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The assessment of anger has received increased attention because of growing evidence that anger and hostility are related to heart disease. Research on anger assessment has also been stimulated by the development of psychometric measures for evaluating different facets of anger, such as the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI). In this study, factor analyses of the responses of a large sample of university students to the 44 STAXI items identified 7 factors. Of these, the first 6 factors closely corresponded with the 6 STAXI scales and subscales: State Anger (S-Anger); Trait Anger Temperament and Reaction; and Anger-In, Anger-Out, and Anger-Control. All 10 STAXI S-Anger items had salient loadings on the 1st factor for both sexes; the 7th factor also consisted primarily of S-Anger items. Factor analyses of responses to the 10 S-Anger items clearly confirmed two S-Anger factors for both sexes: Feeling Angry (e.g., "I am furious") and Feel Like Expressing Anger (e.g., "I feel like hitting someone").  相似文献   

Although the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) is a popular measure of anxiety, some previous research suggests that the trait scale may assess depression, as well as anxiety. The factor structure of the trait items was initially examined using factor analytic procedures. Confirmatory factor analytic methods suggested that a hierarchical solution best fit the data, with one overall factor and two lower order factors. The lower order subscales created from this factor solution were examined in a sample of individuals diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Overall, the results offered good support for the notion that the trait scale of the STAI assesses depression, as well as anxiety. One set of items appeared to assess anxiety and worry, whereas the other assessed sadness and self-deprecation. The two subscales correlated differentially with other measures of anxiety and depression in a manner that was consistent with their content. Finally, diagnostic groups and controls could be meaningfully distinguished on these subscales. Implications for the use of this measure are discussed.  相似文献   

The State-Trait Inventory for Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety (STICSA; M. J. Ree, C. MacLeod, D. French, & V. Locke, 2000) was designed to assess cognitive and somatic symptoms of anxiety as they pertain to one's mood in the moment (state) and in general (trait). This study extended the previous psychometric findings to a clinical sample and validated the STICSA against a well-published measure of anxiety, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI; C. D. Spielberger, 1983). Patients (N=567) at an anxiety disorders clinic were administered a battery of questionnaires. The results of confirmatory factor analyses (Bentler-Bonnett nonnormed fit index, comparative fit index, and Bollen fit index>.90; root-mean-square error of approximation  相似文献   

The Working Alliance Inventory (WAI; A. O. Horvath and L. S. Greenberg [see PA, Vol 76:24600]) was completed after the 1st psychotherapy session by 84 university counseling center clients and 15 therapists rating their work with 123 clients. The factor structure of these responses was examined using confirmatory factor analysis. A model with 1 general factor, a model with 3 specific factors, and a bilevel model of the factor structure were examined. The bilevel factor structure, with a General Alliance factor as its primary factor and 3 secondary specific factors, fit the data best. The items most indicative of the 3 specific factors were selected to form a 12-item short form of the WAI. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We examined the possible universality of Spielberger's (1988) model of anger by validating a Russian State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI). In Eckhardt, Kassinove, Tsytsarev, and Sukhodolsky (1995), support was found for all STAXI factors except anger-in, using students from St. Petersburg State University. In the present study, 346 students from Russian high schools and the Pavlov Medical School served as subjects. Using new items, we found strong support for the factor structure hypothesized by Spielberger. All scales showed good to excellent alphas, and there was substantial similarity of the current means with results from the earlier study. The Russian samples, however, showed a lower level of state anger. The data support the possibility that state anger consists of two subscales, a simple experience and an experience combined with an action tendency. Trait anger occurs as a general temperament or as a reaction to specific triggers. It is positively related to anger-out and negatively related to anger control. Future studies can use this instrument to evaluate the stability of anger in Russian speaking populations, and to assess anger experiences and expression in response to specific triggers.  相似文献   

Principal-components (PC) factor analysis of the Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory (MPAI) was conducted using a sample of outpatients (n = 189) with acquired brain injury (ABI) to evaluate whether outcome after ABI is multifactorial or unifactorial in nature. An eight-factor model was derived which explained 64-4% of the total variance. The eight factors were interpreted as representing Activities of Daily Living, Social Initiation, Cognition, Impaired-Self-awareness/Distress, Social Skills/ Support, Independence, Visuoperceptual, and Psychiatric, respectively. Validation of the Cognition factor was supported when factor scores were correlated with various neuropsychological measures. In addition, 117 patient self-rating total scores were used to evaluate the Impaired Self-awareness/Distress factor. An inverse relationship was observed, supporting this factor's ability to capture the two-dimensional phenomena of diminished self-awareness or enhanced emotional distress. A new subscale structure is suggested, that may allow greater clinical utility in understanding how ABI manifests in patients, and may provide clinicians with a better structure for implementing treatment strategies to address specific areas of impairment and disability for specific patients. Additionally, more precise measurement of treatment outcomes may be afforded by this reorganization.  相似文献   

Separate factor analyses of the items of the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) and the Personal Attributes Questionnaire for 419 undergraduate and graduate students yielded 4 factors for each instrument. The BSRI is seen as potentially more promising of independent measurement of constructs related to masculine–feminine identity but as still lacking in purity. The low scorer on BSRI Masculinity is seen as penalized, in that this scale contains several items interpreted as related to maturity or self-confidence. (6 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the study of social anxiety, it is common to differentiate between social interaction versus performance anxiety. The Social Interaction Anxiety Scale was designed to assess social interaction anxiety, and the Social Phobia Scale to assess fear of scrutiny by others (Mattick and Clarke, 1989). In common use, these scales are typically administered together and treated as subscales of a larger measure. However, the joint factor structure of these instruments has never been examined; therefore, it is unclear whether or not the items on these scales actually represent distinct aspects of social anxiety. In the present study, a confirmatory factor analysis of the pooled items from the SIAS and SPS failed to adequately fit the data. An exploratory factor analysis yielded three factors: (1) interaction anxiety, (2) anxiety about being observed by others, and (3) fear that others will notice anxiety symptoms. However, hierarchical factor analysis suggested that these factors all load on a single higher-order factor, social anxiety. Relationships of the first-order factors to other measures of social and performance fear and avoidance are examined, and implications of our findings for the assessment of social phobia are discussed.  相似文献   

Reports 2 parallel item-level factor analyses of the Psychological Screening Inventory (PSI), using 2 sets of 400 Ss each from the original normative sample. PSI scale scores were also included for use as marker variables. Each analysis defined 5 comparable factors. Factor 1 loaded most highly on the Alienation scale and was interpreted as representing serious psychopathology. Factor 2 strongly represented the Expression dimension of extraversion-introversion. Factors 3 and 4, only weakly represented in the item pool, were labeled "Acting Out" and "Protestant Ethic." Factor 5 was strongly identified as the Discomfort dimension of general maladjustment. Results indicate some similarity between the nature of the standard PSI scales and the item factor structure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the factor structure of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI) among African American college students. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated the 3-factor solution commonly found among other populations did not fit the data for African Americans. Although an exploratory factor analysis indicated the presence of a Mental Incapacitation factor, the Physical Concerns factor was divided into unsteady and cardiovascular concerns. Items typically comprising the Social factor were reflective of emotional controllability among African Americans. The ASI was also moderately correlated with measures of anxiety and depression providing only weak evidence of convergent and discriminate validity of the ASI for African Americans. Although support for the multidimensional nature of AS was found, the factor composition differs for African Americans. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

建立了球轴承ADAMS多体动力学模型,考虑轴承各元件之间的相互碰撞作用及摩擦力,分析了变工况下动量轮用球轴承的保持架质心的涡动行为,对保持架的运行稳定性做出了定量的分析。讨论了轴承启动加速度大小、轴向载荷和有无重力场对保持架稳定性的影响。结果表明轴承启动加速度增加,缩短了轴承启动过程的时间,引导面对保持架的引导作用增强,较高的转速更有利于保持架运行的稳定,但较大的启动加速度使得轴承摩擦力矩较大;轴向载荷升高加剧了滚动体与保持架的碰撞,增加了保持架的涡动状态,而且轴向载荷的增加使得轴承摩擦力矩增加;失重状态下保持架与套圈的碰撞加剧,保持架涡动增加。   相似文献   

Cross-validated the previously identified factor structure of the Basic Personality Inventory (BPI) with the structure found in the responses of 1,233 young offenders (mean age about 14 yrs) and demonstrated the construct validity of BPI factor scores by discriminating subgroups within the offender sample. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

建立了球轴承ADAMS多体动力学模型,考虑轴承各元件之间的相互碰撞作用及摩擦力,分析了变工况下动量轮用球轴承的保持架质心的涡动行为,对保持架的运行稳定性做出了定量的分析.讨论了轴承启动加速度大小、轴向载荷和有无重力场对保持架稳定性的影响.结果表明轴承启动加速度增加,缩短了轴承启动过程的时间,引导面对保持架的引导作用增强,较高的转速更有利于保持架运行的稳定,但较大的启动加速度使得轴承摩擦力矩较大;轴向载荷升高加剧了滚动体与保持架的碰撞,增加了保持架的涡动状态,而且轴向载荷的增加使得轴承摩擦力矩增加;失重状态下保持架与套圈的碰撞加剧,保持架涡动增加.  相似文献   

Brown, Brady, Lent, Wolfert, and Hall (1987) developed a measure of perceived social support based on a person–environment fit model of satisfaction. This measure, the Social Support Inventory (SSI), was scored according to a model of person–environment fit that assumed that only an undersupply of resources for meeting social needs would result in dissatisfaction. We tested this assumption empirically by comparing the original scoring model with three alternative models. Our study also explored the factor structure of the SSI. Results supported the original scoring model and suggested the presence of five social support factors on the SSI. We discuss the limitations of the study and future research needs of the SSI and the person–environment fit model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Beck Anxiety Inventory was administered to 105 outpatients between 13 and 17 years old who were diagnosed with various types of psychiatric disorders. A principal factor analysis was performed, and two factors were found representing subjective and somatic symptoms of anxiety. The item compositions of these factors were comparable to those previously described for adolescent inpatients. The results are discussed as supporting the use of the inventory for evaluating self-reported anxiety in outpatient adolescents.  相似文献   

Factor-analyzed the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI), which conceptualizes masculinity and femininity as 2 independent dimensions rather than using the traditional notion of a single bipolar dimension. BSRI scores from 253 male and female industrial workers, 36 police officers, and 36 nonworking housewives were analyzed. 4 factors were defined: Masculinity, Femininity, Sex of S, and "Mature" Neutral. Since a few "masculine" and "feminine" items from the original version of the BSRI did not load on either factor, a revision of the scale to exclude these items is recommended. However, the results support the contention that masculinity and femininity are more reasonably considered as independent traits rather than as a single bipolar dimension. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Administered R. I. Lanyon's (see record 2005-09936-001) Psychological Screening Inventory to 150 undergraduates. Ss' responses to the 130 items were subjected to a factor analysis to define an oblique simple structure. This analysis yielded 3 relatively independent and psychologically meaningful factors: Introversion, Social Maladjustment, and Emotional Maladjustment. These factors have a substantial general correspondence to certain Psychological Screening Inventory scales, although it was not possible to define a 5-factor solution that corresponded directly to Lanyon's 5 scales. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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