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植物油及其衍生物在柴油机上的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
评述了植物油及其衍生物在柴油机上应用的前景和可行性,讨论了目前纯植物油、生物柴油和它们的混合物在柴油机上使用的最新研究成果。比较了植物油及其衍生物和传统柴油的性质以及柴油机燃用这些燃料时的性能和排放特性。  相似文献   

二甲醚用作柴油机燃料的进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李卓  刘小鸿 《节能》2004,33(2):3-5
介绍二甲醚作为柴油发动机燃料的进展 ,有关发动机的性能、微粒排放、燃料喷射、磨损和密封、着火延迟及安全性能问题  相似文献   

简要介绍了生物柴油的主要制备方法和燃料特性,综述了生物柴油对车用柴油机的低温起动性能、动力性、经济性,排放特性以及燃烧特性影响的研究进展,阐述了近期针对生物柴油研究的新对象和新方法,并探讨了生物柴油的应用前景。  相似文献   

This practical study examined the effect of engine torque on engine performance and emissions. The most important parameters of engine performance are thermal efficiency, brake power (BP), and specific fuel consumption. As for exhaust emissions, the most important of which are hydrocarbons (HCs), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). The experiment was conducted for a single-cylinder, four-stroke compression ignition engine. Mixtures (B0, B10, B20, B30, and B40) were taken from biodiesel prepared from sunflower oil by the esterification method. The engine speed was fixed at 1700 rpm, and torque variable was from 0 to 10 N m. The results indicated a decrease in engine BP by an average of 19.5 W, a decrease in thermal efficiency by an average of 1.058%, while an increase in fuel consumption by an average of 0.095 kg/kW h−1 compared to diesel. As for exhaust emissions, HC emissions decreased by 5.8 ppm, while CO decreased by 0.0207%, and NOx emissions increased by 138.5 ppm compared to diesel, due to changes in the properties of biodiesel, such as high density, viscosity, and low calorific value compared to the properties of regular diesel  相似文献   

以野生小球藻生物柴油(Chlorella Biodiesel Fuel,CBF)-柴油作为混合燃料,利用186FA柴油机进行台架试验。在CBF的掺混比例分别为0%,3%,5%(B0,B3,B5)时,对柴油机的动力性、燃料燃用的经济性和燃烧及排放特性进行了比较分析。试验分析表明:柴油机燃用混合燃料时,与燃用纯柴油相比,随着CBF掺混比例的增加,其扭矩和功率略有下降,最大降幅均为4%;柴油机的油耗率和能耗率略有上升,且在高、中负荷时更为明显;柴油机的缸内压力、放热率峰值稍有减小,而压力升高率峰值稍有增大,缸内压力峰值最大降幅为3.4%,放热率峰值最大降幅为12.8%,压力升高率峰值最大增幅为13.7%;柴油机滞燃期缩短了0.5~1.0°CA、燃烧持续期延长了1.0~2.0°CA,缸内压力、压力升高率和放热率峰值的出现时刻均提前了1.0~2.0°CA,燃烧速度加快;HC,CO和碳烟的排放均有所降低,而NOX的排放逐渐增多,全负荷时HC和碳烟排放的最大降幅分别为14.1%和31.7%,NOX排放的最大增幅为9.7%,CO排放的降幅为6%~12%。  相似文献   

The experiments were undertaken to obtain the knowledge necessary for raising the thermal efficiency of mixed oil composed of cottonseed oil and conventional diesel oil and for improving the performance of engine fuelled by the mixture. The experimental results obtained showed that a mixing ratio of 30% cottonseed oil and 70% diesel oil was practically optimal in ensuring relatively high thermal efficiency of engine, as well as homogeneity and stability of the oil mixture. A quadratic regressive orthogonal design test method was adopted in the experiment designed to examine the relationship between specific fuel consumption and four adjustable working parameters (intake-valve-closing angle (α), exhaust-valve-opening angle (β), fuel-delivery angle (θ) and injection pressure (P, in 104 Pa)) when the above-mentioned oil mixture was used. The mathematical equations characterizing the relationship were formulated. The equation of specific fuel consumption derived from the regressive test under each operating condition was set as the objective function and the ranges for the four adjustable working parameters were the given constraint condition. Models of non-linear programming were then constructed. Computer-aided optimization of the working parameters for 30:70 cottonseed oil/diesel oil mixed fuel was achieved. It was concluded that the predominant factor affecting the specific fuel consumption was fuel-delivery angle θ, the approximate optimal value of which, in this specific case, was 3–5° in advance of that for engine fuelled by pure diesel oil. The experimental results also provided useful reference material for selection of the most preferable combination of working parameters.  相似文献   

To fulfill the need of renewable, sustainable, and cleaner form of fuel, scientists are attracted toward biodiesel and hydrotreated vegetable oil or green (renewable) diesel. Biodiesel is generally obtained from vegetable oil by the process of transesterification while green diesel is obtained by hydrogenation. However, chemically both are completely different and thus their physical properties are highly affected. In present work, authors have compared the important properties of Pongamia biodiesel, algal biodiesel and hydrotreated vegetable oil. It is observed that both the biofuels may be blended for use in diesel engines as this will complement their fuel characteristics.  相似文献   

Makame Mbarawa   《Renewable Energy》2008,33(5):871-882
In this study the performance, emission and economic evaluation of using the clove stem oil (CSO)–diesel blended fuels as alternative fuels for diesel engine have been carried out. Experiments were performed to evaluate the impact of the CSO–diesel blended fuels on the engine performance and emissions. The societal life cycle cost (LCC) was chosen as an important indicator for comparing alternative fuel operating modes. The LCC using the pure diesel fuel, 25% CSO and 50% CSO–diesel blended fuels in diesel engine are analysed. These costs include the vehicle first cost, fuel cost and exhaust emissions cost. A complete macroeconomic assessment of the effect of introducing the CSO–diesel blended fuels to the diesel engine is not included in the study. Engine tests show that performance parameters of the CSO–diesel blended fuels do not differ greatly from those of the pure diesel fuel. Slight power losses, combined with an increase in fuel consumption, were experienced with the CSO–diesel blended fuels. This is due to the low heating value of the CSO–diesel blended fuels. Emissions of CO and HC are low for the CSO–diesel blended fuels. NOx emissions were increased remarkably when the engine was fuelled with the 50% CSO–diesel blended fuel operation mode. A remarkable reduction in the exhaust smoke emissions can be achieved when operating on the CSO–diesel blended fuels. Based on the LCC analysis, the CSO–diesel blended fuels would not be competitive with the pure diesel fuel, even though the environmental impact of emission is valued monetarily. This is due to the high price of the CSO.  相似文献   

针对目前常用的基于柴油机线性动力学模型仿真误差较大的不足,采用非线性动力学模型和变转动惯量对瞬时转速进行仿真,得到了瞬时转速、指示扭矩和缸内压力之间的关系,并通过瞬时转速重构单缸独立做功阶段缸内压力。采用一种迭代算法,对6-135G型柴油机各缸压力进行了重构,结果表明基于瞬时转速的缸内压力重构是可行有效的。  相似文献   

The present study tries to explore the potential of three different types of biodiesel viz. Rice bran oil methyl ester (RBME), Pongamia oil methyl ester (PME) and Palm oil methyl ester (POME) as pilot fuels for a biogas run dual fuel diesel engine designed for power generation. The results indicated that under dual fuel mode, RBME-biogas produced a maximum brake thermal efficiency of 19.97% in comparison to 18.4% and 17.4% respectively for PME-biogas and POME-biogas at 100% load. The emission study divulged that under dual fuel mode, on an average, there was an increase of CO emission by 25.74% and 32.58% for PME-biogas and POME-biogas, respectively in comparison to RBME-biogas. Furthermore, on an average, the HC emissions for PME-biogas and POME-biogas increased by 11.73% and 16.27%, respectively in comparison to RBME-biogas. On the other hand, on an average, there was a decrease in NOX emission by 5.8% and 14%, respectively for PME-biogas and POME-biogas respectively in comparison to RBME-biogas.  相似文献   

Energy is an essential prerequisite for economical and social growth of any country. Skyrocketing of petroleum fuel cost s in present day has led to growing interest in alternative fuels like CNG, LPG, Producer gas, Biogas in order to provide suitable substitute to diesel for a compression ignition engine. This paper discusses some experimental investigations on dual fuel operation of a 4 cylinder (turbocharged and intercooled) 62.5 kW gen-set diesel engine with hydrogen, producer gas (PG) and mixture of producer gas and hydrogen as secondary fuels. Results on brake thermal efficiency and emissions, namely, un-burnt hydrocarbon (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and NOx are presented here. The paper also contains vital information relating to the performances of an engine at a wide range of load conditions with different gaseous fuel substitutions. When only hydrogen is used as secondary fuel, maximum increase in the brake thermal efficiency is 7% which is obtained with 20% of secondary fuel. When only producer gas is used as secondary fuel, maximum decrease in the brake thermal efficiency of 8% is obtained with 30% of secondary fuel. Compared to the neat diesel operation, proportion of un-burnt HC and CO increases, while, emission of NOx reduces in all Cases. On the other hand, when 40% of mixture of producer gas and hydrogen is used (in the ratio (60:40) as secondary fuel, brake thermal efficiency reduces marginally by 3%. Further, shortcoming of low efficiency at lower load condition in a dual fuel operation is removed when a mixture of hydrogen and producer gas is used as the secondary fuel at higher than 13% load condition. Based on the performance studied, a mixture of producer gas and hydrogen in the proportion of 60:40 may be used as a supplementary fuel for diesel conservation.  相似文献   

The main properties and engine emissions of low blending rate soybean oil methyl ester blended with diesel from 5 to 30 wt% were compared and analyzed. The experimental results show that, compared with diesel fuel, with an increase in the soybean oil methyl ester percentage in the blends, distillation temperature at 50%, flash point, kinematic viscosity, specific gravity, gelatine content, carbon residue, acidity and ash increase while a cold filter plugging point, solidifying point and copper corrosion keep constant, sulfur content decreases, smoke density and HC decrease while NOx emission increase, CO increases at 2,200 r/min but decreases at 3,400 r/min.  相似文献   

In order to meet the energy requirements, there has been growing interest in alternative fuels like biodiesels, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, biogas, hydrogen and producer gas to provide a suitable diesel oil substitute for internal combustion engines. Vegetable oils present a very promising alternative to diesel oil since they are renewable and have similar properties. Vegetable oils offer almost the same power output with slightly lower thermal efficiency when used in diesel engine [Srivastava A, Prasad R. Triglycerides-based diesel fuels. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2000;4:111–33. [1]; Vellguth G. Performance of vegetable oils and their monoesters as fuels for diesel engines. SAE 831358, 1983. [2]; Demirbas A. Biodiesel production from vegetable oils via catalytic and non-catalytic supercritical methanol transesterification methods. Int J Prog Energy Combust Sci 2005;31:466–87. [3]; Jajoo BN, Keoti RS. Evaluation of vegetable oils as supplementary fuels for diesel engines. In: Proceedings of the XV national conference on IC engines and combustion, Anna University Chennai, 1997. [4]; Altin R, Cetinkaya S, Yucesu HS. The potential of using vegetable oil fuels as fuel for diesel engines. Int J Energy Convers Manage 2000;42:529–38, 248. [5]; Gajendra Babu MK, Chandan Kumar Das LM. Experimental investigations on a Karanja oil methyl ester fuelled DI diesel engine. SAE 2006-01-0238, 2006. [6]; Agarwal D, Kumar Agarwal A. Performance and emission characteristics of a Jatropha oil (preheated and blends) in a direct injection compression ignition engine. Int J Appl Therm Eng 2007;27:2314–23. [7]]. Research in this direction with edible oils have yielded encouraging results, but their use as fuel for diesel engine has limited applications due to higher domestic requirement [Scholl Kyle W, Sorenson Spencer C. Combustion Analysis of soyabean oil methyl ester in a direct injection diesel engine. SAE 930934, 1993. [8]; Nwafor OMI. Effect of advanced injection timing on the performance of rapeseed oil in diesel engines. Int J Renew Energy 2000;21:433–44. [9]; Nwafor OMI. The effect of elevated fuel inlet temperature on performance of diesel engine running on neat vegetable oil at constant speed conditions. Renew Energy 2003;28:171–81. [10]]. In view of this, Honge oil (Pongamia Pinnata Linn) being non-edible oil could be regarded as an alternative fuel for CI engine applications. The viscosity of Honge oil is reduced by transesterification process to obtain Honge oil methyl ester (HOME).Gasification is a process in which solid biomass is converted into a mixture of combustible gases, which complete their combustion in an IC engine. Hence, producer gas can act as a promising alternative fuel, especially for diesel engines by substituting considerable amount of diesel fuels. Downdraft moving bed gasifiers coupled with IC engine are a good choice for moderate quantities of available biomass, up to 500 kW of electric power. Hence, bioderived gas and vegetable liquids appear more attractive in view of their friendly environmental nature. Since vegetable oils produce higher smoke emissions, dual fuel operation could be adopted for improving their performance.  相似文献   

The current study addresses engine specification and second thermodynamic law analysis of the CI diesel engine fueled with hydrogen, DME, and diesel at six engine speeds. The 3-D simulation was first carried out and then the results were exploited to calculate availability through a developed in-house code. Availability analysis was performed separately for chemical and thermo-mechanical availability to highlight each fuel'0s capacity in chemical and mechanical efficiency delivery. The results indicate that hydrogen fuel prevails in chemical and thermo-mechanical availability, indicated power, and mean effective in-cylinder pressure under all crank angle and engine speeds. Temperature distribution has more extensive and intensified region developed across the cylinder, although hydrogen demonstrated the lowest ISFC (indicated specific fuel consumption) value. With regard to engine speed, 2000 rpm shows overall better IP (indicated power), IMEP (indicated mean effective pressure), chemical and thermo-mechanical availability, irrespective of fuel type. The mean irreversibility rate for PMC (pre-mixed combustion) and MCC (mixing controlled combustion) combustion phase shows a different trend. Furthermore, hydrogen fueled engine demonstrates the highest temperature distribution of 2736 K and the wall heat flux to the amount of 29160 W. The variance of chemical availability for Hydrogen from 1500 to 4000 rpm decreases by crank-angle evolution from 43.3% to 10.1% corresponding to 10–40°CA after top dead center.  相似文献   

Hwanam Kim  Byungchul Choi   《Renewable Energy》2008,33(10):2222-2228
In this study, the exhaust gas from a common-rail direct injection diesel engine was investigated both upstream and downstream warm-up catalytic converters (WCC). Three different types of ultra-low sulfur fuels (ethanol–diesel blend, ethanol–diesel blend with cetane improver and pure diesel) were tested in this study. The objective of the work was to study the engine performance and the formation of THC (total hydro carbon), CO (carbon monoxide), NOx (nitrogen oxides), smoke and PM (particulate matters) when using these fuels. THC and CO emissions of the ethanol–diesel blend fuels were slightly increased, and about 50–80% mean conversion efficiencies of THC and CO on catalysts were achieved in the ECE R49 13-mode cycle. Smoke was decreased by more than 42% in the entire ECE 13-mode cycles. From the measurement of scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) for the particle size range of 10–385 nm, the total number and total mass of the PM of the ethanol–diesel blend fuels were decreased by about 11.7–15% and 19.2–26.9%, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed experimental investigations on the combustion parameters of a 4 cylinder (turbocharged and intercooled) 62.5 kW gen-set duel fuel diesel engine (with hydrogen and LPG as secondary fuels). A detailed account on maximum rate of pressure rise, peak cylinder pressure, heat release rate in first phase of combustion and combustion duration at a wide range of load conditions with different gaseous fuel substitutions has been presented in the paper. When 30% of hydrogen alone is used as secondary fuel, maximum rate of pressure rise increases by 0.82 bar/deg CA as compared to pure diesel operation, while, peak cylinder pressure and combustion duration increase by 8.44 bar and 5 deg CA respectively. When 30% of LPG alone is used as secondary fuel, the enhancements in maximum rate of pressure rise, peak cylinder pressure and combustion duration are found to be 1.37 bar/deg CA, 6.95 bar and 5 deg CA respectively. It is also found that heat release rate in first phase of combustion reduces at all load conditions as compared to the pure diesel operation in both types of fuel substitutions.One important finding of the present work is significant enhancement in performances of dual fuel engine when hydrogen-LPG mixture is used as the secondary fuel. The highlight of this case is that when the mixture of LPG and hydrogen (40% in the ratio LPG: hydrogen = 70:30) is used as secondary fuel, maximum rate of pressure rise (by 0.88 bar/deg CA) and combustion duration reduces (by 4 deg CA), while, peak cylinder pressure and heat release rate in first phase of combustion increase by 5.25 bar and 35.24 J/deg CA respectively.  相似文献   

通过对青藏铁路内燃机车的使用环境分析,提出了适用于内燃机车所使用燃油、机油的建议。  相似文献   

Y. He  Y. D. Bao 《Renewable Energy》2003,28(9):1447-1453
This study was undertaken to provide knowledge necessary for raising the thermal efficiency of mixed oil composed of rapeseed oil and conventional diesel oil and for improving the performance of an engine fuelled by the mixture. The experimental results obtained showed that a mixing ratio of 30% rapeseed oil and 70% diesel oil was practically optimal in ensuring relatively high thermal efficiency of engine as well as homogeneity and stability of the oil mixture. Method of quadratic regressive orthogonal design test method was adopted in experiment designed to examine the dependence of specific fuel consumption on four adjustable working parameters when the above –mentioned oil mixture was used. These parameters were: intake-valve-closing angle (α), exhaust-valve-opening angle (β), fuel-delivering angle (θ) and injection pressure (P, in 104 Pa). Relationship between these parameters and specific fuel consumption was analyzed under two typical operating conditions and mathematical equations characterizing the relationship were formulated. The equation of specific fuel consumption derived from the regressive test under each operating condition was set as the objective function and the ranges for the four adjustable working parameters were the given constraint condition. Models of non-linear programming were then constructed. Computer aided optimization of the working parameters for 30:70 rapeseed oil/diesel oil mixed fuel was achieved. It was concluded that the predominant factor affecting the specific fuel consumption was fuel-delivering angle θ, the approximate optimal value of which, in this specific case, was 2–3 degrees in advance of that for engine fuelled by pure diesel oil. The experimental results also provided useful reference material for selection of the most preferable combination of working parameters.  相似文献   

The mathematical models to predict pressure, net heat release rate, mean gas temperature, and brake thermal efficiency for dual fuel diesel engine operated on hydrogen, LPG and mixture of LPG and hydrogen as secondary fuels are developed. In these models emphasis have been given on spray mixing characteristics, flame propagation, equilibrium combustion products and in-cylinder processes, which were computed using empirical equations and compared with experimental results. This combustion model predicts results which are in close agreement with the results of experiments conducted on a multi cylinder turbocharged, intercooled gen-set diesel engine. The predictions are also in close agreement with the results on single cylinder diesel engine obtained by other researchers. A reasonable agreement between the predicted and experimental results reveals that the presented model gives quantitatively and qualitatively realistic prediction of in-cylinder processes and engine performances during combustion.  相似文献   

This work presents an experimental analysis which is carried out to study the instantaneous heat fluxes, during the engine cycle, in the cylinder head and exhaust manifold of a direct injection, air‐cooled, four‐stroke diesel engine. For temperature measurements, a new pre‐amplification unit for fast response thermocouples, appropriate heat flux sensors and an innovative, object‐oriented, control code for fast data acquisition have been designed and developed at the authors' laboratory. The experimental installation separates the engine transient temperature signals into two parts; namely the ‘long’‐ and the ‘short’‐term response ones; followed by their discrete processing in two independent data acquisition systems. One‐dimensional heat conduction with Fourier analysis of the raw temperature data are implemented in order to calculate the instantaneous engine combustion chamber and exhaust pipe heat fluxes. This study concentrates on the correct interpretation of the measured temporal variations of heat fluxes and the examination of the effect of engine load and speed on the cylinder head and exhaust manifold heat flux losses. Many interesting aspects of transient engine heat transfer are revealed. The simultaneous presentation of heat fluxes on the cylinder head and exhaust manifold, together with the engine indicator diagram, sheds light into the mechanisms governing transient heat transfer during an engine cycle. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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