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This study examines the influence of ammonia (NH3) on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from the alpha-pinene/ozone oxidation system for dry and humid conditions. Aerosol yield differed depending on which OH scavenger was used, with the highest yield noted for CO, followed by cyclohexane and 2-butanol. Number and volume concentrations were quickly increased within the reactor by 15 and 8%, respectively, when NH3 was added after the reaction ceased. The increase in number concentration indicated the formation of new particles resulting from gas-to-particle conversion. Moreover, average particle size increased from 242 to 248 nm. The resulting aerosol growth was attributed to ammonium salts formed by the reaction between organic acids and NH3. When NH3 was added to aerosolized cis-pinonic acid in the environmental reactor, a dramatic increase in both number and volume concentrations of cis-pinonic acid was observed. This provides further evidence that NH3 can interact with gas-phase organic acids forming condensable salts and thereby enhancing SOA formation. Initially present NH3 significantly enhanced aerosol yield in alpha-pinene-ozone reactions, regardless of the presence of water vapor. The role of NH3 on SOA formation in the dry and humid conditions is discussed in terms of a theoretical modeling study.  相似文献   

To isolate secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation in ozone-alkene systems from the additional influence of hydroxyl (OH) radicals formed in the gas-phase ozone-alkene reaction, OH scavengers are employed. The detailed chemistry associated with three different scavengers (cyclohexane, 2-butanol, and CO) is studied in relation to the effects of the scavengers on observed SOA yields in the ozone-cyclohexene system. Our results confirm those of Docherty and Ziemann that the OH scavenger plays a role in SOA formation in alkene ozonolysis. The extent and direction of this influence are shown to be dependent on the specific alkene. The main influence of the scavenger arises from its independent production of HO2 radicals, with CO producing the most HO2, 2-butanol an intermediate amount, and cyclohexane the least. This work provides evidence for the central role of acylperoxy radicals in SOA formation from the ozonolysis of alkenes and generally underscores the importance of gas-phase radical chemistry beyond the initial ozone-alkene reaction.  相似文献   

The effect of water on the initial secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from gas-phase ozonolysis of limonene, delta3-carene, and alpha-pinene (-3 and approximately 1.5 x 10(11) molecule cm(-3) reacted) has been investigated in a flow reactor at controlled relative humidity (RH), temperature (298 +/- 0.4 K), and reaction time (270 +/- 2 s). Low amounts of terpene converted minimize the impact of secondary reactions. A comparison of the SOA formation from the three terpenes was made for initial rate of reactions being around 7.5 x 10(8) and 15 x 10(8) molecule cm(-3) s(-1). The most efficient species in producing SOA was limonene, while alpha-pinene was the least efficient. The results showed that an enhancement in water vapor concentration (<2-85% RH) caused an increase in both integrated mass (M10-300nm) and total number (N10-300nm). The effect on number and mass were a factor of 2-3 and 4-8, respectively. Physical water up-take can partly explain the increase in mass, but not the observed increase in number. Therefore it was concluded that the increase in water concentration must, by a gas-phase reaction, produce more low volatility product(s).  相似文献   

We present a method for measuring secondary organic aerosol (SOA) production at low total organic mass concentration (COA) using proton-transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS). PTR-MS provides high time resolution measurements of gas-phase organic species and, coupled with particle measurements, allows for the determination of aerosol yield in real time. This approach facilitates the measurement of aerosol production at low COA; in fact aerosol mass fractions can be measured during alpha-pinene consumption as opposed to only at the completion of gas-phase chemistry. The high time resolution data are consistent with both the partitioning theory of Pankow (Atmos. Environ. 1994, 28,185 and 189) and the previous experimental measurements. Experiments including the effect of UV illumination and NOx reveal additional features of alpha-pinene + ozone product photochemistry and volatility. The high time resolution data also elucidate aerosol production from alpha-pinene ozonolysis at COA < 10 microg m(-3) and show that extrapolations of current partitioning models to conditions of low COA significantly underestimate SOA production under dark, low-NOx conditions. However, extrapolations of current models overestimate SOA production under illuminated, higher-NOx conditions typical of polluted regional air masses.  相似文献   

The secondary organic aerosol (SOA) yields from the laboratory chamber ozonolysis of a series of cycloalkenes and related compounds are reported. The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of the structure of the hydrocarbon parent molecule on SOA formation for a homologous set of compounds. Aspects of the compound structures that are varied include the number of carbon atoms present in the cycloalkene ring (C5 to C8), the presence and location of methyl groups, and the presence of an exocyclic or endocyclic double bond. The specific compounds considered here are cyclopentene, cyclohexene, cycloheptene, cyclooctene, 1-methyl-1-cyclopentene, 1-methyl-1-cyclohexene, 1-methyl-1-cycloheptene, 3-methyl-1-cyclohexene, and methylenecyclohexane. The SOA yield is found to be a function of the number of carbons present in the cycloalkene ring, with an increasing number resulting in increased yield. The yield is enhanced by the presence of a methyl group located at a double-bonded site but reduced by the presence of a methyl group at a non-double-bonded site. The presence of an exocyclic double bond also leads to a reduced yield relative to that of the equivalent methylated cycloalkene. On the basis of these observations, the SOA yield for terpinolene relative to the other cyclic alkenes is qualitatively predicted, and this prediction compares well to measurements of the SOA yield from the ozonolysis of terpinolene. This work shows that relative SOA yields from ozonolysis of cyclic alkenes can be qualitatively predicted from properties of the parent hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Detailed organic analysis of fine (PM2.5) rural aerosol collected during summer at K-puszta, Hungary from a mixed deciduous/coniferous forest site shows the presence of polar oxygenated compounds that are also formed in laboratory irradiated alpha-pinene/NOx/air mixtures. In the present work, two major photooxidation products of alpha-pinene were characterized as the hydroxydicarboxylic acids, 3-hydroxyglutaric acid, and 2-hydroxy-4-isopropyladipic acid, based on chemical, chromatographic, and mass spectral data. Different types of volatile derivatives, including trimethylsilyl ester/ether, methyl ester trimethylsilyl ether, and ethyl ester trimethylsilyl ether derivatives were measured by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), and their electron ionization (El) spectra were interpreted in detail. The proposed structures of the hydroxydicarboxylic acids were confirmed or supported with reference compounds. 2-Hydroxy-4-isopropyladipic acid formally corresponds to a further reaction product of pinic acid involving addition of a molecule of water and opening of the dimethylcyclobutane ring; this proposal is supported by a laboratory irradiation experiment with alpha-pinene/NOJ0 air. In addition, we report the presence of a structurally related minor alpha-pinene photooxidation product, which was tentatively identified as the C7 homolog of 3-hydroxyglutaric acid, 3-hydroxy-4,4-dimethylglutaric acid. The detection of 2-hydroxy-4-isopropyladipic acid in ambient aerosol provides an explanation for the relatively low atmospheric concentrations of pinic acid found during daytime in forest environments.  相似文献   

Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) forms in the atmosphere when volatile parent compounds are oxidized to form low-volatility products that condense to yield organic particulate matter (PM). Under conditions of intense photochemical smog, from 40 to 80% of the particulate organic carbon can be secondary in origin. Because describing multicomponent condensation requires a compound-by-compound identification and quantification of the condensable compounds, the complexity of ambient SOA has made it difficult to test the ability of existing gas/particle (G/P) partitioning theory to predict SOA formation in urban air. This paper examines that ability using G/P data from past laboratory chamber experiments carried out with five parent hydrocarbons (HCs) (four monoterpenes at 308 K and cyclohexene at 298 K) in which significant fractions (61-100%) of the total mass of SOA formed from those HCs were identified and quantified by compound. The model calculations were based on a matrix representation of the multicomponent, SOA G/P distribution process. The governing equations were solved by an iterative method. Input data forthe model included (i) deltaHC (microg m(-3)), the amount of reacted parent hydrocarbon; (ii) the alpha values that give the total concentration T (gas + particle phase, ng m(-3)) values for each product i according to Ti = 10(3) alphaideltaHC; (iii) estimates of the pure compound liquid vapor pressure pL(degrees) values (at the reaction temperature) for the products; and (iv) UNIFAC parameters for estimating activity coefficients in the SOA phase for the products as a function of SOA composition. The model predicts the total amount Mo (microg m(-3)) of organic aerosol that will form from the reaction of deltaHC, the total aerosol yield Y(= Mo/deltaHC), and the compound-by-compound yield values Yi. An impediment in applying the model is the lack of literature data on PL(degrees) values for the compounds of interest or even on pL(degrees) values for other, similarly low-volatility compounds. This was overcome in part by using the G/P data from the alpha-pinene and cyclohexene experiments to determine pL(degrees) values for use (along with a set of 14 other independent polar compounds) in calculating UNIFAC vapor pressure parameters that were, in turn, used to estimate all of the needed pL(degrees) values. The significant degree of resultant circularity in the calculations for alpha-pinene and cyclohexene helped lead to the good agreement that was found between the Yi values predicted by the model, and those measured experimentally for those two compounds. However, the model was also able to predict the aerosol yield values from beta-pinene, sabinene, and delta3-carene, for which there was significatly less circularity in the calculations, thereby providing evidence supporting the idea that given the correct input information, SOA formation can in fact be accurately modeled as a multicomponent condensation process.  相似文献   

The formation of organosulfates from the gas-phase ozonolysis of beta-pinene in the presence of neutral or acidic sulfate particles was investigated in a series of indoor aerosol chamber experiments. The organosulfates were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to electrospray ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MS) in parallel to ion trap MS. Organosulfates were only found in secondary organic aerosol from beta-pinene ozonolysis in the presence of acidic sulfate seed particles. One of the detected organosulfates also occurred in ambient aerosol samples that were collected at a forest site in northeastern Bavaria, Germany. beta-Pinene oxide, an oxidation product in beta-pinene/O3 and beta-pinene/NO3 reactions, is identified as a possible precursor for the beta-pinene-derived organosulfate. Furthermore, several nitroxy-organosulfates originating from monoterpenes were found in the ambient samples. These nitroxy-organosulfates were only detected in the nighttime samples, suggesting a role for nighttime chemistry in their formation. Their LC/MS chromatographic peak intensities suggest that they represent an important fraction of the organic mass in ambient aerosols, especially at night.  相似文献   

Propene is widely used in smog chamber experiments to increase the hydroxyl radical (OH) level based on the assumption that the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from parent hydrocarbon is unaffected. A series of m-xylene/NO(x) photooxidation experiments were conducted in the presence of propene in the University of California CE-CERT atmospheric chamber facility. The experimental data are compared with previous m-xylene/N0(x) photooxidation work performed in the same chamber facility in the absence of propene (Song et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2005, 39, 3143-3149). The result shows that, for similar initial conditions, experiments with propene have lower reaction rates of m-xylene than those without propene, which indicates that propene reduces OH in the system. Furthermore, experiments with propene showed more than 15% reduction in SOA yield compared to experiments in the absence of propene. Additional experiments of m-xylene/ NO(x) with CO showed similar trends of suppressing OH and SOA formation. These results indicate that SOA from m-xylene/NO(x) photooxidation is strongly dependent on the OH level present, which provides evidence for the critical role of OH in SOA formation from aromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Effect of acidity on secondary organic aerosol formation from isoprene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of particle-phase acidity on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from isoprene is investigated in a laboratory chamber study, in which the acidity of the inorganic seed aerosol was controlled systematically. The observed enhancement in SOA mass concentration is closely correlated to increasing aerosol acidity (R2 = 0.979). Direct chemical evidence for acid-catalyzed particle-phase reactions was obtained from the SOA chemical analyses. Aerosol mass concentrations for the 2-methyltetrols, as well as the newly identified sulfate esters, both of which serve as tracers for isoprene SOA in ambient aerosols, increased significantly with enhanced aerosol acidity. Aerosol acidities, as measured in nmol of H+ m(-3), employed in the present study are in the same range as those observed in tropospheric aerosol collected from the eastern U.S.  相似文献   

Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from reactions of n-alkanes with OH radicals in the presence of NOx was investigated in an environmental chamber using a thermal desorption particle beam mass spectrometer for particle analysis. SOA consisted of both first- and higher-generation products, all of which were nitrates. Major first-generation products were sigma-hydroxynitrates, while higher-generation products consisted of dinitrates, hydroxydinitrates, and substituted tetrahydrofurans containing nitrooxy, hydroxyl, and carbonyl groups. The substituted tetrahydrofurans are formed by a series of reactions in which sigma-hydroxycarbonyls isomerize to cyclic hemiacetals, which then dehydrate to form substituted dihydrofurans (unsaturated compounds) that quickly react with OH radicals to form lower volatility products. SOA yields ranged from approximately 0.5% for C8 to approximately 53% for C15, with a sharp increase from approximately 8% for C11 to approximately 50% for C13. This was probably due to an increase in the contribution of first-generation products, as well as other factors. For example, SOA formed from the C10 reaction contained no first-generation products, while for the C15 reaction SOA was approximately 40% first-generation and approximately 60% higher-generation products, respectively. First-generation sigma-hydroxycarbonyls are especially important in SOA formation, since their subsequent reactions can rapidly form low volatility compounds. In the atmosphere, substituted dihydrofurans created from sigma-hydroxycarbonyls will primarily react with O3 or NO3 radicals, thereby opening reaction pathways not normally accessible to saturated compounds.  相似文献   

The formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) produced from α-pinene, linalool, and limonene by ozonolysis was examined using a dynamic chamber system that allowed the simulation of ventilated indoor environments. Experiments were conducted at typical room temperatures and air exchange rates. Limonene ozonolysis produced the highest SOA mass concentrations and linalool the lowest with α-pinene being intermediate. Simplified empirical modeling simulations were conducted to provide insights into reaction chemistry. Assessment of variability of particle-bound reactive oxygen species (ROS) may be important in the understanding of health effects associated with particulate matter. The ROS intensities defined as ROS/SOA mass were found to be moderately correlated with the SOA densities. Greater ROS intensities were observed for the cases where ozone was in excess. ROS intensities approached a relatively constant value in the region where ozone was in deficit. The estimated initial ROS half-life time was approximately 6.5 h at room temperature suggesting the time sensitivity of ROS measurements. The ROS formed from terpenoid ozonolysis could be separated into three categories: short-lived/high reactive/volatile, semivolatile/relatively stable and nonvolatile/low reactive species based on ROS measurements under various conditions. Such physical characterization of the ROS in terms of reactivity and volatility provides some insights into the nature of ROS.  相似文献   

A series of m-xylene/NOx experiments were conducted in the new Bourns College of Engineering-Center for Environmental Research and Technology dual 90 m3 indoor smog chamber to elucidate the role of NOx on the secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation potential of m-xylene. The results presented herein demonstrate a clear dependence of m-xylene SOA formation potential on NOx, particularly at atmospherically relevant organic aerosol concentration. Experiments with lower NOx levels generated considerably more organic aerosol mass than did experiments with higher NOx levels when reacted m-xylene was held constant. For example, SOA formation from approximately 150 microg m(-3) reacted m-xylene produced 0.6-9.3 microg m(-3) aerosol mass for NOx concentrations ranging from 286 to 10 ppb. The increase in SOA formation was not attributable to changes in ozone and nitrate concentration. A general discussion about possible influences of NOx on SOA formation for this system is included.  相似文献   

Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) constitutes a significant fraction of total atmospheric particulate loading, but there is evidence that SOA yields based on laboratory studies may underestimate atmospheric SOA. Here we present chamber data on SOA growth from the photooxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons, finding that SOA yields are systematically lower when inorganic seed particles are not initially present. This indicates that concentrations of semivolatile oxidation products are influenced by processes beyond gas-particle partitioning, such as chemical reactions and/or loss to chamber walls. Predictions of a kinetic model in which semivolatile compounds may undergo reactions in both the gas and particle phases in addition to partitioning are qualitatively consistent with the observed seed effect, as well as with a number of other recently observed features of SOA formation chemistry. The behavior arises from a kinetic competition between uptake to the particle phase and reactive loss of the semivolatile product. It is shown that when hydrocarbons react in the absence of preexisting organic aerosol, such loss processes may lead to measured SOA yields lower than would occur under atmospheric conditions. These results underscore the need to conduct studies of SOA formation in the presence of atmospherically relevant aerosol loadings.  相似文献   

A semi-explicit mechanism of d-limonene was developed and tested against experimental results obtained from large outdoor Teflon film chambers at the University of North Carolina (UNC) smog chamber facility. The model couples gas-phase reactions with partitioning processes and possible particle-phase reactions. The model not only tracks the gas-phase ozonolysis reaction of d-limonene, but also provides a reasonable prediction of the secondary aerosol mass production under different conditions. Limononaldehyde was the major identified product, followed by limona-ketone, referred to here as keto-limonene, keto-limononaldehyde, limononic acid, and keto-limononic acid. Identified particle-phase products accounted for about 60% of the observed particle mass in the initial stages of the reaction. Model sensitivity was tested and discussed with respect to effects of temperature, humidity, water uptake, and reactant concentrations.  相似文献   

The formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) by reaction of ozone with monoterpenes (beta-pinene, delta3-carene, limonene, and sabinene) was studied on a short time scale of 3-22 s with a flow tube reactor. Online chemical analysis was performed with the Photoionization Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (PIAMS) to obtain molecular composition and the Nanoaerosol Mass Spectrometer (NAMS) to obtain elemental composition. Molecular composition data showed that dimers and higher order oligomers are formed within seconds after the onset of reaction, indicating that there is no intrinsic kinetic barrier to oligomer formation. Because oligomer formation is fast, it is unlikely that a large number of steps are involved in their formation. Therefore, ion distributions in the PIAMS spectra were interpreted through reactions of intermediates postulated in previous studies with monomer end products or other intermediates. Based on ion signal intensities in the mass spectra, organic peroxides appear to comprise a greater fraction of the aerosol than secondary ozonides. This conclusion is supported by elemental composition data from NAMS that gave C:O ratios in the 2.2-2.7 range.  相似文献   

Atmospheric oxidation of volatile organic compounds can lead to the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) through the gas/particle (G/P) partitioning of the oxidation products. Since water is ubiquitous in the atmosphere, the extent of the partitioning for any individual organic product depends not only on the amounts and properties of the partitioning organic compounds, but also on the amount of water present. Predicting the effects of water on the atmospheric G/P distributions of organic compounds is, therefore, central to understanding SOA formation. The goals of the current work are to gain understanding of how increases in RH affect (1) overall SOA yields, (2) water uptake by SOA, (3) the behaviors of individual oxidation products, and (4) the fundamental physical properties of the SOA phase that govern the G/P distribution of each of the oxidation products. Part 1 of this series considered SOA formation from five parent hydrocarbons in the absence of water. This paper predicts how adding RH to those systems uniformly increases both the amount of condensed organic mass and the amount of liquid water in the SOA phase. The presence of inorganic components is not considered. The effect of increasing RH is predicted to be stronger for SOA produced from cyclohexene as compared to SOA produced from four monoterpenes. This is likely a result of the greater general degree of oxidation (and hydrophilicity) of the cyclohexene products. Good agreement was obtained between predicted SOA yields and laboratory SOA yield data actually obtained in the presence of water. As RH increases, the compounds that play the largest roles in changing both the organic and water masses in the SOA phase are those with vapor pressures that are intermediate between those of essentially nonvolatile and highly volatile species. RH-driven changes in the compound-dependent G/P partitioning coefficient Kp result from changes in both the average molecular weight MWom of the absorbing organic/water phase, and the compound-dependent activity coefficient zeta values. Adding water to the SOA phase by increasing the RH drives down MWom and thereby uniformly favors SOA condensation. The effect of RH on zeta values is compound specific and depends on the hydrophilicity of the specific compound of interest; the more hydrophilic a compound, the more increasing RH will favor its condensation into the SOA phase. The results also indicate that it may be a useful first approximation to assume that zeta = 1 for many compounds making up SOA mixtures.  相似文献   

A computationally efficient method to treat secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from various length and structure alkanes as well as SOA from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is implemented in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model to predict aerosol concentrations over the United States. Oxidation of alkanes is predicted to produce more aerosol than oxidation of PAHs driven by relatively higher alkane emissions. SOA from alkanes and PAHs, although small in magnitude, can be a substantial fraction of the SOA from anthropogenic hydrocarbons, particularly in winter, and could contribute more if emission inventories lack intermediate volatility alkanes (>C(13)) or if the vehicle fleet shifts toward diesel-powered vehicles. The SOA produced from oxidation of alkanes correlates well with ozone and odd oxygen in many locations, but the lower correlation of anthropogenic oligomers with odd oxygen indicates that models may need additional photochemically dependent pathways to low-volatility SOA.  相似文献   

Volatile furandiones and aldehydes are significant atmospheric oxidation products of aromatic compounds. The mechanism of secondary organic aerosol formation by these compounds was probed using particle chamber observations and macroscale simulations of condensed phases. Growth of inorganic seed aerosol was monitored in the presence of humidity and high concentrations of 2,5-furandione (maleic anhydride), 3-methyl-2,5-furandione (citraconic anhydride), benzaldehyde, and trans-cinnamaldehyde. Particle growth commenced when the gas-phase saturation level of each organic compound and water vapor (relative to its pure liquid), when summed together, reached a threshold near one, implying the formation of a nearly ideal mixed organic/aqueous phase. However, these organics are immiscible with water at the high mole fractions that would be expected in such a phase. Highly acidic dicarboxylic acids produced by the reactions between furandiones and water were shown to rapidly acidify an aqueous phase, resulting in greatly increased benzaldehyde solubility. Thus, the uptake of these organics onto particles in the presence of humidity appears to be reaction-dependent. Finally, it is shown that dicarboxylic acids produced in these reactions recyclize back to furandiones when subjected to normal GC injector temperatures, which could cause large artifacts in gas/particle phase distribution measurements.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was carried out to investigate the secondary organic carbon (SOC) yields of alpha-pinene and isoprene in the presence of SO2, which produces acidic aerosol in the system. Experiments were based on irradiating each hydrocarbon (HC) with NOx in a 14.5 m3 smog chamber operated in the dynamic mode. The experimental design consisted of several multi-part experiments for each HC. In the first part of each experiment, an HC/NOx irradiation was conducted in the absence of SO2 and was followed by irradiations with the addition of SO2 in subsequent parts. Filter-based analyses for organic carbon were made using a thermal-optical approach either with an off-line instrument or in situ with an automated instrument. For isoprene in the absence of SO2, the SOC yield was approximately 0.001, a value consistent with earlier work from this laboratory. With the addition of up to 200 ppb SO2, the yield increased by a factor of 7. For alpha-pinene in the absence of SO2, the SOC yield of the irradiated mixture was found to average 0.096 from two experiments. With SO2 in the system, the SOC yield increased on average to 0.132. These results suggest that SO2, and by inference acidic aerosol, may play a role in increasing the yield of SOC from the photooxidation products of biogenic hydrocarbons or by the direct uptake of biogenic hydrocarbons onto acidic aerosol.  相似文献   

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