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爆炸荷载作用下饱和土中隧道的瞬态动力响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用解析方法研究了爆炸荷载作用下饱和土中圆形隧道的动力响应问题。模型假定饱和土体中的圆形隧道中心处发生爆炸,爆炸荷载采用简化形式,衬砌运动方程基于Flügge壳体理论,饱和土采用Biot波动方程,通过引入两个势函数,在Laplace变换域中推导了爆炸荷载作用下圆形隧道位移和应力响应的表达式。利用Laplace数值逆变换得到爆炸荷载作用下衬砌与土体的时域计算结果,分析了排水条件对位移、应力变化的影响,并讨论了饱和土参数、衬砌和土的相对刚度的影响。数值结果表明,爆炸荷载作用下,不排水条件下应力和位移的响应幅值比排水条件下有所增大;饱和土参数对土体应力的幅值有明显的影响;衬砌与土的相对刚度越大,土体位移和应力响应的幅值越小,衰减的速度也越快。  相似文献   

A new testing technique, which relates the physical stress state of rock subjected to simultaneous coupled static and dynamic stresses, is presented. The method involves modification of a split Hopkinson pressure bar, such that the test specimen is subjected to coupled axial static pre-stress, axial impact loading, and optional confining pressure. Tests on siltstone specimens with different coupling loads showed that the strength of the specimens under coupling loads was higher than their corresponding individual static or dynamic strengths. In the grade size distribution, the percentage of small size particles of fractured specimen increases with higher coupling loads. The strength of rock under coupling loads decreases rapidly when the axial pre-compression stress is greater than 70% of the static strength of rock (with identical impact loading). However, with constant axial pre-compression stress and increasing impact loading, the strength of siltstone increases initially and reaches a maximum constant value.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on the flattening behaviour of angle section beams subjected to pure bending. Analytical solutions for both static and dynamic instabilities of angle section beams subjected to pure bending about its weak axis are derived using energy methods. The results show that the dynamic instability of angle section beams under the action of a sudden step moment occurs at a moment about 71% of the corresponding critical static moment, but the deformations of the longitudinal curvature and flattening at the critical dynamic state are almost twice of those corresponding to the static instability case.  相似文献   

An analytical solution is derived for dynamic response of long lined tunnels subjected to travelling loads. For the derivation, the long lined tunnel is assumed to be infinitely long with a uniform cross-section resting on a viscoelastic foundation. Fourier and Laplace transforms are utilized to simplify the governing equation of the tunnel to an algebraic equation, so that the solution can be conveniently obtained in the frequency domain. The convolution theorem is employed to convert the solution into the time domain. Final solutions of tunnel responses investigated are deflection, velocity, acceleration, bending moment, and shear force. The proposed solution is verified by providing comparisons between its results and those from the Finite Element program ABAQUS. Further parametric analysis, such as the influence of wave velocity and frequency on dynamic responses of the tunnel is presented with the analytical solution. These relationships can be an effective tool for practitioners.  相似文献   

The ultimate behaviour of bolted connections in tubular members, such as chimneys, is studied and the interaction M-N curves are plotted, taking into account the main parameters of the problem. The proposed methodology is based on a classification of failure patterns of the L-stub main component (segmental behaviour) under compressive or axial tensile forces, considering non-preloaded bolts. Besides, the results of the theoretical analysis of the main L-shape component ultimate behaviour are compared with the corresponding obtained through finite element analysis of the constructed 3D models. Extending the local behaviour of the individual L-shape segments along the ring flange, the ultimate bearing capacity is derived, for each level of axial force, through a proposed analytical procedure and the corresponding interaction M-N curves are obtained. The parameters considered are the size and thickness of the flange and the tubular shell, the size and the location of the bolts, the quality of the materials and the amount of the applied axial load on the tubular element.  相似文献   

In this paper, stress behavior of shallow tunnels under simultaneous non-uniform surface traction and symmetric gravity loading was studied using a direct boundary element method(BEM). The existing fullplane elastostatic fundamental solutions to displacement and stress fields were used and implemented in a developed algorithm. The cross-section of the tunnel was considered in circular, square, and horseshoe shapes and the lateral coefficient of the domain was assumed as unit quantity. Double-node procedure of the BEM was applied at the corners to improve the model including sudden traction changes. The results showed that the method used was a powerful tool for modeling underground openings under various external as well as internal loads. Eccentric loads significantly influenced the stress pattern of the surrounding tunnel. The achievements can be practically used in completing and modifying regulations for stability investigation of shallow tunnels.  相似文献   

To generate enough thrust for a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) to excavate a soil and advance, several jacks are typically used to apply force to the last installed ring that acts as a reaction frame. These loads generate bursting stresses that might cause cracks in the longitudinal direction of the segments. Many studies dedicated to evaluate this phenomenon focus mainly on elements with similar height-to-length ratios. To cover the wide variety of dimensions and load application patterns, additional experimental assessments are required. The objectives of the present paper are to extend the study of with different height-to-length ratios subjected to concentrated loads and to validate analytical formulations for the verification of concrete segments in SLS and ULS. To accomplish this, an experimental program was carried out using small-scale specimens with and without fibre reinforcement. The results obtained were used to validate the formulations derived from a struts-and-ties model. Finally, an application of the formulation proposed to the case study of Line 9 in Barcelona is presented. This study represents a contribution towards the development of engineered approaches for the design of segmented linings.  相似文献   

传统梁结构动力特性分析方法由于忽略结构参数的不确定性而不能满足实际工程设计需要,因此,将响应面法(RSM)、有限元法(FEM)和蒙特卡罗法各自的优点相结合,提出一种新的结构随机动力特性计算方法-混合分析法。该方法的最大特点是有效地利用响应面法(RSM)、有限元法(FEM)和蒙特卡罗法(MCS)各自的优点,并将其充分地结合起来。然后,运用该方法分析一简支梁自振频率的统计值。结果表明基于确定性模型的梁结构频率响应分析仅能给出频率响应的均值,忽略结构随机参数对频率响应的影响。为获得准确的频率响应值,有必要在今后的结构动力特性分析中考虑结构参数随机性的影响。最后,进行梁结构随机动力特性计算的敏感性因素分析,并指明影响梁结构动力特性的主要随机因素。  相似文献   

利用大型有限元软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA,对钢框架焊接节点在爆炸荷载作用下的动力响应进行了数值模拟,通过分析节点区位移时程曲线,得出节点在不同爆炸荷载作用下的动力响应特性,指出在爆炸荷载作用下,框架节点端部位移快速达到最大值,而后振动恢复至平衡位置,爆炸峰值压力越大,节点区梁柱最大位移和残余位移越大。  相似文献   

考虑桩–土–流体耦合振动,研究了谐和激振水平动荷载作用下的海洋大直径管桩振动响应问题.将桩周和桩芯海水考虑为无黏性不可压缩流体建立其控制方程求得海水速度势解析表达式,继而得到作用于桩身动水压力表达式.将土体看作黏弹性介质建立桩周土和桩芯土控制方程,对土体方程直接解耦求解,得到桩周土和桩芯土位移和抗力表达式.利用桩–土体...  相似文献   

Optimization is one of the important stages in the design process. In this paper the genetic algorithms method is applied for weight and transient dynamic response and two constraints including critical buckling loads and principle strains optimization of laminated composite cylindrical shells. The multi-objective function seeks the minimum structural weight and transient dynamic response. Nine design variables including material properties (fibre and matrix), volume fraction of fibre, fibre orientation and thickness of each layer are considered. In analytical solution, vibration of composite circular cylindrical shells are investigated based on the first-order shear deformation shell theory. The boundary conditions are assumed to be fully simply support. The dynamic response of the composite shells is studied under transverse impulse and axial compressive loads. The modal technique is used to develop the analytical solution of the composite cylindrical shell. The solution for the shell under the given loading conditions can be found using the convolution integrals. An example of simply supported laminated composite cylindrical shells is given to demonstrate the optimality of the solution obtained by the genetic algorithms technique. Results are shown that the weight coefficient of multi-objective function and the type of the constraints have considerable effect on the optimum weight and dynamic response.  相似文献   

为研制用于动压巷道支护技术相似模拟研究的试验装置,从采动压力出发分析归纳了采动的静压效应和动压效应,以此为设计思想,设计制造了新型的动压巷道支护相似模拟试验装置,给出了相应试验过程的设计,并进行了测试试验。研究表明:具有内、外框架嵌套式结构的新型试验装置可通过静载油缸模拟超前支承压力及侧向支承压力,并通过动载油缸模拟由采区顶板断裂、垮落等因素产生的振动荷载。测试结果表明新型装置可实现静、动荷载的同时加载,互不干扰;新型试验装置模拟的巷道模型破坏规律符合巷道破坏的一般规律,试验结果真实可靠。  相似文献   

动静组合载荷下卸荷岩石力学特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究深部地下工程围岩开挖卸载后又受到动力扰动的力学行为,利用动静组合加载SHPB试验系统对砂岩试件进行静载荷加卸载后再冲击试验。试验过程中,先对岩石试件施加不同的三轴载荷,围压按2,4,6,8 MPa加载,轴向载荷加载到对应三轴静载抗压强度的95%左右,再分别卸载至对应三轴静载抗压强度的20%,30%,60%,70%,80%和90%,然后沿轴向进行同一幅值的冲击载荷试验。试验结果表明:当岩石加卸载到对应三轴静载抗压强度的90%左右,岩石均匀化假设不太适用;动静组合载荷下岩石试件抗压强度随围压增大而增大,当围压不变时,随轴向静压增大出现先增大后减小的趋势;岩石破坏吸收的冲击能随轴向静压的增大逐渐减少,随围压增大而增加。  相似文献   

结合岩爆发生的条件及影响因素,从岩性、地质构造、隧洞埋深等方面,对岩爆发生的风险程度进行了综合评估,并在准确的风险评估基础上,采取合理的施工措施有效防治岩爆的发生,进而保障施工人员生命安全,减少设备财产损失。  相似文献   

循环荷载下天津吹填土动应力应变关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对天津滨海吹填土开展的循环荷载下的室内动三轴试验,研究了振动频率、固结比、动应力幅值的大小、静偏应力、循环振次等因素对动应力—应变关系的影响,试验结果表明,天津滨海吹填土存在临界循环应力比,且与固结围压成线性关系,以临界动应力作为归一化因子,建立了考虑固结围压与循环振次的动应力—应变关系曲线方程。  相似文献   

江河与海上的大型结构在船舶撞击、风浪等作用下,其桩基础往往会受到水平及扭转荷载共同作用,极易造成基础倾斜倒塌。针对水平和扭转共同受荷下群桩基础,建立了由刚性承台-弹性梁-土非线性弹簧组成的群桩计算模型。通过水平p-y曲线法、竖向荷载传递法、扭转τ-θ曲线法,计算单桩非线性刚度;群桩各基桩间相互作用和基桩各自由度耦合,通过考虑p乘子和运用考虑推力弯矩影响的基桩受扭计算模型体现。结合牛顿迭代法,对计算模型进行求解,并与大尺寸物理模型试验结果进行了对比。通过参数分析表明在水平和扭转荷载共同作用下,群桩中各基桩桩头剪力分配不均性十分显著;并获得不同承台高度时群桩中基桩轴力变化规律,为复杂荷载下群桩设计提供依据。  相似文献   

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