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本文分析了圆锥形筒子纱线对地毯质量的影响以及影响族绒机生产效率正常发挥的原因,并改造络筒机卷绕机构,生产出满足地毯生产要求的圆柱形筒子纱线。  相似文献   

王芳 《棉纺织技术》2008,36(1):56-56
№7-Ⅱ型络筒机清洁器驱动带轮的机械滚花经过多年的运转造成多处花纹磨灭,导致皮带不能上下滑动,清洁器不能自动变向.购买一个带轮需600元~800元.为了降低成本,我们用扁錾在原花纹处剔出新的纹路,用砂纸将毛刺、利刃处打磨光滑以减少对皮带的损伤,用此方法解决了清洁器不能换向的问题.  相似文献   

<正>随着科技的不断发展,越来越多的高新技术应用于印刷设备中。尤其是印刷设备的电子控制系统,由以前的分离元器件、有触点控制,逐步发展成集成电路无触点控制。计算机技术应用及人机对话的出现,使得印刷设备电气控制部分的维修维护工作占有相当大的比例。引起电气故障的原因很多,处理的方法也各不相同,要求维修人员有扎实的理论基础、过硬的  相似文献   

谭学伦 《印刷杂志》2007,(11):56-57
<正>与其他行业的机器设备一样,我们印刷行业的机器设备也面临着随时"趴窝"造成停产的可能。由于设备自身特点的不同,以及印刷行业(尤其是报纸印刷行业)对生产的时效性要求,印刷设备的维护和维修与其他行业的设备相比,又有其自身的特点。笔者在一家报纸印刷企业从事  相似文献   

村田络筒机状态维修管理体会   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为加强对自动络筒机的管理与维修,对状态维修方式的可行性进行了探索.通过提高设备维修人员的素质、搞好技术培训、加强日常维修、实现机配件的国产化,保证了状态维修的正常进行.实践表明:采用状态维修能有效避免周期计划维修造成的用工、用时的浪费,保证了设备的良好运转,使设备完好率达到100%.  相似文献   

Autoconer238型络筒机对纱线进行打结,主要是由单锭中的空气捻接器完成的.接头时,先由退捻电磁阀动作,纱线被吸入退捻管后进行退捻(退捻时间可根据品种的不同由电脑设定),然后加捻电磁气阀动作,动作分加捻、停顿、再加捻3部分,每部分的动作时间可根据品种不同由电脑设定.设备运行3年~4年后,气源质量不好的厂家会出现退捻或加捻的气压逐渐减小的现象,造成结头强力下降,但外观尚好,电子清纱器不易检查出来.这样的纱线到了后道工序会造成整经和浆纱的断头增多,用作喷气织机纬纱,会造成纬停增多以及百脚、双纬等疵点的增加,这时必须更换新的气阀才能正常工作,耗材且费工.  相似文献   

Espero-M型络筒机上的筒纱刹车和筒子架抬起由同一个气阀控制,接头时,气阀给一定气压,控制筒纱刹车停转并把筒子架抬起.设备运转一年后,该气阀相继出现漏气现象,致使筒子处于半刹和筒子架放不下来,造成坏锭,必须更换新的气阀才能工作,耗材费工.  相似文献   

描述了精密高速络筒机的新概念.用数码技术应用于卷绕的全过程,提升大筒染色的效益值.叙述了进一步的发展和应用.  相似文献   

GU013型清洁器在使用过程中,易出现变速箱体轴承部位因进入粉尘而造成轴承回转不灵活,变速箱体磨损等故障。我公司针对此问题进行了清洁器进风口加装滤网的改造。  相似文献   

介绍一台高速复卷机应用两条不同直径和不同长度的底辊相互替换的原理,以及复卷机底辊轴承中心位置的变化对纸卷中心移动轨迹的影响,利用重新设计的轴承座消除因底辊直径不同导致的纸卷中心移动轨迹的差异,确保高速复卷机的性能没有变化.  相似文献   

利用通电加热装置对猪肉进行了通电加热装置,比较了不同电场强度对试样加热速率和电导率的影响,结果显示在其它条件一定的情况下,电场强度越大试样的加热速率就越快;电场强度的不同对试样的电导率略有影响,但影响不大。  相似文献   

盘式张力装置特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盘式张力装置广泛应用于普通络筒机上,它是影响纱线质量和卷绕成型的关键零件.文章研究了盘式张力装置的特性,对其工作原理进行了分析,得出了盘式张力装置的设计参数与纱线张力的关系,为设计盘式张力装置提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

Sulforaphene, a kind of isothiocyanates, derived from glucoraphenin which is the important ingredient of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seeds, has shown significant pharmacological activities. In this paper, the separation and purification of sulforaphene from radish seeds, was achieved by high-speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC). A two-phase solvent system consisted of n-hexane–ethyl acetate–methanol–water (35:100:35:100, v/v/v/v) was applied. The revolution speed of the separation column, flow rate of the mobile phase and separation temperature were 800 rpm, 2 ml/min and 30 °C, respectively. From about 1000 mg amount of the crude plant extract, 249.4 mg of pure sulforaphene was obtained by one-step separation on a 280 ml HSCCC column. The purified sulforaphene was at a high purity of 96.9% and the mass recovery was more than 95%. The purity of sulforaphene was determined by HPLC analysis and its chemical structure was assessed by MS, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and DEPT-135 NMR.  相似文献   

为研究木材加工高速电主轴在空载时随转速变化的振动情况,采用阶次分析法对电主轴前后轴承的振动进行试验研究,分析了前后轴承总振动加速度随不同转速的变化关系,并根据振动加速度阶次分析的特征分量分布,初步识别了振动的主要频率成分,分析了电主轴的运行工况。  相似文献   

张崇杰  王梦洁 《食品与机械》2023,39(12):227-231
通过对中国食品装备业的发展现状、产业瓶颈以及面临的新挑战的分析,论证了中国食品装备业转型升级的必要性。通过对“一带一路”倡议的解读,提炼并确定了人力资本、产业价值链、技术创新、环境规制为“一带一路”倡议下影响食品装备业转型升级的因素指标,并进行了相应的机理分析。为食品装备业在“一带一路”倡议下实施转型升级提出了具体策略。  相似文献   

We have proposed a novel and first strategy of high-speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC) purification for the efficient and effective discovery of antioxidant from natural product based on on-line HPLC method with radical scavenging assay. To achieve a strategy for HSCCC purification, the antioxidants in materials are identified by on-line HPLC with DPPH radical scavenging assay. Then, the optimal condition of target peaks would be investigated for the two-phase solvent system, and purified by HSCCC. In this study, the specific antioxidants in red cabbage, perilla and elderberry pigments were evaluated by on-line HPLC with DPPH radical scavenging assay, and purified by HSCCC technique. Specific antioxidants could be rapidly pinpointed in complex mixtures by on-line HPLC with DPPH radical scavenging assay. Then, the optimal two-phase solvent systems were investigated using these HPLC peaks. Finally, the purification of these nine antioxidants form three mixtures were performed by HSCCC. Using mass spectrometric analysis, these antioxidants were confirmed to cyanidin-based anthocyanin from red cabbage and elderberry pigments, and luteolin-based flavones from perrilla pigment. Due to the advantages derived from on-line HPLC with DPPH radical scavenging assay and HSCCC technique, a rapid, efficient and effective strategy has been developed for the discovery of antioxidants from natural products.  相似文献   

Thirty male Black Bengal goats 5-8 years of age, slaughtered at the Kolkata slaughter house, India, by the traditional 'halal' method, were used to assess the effect of electrical stimulation on tenderstretched sides of chevon carcasses. Five groups (T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5) were treated with variable voltages of 35, 110, 330, 550, 1100 with fixed 50Hz and 10pulses/s for a duration of 3min. Different quality parameters, such as, fibre diameter, sarcomere length, water holding capacity (WHC), pH, microbial content and taste panel score were studied at 24 and 48h post-stimulation. pH, WHC and fibre diameter decreased whereas sarcomere length showed an increasing trend in electrically stimulated meat, which was also microbiologically more stable. The non-stimulated control meat was tougher than the electrically stimulated chevon as evident through taste panel scoring. Treatment 3 (T3), i.e. 330V, 50Hz and 10pulses/s, showed superiority over the other four treatments in the majority of the important meat quality parameters.  相似文献   

从钢丝绳突然断裂谈润滑对其使用寿命的影响   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
秦万信  岳磊 《金属制品》2009,35(2):48-51
对港口用6×36SW+IWRC结构钢丝绳突然断裂样品进行拆绳拆股,发现钢丝绳外股断丝近44%,内部严重锈蚀,股间积留粉尘。分析结果表明:组绳外股之间缺少润滑导致大量断丝是钢丝绳使用中突然断裂的直接原因;钢丝绳制造过程润滑工艺不当、润滑油脂质量不良及后续维护润滑方式不当、时机把握不好、未使用专门维护润滑油脂是造成股间钢丝断裂的主要原因。建议:(1)钢丝绳制造过程中使用高品质的润滑油脂并采用合理的润滑方法;(2)对使用过程中的钢丝绳使用高渗透能力的专用润滑油维护,并一定要在原油膜尚存的情况下进行;(3)对使用过程中钢丝绳进行断丝检查,不仅要观表面,更要看内部。  相似文献   

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