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Despite gains in agricultural yields, access to food remains a serious challenge in many parts of the world. It is now recognized that improving food security requires a more integrated understanding of food systems and that key under-explored areas of these systems are likely to be crucial in developing effective policy change. In Kenya, institutional changes have occurred to facilitate knowledge integration within the agricultural sector. Drawing on the experiences and understandings of key stakeholders in Kenya, this paper aims to identify and better understand the barriers to knowledge integration for improved agricultural technologies and their adoption. A number of barriers to the flow of knowledge to and from those working to develop new agricultural technologies and farmers are identified. The results of this study suggest a potential link between farmers?? levels of community organization and levels of trust with levels of knowledge integration surrounding agricultural technologies and their adoption. The findings suggest that increasing the planning and follow-up of newly introduced agricultural technologies has the potential to encourage interdisciplinary approaches and improve food security outcomes. 相似文献
Adverse human health effects have been observed to correlate with levels of outdoor particulate matter (PM), even though most human exposure to PM of outdoor origin occurs indoors. In this study, we apply a model and empirical data to explore the indoor PM levels of outdoor origin for two major building types: offices and residences. Typical ventilation rates for each building type are obtained from the literature. Published data are combined with theoretical analyses to develop representative particle penetration coefficients, deposition loss rates, and ventilation-system filter efficiencies for a broad particle size range (i.e., 0.001-10 microm). We apply archetypal outdoor number, surface area, and mass PM size distributions for both urban and rural airsheds. We also use data on mass-weighted size distributions for specific chemical constituents of PM: sulfate and elemental carbon. Predictions of the size-resolved indoor proportion of outdoor particles (IPOP) for various conditions and ambient particle distributions are then computed. The IPOP depends strongly on the ambient particle size distribution, building type and operational parameters, and PM metric. We conclude that an accurate determination of exposure to particles of ambient origin requires explicit consideration of how removal processes in buildings vary with particle size. 相似文献
Tillage-induced erosion of herbicides bound to airborne soil particles has not been quantified as a mechanism for offsite herbicide transport. This study quantifies the release of two preemergent herbicides, metolachlor and pendimethalin, to the atmosphere as gas- and particle-phase species during soil incorporation operations. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and gas-phase samples were collected at three sampling heights during herbicide disking into the soil in Davis, CA, in May 2000 and May 2001 using filter/PUF sampling. Quartz fiber filters (QFFs) were used in May 2000, and Teflon membrane filters (TMFs) were used in May 2001. The field data were combined with laboratory filter/PUF partitioning experiments to account for adsorption to the filter surfaces and quantify the mass of PM2.5-bound herbicides in the field samples. Laboratory results indicate a significant adsorption of metolachlor, but not pendimethalin, to the quartz filter surfaces. Metolachlor partitioning to PM2.5 collected on TMF filters resulted in corrected PM2.5 field partition coefficient values, Kp,corr = Cp/Cg, of approximately 10(-3.5) m3/microg, indicating its preference for the gas phase. Pendimethalin exhibited more semivolatile behavior,with Kp,corr values that ranged from 10(-3) to 10(-1) m3/ microg and increased with sampling height and distance downwind of the operation. An increase in pendimethalin enrichment at a height of 5 m suggests winnowing of finer, more sorptive soil components with corresponding higher transport potential. Pendimethalin was enriched in the PM2.5 samples by up to a factor of 250 compared to the field soil, indicating thatfurther research on the processes controlling the generation of PM-bound herbicides during agricultural operations is warranted to enable prediction of off-site mass fluxes by this mechanism. 相似文献
Amit Kumar Singh Neelesh Sharma Mrinmoy Ghosh Yang Ho Park 《Critical reviews in food science and nutrition》2017,57(16):3449-3463
Recent years have seen an unpretending increase in research using dietary phytochemicals for targeting cancer and cancer stem cells (CSCs) due to the limited efficacy of conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy and numerous associated side effects. A large number of dietary phytochemicals using traditional recommendation and experimental approaches have been demonstrated to have anti-proliferative, anti-metastatic, reactive oxygen species (ROS) inducing, anti-angiogenic, pro-apoptotic effects and efficacy in targeting cellular molecules and pathways implicated in malignancy. Researchers have shown the knack of phytochemicals in interfering with the CSCs self-renewal process. Thus, dietary phytochemicals can play a significant role in the cancer therapy owing to the plethora of targets without toxicity. In this review, we have discussed about the basic knowledge of CSCs, their identification, characterization, mechanism of self-renewal pathways (Wnt/β-catenin, Hedgehog, and Notch), features that help in the survival of CSCs and use of phytochemicals to replace chemotherapy. Applications of phytochemicals including curcumin, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), resveratrol, lycopene, and sulforaphane for their effect on targeting cancer and in particular CSCs along with their molecular mechanisms responsible for pharmacological action are also discussed. 相似文献
Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) caused by plant pathogens can develop into unexpected and very serious epidemics, owing to the influence of various characteristics of the pathogen, host and environment. Devastating epidemics, having social implications by increasing the rate of urbanization, occurred in the past in Europe, and many other EIDs still occur with high frequency in developing countries. Although the ability to diagnose diseases and the technologies available for their control are far greater than in the past, EIDs are still able to cause tremendous crop losses, the economic and social impact of which, in developing countries, is often underestimated. In the present article, four of the most important EIDs in developing countries are considered from the standpoint of their origin, characteristics, symptoms, mode of spread, possible control strategies, economic impact and the socio-economic consequences of their dissemination. They are Cassava Mosaic Virus Disease, capable of reducing yields by 80–90% and causing the suspension of cassava cultivation in many areas of East Africa; Striga hermonthica, a parasitic weed affecting cereals in an area of at least 5 million hectares in Sub-Saharan Africa; Xanthomonas Wilt of Banana, a bacterial disease that caused around 50% yield losses at the beginning of 21st century in Uganda and is threatening the food security of about 70 million people owing to its impact on an important staple crop; and race Ug99 of the rust fungus Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, which is having a tremendous impact on wheat in Uganda, and is also threatening most of the wheat-growing countries of the world. 相似文献
Predictive microbiology models are essential tools to model bacterial growth in quantitative microbial risk assessments. Various predictive microbiology models and sets of parameters are available: it is of interest to understand the consequences of the choice of the growth model on the risk assessment outputs. Thus, an exercise was conducted to explore the impact of the use of several published models to predict Listeria monocytogenes growth during food storage in a product that permits growth. Results underline a gap between the most studied factors in predictive microbiology modeling (lag, growth rate) and the most influential parameters on the estimated risk of listeriosis in this scenario (maximum population density, bacterial competition). The mathematical properties of an exponential dose-response model for Listeria accounts for the fact that the mean number of bacteria per serving and, as a consequence, the highest achievable concentrations in the product under study, has a strong influence on the estimated expected number of listeriosis cases in this context. 相似文献
Management of selenium (Se) -contaminated agricultural drainage water is one of the most important environmental issues in California. To evaluate the feasibility of utilizing constructed wetlands to remediate Se-laden drainage water and the role of biological volatilization in Se removal, 10 flow-through wetland cells were constructed in 1996 in Corcoran, California. The monthly monitoring study from May 1997 to December 1999 showed that the vegetated wetlands were capable of significantly reducing Se from the inflow drainage water; an average of 69.2% of the total Se mass in the inflow was removed. Most of the Se was retained in sediment, and <5% of the Se was accumulated in plant tissues. Selenium volatilization was highest in the rabbitfoot grass wetland cell, where 9.4% of the Se input was volatilized over a 2-year period. Volatilization was greater in spring and summer than in fall and winter. For example, in May and June of 1998, 35 and 48%, respectively, of the Se entering the rabbitfoot grass cell was volatilized, whereas in the winter months, <5% was volatilized. The feasibility of using constructed wetlands for Se remediation, methods for the enhancement of Se volatilization, and the importance of considering potential Se ecotoxicity are discussed. 相似文献
The assumptions behind the fluorescence quenching (FQ) method were thoroughly evaluated to assess its potential for quickly and accurately assessing the importance of hydrophobic organic contaminant-macromolecular organic carbon interactions in aquatic systems. Perylene was used as the probe molecule to avoid problems encountered with other fluorescent probes. Results from a wide range of wetland samples suggest that static quenching dominates, that other quenchers do not interfere with analyses, and that full quenching on sorption does not occur for all samples. The latter result indicates that the quantum yield of the sorbed probe must be accounted for in quantifying the magnitude of Kmoc values by FQ. Observed Kmoc values compared favorably with those measured by the solubility enhancement method. Overall, our results suggest that FQ can be used as a quick and reliable screening tool as long as precautions are taken to ensure the validity of the results. 相似文献
Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in Australia. Nutrition, particularly intake of vegetables and certain plant components, has been reported to have a major role in cancer risk reduction. Recently, there has been a growing research interest in rosemary, a common household plant grown in many parts of the world. This study aims to review scientific evidence from all studies, published from 1996 to March 2010 that examined the protective effects of rosemary on colorectal cancer and other types of cancer. Literature evidence from animal and cell culture studies demonstrates the anticancer potential of rosemary extract, carnosol, carnosic acid, ursolic acid, and rosmarinic acid. No evidence for other rosemary constituents was found. The reported anticancer properties were found to arise through the molecular changes in the multiple-stage process of cancer development, which are dose related and not tissue or species specific. This is evidenced by the ability of rosemary to suppress the development of tumors in several organs including the colon, breast, liver, stomach, as well as melanoma and leukemia cells. The results suggested that the different molecular targets modulated by rosemary and its active constituents are useful indicators of success in clinical cancer chemo-prevention trials. 相似文献
Effects of the digestibility of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) from forage on performance of dairy cows were evaluated statistically using treatment means for 13 sets of forage comparisons reported in the literature. All comparisons reported significant differences in NDF digestibilities of forages in situ or in vitro. Treatment means were blocked by study or by additional factorial treatment within a study to remove variation among experiments. The statistical model included random effect of block, fixed factorial effect of NDF digestibility (high or low), and dietary NDF concentration as a covariate. Enhanced NDF digestibility of forage significantly increased dry matter intake (DMI) and milk yield. A one-unit increase in NDF digestibility in vitro or in situ was associated with a 0.17-kg increase in DMI and a 0.25-kg increase in 4% fat-corrected milk. Differences in NDF digestibility between treatments were greater when measured in vitro or in situ than when measured in vivo. Digestibility of NDF in vitro or in situ might be a better indicator of DMI than NDF digestibility in vivo because forages with high in vitro or in situ NDF digestibilities might have shorter rumen retention times, allowing greater DMI at the expense of NDF digestibility in vivo. Digestibility of NDF is an important parameter of forage quality. 相似文献
等离子体技术给高附加值纺织品的生产带来了许多令人关注的可能性.这在纱线的金属化以及织物的长效亲水化中得以体现.由列举的这些实例说明可知,等离子体整理的成功实施必须考虑纺织品的结构与化学性质. 相似文献
Verones F Bartl K Pfister S Jiménez Vílchez R Hellweg S 《Environmental science & technology》2012,46(9):4966-4974
Global water use is dominated by agriculture and has considerable influence on people's livelihood and ecosystems, especially in semiarid and arid regions. Methods to address the impacts of water withdrawal and consumption on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems within life cycle assessment are still sparse and very generic. Regionalized characterization factors (CFs) for a groundwater-fed wetland at the arid coast of Peru are developed for groundwater and surface water withdrawal and consumption in order to address the spatial dependency of water use related impacts. Several agricultural scenarios for 2020 were developed in a workshop with local stakeholders and used for calculating total biodiversity impacts. In contrast to assumptions used in top-down approaches (e.g., Pfister et al. Environ. Sci Technol. 2009, 43, 4098 ), irrigation with surface water leads in this specific region to benefits for the groundwater-fed wetland, due to additional groundwater recharge from surplus irrigation water. However, irrigation with groundwater leads to ecological damage to the wetland. The CFs derived from the different scenarios are similar and can thus be used as general CFs for this region, helping local decision-makers to plan future agricultural development, including irrigation technologies, crop choices, and protection of the wetland. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To examine reasons for quitting smoking, methods used in quitting, reasons for continuing smoking and potential aids to quitting in the population of Ontario, Canada. DESIGN: Two population-based, telephone interview surveys, conducted by random-digit dialing. SUBJECTS: Adults aged 18 years of age and older in 1983 (n = 1383) and 1991 (n = 1421). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Information was obtained from former smokers on why and how they quit smoking, and from continuing smokers on why they smoked and what might help them quit. RESULTS: The proportion of current smokers in the population decreased from 35.5% in 1983 to 27.2% in 1991. In both surveys, former smokers cited a variety of reasons for quitting, including personal health concerns, social and environmental factors, personal attitude factors, cost, and health education messages. Responses concerning the most important reason also revealed a range of factors; "advice of a physician" was not prominent among them. When questioned about methods used in quitting, most former smokers in both surveys responded that they "just decided to quit". Very few reported using other aids such as cessation clinics or nicotine gum. More smokers in 1991 than in 1983 reported that they continued smoking for enjoyment, to satisfy a craving or addiction, and for relaxation. With regard to what might help them quit, continuing smokers in both surveys cited a wide variety of potential aids, including information on harmful effects, more restrictions on smoking and on sales, cessation clinics, programmes on radio/TV, and higher taxes. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support a multifaceted approach to tobacco control.
The increasing knowledge of sourdough fermentation generates new opportunities for its use in the bakery field. New fermentation technologies emerged through in depth sourdough research. Dextrans are extracellular bacterial polysaccharides produced mainly by lactic acid bacteria (LAB). These bacteria convert sucrose thanks to an inducible enzyme called dextransucrase into dextran and fructose. The structure of dextran depends on the producing micro-organism and on culture conditions. Depending on its structure, dextran has specific properties which lead to several industrial applications in different domains. The use of dextran is not widely spread in the bakery field even if its impact on bread volume and texture was shown. A new process has been developed to obtain a sourdough rich in dextran using a specific LAB strain able to produce a sufficient amount of HMW dextran assuring a significant impact on bread volume. The sourdough obtained permits to improve freshness, crumb structure, mouthfeel and softness of all kinds of baked good from wheat rich dough products to rye sourdough breads. From fundamental research on dextran technology, a new fermentation process has been developed to produce an innovative functional ingredient for bakery industry. 相似文献
Shubhra Pande Nadezhda N. Medvedeva Oxana A. Kolenchukova Alla B. Salmina 《Critical reviews in food science and nutrition》2018,58(18):3055-3069
ABSTRACTThere is a poor relationship between nutrient intake and existing nutritional biomarkers due to variety of factors affecting their sensitivity and specificity. To explore the impact of nutrients at molecular level and devising a sensitive biomarker, proteomics is a central technology with sirtuins as one of the most promising nutritional biomarker. Sirtuins (seven mammalian sirtuins reported so far) have been reported to perform protein deacetylases and ADP-ribosyltransferases activity. It is distributed in different cellular compartments thereby controlling several metabolic processes. Sirtuins are oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dependent, which implicates a direct effect of the metabolic state of the cell on its activity. Calorie restriction upregulates the mammalian sirtuin protein levels in variety of tissues and organs where it acts upon both histone and nonhistone substrates. Sirtuin senses nutrient availability and impacts gluconeogenesis, glycolysis, and insulin sensitivity. It deacetylates and inhibits the nuclear receptor that activates fat synthesis and adipogenesis in the body, leading to fat loss and bringing favorable cellular and health changes. Sirtuins mediates intracellular response that promotes cell survival, DNA damage repair thereby increasing the cell longitivity. The activation of sirtuins brings a wide spectrum of other health benefits and its activity levels are indicative of nutritional status as well as disease progression in cancer, inflammation, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and viral infections. There are several foods that activate sirtuin activity and offer significant health benefits by their consumption. 相似文献
Many foodborne diseases are associated with consumption of meat and poultry. Some pathogens were not previously known (new
pathogens), others have newly arisen as foodborne (emerging pathogens), and others have become more potent or associated with
other products (evolving pathogens). Many of these pathogens may cause severe illness, besides gastroenteritis. Campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of food-associated bacterial illness; Campylobacter jejuni O:19 and other serotypes are common etiological agents of Guillain–Barré syndrome, a neuropathy due to autoimmune response.
Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 and other serotypes have been found to be multi-drug resistant; salmonellosis may lead to chronic reactive
arthritis. Many outbreaks of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli have been associated with consumption of undercooked contaminated ground beef; complication may occur (e.g., hemolytic uremic
syndrome and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura). Listeria monocytogenes is ubiquitous; listeriosis is of major public health concern because of the severity and non-enteric nature of the disease
(meningitis or meningoencephalitis, septicemia, and abortion) and its ability to multiply at refrigeration temperature. Arcobacter butzleri is a potential foodborne pathogen, and has been isolated from raw poultry, meat, and meat products; but its role in causing
human illness is not fully understood. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis can be transmitted by ingestion of raw and processed meats; the organism may contribute to Crohn’s disease, a chronic intestinal
enteritis. Beef, pork, lamb, and/or poultry have been reported as sources of infection for the abovementioned organisms but
have not been generally associated with disease outbreaks of some of the pathogens. 相似文献
A.K. Pradhan J.S. Van Kessel D.R. Wolfgang K.A. Nelen R.H. Whitlock S. Ladely Y.H. Schukken 《Journal of dairy science》2009,92(4):1811-1825
Endemic infectious diseases in dairy cattle are of significant concern to the industry as well as for public health because of their potential impact on animal and human health, milk and meat production, food safety, and economics. We sought to provide insight into the dynamics of important endemic infectious diseases in 3 northeastern US dairy herds. Fecal samples from individual cows and various environmental samples from these farms were tested for the presence of major zoonotic pathogens (i.e., Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Listeria) as well as commensal bacteria Escherichia coli and enterococci. Additionally, the presence of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis was tested in fecal and serum samples from individual cows. Test results and health and reproductive records were maintained in a database, and fecal, plasma, DNA, and tissue samples were kept in a biobank. All bacteria of interest were detected on these farms and their presence was variable both within and between farms. The prevalence of Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes in individual fecal samples within farm A ranged from 0 to 68.2% and 0 to 25.5%, respectively, over a period of 3 yr. Within farm B, continuous fecal shedding of Salmonella spp. was observed with a prevalence ranging from 8 to 88%; Salmonella Cerro was the predominant serotype. Farm C appeared less contaminated with Salmonella and Listeria, although in the summer of 2005, 50 and 19.2% of fecal samples were positive for Listeria and L. monocytogenes, respectively. The high prevalence of E. coli (89 to 100%), Enterococcus (75 to 100%), and Campylobacter (0 to 81%) in feces suggested they were ubiquitous throughout the farm environment. Fecal culture and ELISA results indicated a low prevalence of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis infection in these farms (0 to 13.6% and 0 to 4.9% for culture-positive and ELISA-positive, respectively), although the occasional presence of high shedders was observed. Results have major implications for food safety and epidemiology by providing a better understanding of infectious disease dynamics on dairy farms. Comprehensive understanding of these infections may lead to better farm management practices and pathogen reduction programs to control and reduce the on-farm contamination of these pathogens and to prevent their further entry into the food-chain. 相似文献