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The dual offset spherical reflector antenna offers the advantage of a circularly symmetric main reflector together with a subreflector possessing an axis of symmetry. These features could lead to significant cost reductions in manufacture compared to existing offset designs. Initial results of a parametric study, using physical optics, show that 64% efficiency is possible with a peak crosspolar level below ?35 dB, together with very low sidelobes. 相似文献
A new spherical near-field measurement system, dedicated to personal-communications applications, has been installed at e-tenna Corporation. The system, sold by Satimo, uses an electronically scanned probe array, and offers a dramatic reduction of the measurement time (by a factor ranging from 60 to 1,000) with respect to conventional mechanical scanners. This test range has undergone extensive acceptance testing, which has verified the specified measurement accuracy. The speed of the system, combined with the availability of full-sphere measurement data, enables rapid measurement of antenna efficiency. The system also enables the measurement of other parameters, such as the percentage of radiated power dissipated into the body of a human test subject operating a cellular telephone 相似文献
The early-time response of the spherical antenna is determined by a two-step process. First, the high-frequency representation is derived by the technique known as the Watson transformation. The high-frequency results are then Fourier transformed to obtain the time response. The time region where these results are valid is given and comparisons to previous analyses are made. Conclusions regarding the utility of this method to other antenna shapes and different time regions are discussed. 相似文献
The shape of the beam of a spherical random antenna array is discussed and the main parameters, such as bandwidth, beamwidth and hyperfocal distance are determined. 相似文献
Horiguchi S. Ishizone T. Mushiake Y. 《Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on》1985,33(4):472-476
Radiation characteristics of a type of spherical triangular array composed of turnstile elements are numerically analyzed and discussed. It is found that the spherical array proposed here is able to scan its beam up to large angle without variation of the directivity and the circular polarization property. 相似文献
It is shown how the concept of phase mode excitation of circular antenna arrays may be extended to spherical arrays, and in particular that a spherical phase mode of the excitation function of a spherical array results in a far field radiation pattern with the same spherical phase mode form. A number of applications and issues concerned with the practical implementation are discussed. 相似文献
V. V. Golovin A. V. Troitsky S. A. Vygolov 《Radioelectronics and Communications Systems》2007,50(8):458-461
Analysis of input characteristics of a helical cylinder antenna and helixes crosstalk in array with few elements is performed. Construction of a wideband feed in the form of sphere-cylinder antenna is suggested. 相似文献
Wait has calculated the impedance seen by a small circular loop of wire placed in an insulating spherical cavity in an infinite homogeneous conducting dielectric. The same technique may be used to compute the impedance of a loop inside a spherical shell. Attention is focused on the change in impedance of an electrically small wire loop when it is placed inside a spherical shell of lossy dielectric material whose radius is small compared to the free-space wavelength. The self-impedance in the absence of the shell can be calculated separately. Simple formulas are developed for the case where the conduction currents in the shell dominate over displacement currents and the shell is thin compared to the skin depth. 相似文献
The canonical problem of a spherical metal antenna excited at an equatorial gap by an azimuthally independent step voltage is solved. The early-time and late-time behavior of the field is discussed for both nondispersive and dispersive homogeneous isotropic environments. Conclusions are drawn regarding the solution of transient radiation or scattering problems for metal bodies of arbitrary shape. 相似文献
An active X-band spherical phased array developed for transmitting high bit rate data from remote sensing satellites to two ground stations simultaneously is presented. Resolution of the dual phase adjustment of the phase shifters, which are common to generate two beams, is discussed. 相似文献
Agrawal P. Kauffman J. Croswell W. 《Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on》1979,27(3):430-431
A previously published numerical method to calculate the radiation properties of parabolic reflectors has been modified to also include very large spherical reflectors. The method has been verified by comparing the calculated and the measured results for a 120-wavelength spherical reflector. 相似文献
This paper proposes a circularly polarized conical beam spherical slot array antenna which is suitable for a low elevation angle land mobile satellite communication subscriber. The structure of this antenna type is very simple to fabricate; i.e. a ring of perpendicular slot pairs is cut on an outer surface of a concentric conducting spherical cavity. From the assumption of weak coupling of the slots from the cavity, the conical beam pattern can be obtained. Experimental results that verify the conical beam radiation are in good agreement with the design. 相似文献
Spherical reflector systems can achieve pattern scanning without rotation of the main reflector through the use of multiple subreflectors that can move. Also, two subreflectors can be shaped to correct for spherical aberration and to control the aperture distribution on the spherical main reflector. In a previous paper (see ibid., vol.41, p.778, no.6, 1993) we introduced a method that offers both aperture phase and intensity control and scans the main beam without an accompanying movement of the illuminated area over main reflector. The method can overcome the poor aperture utilization problem common in spherical reflector antenna systems; however, it requires motion of the entire subreflector system, including the feed, during scan. In this paper we discuss a method that does not require motion of the subreflector system during scan. This method employs a flat mirror that creates a virtual image of the subreflector system. The motion of the subreflector system in the previous design is replaced by the motion of the virtual image that is controlled by the motion of the flat mirror. The new design offers simplified mechanical motion, while maintaining beam efficiency performance comparable to that of traditional spherical tri-reflector scanning antennas, but with some sacrifice in aperture efficiency and cross-polarization performance 相似文献
V. V. Golovin Yu. N. Tischuk S. A. Shevchuk 《Radioelectronics and Communications Systems》2007,50(10):569-573
Creation possibility of spherical mirror antenna’s irradiating system based on a few-element array of cylindrical spiral radiators to increase the radiation directivity and to control the radiation pattern’s form in a wide frequency band is shown. 相似文献
The input impedance and the antenna gain of the spherical helical antenna are obtained theoretically and experimentally. Results indicate the better performance of the 3-turn antenna over the 7-turn one in terms of the impedance bandwidth and the stability of the antenna gain. The theoretical current distribution is also obtained and its salient characteristics are discussed 相似文献
The exterior boundary-value problem for a sphere immersed in a compressible plasma medium is solved. The model is a perfectly conducting sphere excited by an aperture, in its surface, which has a specified distribution of the tangential electric field. The configuration is such that Maxwell's equations, when combined with the continuum theory of fluid dynamics, are separable. The sheath at the interface with the plasma is characterized by an absorptive boundary condition which assumes a linear relationship between the pressure and the mean velocity of the electrons. It is shown that the TM (transverse magnetic) waves are coupled with the electroacoustic waves, while the TE (transverse electric) waves are decoupled. Some numerical results are presented which show, in quantitative manner, the relative fraction of the total power which is radiated in the form of electroacoustic waves. 相似文献
O. A. Yurtsev N. M. Naumovich S. A. Chekan M. M. Dghali 《Radioelectronics and Communications Systems》2010,53(4):208-212
The single-reflector multiple-beam antenna in which the fan of beams forms in an electrical plane by application of the linear
lattice of horn antennas in the capacity of the radiation source is observed. The field distribution in the field of a disposition
of horn feeds, an antenna pattern and isolation between horn feeds in a receive mode of the spherical wave radiated from the
given point of space is explored. At modelling the method of physical optics is used. 相似文献