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Some of the characteristics of a melon seed oil, which is shown to be of the semi-drying type containing mainly linoleic and oleic acids, are described.  相似文献   

Film-forming emulsions were formulated by combining soy protein isolate (SPI) with two essential oils (cinnamon, C and ginger, G), and films were obtained by casting. Regardless of the oil type and amount, a narrow distribution of small particles was obtained. The oil type significantly affected the film’s mechanical properties. Films with ginger oil were less resistant and less stretchable than those with cinnamon oil (p < 0.01). The water vapour permeability of SPI films was not reduced for the range of oil content studied. Cinnamon oil affected the optical properties more markedly than ginger oil. The topography of the surfaces revealed some aggregation of ginger oil during the drying step. The differences between the lipid–protein interactions developed for each essential oil determined the observed behaviour.  相似文献   

Film-forming emulsions were formulated with sodium caseinate and two essential oils (cinnamon or ginger) and films were obtained by casting. At the low oil proportion being tested (maximum ratio protein:oil 1:0.100), the lipid did not affect the mechanical behaviour of the protein films. The water vapour permeability was slightly reduced by both oils. Cinnamon oil greatly affected the optical properties of the films. Ginger oil resulted in lipid droplet aggregation observable by Scanning Electron Microscopy in dried films, surface irregularities and gloss decrease. Neither of the oils improved the ability of sodium caseinate films to act as protection against lipid oxidation, despite the fact that, in a spectrophotometric method, isolated cinnamon oil proved to be very a strong antioxidant.  相似文献   

Eleven edible wild greens of West Bengal (Enhydra fluctuans, Hydrocotyle asiatica, Herpestis monneira, Oxalis corniculata, Mollugo spergula, Mollugo hirta, Cephalandra indica, Hygrophila spinosa, Amaranthus spinosus, Rumex vesicarius and Trianthema monogyna) were analysed for moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrate, ash, crude fibre, calcium, phosphorus, iron, nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid and calories. The nutritive value of the leaves of these species was generally low.  相似文献   

The seeds of Cucumeropsis edulis (Hook, f.) Cogn., family Cucurbitaceae, are a common component of the average Nigerian diet and a rich source of oil. This study shows the oil to be very suitable for edible purposes, since it possesses good keeping qualities, and has a high content of linoleic and oleic acids, which together make up about 64% of its total fatty acid content. the main characteristics of the oil are described.  相似文献   

罗永宗 《中国油脂》2006,31(10):18-20
能源供应的紧张,石油资源的不断减少和石油价格的动荡,危及我国经济发展和安全。能源供应多元化和开发可再生清洁替代能源是我国重大战略举措:发展石油储备、保障石油安全是我国重大战略课题。油脂转化生物柴油具有优质、可再生、清洁和安全等突出特点,是理想的替代柴油。利用和扩大储备食油,部分替代石油储备,一储二用,经济、可行。  相似文献   

油脂的营养与强化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国政府对公众营养十分关注。在刚刚公布的食品工业“十一五”发展纲要中提出:“十一五”期间,我国食品工业产品的总量和结构要基本满足改善公众营养的需要,逐步消除营养不良、营养失衡等状况,城乡居民膳食结构和营养水平不断改善,人民生活质量和健康状况明显提高。油脂是人们  相似文献   

The determination of phthalates in edible oils (virgin olive oil, olive oil, canola oil, hazelnut oil, sunflower oil, corn oil) sold in Turkish markets was carried out using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Mean phthalate concentrations were between 0.102 and 3.863 mg L?1 in virgin olive oil; 0.172 and 6.486 mg L?1 in olive oil; 0.501 and 3.651 mg L?1 in hazelnut oil; 0.457 and 3.415 mg L?1 in canola oil; 2.227 and 6.673 mg L?1 in sunflower oil; and 1.585 and 6.248 mg L?1 in corn oil. Furthermore, the influence of the types of oil and container to the phthalate migration was investigated. The highest phthalate levels were measured in sunflower oil. The lowest phthalate levels were determined in virgin olive oil and hazelnut oil. The highest phthalate levels were determined in oil samples contained in polyethylene terephthalate.  相似文献   

Since 1957 we have published the results of our research on the transformation of sterols in vegetable oils due the industrial treatment. During bleaching sterol hydrocarbons are formed which are partly removed due the deodorising. Hardening transforms them partly into other steroids. Thus the sterol hydrocarbons are also present in margarine. We have found that the content of those compounds amounted to a quantity of 0.023%. The apolar steroids are highly sensitive to the conditions of autoxidation. All margarines and edible oils contain not only steroid hydrocarbons but also the products of their oxidation and hydrogenation.  相似文献   

该法使用SYMMETRY SHIELD RP_(18)(150×3.9mm,5μm)柱为固定相,280nm紫外线检测,分析特丁基对苯二酚(TBHQ)液相色谱方法,并对流动相的组成、比例(甲醇:磷酸=80:20,60:40,50:50;甲醇:醋酸=80:20,70:30,60:40,50:50)和离子强度变化进行优化,确定甲醇:0.001M磷酸(60:40,V/V)作为流动相为最佳条件,该法最低检测量为0.02μg,回收率在91.55%以上,重复性相对标准偏差低于3.39%,分析时间为6.0min。  相似文献   

Non-TAG structuring of edible oils and emulsions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mixtures of γ-oryzanol and β-sitosterol have been shown to structure pure edible oil phases. This paper reviews the phytosterol system, and compares it with other alternatives to structure edible oils. Furthermore, additional evidence based on small-angle X-ray scattering will be introduced to support the claim that structuring is based on fibril formation (diameter 7.2 nm). Finally, various aspects of the application of phytosterols structuring in water-in-oil emulsions were investigated.  相似文献   

本文提出一种利用三氯乙酸氯仿溶液与维生素A反应的分光光度法 ,检测强化食用油中维生素A。反应产物在62 0nm有最大吸收 ,在 0 .15~ 3 .3 5μg/ml范围内吸光度与浓度呈线性关系。回收率在 90 .3 %以上 ,RSD小于 3 .5 %。样品中低于1.0mg/ml的维生素D2 和 0 .8mg/ml的β-胡萝卜素不干扰测定。测定强化食用油中的维生素A的结果与国标得到的结果基本一致  相似文献   

番茄红素对食用油脂的抗氧化作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用氧化稳定指数(OSI)法对添加至菜籽油和猪油中的番茄红素和其他抗氧化剂作用效果进行评价,并分析番茄红素与它们的协同效应。结果表明:番茄红素对菜籽油和猪油均有良好的抗氧化效果,且对猪油具有较强的抗氧化作用,在添加量为0~0.002 5%的范围内具有剂量效应关系;α-生育酚对番茄红素在菜籽油中的抗氧化没有协同作用,但在猪油体系中复配增效效果明显;茶多酚对番茄红素在菜籽油中的抗氧化协同作用不明显,但与番茄红素在猪油体系中复配增效效果明显;柠檬酸和EDTA对番茄红素在猪油和菜籽油中的抗氧化均有增效作用。  相似文献   

目的:研究大果沙棘与3种浆果提取物对小鼠的协同抗衰老作用。方法:大果沙棘分别与蓝莓、蓝靛果、以及山葡萄的乙醇提取物进行复配,得到5种复合制剂。将小鼠随机分为7组,生理盐水(CTL)组、衰老模型组(Ⅰ)、大果沙棘(Ⅱ)组、大果沙棘+蓝莓(Ⅲ)组、大果沙棘+蓝靛果(Ⅳ)组、大果沙棘+山葡萄(Ⅴ)组、大果沙棘+蓝莓+蓝靛果+山葡萄(Ⅵ)组。连续灌胃28d后,分别测定每组小鼠血液、肝脏和大脑中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)的活性及丙二醛(MDA)的含量。结果:各复合制剂均能显著提高衰老小鼠血液及组织中SOD和GSH-PX酶的活性,降低MDA含量;各组抗衰老效果大小依次为Ⅵ>Ⅳ>Ⅲ>Ⅴ>Ⅱ。结论:大果沙棘和3种浆果提取物具有显著的协同抗衰老作用。  相似文献   

Summary The nutritive values of forty edible wild fruits of Nepal were determined in terms of total dry matter, sugar, protein, total ash and sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. It was concluded that most of the wild fruits are comparable to cultivated fruits in nutritive values and, therefore, may be considered as suitable for cultivation.
Nährwert der eßbaren Wildfrüchte von Nepal
Zusammenfassung Der Nährwert von 40 eßbaren Wildfrüchten von Nepal wurde bestimmt. Die Werte der meisten wilden Früchte sind vergleichbar mit denen von kultivierten Früchten. Einige der Wildfrüchte können zur Kultivierung empfohlen werden.

This work was sponsored by the Research Division, Rector's office, Tribhuvan University  相似文献   

The antioxidant properties of some naturally occurring mono-, di- and tri-hydroxy isoflavones have been evaluated. Determination of induction periods in lard at 100°C showed that genistein and prunetin were active, and 4',6,7-trihydroxy-isoflavone marginally so, but the other isoflavones were inactive.Apigenin, the flavone analogue of genistein, was inactive but the activity of the other flavone examined, luteolin, was marked.Pronounced synergism was evident when genistein and 4',6,7-trihydroxy-isoflavone were supplemented with phosphatidyl ethanolamine.  相似文献   

H Niewiadomski 《Die Nahrung》1975,19(7):525-536
Since 1957 we have published the results of our research on the transformation of sterols in vegetable oils due the industrial treatment. During bleaching sterol hydrocarbons are formed which are partly removed due the deodorising. Hardening transforms them partly into other steroids. Thus the sterol hydrocarbons are also present in margarine. We have found that the content of those compounds amounted to a quantity of 0.023%. The apolar steroids are highly sensitive to the conditions of autoxidation. All margarines and edible oils contain not only steroid hydrocarbons but also the products of their oxidation and hydrogenation.  相似文献   

 The mercury (Hg) content of 112 samples of common, wild edible mushrooms was analysed by atomic absorption spectrometry. The average Hg content of all the samples was 1.72 mg/kg dry mass (DM) but the Hg concentrations found in different taxonomic groups (genera and species varied) remarkably. Although different sampling locations obviously have an effect on the Hg concentration of sporocarps, we found evidence for a Hg-accumulating capacity of some taxonomic groups. In addition to Agaricus and Macrolepiota, where the phenomenon of mercury accumulation has already been described, our results indicate high Hg levels in samples of Lycoperdon perlatum (average 2.94 mg/kg DM) and in Lepista species (average 3.02 mg/kg DM). These data confirm the need for greater attention to be given to Hg levels in wild common mushrooms, especially to Hg-accumulating species. Received: 20 February 1997  相似文献   

快速鉴别食用油和煎炸油,选用市售大豆油、花生油、调和油以及不同煎炸条件下煎炸后的大豆油、花生油和调和油作为试验样品,采用Gray Eclipse荧光光度计对样品进行扫描处理,运用SPSS 16.0软件和Origin 8.0软件对样品的同步荧光光谱数据进行分析。结果表明,食用油煎炸后,荧光峰位置发生红移;与原油相比,煎炸后的大豆油与调和油的荧光峰强度降低,花生油的荧光强度在300~400之间波动;同一煎炸温度下,随煎炸时长的增加,煎炸油的荧光峰向波长增加的方向移动;同一煎炸时长下,随煎炸温度的增加,与原油相比,煎炸油发生红移的距离增大。判别分析对食用油和煎炸油的正确判别率为100%。可见利用同步荧光光谱法结合化学计量学方法可以有效区分食用油和不同煎炸条件下的煎炸油。  相似文献   

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