hysteresis. It will be demonstrated that under fairly light constraints on the differential model of hysteresis, it is possible to design a series of experiments leading towards the identification of the full state-space realization. The approach is tested successfully on a high-precision mechanical translation system affected by hysteresis.  相似文献   

Quantifying the accuracy of Hammerstein model estimation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Brett  Stuart 《Automatica》2002,38(12):2037-2051
This paper investigates the accuracy of the linear component that forms part of an overall Hammerstein model-structure estimate, and a key finding is that the process of estimating the non-linear element can have a strong effect on the associated estimate of the linear dynamics. Furthermore, this effect is not explained simply by way of considering how the input spectrum is changed by the non-linearity. Instead, it arises that the linear model-estimate variability may be dominated by a term that depends on the frequency response of the linear system itself. Amongst other things, the main results derived here have experiment design implications for Hammerstein system estimation.  相似文献   

In this paper we present recent advances towards an algebraic framework for the analysis and control of nonlinear systems with delays. We show the usefulness of these results by applying them to obtain a constructive characterization of the equivalence of a given system to the so-called triangular form.  相似文献   

It is well known that many real-world complex networks have various uncertain information, such as unknown or uncertain topological structure and node dynamics. The structure identification problem has theoretical and practical importance for uncertain complex dynamical networks. At the same time, time delay often appears in the state variables or coupling coefficients of various practical complex networks. This paper initiates a novel approach for simultaneously identifying the topological structure and unknown parameters of uncertain general complex networks with time delay. In particular, this method is also effective for uncertain delayed complex dynamical networks with different node dynamics. Moreover, the proposed method can be easily extended to monitor the on-line evolution of network topological structure. Finally, three representative examples are then given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Roll-to-roll (R2R) slot-die coating systems are mostly devoted to the mass manufacture of printed electronics. This study examined the correlation among the operating conditions, thickness, and width of the patterned strip fabricated by the R2R slot-die system. A full factorial experiment was conducted to screen for effective parameters. The velocity of a moving substrate was found to be the most dominant parameter affecting the thickness and width of the patterned strips. The flow ratio of the supply to the slot-die, and gap between substrate and slot-die did not affect the width of the strip, but affected the thickness; therefore, the flow ratio and gap can be employed for the independent patterning of thickness against width. In addition, it was proposed to determine the R2R process conditions, such as gap, velocity, and flow ratio for the desired thickness and width of the patterned strips.  相似文献   

A computer program to calculate precise solutions (exact to the limit of computer accuracy) for the cumulative distribution function of the statistical t and F distributions is detailed. A routine that makes iterative calls of this algorithm to calculate precisely the inverse function of these distributions by successive approximation is also provided. The program provided yields precise levels of probability confidence for both Fisher's F and Student's t tests, and the inverse calculation of critical values given p. It is written in a subset of BASIC which should run on any small computer, requiring only 1538 bytes on the Commodore 64.  相似文献   

Z.J. Palmor 《Automatica》1982,18(4):491-492
The practical stability of optimal stochastic control systems for processes having dead-times is considered. Previously obtained necessary conditions for practical stability of such systems are generalized using Pontryagin's theorem on the roots of two-variable polynomials. The conditions are expressed in terms of the relations between the orders of the process, the process model and the disturbance model.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the measurement errors involved in measuring frequency response functions from weighted-overlapped segment averaging, a technique that has become a standard in modern spectral analysers due to its computational advantages. A particular attention is paid to leakage errors, for which this procedure has been frequently criticised. Exact and asymptotic expressions for the bias and variance are provided, whose minimisation enables the derivation of the optimal settings to be used with this procedure. Our main finding is that a Half-sine or Diff window with overlap achieves the best compromise to reduce leakage errors, and this is independently of the system frequency response function. This conclusion is to be contrasted with the customary habit of using a Hanning window with overlap.  相似文献   

This letter presents a formal stochastic convergence analysis of the standard particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, which involves with randomness. By regarding each particle's position on each evolutionary step as a stochastic vector, the standard PSO algorithm determined by non-negative real parameter tuple {ω,c1,c2} is analyzed using stochastic process theory. The stochastic convergent condition of the particle swarm system and corresponding parameter selection guidelines are derived.  相似文献   

The New Basel accord has highlighted the need for models of the credit risk in portfolios of consumer loans. There are really no such models of the risks in consumer loan portfolios even though there is a well established industry – credit scoring – in modelling the risk of individual loans. Yet there are a number of models of the credit risk of portfolios of corporate loans. This paper discusses if and how one could use equivalent approaches to building such models in consumer lending even if the models themselves cannot translate across because of the assumptions underlying them.  相似文献   

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