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The behaviour of a gas-solid flow in a bubbling fluidized bed operated near the minimum fluidization condition is strongly influenced by the frictional stresses between the particles, these being highly concentrated and their motion dominated by enduring contact among them and with the walls.The effect of the introduction of frictional stresses in a Eulerian-Eulerian two fluid model based on the kinetic theory of the granular flow is evaluated. The models of Johnson and Jackson [1987. Frictional-collisional constitutive relations for granular materials, with application to plane shearing. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 176, 67-93], Syamlal et al. [1993. Mfix documentation: volume I, theory guide. Technical Report DOE/METC-9411004, NTIS/DE9400087, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA], and Srivastava and Sundaresan [2003. Analysis of a frictional-kinetic model for gas-particle flow. Powder Technology 129, 72-85] are compared with the kinetic theory of the granular flow and with experimental data both in a bubbling fluidized bed with a central jet and in a bubbling fluidized bed with a porous distributor. The predicted evolution of the bubble diameter along the height of the fluidized beds is examined, the shapes of the bubbles predicted by the models are compared and the evolution in time of the bubbles is shown. In the case of the bed with a central jet, the bubble detachment time is also calculated. The results show that the introduction of a frictional stress model improves the prediction of the bubbles diameter in a bubbling fluidized bed with a central jet and positively affects the bubbles diameter distribution in a uniformly fed bubbling fluidized bed. The high sensitivity of the model to the value of the particulate phase fraction at which frictional stresses start to be accounted for is pointed out through a sensitivity analysis performed on the Srivastava and Sundaresan [2003. Analysis of a frictional-kinetic model for gas-particle flow. Powder Technology 129, 72-85] model.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the simulation of bubbling gas-solid flows by using the Eulerian two-fluid approach. Predictions of particle motion, bed expansion, bubble size and bubble velocity in bubbling beds containing Geldart B particles are compared with experimental results and correlations found in the literature. In addition, gas mixing in a bed of Geldart A particles is investigated.An in-house code has been developed based on the finite-volume method and the time-splitting approach using a staggered grid arrangement. The velocities in both phases are obtained by solving the 2D Reynolds-averaged Navier/Stokes equations using a partial elimination algorithm (PEA) and a coupled solver. The k-ε turbulence model is used to describe the turbulent quantities in the continuous phase.In general, the model predictions are in good agreement with experimental data found in the literature. Most important observations are: the level of the restitution coefficient was found to be crucial in order to obtain successful results from 2D axisymmetric simulations of a system containing Geldart B particles. Bubble size and bubble rise velocities are not as sensitive to the restitution coefficient. The turbulence model is of outmost importance concerning gas mixing in a fluidized bed of Geldart A particles.From these numerical analyzes an optimized granular flow two-fluid model can be designed for the purpose of simulating reactive systems in fluidized bed reactors.  相似文献   

It is shown that gas sampling from fluidized beds can provide misleading information due to hydrodynamic factors, biased sampling from the dense phase and radial gradients. Caution is needed to avoid these problems and in the interpretation of gas-sampling data.  相似文献   

The injection of liquid into a fluidized bed is a crucial step in many processes such as fluid coking, fluid catalytic cracking, or gas-phase polymerization, whose performance greatly depends on good and rapid contact between the injected liquid and the fluidized particles. The liquid spray, created by two-phase (gas-liquid) nozzles, forms a jet, i.e. a gas-rich cavity within the fluidized bed. Past studies have shown that good liquid-solid contact requires a large entrainment rate of particles into the jet, followed by intensive mixing of liquid droplets and entrained particles within the jet. The objective of this study is the experimental measurement of solids entrainment into spray jets. The specific application of interest is the enhancement of solids entrainment under conditions relevant to the fluid coking process.A novel and accurate experimental technique has been developed to measure the solids entrainment from a fluidized bed into two-phase gas-liquid jets, gas jets and liquid jets. The effects of operating conditions of the nozzle (sonic versus subsonic) and of the fluidized bed on the solids entrainment have been investigated. The differences between the mechanisms of solids entrainment for two-phase gas-liquid, gas and liquid jets have been analyzed.This experimental tool has been applied to the design and testing of a mixing chamber consisting of a cylindrical tube placed at a certain distance downstream of the nozzle tip, resulting in a confined, turbulent jet with enhanced liquid-solid mixing properties.  相似文献   

Flow characteristics of bidisperse mixtures of particles fluidized by a gas predicted by the mixture based kinetic theory of [Garzó et al., 2007a] and [Garzó et al., 2007b] and the species based kinetic theory model of Iddir and Arastoopour (2005) are compared. Simulations were carried out in two- and three-dimensional periodic domains. Direct comparison of the meso-scale gas-particle flow structures, and the domain-averaged slip velocities and meso-scale stresses reveals that both mixture and species based kinetic theory models manifest similar predictions for all the size ratios examined in this study. A detailed analysis is presented in which we demonstrate when the species based theory of Iddir and Arastoopour (2005) will reduce to a mathematical form similar to the mixture framework of [Garzó et al., 2007a] and [Garzó et al., 2007b]. We also find that the flow characteristics obtained for bidisperse mixtures are very similar to those obtained for monodisperse systems having the same Sauter mean diameter for the cases examined; however, the domain-averaged properties of monodisperse and bidisperse gas-particle flows do demonstrate quantitative differences. The use of filtered two-fluid models that average over meso-scale flow structures has already been described in the literature; it is clear from the present study that such filtered models are needed for coarse-grid simulations of polydisperse systems as well.  相似文献   

Fluidized beds employing fine powders are finding increased application in the chemical and petrochemical industry because of their excellent mass and heat transfer characteristics. However, in fluidized bed chemical reactors axial gas back mixing can strongly decrease the conversion and selectivity. By insertion of membranes in fluidized beds large improvements in conversion and selectivity can be achieved, firstly by optimizing axial concentration profiles via distributive feeding of one of the reactants or selective withdrawal of one of the products, and secondly, by decreasing the effective axial dispersion via compartmentalization of the fluidized bed. Moreover, insertion of membrane bundles in a suitable configuration impedes bubble growth, thereby reducing reactant by-pass via rapidly rising large bubbles. In this work the influence of the presence and configuration of membrane bundles and the effect of gas addition via the membranes on the effective axial dispersion was studied experimentally.Steady state concentration profiles were measured where a CO2-tracer was injected at different locations through a probe (point injection) or via the membranes (line injection) into a square fluidized bed containing glass particles (75-, 2550 kg/m3) fluidized with nitrogen distributed via a porous plate. Different bed configurations, viz. without internals, with vertical or horizontal membrane bundles were investigated and the effects of overall fluidization velocity and gas flow ratio of gas fed through the membrane bundles and the porous plate distributor were studied.Experimental results revealed that the insertion of vertical and horizontal membrane bundles decreases the effective axial dispersion considerably compared to a bed without internals. The point injection experiments indicated the importance of a non-uniform lateral emulsion phase velocity profile. The line injection experiments clearly pointed out the importance of bubble-to-emulsion phase mass transfer limitations. Gas addition through the membrane bundles decreases the effective axial gas dispersion enormously by almost annihilating the solids down flow along the walls and by decreasing the average bubble size and bubble fraction.  相似文献   

In the Eulerian approach to model gas-solid fluidized beds closures are required for the internal momentum transfer in the particulate phase. Firstly, two closure models, one semi-empirical model assuming a constant viscosity of the solid phase (CVM) and a second model based on the kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF), have been compared in this part in their performance to describe bubble formation at a single orifice and the time-averaged porosity profiles in the bed using experimental data obtained for a pseudo two-dimensional fluidized bed operated with a jet in the center. Numerical simulations have shown that bubble growth at a nozzle with a jet is mainly determined by the drag experienced by the gas percolating through the compaction region around the bubble interface, which is not much influenced by particle-particle interactions, so that the KTGF and CVM give very similar predictions. However, this KTGF model does not account for the long term and multi particle-particle contacts (frictional stresses) and under-predicts the solid phase viscosity at the wall as well as around the bubble and therefore over-predicts the bed expansion. Therefore, in the later part of the paper, the bubble growth at a single orifice and the time-averaged porosity distribution in the bed predicted by the KTGF model with and without frictional stresses are compared with experimental data. The model predictions by the KTGF are improved significantly by the incorporation of frictional stresses, which are however strongly influenced by the empirical parameters in this model. In Part II the comparison of the CVM and KTGF with experimental results is extended to freely bubbling fluidized beds.  相似文献   

A new model is presented for numerical simulations of collisional transfer of mass, momentum and energy in gas/liquid/solid fluidized beds. The mathematical formulation uses a collision model similar to that of Bhatnagar, Gross, and Krook (BGK), in a particle distribution function transport equation, in order to approximate the rates at which collisions bring about local equilibration of particle velocities and the masses, compositions, and temperatures of liquid films on bed particles. The model is implemented in the framework of the computational-particle fluid dynamics (CPFD) numerical methodology, in which the particle phase is represented with computational parcels and the continuous phase is calculated on Eulerian finite-difference grid. Computational examples using the Barracuda® code, a commercial CFD code owned by CPFD Software, LLC, show the ability of the model to calculate spray injection and subsequent liquid spreading in gas/solid flows.  相似文献   

运用考虑颗粒自旋转流动对颗粒碰撞能量交换和耗散影响的颗粒动理学方法,建立鼓泡流化床气固两相Euler-Euler双流体模型,数值模拟流化床内气体颗粒两相流动特性。分析表明,颗粒平动温度与旋转温度之比是法向和切向颗粒弹性恢复系数和摩擦系数的函数。与不考虑颗粒旋转效应计算结果相比,考虑颗粒旋转效应后床内较容易形成气泡,颗粒自旋转运动将导致床内非均匀结构更明显。并且床层平均空隙率和床层膨胀高度增加,床中心区域颗粒轴向速度提高,床内颗粒平动温度下降。考虑颗粒旋转效应后预测的颗粒轴向速度和颗粒脉动速度与文献实验结果基本吻合。考虑颗粒旋转效应后获得的气泡直径更接近于前人经验关联式。  相似文献   

Circulating fluidized bed adsorber (CFBA) technology is regarded as a potentially effective method for simultaneously controlling emissions of sulfur dioxide, fine particulate matter, and trace heavy metals, such as mercury vapor. In order to analyze CFBA systems in detail, a gas mixture/solids mixture model based on the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations is developed for particle flow, agglomeration, physical and chemical adsorption in a circulating fluidized bed. The solids mixture consists of two solids, one with components of CaO and CaSO4, and the other being an activated carbon. The gas mixture is composed of fine particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide, mercury vapor, oxygen and inert gas. Source terms representing fine particulate matter agglomeration onto sorbent particles, sulfur dioxide removal through chemical adsorption onto calcined lime, and mercury vapor removal through physical adsorption onto activated carbon are formulated and included into the model. The governing equations are solved using high-resolution upwind-differencing methods, combined with a time-derivative preconditioning method for efficient time-integration. Numerical simulations of bench-scale operation of a prototype CFBA reactor for multi-pollutant control are described.  相似文献   

The contact time of particles at the walls of gas fluidized beds has been studied using a radioactive particle tracking technique to monitor the position of a radioactive tracer. The solids used were sand or FCC particles fluidized by air at room temperature and atmospheric pressure at various superficial velocities, covering both bubbling and turbulent regimes of fluidization. Based on the analysis of tracer positions, the motion of individual particles near the walls of the fluidized bed was studied. The contact time, contact distance and contact frequency of the particles at the wall were evaluated from these experimental data. It was found that in a bed of sand particles, the mean wall contact time of the fluidized bed of sand particles decreases by increasing the gas velocity in the bubbling and increases in the turbulent fluidization. In other words, the particle-wall contact time is minimum at the onset of turbulent fluidization in the bed of sand particles. However, the mean wall contact time is almost constant in both regimes of fluidization in the bed of FCC particles. All the existing models in the literature predict a decreasing contact time when the gas velocity in the bed is increased. It was also shown that the contact distance increases monotonously by increasing the gas velocity in the bed of sand particles, while it is almost constant for the bed of FCC particles. Contact frequency has a trend similar to that of the contact time for both sand and FCC particles.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamics of three-dimensional gas-solid bubbling fluidized beds are numerically analyzed. The particle-particle interactions are simulated from the kinetic theory for flow of dense, slightly inelastic, slightly rough sphere proposed by Lun [1991. Kinetic theory for granular flow of dense, slightly inelastic, slightly rough sphere. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 233, 539-559] to account for rough sphere binary collisions and the frictional stress model proposed by Johnson et al. [1990. Frictional-collisional equations of motion for particulate flows and their application to chutes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 210, 501-535] to consider the frictional contact forces between particles. The present model is evaluated by measured particle distributions and velocities of Yuu et al. [2001. Numerical simulation of air and particle motions in group-B particle turbulent fluidized bed. Powder Technology 118, 32-44] and experimental bed expansion of Taghipour et al. [2005. Experimental and computational study of gas-solid fluidized bed hydrodynamics. Chemical Engineering Science 60, 6857-6867]. Our computed results indicated that the present model gives better agreement with experimental data than the results from original kinetic theory for frictionless slightly inelastic sphere of Ding and Gidaspow [1990. A bubbling fluidization model using kinetic theory of granular flow. A.I.Ch.E. Journal 36, 523-538] with and without solid friction stress model.  相似文献   

Although great progress has been made in modeling the bubbling fluidization of Geldart B and D particles using standard Eulerian approach, recent studies have shown that suitable sub-grid scale models should be introduced to improve the simulation on the hydrodynamics of Geldart A particles. In this study, the flow structures inside a bubbling fluidized bed of FCC particles are simulated in an Eulerian approach employing the energy minimization multi-scale (EMMS) model (Chemical Engineering Science, 2008, 63: 1553-1571) as the sub-grid scale model for effective inter-phase drag force, using an implicit cluster diameter expression. It was shown that the experimentally found axial and radial solid concentration profiles and radial particle velocity profiles can be well reproduced.  相似文献   

Existence of clusters in dense fluidized beds was investigated by analyzing the time-position data of a tracer obtained in several radioactive particle tracking experiments. It was found that in the case of sand particles, more gas passes through the bed as bubbles with increasing the superficial gas velocity and in the case of FCC powder, flow of the gas through the bed as bubbles does not increase in the turbulent fluidization regime. Cluster diameters were estimated from their velocities and found that descending clusters are generally larger than ascending ones and the size of both increases with increasing the superficial gas velocity. Bubble velocities evaluated in this work are in good agreement with the correlations in the bubbling regime of the fluidization available in the literature.  相似文献   

A literature review shows that dispersion coefficients in fluidized beds differ by more than five orders of magnitude. To understand the phenomena, two types of hydrodynamics models that compute turbulent and bubbling behavior were used to estimate radial and axial gas and solid dispersion coefficients. The autocorrelation technique was used to compute the dispersion coefficients from the respective computed turbulent gas and particle velocities.The computations show that the gas and the solid dispersion coefficients are close to each other in agreement with measurements. The simulations show that the radial dispersion coefficients in the riser are two to three orders of magnitude lower than the axial dispersion coefficients, but less than an order of magnitude lower for the bubbling bed at atmospheric pressure. The dispersion coefficients for the bubbling bed at 25 atm are much higher than at atmospheric pressure due to the high bed expansion with smaller bubbles.The computed dispersion coefficients are in reasonable agreement with the experimental measurements reported over the last half century.  相似文献   

Discrete-particle simulations of a gas-solid fluidized bed are used to investigate the species segregation (de-mixing) behavior of systems with continuous particle size distributions. Both Gaussian and lognormal distributions are investigated over a range of distribution widths, restitution and friction coefficients, and gas velocities. The results indicate that: (i) the average particle diameter decreases as the height within the bed increases, (ii) the level of segregation increases with an increase in the width of the particle size distribution, and (iii) segregation is attenuated as bubbling becomes more vigorous. Furthermore, the shape of the local size distribution (i.e., Gaussian or lognormal) is found to mimic that of the overall size distribution in most regions of the fluidized bed.  相似文献   

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