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A retrieval block (RB) refers to impaired accessibility in retrieving target information when semantically related information is presented or retrieved prior to target retrieval. A research review reveals that RBs occur in a variety of situations, including both episodic and semantic memory tasks. RBs have been most thoroughly studied in the part-list cuing paradigm in episodic recall, but similar principles seem to operate in other situations, including the A–B, A–D interference paradigm, episodic recognition, and the tip-of-the-tongue situation. Evidence for such RBs is problematic for theories postulating automatic spreading activation among associated nodes in memory. Difficulties with theories that account for such RBs are discussed. Further research on RBs may help illuminate similar phenomena, such as the effects of Einstellung in thinking and problem solving. (French abstract) (76 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous studies have documented poor recognition memory for faces in patients with semantic dementia. Preserved face recognition memory was found in this study, however, so long as atrophy was confined predominantly to the left temporal lobe. Patients with structural damage to the right temporal lobe were typically impaired, with the status of the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus (including the perirhinal cortex) on the right being critical. Two single-case studies of patients with predominantly left temporal lobe pathology confirmed good recognition memory for famous faces, even if semantic knowledge about the celebrities depicted was severely degraded. An effect of semantic knowledge on recognition memory became apparent only when perceptually different photographs of the famous people were used at study and test. These results support the view that new episodic learning typically draws on information from both perceptual and semantic systems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cognitive aging research documents reduced access to contextually specific episodic details in older adults, whereas access to semantic or other nonepisodic information is preserved or facilitated. The present study extended this finding to autobiographical memory by using a new measure: the Autobiographical Interview. Younger and older adults recalled events from 5 life periods. Protocols were scored according to a reliable system for categorizing episodic and nonepisodic information. Whereas younger adults were biased toward episodic details reflecting happenings, locations, perceptions, and thoughts, older adults favored semantic details not connected to a particular time and place. This pattern persisted after additional structured probing for contextual details. The Autobiographical Interview is a useful instrument for quantifying episodic and semantic contributions to personal remote memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the contributions of object orientation information in semantic and episodic memories to implicit and explicit memory test performance, in 3 experiments. 456 undergraduates were shown color photos of objects, and their memory was assessed either with an old/new recognition test or with a test that required Ss to identify slowly faded objects. The critical variables were the type of photo and the orientation at which the photos were displayed. Half of the targets were displayed in study condition and the rest in non-study condition (baseline). Results show that in Exp 1, baseline identification was slower for objects displayed upside down rather than upright. Baseline orientation-specific effects were much larger for cardinal than non-cardinal objects in Exps 2 and 3. The extent to which orientation is coded in the semantic and episodic memory representations of different kinds of objects is discussed. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments with the adaptive priming procedure are reported to test discrete and continuous activation models for the structure of semantic and episodic memory. In Experiment 1, the prime and test stimuli were semantically associated words (e.g., bread–butter). In Experiment 2, episodic associations between the prime and test stimuli were established through paired associate learning. For both cases, the mixture prediction failed, and 2-state activation models were rejected. We conclude that models with only 2 discrete states of activation, that is, all-or-none models, do not accurately characterize the dynamics of activation in semantic and episodic memory. Higher order discrete or continuous models may better account for the results. Our findings are consistent with several current continuous models of spreading activation. They contrast, however, with those from previous work in which response-preparation processes appeared to proceed in a discrete, all-or-none fashion (Meyer, Yantis, Osman, & Smith, 1985). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The issue of multiple memory systems is explored. Young and older adults (mean ages?=?20 and 71, respectively) named pictures and were tested immediately, 1, 7, or 21 days later. Episodic memory (recognition) for pictures was significantly lower in older relative to young adults and declined systematically across all retention intervals in both age groups. In contrast, procedural memory (repetition priming in picture naming) revealed no reliable age differences. In both age groups, priming declined within the first 24 hr, but unlike recognition, there was no further decrement from 1 to 21 days. There were also within-subject dissociations: The magnitude of priming was equivalent for remembered and forgotten items, and the relation between recognition and priming across intervals was nonmonotonic, revealing a reversed association. The findings were interpreted within a multiple-memory-systems framework. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted 4 experiments with 122 undergraduates to examine priming between newly learned associates and priming between well-known associates in lexical decision. All experiments showed that priming occurred between newly learned associates, including conditions in which the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between prime and target was short (150 msec) and in which the probability was low (1/12) that the prime and target of a pair would be associated to each other. It is concluded, contrary to suggestions by M. Carroll and K. Kirsner (see record 1982-25008-001) and E. Tulving (1983), that newly learned associates can prime each and that they can do so at short SOAs. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

39 senile dementia patients (mean age 69.1 yrs) completed the Associate Learning subtest of the Wechsler Memory Scale, and orthogonal measures of episodic and semantic memory were developed through factor analysis. As predicted, scores on the semantic factor were related only to learning high-associate word pairs; scores on the episodic factor were related to both high- and low-associate learning. Findings provide an interpretive framework for the Associate Learning subtest and support E. Tulving's (1972) 2-store model of long-term memory. (9 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Adult humans are capable of remembering prior events by mentally traveling back in time to reexperience those events. In this review, the authors discuss this and other related capabilities. considering evidence from such diverse sources as brain imaging, neuropsychological experiments, clinical observations, and developmental psychology. The evidence supports a preliminary theory of episodic remembering, which holds that the prefrontal cortex plays a critical, supervisory role in empowering healthy adults with autonoetic consciousness—the capacity to mentally represent and become aware of subjective experiences in the past, present, and future. When a rememberer mentally travels back in subjective time to reexperience his or her personal past, the result is an act of retrieval from episodic memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a prospective cohort study, the authors demonstrated a more pronounced ε4-related deficit for participants 70 years of age and older in tasks assessing episodic recall. Apolipoprotein E (APOE) and age interacted for episodic memory tasks, whereas the interaction for semantic memory tasks was between APOE and test wave. Heterozygotes of ε4 between middle-age and young-old participants performed at a higher level than noncarriers of this allele in recall tasks. A dose effect was found such that carriers of 2 ε4 alleles failed more profoundly in acquiring and recollecting episodic information than carriers of 1 ε4 allele, who in turn failed more than carriers of non-ε4 alleles. The pattern of findings observed for older ε4 carriers suggests that these individuals have particular difficulty when the executive task demands are high. Several factors (e.g., smaller hippocampal volumes, less effective neural repair mechanisms) may account for these findings. On the basis of the data obtained, the authors argue that analyses of the effect of specific genes in cognition should be accompanied by assessment of performance at a specific level, with due attention to the individual's age. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated adult age differences in episodic and semantic long-term memory tasks, as a test of the hypothesis of specific age-related decline in context memory. Older adults were slower and exhibited lower episodic accuracy than younger adults. Fits of the diffusion model (R. Ratcliff, 1978) revealed age-related increases in nondecisional reaction time for both episodic and semantic retrieval. In Experiment 2, an age difference in boundary separation also indicated an age-related increase in conservative criterion setting. For episodic old-new recognition (Experiment 1) and source memory (Experiment 2), there was an age-related decrease in the quality of decision-driving information (drift rate). As predicted by the context-memory deficit hypothesis, there was no corresponding age-related decline in semantic drift rate. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Responds to comments by G. McKoon et al (see record 1986-19143-001) regarding the present author's (1983; also see record 1985-03110-001) claims of a distinction between semantic and episodic memory by asserting that the hypothetico-deductive method of testing theories advocated by McKoon et al is not an appropriate procedure for evaluating the validity of classification according to learning and memory phenomena and processes. (73 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this meta-analysis, we examined the effects of aging on directed forgetting. A cue to forget is more effective in younger (d = 1.17) than in older (d = 0.81) adults. Directed-forgetting effects were larger (a) with the item method rather than with the list method, (b) with longer presentation times, (c) with longer postcue rehearsal times, (d) with single words rather than with verbal action phrases as stimuli, (e) with shorter lists, and (f) when recall rather than recognition was tested. Age effects were reliably larger when the item method was used, suggesting that these effects are mainly due to encoding differences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Developmental differences in the relative salience of features in concept representations in semantic memory and their contributions to differences in cued recall were examined in two experiments. For second graders, fifth graders, and college students, acquisition encoding of cue–target noun pair information was constrained by means of defining-, characteristic-, category-, and incidental-feature orienting questions. At retrieval, the encoding of cue information alone was constrained (Experiment 1) within subjects by means of the same (e.g., defining at acquisition and defining at retrieval) or related (e.g., defining at acquisition and characteristic at retrieval) retrieval questions or was unconstrained (Experiment 2). In both experiments, the acquisition presentation duration was manipulated (1 s or 5 s) in order to examine the spread of feature activation within concepts. The results showed that recall varied with feature salience, with the salience greatest for defining features. In addition, the results suggested that the relative salience of defining features was at least as great for the children as for the adults. The results offer no support for Keil and Batterman's (1984) hypothesis of a shift from characteristic to defining features in the development of word meaning representation in memory. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A theory is described that provides a detailed model of how people recall serial lists of items. This theory is based on the Adaptive Character of Thought-Rational (ACT-R) production system (J. R. Anderson, 1993). It assumes that serial lists are represented as hierarchical structures consisting of groups and items within groups. Declarative knowledge units encode the position of items and of groups within larger groups. Production rules use this positional information to organize the serial recall of a list of items. In ACT-R, memory access depends on a limited-capacity activation process, and errors can occur in the contents of recall because of a partial matching process. These limitations conspire in a number of ways to produce the limitations in immediate memory span. As the span increases, activation must be divided among more elements, activation decays more with longer recall times, and there are more opportunities for positional and acoustic confusions. The theory is shown to be capable of predicting both latency and error patterns in serial recall. It addresses effects of serial position, list length, delay, word length, positional confusion, acoustic confusion, and articulatory suppression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Effects of punishment and personality on a phylogenetically old form of knowledge acquisition, procedural learning, were studied to test J. A. Gray's (1970, 1987, 1991) theory of anxiety. Broad measures of personality (extraversion, E; neuroticism, N; and psychoticism, P) and specific measures of trait anxiety (Anx) and impulsivity (Imp) were taken. Punishment led to response invigoration, reducing reaction time latency, but this was not related to personality. A negative correlation of P and learning was observed in both punishment and control conditions. In support of Gray's theory, high Anx improved learning under punishment (and impaired learning under control), and low Anx improved learning under control (and impaired learning under punishment). These data are contrasted with H. J. Eysenck's (1967) arousal theory of personality. Results point to a new behavioral tool with which researchers can explore further the interaction of reinforcement, arousal, and personality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Groups of normal old and young adults made episodic memory feeling-of-knowing (FOK) judgments and took 2 types of episodic memory tests (cued recall and recognition). Neuropsychological tests of executive and memory functions thought to respectively involve the frontal and medial temporal structures were also administered. Age differences were observed on the episodic memory measures and on all neuropsychological tests. Compared with young adults, older adults performed at chance level on FOK accuracy judgments. Partial correlations indicated that a composite measure of frontal functioning and FOK accuracy were closely related. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that the composite frontal functioning score accounted for a large proportion of the age-related variance in FOK accuracy. This finding supports the idea that the age-related decline in episodic memory FOK accuracy is mainly the result of executive or frontal limitations associated with aging. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of lorazepam (0.026 or 0.038 mg/kg), a benzodiazepine, and of a placebo on metamemory, i.e. knowledge about one's own memory capabilities, were investigated in 36 healthy volunteers. Accuracy of confidence levels (CL) in the correctness of recalled answers and accuracy of feeling of knowing (FOK) the answers when recall fails were measured using a sentence memory task assessing episodic memory and a task consisting of general information questions and assessing semantic memory. Lorazepam impaired episodic memory. Unexpectedly, it also impaired performance in both the recall and recognition phases of the task assessing semantic memory, suggesting that it decreased the ability to distinguish between correct and incorrect information. In episodic memory, lorazepam 0.038 mg/kg-treated subjects exhibited an impaired CL accuracy, compared to placebo-treated subjects, and their FOK accuracy was at chance. In semantic memory, their overall CL and FOK accuracy was apparently spared. However, these subjects selectively overestimated their CL judgements for incorrect answers; moreover, secondary analyses showed that FOK accuracy for a subset of low-accuracy items was virtually nil. These results suggest that lorazepam impairs metamemory for both episodic and semantic memory.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the strategic component (i.e., elaboration and organization of episodic features) and the associative component (i.e., binding processes) of episodic memory and their interactions in 4 age groups (10-12, 13-15, 20-25, and 70-75 years of age). On the basis of behavioral and neural evidence, the authors hypothesized that the two components are functionally related but follow different life-span gradients. In a fully crossed design, age differences in recognition memory for single words versus word pairs (associative demand manipulation) were examined under instructions that emphasized item, pair, or elaborative-pair encoding (strategy manipulation). As predicted, the results showed that the strategic and associative components follow different life-span trajectories. Relative to younger adults, children's difficulties in episodic memory primarily reflected lower levels of strategic functioning. In contrast, older adults showed impairments in both strategic and associative components. The authors conclude that the comparison of strategic and associative components of episodic memory across the life span helps to delineate the two components' unique and interactive contributions to episodic memory performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Seven patients with semantic dementia were asked to recall and recognize 10-word lists of object-name vocabulary preselected as either still "known" (correct picture naming and word-picture matching) or now "unknown" (incorrect picture naming and word-picture matching) to each individual patient. The patients showed a significant advantage for known words in immediate free recall after several learning trials and also in delayed recall and recognition. The majority of errors of commission for known words were semantic, whereas phonological errors, especially blends of target words, were produced in the unknown condition. These findings support claims that (a) multiple inputs from semantic and perceptual systems support episodic memory and (b) success in verbal and nonverbal episodic memory tasks is differentially dependent on semantic and perceptual information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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