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Given a set D of trajectories, a query object q, and a query time extent Γ, a mutual (i.e., symmetric) nearest neighbor (MNN) query over trajectories finds from D, the set of trajectories that are among the k1 nearest neighbors (NNs) of q within Γ, and meanwhile, have q as one of their k2 NNs. This type of queries is useful in many applications such as decision making, data mining, and pattern recognition, as it considers both the proximity of the trajectories to q and the proximity of q to the trajectories. In this paper, we first formalize MNN search and identify its characteristics, and then develop several algorithms for processing MNN queries efficiently. In particular, we investigate two classes of MNN queries, i.e., MNNP and MNNT queries, which are defined with respect to stationary query points and moving query trajectories, respectively. Our methods utilize the batch processing and reusing technology to reduce the I/O cost (i.e., number of node/page accesses) and CPU time significantly. In addition, we extend our techniques to tackle historical continuous MNN (HCMNN) search for moving object trajectories, which returns the mutual nearest neighbors of q (for a specified k1 and k2) at any time instance of Γ. Extensive experiments with real and synthetic datasets demonstrate the performance of our proposed algorithms in terms of efficiency and scalability.  相似文献   

In the past decade, many works have focused on the development of moving object database indexing and querying. Most of those works have concentrated on the common spatial queries which are used with static objects as well. However, moving objects have different features from static objects which may lead to a variety of queries. Therefore, it is important to understand the full spectrum of moving object queries, even before starting to build an index structure for such objects. The aim of this paper is to provide a complete picture of the capabilities of moving object queries. Thus motivated, in this paper we propose a taxonomy of moving object queries, comprising five perspectives: (i) Location perspective, (ii) Motion perspective, (iii) Object perspective, (vi) Temporal perspective and (v) Patterns perspective. These give an overall view of what moving object queries are about. In this work, each perspective is described and examples are given.  相似文献   

移动对象反向最近邻查询处理技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着移动通信技术的快速发展和个人移动通信终端功能的不断完善,移动计算技术有了更加广阔的应用背景,尤其是移动对象的反向最近邻查询处理技术得到了研究人员的广泛关注。对近几年提出的移动对象反向最近邻查询方法进行了研究,根据其查询处理过程,将反向最近邻查询方法分为基于预处理的方法和基于空间修剪的方法;总结了近年来提出的有效解决方法和研究进展,最后介绍了移动对象反向最近邻查询处理技术的最新发展趋势。  相似文献   

With the advancement of MEMS technologies, sensor networks have opened up broad application prospects. An important issue in wireless sensor networks is object detection and tracking, which typically involves two basic components, collaborative data processing and object location reporting. The former aims to have sensors collaborating in determining a concise digest of object location information, while the latter aims to transport a concise digest to sink in a timely manner. This issue has been intensively studied in individual objects, such as intruders. However, the characteristic of continuous objects has posed new challenges to this issue. Continuous objects can diffuse, increase in size, or split into multiple continuous objects, such as a noxious gas. In this paper, a scalable, topology-control-based approach for continuous object detection and tracking is proposed. Extensive simulations are conducted, which show a significant improvement over existing solutions.  相似文献   

运动目标跟踪系统的遮挡问题处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遮挡是运动目标跟踪研究中的一个重要问题,介绍了基于Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC)的运动物体遮挡问题解决方法.该方法通过建立贝叶斯模型,确定先验概率和条件概率,将车辆分割问题看成求后验概率最大时的车辆状态;然后运用MCMC方法对后验概率进行估计,设计MCMC标准对后验概率进行采样,用长方形模型来近似车辆外形.实验证明MCMC方法在不需对车辆单独初始化的前提下能有效的将相互遮挡的车辆分割出来,检测出车辆之间的相互遮挡.  相似文献   

为实现对海上运动目标的实时跟踪,克服跟踪效果易受到严重遮挡影响的缺点,建立了一套实时跟踪系统,并且结合目标的运动信息与新的模型更新策略,对均值漂移与卡尔曼滤波器相结合的跟踪算法做出了改进.当运动船只被遮挡的比例较大时,先用估计出的目标速度矢量更新卡尔曼滤波器,并用相应的模型更新策略更新目标模型以提高模型相似性度量的精确性,再单独利用滤波器进行跟踪,取得了较好的跟踪效果.实验结果表明,该系统可以较好地实现海上运动目标的跟踪,并且改进后的算法具有良好的实时性和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

This paper presents a survey on the latest methods of moving object detection in video sequences captured by a moving camera. Although many researches and excellent works have reviewed the methods of object detection and background subtraction for a fixed camera, there is no survey which presents a complete review of the existing different methods in the case of moving camera. Most methods in this field can be classified into four categories; modeling based background subtraction, trajectory classification, low rank and sparse matrix decomposition, and object tracking. We discuss in details each category and present the main methods which proposed improvements in the general concept of the techniques. We also present challenges and main concerns in this field as well as performance metrics and some benchmark databases available to evaluate the performance of different moving object detection algorithms.  相似文献   

Tracking uncooperative moving objects by means of radar is a complex task due to clutter and association problems in multi-target scenarios. An approach to solve this problem is probabilistic multiple hypothesis tracking (PMHT). This method combines classical track filtering with a likelihood ratio test for the estimation of the plot-to-track association. The basics of PMHT and similar algorithms have gained much attention recently. However, the efficient implementation of real world applications of this technique still represents a challenging task. Since a common requirement in this context is the reliable storage of track data in a database, an implementation of the tracker's calculation inside a database management system (DBMS) using SQL views is desirable. A naive implementation of PMHT using a commercial DBMS, however, usually leads to performance problems because of the high frequency of measurement updates. In this paper, we propose possible optimizations for solving these performance problems. Their usage leads to a dramatic run-time improvement in our sample case and makes the implementation of PMHT in a database context feasible.  相似文献   

There have been many studies on management of moving objects recently. Most of them try to optimize the performance of predictive window queries. However, not much attention is paid to two other important query types: the predictive range query and the predictive k nearest neighbor query. In this article, we focus on these two types of queries. The novelty of our work mainly lies in the introduction of the Transformed Minkowski Sum, which can be used to determine whether a moving bounding rectangle intersects a moving circular query region. This enables us to use the traditional tree traversal algorithms to perform range and kNN searches. We theoretically show that our algorithms based on the Transformed Minkowski Sum are optimal in terms of the number of tree node accesses. We also experimentally verify the effectiveness of our technique and show that our algorithms outperform alternative approaches.  相似文献   

通过借鉴嵌入式系统在信号处理、电子技术和计算机等领域的成功应用经验,在分析机器视觉系统特点的基础上,将机器视觉和嵌入式技术相结合,设计一种基于嵌入式处理器S3C2410的目标跟踪系统。介绍了系统工作原理和特点,给出了系统硬件结构图和软件流程,并以智能小车为例进行了目标的识别与跟踪。  相似文献   

In this study, the spatial local optimization method was improved to obtain high precision of optical flow for cases in which the object movement changes substantially and a method to trace the loci of moving objects was considered. In the spatial local optimization method, the precision of the optical flow when the object movement changes substantially becomes a problem. Therefore, to make the object movement relatively small, we obtained flow vectors from the image sequence to drop the resolution of the original input image sequence to half the initial resolution. flow vectors were then obtained from the original input image sequence that were smaller than the threshold value. We show that the precision of the optical flow when the object movement changes substantially is improved by this method. Method used to trace the loci of moving objects was demonstrated. We obtained clusters from histograms of flow vectors and pursued each cluster. We show that it is possible to trace moving objects by this method. This work was presented, in part, at the 7th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 16–18, 2002  相似文献   

With an increasing diversity of pervasive computing devices integrated in our surroundings and an increasing mobility of users, it will be important for computer systems and applications to be context-aware. Lots of works have already been done in this direction on how to capture context data and how to carry it to the application. Among the remaining challenges are to create the intelligence to analyze the context information and deduce the meaning out of it, and to integrate it into adaptable applications. Our work focuses on these challenges by defining generic context storage and processing model and by studying its impact on the application core. We propose a reusable context ontology model that is based on two levels: a generic level and a domain specific level. We propose a generic adaptation framework to guarantee adaptation of applications to the context in a pervasive computing environment. We also introduce a comprehensive adaptation approach that involves content adaptation and presentation adaptation inline with the adaptation of the core services of applications. Our case study shows that the context model and the application adaptation strategies provide promising service architecture.  相似文献   

In this paper we show how pervasive technologies can be employed on a public-display advertisement scenario to enable behavioral self-adaptation of content. We show this through MyAds, a system capable of exploiting pervasive technologies to autonomously adapt the advertisement process to the trends of interests detected among the audience in a venue. After describing the rationale, the architecture and the prototype of MyAds, we describe the advantages brought by the use of such a system, in terms of impact on the audience and economic efficiency. The comparison of MyAds performances with different advertisement selection techniques confirms the validity of our advertisement model, and our prototype in particular, as a means for maximising product awareness in an audience and for enhancing economic efficiency.  相似文献   

对如何寻找一个新插入点覆盖的所有分点问题进行了研究,提出了适用于搜索移动对象的一个最近邻居的直接比较方法,其计算量要少于原来CNN搜索算法所采用的方法。对于搜索移动对象的多个最近邻居的情况,提出了一种避免计算新插入点到所有分点距离的动态比较方法。  相似文献   

An adaptive hashing technique for indexing moving objects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although hashing techniques are widely used for indexing moving objects, they cannot handle the dynamic workload, e.g. the traffic at peak hour vs. that in the night. This paper proposes an adaptive hashing technique to support the dynamic workload efficiently. The proposed technique maintains two levels of the hashes, one for fast moving objects and the other for quasi-static objects. A moving object changes its level adaptively according to the degree of its movement. We also present the theoretical analysis and experimental results which show that the proposed approach is more suitable than the basic hashing under the dynamic workload.  相似文献   

Smart applications are influencing our life more and more. This paper presents an application where pervasive computing is used in the context of e-Learning. First a short introduction to the ongoing changes concerning pervasive computing and particularly e-Learning is given, followed by a report on an e-Learning framework used in schools, universities and the area of continuing adult education. This framework is the basis for the viewer application, which provides the possibility to present CPS (Content Packaging Specification) packages on handhelds (namely Pocket PCs). The paper concludes with an account of possible extensions and prospective future work.  相似文献   

There is rapidly increasing interest in Location Based Service (LBS) which utilizes location data of moving objects. To efficiently manage the huge amounts of location data in LBS, the GALIS (Gracefully Aging Location Information System) architecture, a cluster-based distributed computing architecture, is proposed. The GALIS using the non-uniform 2-level grid algorithm performs load balancing and indexing for nodes. However, the non-uniform 2-level grid algorithm has a problem creating unnecessary nodes when moving objects are crowded in a certain region. Therefore, a new node split algorithm, which is more efficient for various distribution of moving objects, is proposed in this paper. Because the algorithm proposed in this paper considers spatial distribution for the current location of moving objects, it can perform efficient load balancing without creating unnecessary nodes even when moving objects are congested in a certain region. Besides, the various data distribution configuration for moving objects has been experimented by implementing node split simulators and it’s been verified that the proposed algorithm can split nodes more efficiently than the existing algorithm.
Ki-Joon Han (Corresponding author)Email:

针对传统高斯建模的初始化问题、参数值的计算依赖于先前所有帧和零散噪点较多等问题,提出了一种改进混合高斯模型的方法,即在初始化每个像素点时采用邻域特性和中值滤波相结合的方法,用来获取更接近实际的初始背景。同时对背景模型的更新提出了改进方法,在原有的背景排序基础上增加“定时清零”策略,使新加入的像素点能快速匹配。最后对特定区域的学习速率进行重新设定,再结合像素点的空间分布特性,达到消除零散噪点和部分空洞的目的。实验结果表明,与传统的混合高斯模型相比,本文算法能准确的检测出运动物体,并对阴影和噪音有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

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