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Lohrenz AK Duske K Schneider F Nürnberg K Losand B Seyfert HM Metges CC Hammon HM 《Journal of dairy science》2010,93(12):5867-5876
Feeding rumen-protected fat (RPF) can improve energy supply for dairy cows but it affects glucose metabolism. Glucose availability is a precondition for high milk production in dairy cows. Therefore, this study investigated endocrine regulation of glucose homeostasis and hepatic gene expression related to glucose production because of RPF feeding in lactating cows. Eighteen Holstein dairy cows during second lactation were fed either a diet containing RPF (mainly C16:0 and C18:1; FD; n = 9) or a control diet based on corn starch (SD; n = 9) for 4 wk starting at 98 d in milk (DIM). Feed intake and milk yield were measured daily and milk composition once a week. Blood samples were taken weekly for analyses of plasma triglyceride, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate, bilirubin, urea, lactate, glucose, insulin, and glucagon. At 124 DIM, an intravenous glucose tolerance test (GTT; 1 g/kg of BW0.75) was performed after a 12-h period without food. Blood samples were taken before and 7, 14, 21, and 28 min after glucose administration, and plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, and glucagon were measured. Glucose half-life as well as areas under the concentration curve for glucose, insulin, and glucagon were calculated. After slaughter at d 28 of treatment, liver samples were taken to measure mRNA abundance of pyruvate carboxylase, cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, glucose 6-phosphatase (G6Pase), and facilitative glucose transporter 2. Dry matter intake, but not energy and protein intake, was lower in FD than in SD. Milk yield during lactation decreased more in SD than in FD, and milk protein was lower in FD than in SD. Plasma concentrations of triglycerides and NEFA were higher in FD than in SD. Plasma insulin concentrations were lower and the glucagon:insulin ratios were higher in FD than in SD. Fasting glucose concentration before GTT was lower, and fasting glucagon concentrations tended to be higher in FD than in SD. In liver, fat content tended to be higher and G6Pase mRNA abundance was lower in FD than in SD. Lower hepatic G6Pase mRNA abundance was associated with reduced fasting plasma glucose concentrations, but the glucose-induced insulin response was not affected by RPF feeding. Hepatic G6Pase gene expression might be affected by DMI and might be involved in the regulation of glucose homeostasis in dairy cows, resulting in a lower hepatic glucose output after RPF feeding. 相似文献
Kononoff PJ Ivan SK Matzke W Grant RJ Stock RA Klopfenstein TJ 《Journal of dairy science》2006,89(7):2608-2617
An experiment was conducted with 36 primiparous and 40 multiparous Holstein cows to examine the effects of feeding wet corn gluten feed (WCGF) on 305-d milk production, dry matter (DM) intake, body condition score (BCS), and health. The experimental treatments included: 1) control—WCGF not fed (n = 27); 2) WCGF-L—cows received diets containing WCGF (38% DM basis) during lactation (n = 23); and 3) WCGF-DL—cows received diets containing WCGF (38% DM basis) during the dry period and lactation (n = 26). During the dry period, cows consuming WCGF were observed to have a significant gain in BCS (0.07 ± 0.06) compared with a loss in BCS in cows fed the control diet (control = −0.11 ± 0.06 and WCGF-L = −0.04 ± 0.06). During lactation, there were no differences by treatment on BCS. Cows consuming WCGF during lactation consumed more feed compared with the control: 25.4, 23.8, and 21.2 ± 0.76 kg/d for WCGF-L, WCGF-DL, and the control, respectively. Milk production was higher for cows consuming WCGF: 35.0, 34.7, and 31.1 ± 2.1 kg/d for WCGF-L, WCGF-DL, and the control, respectively. No differences were found in either DM intake or actual milk yield between the WCGF-L and WCGF-DL treatments, indicating that prepartum diets did not influence lactational performance. The WCGF diets resulted in significant reductions in the concentration of milk fat (3.94, 3.74, and 4.15 ± 0.08% for WCGF-L, WCGF-DL, and the control, respectively), but because total milk yield was increased, there were no differences in total milk fat yield. In addition, 3.5% of fat-corrected milk tended to be affected by diet: 38.9, 36.3, and 34.7 ± 1.93 kg/d for WCGF-L, WCGF-DL, and the control, respectively. The increasing effect of DM intake and milk yield in cows consuming WCGF resulted in a similar efficiency of 3.5% fat-corrected milk production for all treatments, averaging 1.5 ± 0.09. Total protein yields were significantly higher for cows consuming WCGF diets during lactation: 1.15, 1.10, 1.00 ± 0.06 kg/d for WCGF-L, WCGF-DL, and the control, respectively. These results indicate that diets may be formulated to contain as much as 37.5% WCGF (DM basis). 相似文献
Nutritional properties and health aspects of pulses and their use in plant-based yogurt alternatives
Theresa Boeck Aylin W. Sahin Emanuele Zannini Elke K. Arendt 《Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety》2021,20(4):3858-3880
Plant-based yogurt alternatives are increasing in market value, while dairy yogurt sales are stagnating or even declining. The plant-based yogurt alternatives market is currently dominated by products based on coconut or soy. Coconut-based products especially are often low in protein and high in saturated fat, while soy products raise consumer concerns regarding genetically modified soybeans, and soy allergies are common. Pulses are ideally suited as a base for plant-based yogurt alternatives due to their high protein content and beneficial amino acid composition. This review provides an overview of pulse nutrients, pro-nutritional and anti-nutritional compounds, how their composition can be altered by fermentation, and the chemistry behind pulse protein coagulation by acid or salt denaturation. An extensive market review on plant-based yogurt alternatives provides an overview of the current worldwide market situation. It shows that pulses are ideal base ingredients for yogurt alternatives due to their high protein content, amino acid composition, and gelling behavior when fermented with lactic acid bacteria. Additionally, fermentation can be used to reduce anti-nutrients such as α-galactosides and vicine or trypsin inhibitors, further increasing the nutritional value of pulse-based yogurt alternatives. 相似文献
气相色谱-质谱法测定乳制品中的硫氰酸根 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪对乳制品(主要指液体乳及乳粉)中硫氰酸根残留量进行测定。根据硫氰酸根能与α-溴-2,3,4,5,6-五氟甲苯(PFB.Br)上的活泼溴发生取代反应的原理,试样采用振荡提取后进行衍生,高速冷冻离心,衍生产物采用选择离子监测质谱扫描,用化合物的保留时间以及质谱碎片的丰度比定性,外标法定量。结果表明:在定量检测范围为0.02~50.0mg/kg范围之内,回收率、灵敏度高,准确性与重现性良好。该方法前处理简单、易操作、成本低、分析周期短,可作为液体乳与乳粉中硫氰酸钠的快速检测方法。 相似文献
乳品安全中的牛乳过敏 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
牛乳过敏是婴幼儿中一种常见的食物过敏,严重危害婴幼儿健康。对牛乳过敏的机理、牛乳中的过敏原成分、牛乳过敏原的检测、加工对牛乳过敏原的影响作了详细的介绍。 相似文献
河南奶山羊及其杂种羊泌乳早期乳成分动态变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对河南奶山羊及其杂种羊泌乳早期初乳及常乳主要常规成分进行分析。结果表明:奶山羊和杂种羊乳中干物质含量分别在泌乳的第1天和第2天最高,分别达24.14g/100g和26.17g/100g,高峰后随着泌乳期的延长总体上呈下降趋势;乳糖含量在两组羊乳中随着泌乳期的延长总体上均呈上升趋势;乳脂率均在泌乳第5天和第4天时最高,分别达6.32g/100g和5.38g/100g,随着泌乳期的延长呈下降趋势。奶山羊前5d含量所泌初乳中,乳蛋白含量逐渐升高,常乳中乳蛋白含量基本稳定,杂种羊乳蛋白含量在初乳期随着泌乳期的延长呈下降趋势,常乳中含量基本稳定。乳中的灰分含量随着泌乳期的延长总体呈下降趋势,到常乳期有波动。乳中钙含量在实验期趋于稳定,磷含量在初乳期随泌乳期延长而稍有增加,常乳期平稳下降。河南奶山羊及其杂种羊乳中主要成分随着泌乳时间的变化而变化,各主要成分含量的变化与饲养管理条件和羊只营养状况等因素存在密切关系。 相似文献
乳脂含量是乳中一项重要的营养和风味指标,其所含的磷脂因具有多项生理活性功能,近年来受到越来越广泛的关注。由于磷脂种类繁多,且乳及乳制品基质相对复杂,分析其含量是一项难度较大的工作。目前,乳及乳制品中的磷脂检测的中文文献相对较少,外文文献则主要集中在薄层色谱法、液相色谱-蒸发光散射器法、液相色谱-质谱法、磷谱核磁共振法等。本文对近20 年磷脂在乳及乳制品中的含量、功能、分离及检测方法的研究进展进行了系统综述,以期为行业相关研究者提供学术参考,并为磷脂在乳制品,尤其是婴幼儿配方乳粉的新品研发和产品标识方面提供理论依据。 相似文献
A. Vieira-Neto I.R.P. Lima C. Lopera R. Zimpel L.D.P. Sinedino K.C. Jeong K. Galvão W.W. Thatcher C.D. Nelson J.E.P. Santos 《Journal of dairy science》2017,100(7):5805-5823
Our objectives were to determine the effects of an injectable formulation of calcitriol on mineral metabolism and immune function in postpartum Holstein cows that received an acidogenic diet prepartum to minimize hypocalcemia. In experiment 1, cows within 6 h of calving received calcitriol (0, 200, or 300 μg) to determine the dose needed to increase plasma concentrations of Ca; 300 μg was sufficient to sustain Ca for at least 3 d. In experiment 2, multiparous cows were assigned randomly to receive only vehicle (control, n = 25) or 300 μg of calcitriol (n = 25) subcutaneously within the first 6 h after calving. Blood was sampled before treatment and 12 h later, then daily until 15 d in milk (DIM), and analyzed for concentrations of ionized Ca (iCa), total Ca (tCa), total Mg (tMg), and total P (tP), metabolites, and hormones. Urine was sampled in the first 7 DIM and analyzed for concentrations of tCa, tMg, and creatinine. Neutrophil function was evaluated in the first week postpartum. Dry matter intake and production performance were evaluated for the first 36 DIM. Calcitriol administration increased concentrations of calcitriol in plasma within 12 h of application from 51 to 427 pg/mL, which returned to baseline within 5 d. Concentrations of iCa and tCa increased 24 h after treatment with calcitriol. Concentrations of iCa (control = 1.08 vs. calcitriol = 1.20 mM), tCa (control = 2.23 vs. calcitriol = 2.33 mM), and tP (control = 1.47 vs. calcitriol = 1.81 mM) remained elevated in cows treated with calcitriol until 3, 5, and 7 DIM, respectively, whereas concentration of tMg (control = 0.76 vs. calcitriol = 0.67 mM) was less in calcitriol cows than control cows until 3 DIM. Concentrations of parathyroid hormone decreased in calcitriol cows compared with control cows (control = 441 vs. calcitriol = 336 pg/mL). Calcitriol tended to increase plasma concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate and serotonin, but concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, and C-telopeptide of type I collagen in plasma did not differ between treatments. Cows treated with calcitriol excreted more urinary tCa (control = 0.5 vs. calcitriol = 2.1 g/d) and tMg (control = 4.5 vs. calcitriol = 5.0 g/d) in the first 7 and 2 DIM, respectively, than control cows. Compared with control, calcitriol improved the proportion of neutrophils with oxidative burst (control = 31.9 vs. calcitriol = 40.6%), mean fluorescence intensity for oxidative burst (control = 90,900 vs. calcitriol = 99,746), and mean fluorescence intensity for phagocytosis (control = 23,887 vs. calcitriol = 28,080). Dry matter intake, yields of milk, and milk components did not differ between treatments. Administration of 300 μg of calcitriol at calving was safe and effective in increasing blood concentration of iCa and plasma concentrations of calcitriol, tCa, and tP for the first 6 d after treatment, and improved measures of innate immune function in early-lactation Holstein cows. 相似文献
乳饮料及乳制品中游离甘氨酸的测定 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用氨基酸分析仪测定乳饮料及乳制品中游离甘氨酸含量。研究了样品前处理方法和仪器色谱分离条件对乳饮料及乳制品中甘氨酸测定的影响。该方法具有较好的重现性,加标回收率为96.4%~100.6%,方法精密度为0.99%,标准曲线线性相关系数为0.999 9,20μL进样最低检出限为1.0 pmol。 相似文献
高静压技术在乳及乳制品中的应用进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
现在人们热衷于开发更高安全性、营养质量和具有独特物化特性的新型乳制品。高静压技术对产品赋予特殊的功能性质的潜力巨大 ,从而有助于开发更高营养和更好感观质量的新型乳制品 ,形成新的组织形态 ,并提高了产品货价期 ,所以在乳及乳制品中的应用逐渐增加。这篇文章总结了高静压技术在乳及乳制品中的应用进展 ,并就压力的潜在作用———导致乳制品的修饰改性 ,深入探讨了压力处理条件下乳脂肪和乳蛋白质的变化。 相似文献
Purification was by electroelution from native polyacrylamide gels or by sequential use of three columns. Electroelution was faster and resulted in a higher yield (23.4 vs 1.6%) than column purification. The enzyme had a molecular mass of 187 kDa, and the isoelectric point ranged from 5.4 to 6.0. ALP purified by electroelution was used as the antigen to immunize rabbits for polyclonal antibody (PAb) production. Western blot analysis showed that PAbs cross-reacted with bovine milk and placenta ALP, but did not cross-react with ALP from calf or bovine intestinal mucosa, Escherichia coli or with other milk proteins. 相似文献
Maya Gussmann Kaare Græsbøll Nils Toft Søren S. Nielsen Michael Farre Carsten Kirkeby Tariq Halasa 《Journal of dairy science》2018,101(1):505-517
Societal pressure to limit the use of antibiotics in livestock production systems, including dairy cattle systems, is consistently increasing. To motivate farmers to reduce antibiotic usage, it is important to understand the factors that determine whether a cow will be treated with antibiotics or not. If farmers' usual practices regarding antibiotic treatments are taken into account, they may be motivated to adopt control measures that can facilitate prudent use of antibiotics and are at the same time cost-effective. In this study, we analyzed database recordings of milk yield and somatic cell count from the routine milk recording scheme, clinical registrations of mastitis and PCR results, and cow factors such as days in milk and parity in relation to antibiotic treatments for 518 dairy herds in Denmark. Farm-wise logistic regressions were used to predict antimicrobial treatment based on these factors. The resulting regression coefficients of 422 herds were further analyzed by principal component analysis and clustering to determine the driving predictors for treatment in different groups of farms. The results showed that determinants that were most important for predicting antibiotic treatments vary from one farm to another. Health indicators such as PCR or somatic cell count were most indicative for treatment on some farms, whereas other groups seemed to depend more on production factors (milk yield) or later culling of the cows. This shows that farmers behave differently and differences can be identified in register data. This information can be considered when developing cost-effective herd-specific control measures of mastitis to promote prudent use of antibiotics in Danish dairy cattle farms. 相似文献
Oktay Yerlikaya 《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(1):124-134
Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis is one of the most important starter bacteria used in dairy technology and it is of great economic importance because of its use in the production of dairy products, including cheese, butter, cream, and fermented milks. Numerous studies have evaluated the biochemical and probiotic properties of lactococci; however, limited studies on the probiotic characteristics of lactococci were conducted using strains originating from raw milk and dairy products. Characterizing the probiotic properties of strains isolated from raw milk and fermented milk products is important in terms of selecting starter culture strains for the production of functional dairy products. In this study, biochemical properties (including antibiotic sensitivity, lipolytic activity, amino acid decarboxylation, antioxidant activity) and probiotic properties (including antimicrobial activity, growth in the presence of bile salts, bile salts deconjugation, and hydrophobicity) of 14 Lactococcus lactis strains isolated from raw milk and kefir grains were investigated. Strains originating from kefir grains had better characteristics in terms of antimicrobial activity and bile salt deconjugation, whereas strains from raw milk had better hydrophobicity and antioxidant activity characteristics. None of the strains were able to grow in the presence of bile salt and did not show amino acid decarboxylation or lipolytic activities. Biochemical and probiotic properties of L. lactis strains varied depending on the strain and some of these strains could be used as functional cultures depending on their properties. However, these strains did not possess all of the properties required to meet the definition of a probiotic. 相似文献
Inactivation of plasminogen activators appeared to follow first-order kinetics in the temperature range tested. The Arrhenius plot was linear (correlation coefficient 0.990). The Arrhenius equation for heat inactivation was deduced, from which the rate of inactivation at any temperature in the range 60–140°C could be calculated. The decimal reduction time (D-value) was 109 min at 70°C and 32 set at 140°C. This indicated that native plasminogen activators in bovine milk are not affected by pasteurization, and to a large extent are not inactivated by UHT dairy processing conditions. 相似文献
Ali Gücükolu T. Onur Kevenk Tolga Uyanik
zgür adirci Gknur Terzi Mustafa Aliarli 《Journal of food science》2012,77(11):M620-M623
Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus in 122 samples, including 60 raw milk, 32 white cheese, 10 kashar cheese, 10 butter, and 10 ice cream samples obtained from Samsun province, Turkey. In this study, S. aureus was detected in 64 samples, including raw milk (45/60; 75%), white cheese (12/32; 37.5%), kashar cheese (3/10; 30%), butter (3/10; 30%), and ice cream (1/10; 10%) samples. A total of 81 isolates were identified as S. aureus by PCR with the presence of 16S rRNA and nuc genes. The presence of genes encoding the staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) SEA, SEB, SEC, and SED was detected by multiplex PCR. According to the analysis, seven isolates from the raw milk samples (7/51; 13.7%) were enterotoxigenic; five of them produced SEA (5/7; 71.4%), one produced SEB (1/7; 14.2%), and one produced SEA+SEB (1/7; 14.2%). Four isolates from the white cheese samples (4/21; 19%) produced the SEA (1/4; 25%), SEC (1/4; 25%), SED (1/4; 25%), and SEA+SED (1/4; 25%) toxins. Two isolates from the kashar cheese samples (2/4; 50%) were found to be enterotoxigenic; one produced SEA (1/2; 50%) and the other produced SED (1/2; 50%). One isolate from the butter samples (1/4; 25%) showed enterotoxigenic character (SEB, 1/1; 100%). The products were found to be potentially hazardous to public health because of the fact that levels of contamination were higher than 105–106 cfu/g ml in 39% (25/64, 17 raw milk, 7 white cheese, and 1 butter) of the analyzed samples. 相似文献
The pH-stat and osmometric methods were adopted for control of hydrolysis of casein and whey proteins by chymotrypsin, trypsin and pepsin. Experiments in alkaline medium showed that the mean pK values determined for amino groups in milk protein hydrolysates at 52°C were 7.11 for casein hydrolysates and 7.18 for whey protein hydrolysates. During hydrolysis in acidic medium the osmotic coefficients determined for casein and whey proteins enabled calculation of the calibration factor for the osmometer (1.05) which could be assumed as constant. Results will enable monitoring of DH during hydrolysis of milk proteins in such systems. 相似文献
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of feeding the ionophore lasalocid on the productivity and health of seasonally calving, pasture-fed dairy cows. Dairy cows (n = 1020) from 4 herds were enrolled in a split-herd, prospective intervention study. Cows were blocked by breed and age, ranked on previous production, and then assigned to 2 treatment groups. Treatment cows were each exposed to 300 to 350 mg of lasalocid/d commencing 3 wk before and ending 18 wk after the start of the seasonal calving period. Milk production was determined on 3 occasions for each cow at approximately monthly intervals (herd tests 1 to 3), body condition score was determined fortnightly, and all disease occurrences were recorded. Lasalocid treatment increased milk volume milk protein and milk fat production by approximately 2%, without altering milk composition. Fewer lasalocid-treated cows than control cows (7.3 vs. 11.6%, respectively) were diagnosed with clinical mastitis. Lasalocid treatment of pasture-fed dairy cows resulted in reduced mastitis incidence and increased milk production without changes in body condition or negative effects on metabolic processes as monitored by metabolite concentrations. 相似文献