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The Early Career Awards, given for the first time in 1974, recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Recipients of this award may not have held a PhD for more than nine years. For purposes of this award, psychology has been divided into nine areas: human learning and cognition, psychopathology, physiological animal learning and behavior, personality, developmental social sensation and perception, and applied research. Three areas are considered each year, with areas rotated in three-year cycles. The areas considered in 1988 were animal learning, behavior, and ethology; personality; and developmental. The recipients of the awards are Barbara Boardman Smuts, James Patrick Connell, and David M. Buss. For each awardee a citation, biography, and selected bibliography of their published works are provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Early Career Awards, given for the first time in 1974, recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Recipients of this award may not have held a PhD for more than nine years. For purposes of this award, psychology has been divided into nine areas: human learning and cognition, psychopathology, physiological animal learning and behavior, personality, developmental social sensation and perception, and applied research. Three areas are considered each year, with areas rotated in three-year cycles. The areas considered in 1988 were animal learning, behavior, and ethology; personality; and developmental. This year's winner in the area of personality is David M. Buss. Buss is cited for the theoretical breadth and empirical depth of his work, which are exemplars of the personological tradition in psychology and for his act-frequency approach to the analysis of personality dispositions, which, by combining a summary interpretation of traits with recent advances in cognitive psychology, has yielded a steadily developing agenda of research in personality and a fresh perspective on central issues of the field. Along with the citation, a biography and selected bibliography of Buss's published works are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Early Career Awards, given for the first time in 1974, recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Recipients of this award may not have held a PhD for more than nine years. For purposes of this award, psychology has been divided into nine areas: human learning and cognition, psychopathology, physiological animal learning and behavior, personality, developmental social sensation and perception, and applied research. Three areas are considered each year, with areas rotated in three-year cycles. The areas considered in 1988 were animal learning, behavior, and ethology; personality; and developmental. This year's recipient in the area of animal learning, behavior, and ethology is Barbara Bardman Smuts. Smuts is cited for outstanding research devoted to the analysis of social relationships among free-living primates. In these studies, she has opened new vistas to understanding the nature of cooperative as well as conflictual social relationships, male-female friendships and long-term affiliations outside the mating context, and male-infant relationships—documenting their existence, describing their social dynamics, exploring their evolutionary significance, and thereby illuminating human social relationships. In addition to the citation, a biography and selected bibliography of the works published by Smuts are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Early Career Awards recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Three areas are considered each year, with areas rotated in three-year cycles. The areas considered for awards in 1986 were social, sensation and perception, and applied research. Steven Penrod is one of the 1986 recipients of the award "for distinguished and original contributions to research on legal decision making. His studies have significantly advanced our understanding of the relationship between rules of evidence and procedure and jury decision making, the reliability of eyewitness evidence, and the behavior of attorneys and judges. His research program reflects a deep understanding of the law; an imaginative application of psychological theories to legal questions; and a mastery of research methodology, ranging from mathematical and computer modeling to laboratory and field experimentation. His research exemplifies the best qualities of applied research: It speaks authoritatively to both the psychological and legal communities and has yielded both theoretical and practical insights into decision making." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Early Career Awards recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Three areas are considered each year, with areas rotated in three-year cycles. The areas considered for awards in 1986 were social, sensation and perception, and applied research. David R. Williams is one of the 1986 recipients of the award because his "research epitomizes the power of psychological experiments to reveal the links between visual perception and its physiological and anatomical substrates. His many distinguished contributions to date include mapping the distribution of the cones sensitive to short wavelengths, including psychophysical identification of individual cones; measurements of the density, size, and other aspects of the packing of cones in the living eye, and the consequent limits each imposes on the eye's resolving power; measurement of the spectral sensitivities of cones by a novel method; and invention and imaginative use of a visual interferometer of revolutionary design." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Announces the winners of the 2000 Award for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology. The Early Career Awards recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. This year's winners are Alan J. Christensen, Robert L. Goldstone, Thomas E. Joiner, Dario Maestripieri, Jeffrey G. Parker, and Karen Wynn. A citation, biography, and selected bibliography are provided for each recipient. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Early Career Awards, given for the first time in 1974, recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Recipients of this award may not have held a PhD for more than eight years. For purposes of this award, psychology has been divided into nine areas: human learning/cognition, psychopathological, physiological, animal behavior, personality, developmental, social, sensation/perception, and applied research. Three areas are considered each year, with areas rotated in three-year cycles. The areas considered for awards in 1984 were human learning/cognition, psychopathological, and physiological. This year's winners are Kenneth A. Dodge, Marta Kutas, and Steven Pinker. For each award recipient a citation, biography, and bibliography are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents the 2002 winners of the American Psychological Association Awards for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology. The Early Career Awards, given for the first time in 1974, recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Recipients of this award may not have held a doctoral degree for more than nine years. For purposes of this award, psychology has been divided into 10 areas: animal learning and behavior, comparative; developmental; health; cognition/human learning; psychopathology; behavioral and cognitive neuroscience; perception/motor performance; social; applied research; and individual differences. Five areas are considered each year, with areas rotated in two-year cycles. The areas considered in 2002 were animal learning and behavior, comparative; developmental; health; cognition/human learning; and psychopathology. Each year, panels are selected for the areas under consideration, and these panels recommend nominees to the Committee on Scientific Awards. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Early Career Awards recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Recipients of this award may not have held a doctoral degree for more than nine years. For purposes of this award, psychology has been divided into 10 areas. The areas considered in 2009 and the recipients were behavioral and cognitive neuroscience (Adam K. Anderson); perception/motor performance (Christian N. L. Olivers); social (Jennifer A. Richeson); applied research (Robert E. Ployhart); and individual differences (Daniel J. Bauer and Ahmad R. Hariri [shared award]). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Early Career Awards recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Three areas are considered each year, with areas rotated in three-year cycles. The areas considered for awards in 1986 were social, sensation and perception, and applied research. Philip E. Tetlock is one of the 1986 recipients of the award "for the building of interdisciplinary bridges between social psychology and other social sciences; for a creative use of alternative research methods; for penetrating analyses of basic theoretical issues in social psychology, such as the tension between cognitive and motivational explanations or between impression management and intrapsychic explanations; for insightful work on the policy relevance of social psychological research; and in particular, for the place of political reasoning and rhetoric in actual policymaking settings. His reviews, integrations, and penetrating analyses of the theoretical issues in social psychology combine an originality, a clarity, and a thoughtfulness in the service of the profession." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Early Career Awards recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Recipients of this award may not have held a PhD for more than eight years. For 1984, Steven Pinker is recognized for distinguished work from both cerebral hemispheres. Using imaginative methods, he has studied the representation of three-dimensional space in visual imagery and the distribution of attention over that space. In language acquisition he has formulated explicit theories motivated by language universals and by the best established facts of language development. His book, Language learnability and language development, is a landmark in a challenging branch of psychological science. In addition to the citation, a biography and bibliography of Pinker's works are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Early Career Awards, given for the first time in 1974, recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Recipients of this award may not be more than eight years post-PhD. For purposes of this award, psychology has been divided into nine areas (human learning/cognition, psychopathology, physiological, animal, personality, developmental, methodological, social, and sensation/perception), and the awards are given in three-year cycles. The awards for 1980 were given in the areas of methodological, social, and sensation/perception psychology. Every year panels are selected for the three areas in which the award is to be given, and these panels recommend nominees to the Committee on Scientific Awards. Awardees included Baruch Fischhoff, Lynn A. Cooper, Shelley Taylor, and Camille Wortman. A citation and brief biography is presented for each award recipient. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Announces that Richard N. Aslin, David S. Krantz, and Martha K. McClintock have received the APA Distinguished Scientific Awards for an Early Career Contribution to Psychology (1982) in the areas of developmental, personality, and animal psychology respectively. Biographical information, award citations, and bibliographies are provided for each recipient. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Early Career Awards, given for the first time in 1974, recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Recipients of this award may not have held a doctoral degree for more than nine years. The specific areas considered in 2005 were behavioral and cognitive neuroscience; perception/motor performance; social; applied research; and individual differences. Award winners from 1974-2005 are listed. This document includes the citations awarded to the 2005 APA Awards for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology. A brief biography and a selected bibliography of each award winner accompany each citation. The award winners were Albert Jan (Ap) Dijksterhuis, Günther Knoblich, Robert F. Krueger, Hendree E. Jones, Fredrick P. Morgeson, and Russell A. Poldrack. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents the citations, biographies, and selected bibliographies of the 2007 recipients of the American Psychological Association's Awards for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology. The Early Career Awards, given for the first time in 1974, recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Recipients of this award may not have held a doctoral degree for more than nine years. For purposes of this award, psychology has been divided into 10 areas: animal learning and behavior, comparative; developmental; health; cognition/human learning; psychopathology; behavioral and cognitive neuroscience; perception/motor performance; social; applied research; and individual differences. Five areas are considered each year, with areas rotated in two-year cycles. The areas considered in 2007 were behavioral and cognitive neuroscience; perception/motor performance; social; applied research; and individual differences. Each year, panels are selected for the areas under consideration, and these panels recommend nominees to the Committee on Scientific Awards. The 2007 recipients are J?rn Diedrichsen (perception/motor performance); R. Chris Fraley (individual differences); Robert D. Gray (applied psychology); Matthew D. Lieberman (social); and Patrik O. Vuilleumier (behavioral and cognitive neuroscience). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Early Career Awards recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Recipients of this award may not have held a PhD for more than eight years. Marta Kutas is one of the recipients of the 1984 award. Kutas is cited for outstanding research on the physiology of human cognition and language. Her innovative studies of event-related brain potentials have clarified mechanisms of sensory-motor performance and decision making and have opened new avenues for probing the organization of language in the brain. She has shown how electrophysiological measures can reveal the timing of semantic analyses during reading and the operation of semantic priming and memory mechanisms. In addition, she has elucidated the role of contextual factors in language comprehension. This work constitutes a landmark for demonstrating the value of combined physiological/behavioral approaches to the analysis of human thought and language. In addition to the citation, a biography and bibliography of Kutas' works are provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Early Career Awards, given for the first time in 1974, recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. The awards for 1981 were given in the areas of human learning/cognition, psychopathology, and physiological psychology. Provides a citation, biography, and bibliography for the 1981 recipients: Robert J. Sternberg, Lyn Y. Abramson and Harvey J. Grill. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Early Career Awards recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Recipients of this award may not have held a PhD for more than eight years. Three areas of psychology are considered each year. The areas considered for awards in 1984 were human learning/cognition, psychopathological, and physiological. Kenneth A. Dodge was recognized for contributions to the study of childhood precursors of psychopathology; for theoretical and empirical analyses illuminating the development of social competencies in children; and for innovative research relating children's social-information-processing skills to their social status, peer interaction patterns, antisocial behavior, and risk for future deviance. His work's importance is enhanced by its promising implications for early identification and prevention. In addition to a citation, a biography and bibliography of Dodge's works are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Early Career Awards, given for the first time in 1974, recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Recipients of this award may not have held a PhD for more than eight years. For purposes of this award, psychology has been divided into nine areas: human learning and cognition, psychopathology, physiological, animal learning and behavior, personality, developmental, social, sensation and perception, and applied research. Three areas are considered each year, with areas rotated in three-year cycles. The areas considered for awards in 1986 were social, sensation and perception, and applied research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Early Career Awards recognize the large number of excellent young psychologists. Recipients of this award may not have held a PhD for more than nine years. The areas considered in 1991 were animal learning and behavior, developmental, and personality. The winners for 1991 were Kent C. Berridge, Susan A. Gelman, and Randy J. Larsen. For each winner a citation, biography, and selected bibliography of their works are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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