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Invited review: crossbreeding in dairy cattle: a Danish perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The value of crossbreeding in livestock species has been known for a long time; it has been used heavily within beef cattle, pig, and poultry production systems for several decades. This has not been the case for dairy production but lately there has been increased interest in crossbreeding dairy breeds. This review focuses on the practical and theoretical background of crossbreeding and describes the gain to be expected using systematic crossbreeding in dairy production. In Denmark, 24% of dairy farmers would consider starting crossbreeding programs within their herd. Evidence for the value of crossbreeding is documented with special emphasis on results from a Danish crossbreeding experiment. This experiment included 1,680 cows from 3 breeds and their crosses. In general, at least 10% heterosis can be expected for total merit, mainly due to increased longevity and improvement of functional traits. A minor part of heterosis for total merit is due to heterosis for production traits. For production, there is evidence of recombination loss using continued crossbreeding programs, which does not seem to be the case for longevity and total merit. However, recombination loss should be investigated more carefully as crossbreeding is becoming more popular. A prerequisite for crossbreeding to be beneficial on a long-term basis is that genetic gain within the parental breeds not be reduced. As long as the crossbred cow population constitutes less than 50% of the whole population, and young bulls can be tested through crossbred offspring, this prerequisite can be fulfilled. Crossbreeding can increase dairy income substantially, especially in management systems requiring a high level of functional traits.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were (1) to analyze the agreement of a standard laboratory ELISA for progesterone (P4) with an automated on-farm ELISA kit operated under commercial conditions in 1,297 milk samples from 50 dairy cows; (2) to study the influence of the method of detection of luteal activity on genetic parameters of fertility traits based on P4 measured with an automated on-farm ELISA once weekly from wk 3 to 9 postpartum in the milk of 1,304 cows; and (3) to study the influence of sampling frequency (once or twice weekly from wk 3 to 9) on the same traits from 296 cows. Luteal activity can be detected when there is an active corpus luteum in the ovary producing P4 and indicating the onset of reproductive cyclicity after calving. The on-farm ELISA overestimated P4 contents by a mean square error of prediction of 2.76 ng/mL and had an intermediate Spearman correlation with the laboratory kit (0.54). For the second objective, the postpartum interval to the commencement of luteal activity (C-LA), proportion of luteal activity between d 15 and 63 postpartum (P-LA), calculated as the number of samples above the threshold for high P4 values divided by the number of all samples, and delay of first ovulation (DOV1), defined as C-LA occurring later than d 45 postpartum, were derived from the P4 profiles. Both C-LA and DOV1 were determined by (a) thorough qualitative visual inspection of the profile, (b) the profile's mean as threshold for the first increase in P4 postpartum, indicating commencement of luteal activity, and (c) 3 ng/mL as threshold for the first increase in P4, a value that has been used by many other studies. Similarly, P-LA was determined by using methods (b) and (c). Estimates of heritability were 0.04 to 0.13 for C-LA, 0.12 to 0.23 for P-LA, and 0.03 to 0.07 for DOV1. Genetic correlation of P-LA with C-LA and with the profile's mean P4 was ?1.00. The profile's mean had a higher estimate of heritability (0.11–0.12) than C-LA or DOV1. It can be calculated as the arithmetic mean of all P4 values of a profile, whereas C-LA, P-LA, and DOV1 need a definition of a threshold for high P4 values. We therefore suggest the profile's mean as a promising candidate for further research. For the third objective, once-weekly sampling was mimicked by neglecting every second sample, and C-LA and DOV1 shifted toward a later onset of cyclicity. Thus, a common standard for sampling regimen and detection algorithm is essential to avoid incompatibility between studies.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to validate the performance of on-farm bacteriological culture systems for identification of Escherichia coli in the uterus of early postpartum dairy cows and to determine if an association is present between the results and the subsequent occurrence of puerperal metritis (PM). A prospective cohort study was conducted in one commercial Holstein dairy herd in which 400 cows were sampled between 24 and 48 h after parturition. Three bacteriological samples were obtained from the uterus of each cow and were cultured for identification of E. coli. One sample was cultured in a commercial bacteriology laboratory according to standard procedures for identification of E. coli and was considered as the reference test. The two other samples were cultured on the farm using the Tri-Plate (University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN) and Petrifilm systems, and plate readings were done after 24 and 48 h of incubation (variables: Tri24h, Tri48h, Petri24h, Petri48h). Participating cows were followed until 21 days in milk to diagnose PM. The prevalence of PM and E. coli (from the reference test) in the cow population was 15.0 and 33.5%, respectively. Both on-farm culture systems were accurate compared with the reference test. The sensitivity and specificity were 97 and 100%, 99 and 100%, 100 and 92%, and 100 and 89% for Tri24h, Tri48h, Petri24h, and Petri48h, respectively. On-farm results for Tri24h, Tri48h, Petri24h, and Petri48h were associated with subsequent occurrence of PM. The results from this study support the use of the Tri-Plate and Petrifilm culture systems on dairy farms to identify the presence of E. coli in the uterus of postpartum cows.  相似文献   

Milk color is one of the sensory properties that can influence consumer choice of one product over another and it influences the quality of processed dairy products. This study aims to quantify the cow-level genetic and nongenetic factors associated with bovine milk color traits. A total of 136,807 spectra from Irish commercial and research herds (with multiple breeds and crosses) were used. Milk lightness (L?*), red-green index (a?*) and yellow-blue index (b?*) were predicted for individual milk samples using only the mid-infrared spectrum of the milk sample. Factors associated with milk color were breed, stage of lactation, parity, milking-time, udder health status, pasture grazing, and seasonal calving. (Co)variance components for L?*,a?*, and b?* were estimated using random regressions on the additive genetic and within-lactation permanent environmental effects. Greater b?* value (i.e., more yellow color) was evident in milk from Jersey cows. Milk L?* increased consistently with stage of lactation, whereas a?* increased until mid lactation to subsequently plateau. Milk b?* deteriorated until 31 to 60 DIM, but then improved thereafter until the end of lactation. Relative to multiparous cows, milk yielded by primiparae was, on average, lighter (i.e., greater L?*), more red (i.e., greater a?*), and less yellow (i.e., lower b?*). Milk from the morning milk session had lower L?*,a?*, and b?* Heritability estimates (±SE) for milk color varied between 0.15 ± 0.02 (30 DIM) and 0.46 ± 0.02 (210 DIM) for L?*, between 0.09 ± 0.01 (30 DIM) and 0.15 ± 0.02 (305 DIM) for a?*, and between 0.18 ± 0.02 (21 DIM) and 0.56 ± 0.03 (305 DIM) for b?* For all the 3 milk color features, the within-trait genetic correlations approached unity as the time intervals compared shortened and were generally <0.40 between the peripheries of the lactation. Strong positive genetic correlations existed between b?* value and milk fat concentration, ranging from 0.82 ± 0.19 at 5 DIM to 0.96 ± 0.01 at 305 DIM and confirming the observed phenotypic correlation (0.64, SE = 0.01). Results of the present study suggest that breeding strategies for the enhancement of milk color traits could be implemented for dairy cattle populations. Such strategies, coupled with the knowledge of milk color traits variation due to nongenetic factors, may represent a tool for the dairy processors to reduce, if not eliminate, the use of artificial pigments during milk manufacturing.  相似文献   

Crossbreeding has been shown to improve the longevity of dairy cattle in countries across the world. The aim of this study was to estimate heterosis, breed effects, and genetic parameters for longevity in crossbred dairy cattle among Danish Holstein (DH), Danish Red (DR), and Danish Jersey (DJ) breeds. Data were provided from 119 Danish commercial herds that use systematic crossbreeding (i.e., rotational crossbreeding). Additional data from 11 mixed-breed herds with DH and DJ were included to estimate reliable breed effects for DJ. Survival information on 73,741 cows was analyzed with a linear animal model using the artificial insemination–REML algorithm in the DMU package. Five longevity (L) traits were defined: days from first calving until the end of first lactation or culling (L1), days from first calving until the end of second lactation or culling (L2), days from first calving until the end of third lactation or culling (L3), days from first calving until the end of fourth lactation or culling (L4), and days from first calving until the end of fifth lactation or culling (L5). Heritabilities ranged between 0.022 and 0.090. Additive breed effects in units of days were estimated relative to DH for DR as ?0.5 (L1), +10.5 (L2), +18.5 (L3), +11.9 (L4), and +28.6 (L5), and corresponding figures for DJ were +2.0, +0.5, +14.2, +27.7, and +44.0. Heterosis effects in L1 were low (1.2%) but favorable in crosses between DH and DR, whereas negative heterosis effects were estimated for crosses between DH and DJ (?2.5%) and DR and DJ (?1.2%). The largest heterosis effects for L2, L3, L4, and L5 were found in DH × DR and were favorable (+3.3, +5.7, +7.7, and +8.5%, respectively). Corresponding figures for heterosis effects in DH × DJ and DR × DJ were favorable as well: +2.3, +4.1, +5.6, and +6.2% in DH × DJ and +3.1, +7.3, +6.9, and +7.2% in DR × DJ. The favorable heterosis effects show that crossbreeding is an efficient tool for improving longevity in Danish dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Crossbreeding in dairy cattle has recently become of increased interest. However, farmers in Scandinavian countries are reluctant to implement crossbreeding in their herds, and one reason is the common opinion that only herds at a poor level of management can benefit from crossbreeding. The Danish Cattle Database (SEGES, Aarhus, Denmark) provided data on 14 traits regarding milk yield, udder health, fertility traits, stillbirth, and survival. The data were collected from 103,307 pure Holstein cows and 14,832 F1 crosses (Holstein dam and Nordic Red sire). The cows were born between 2008 and 2014 and originated from 424 herds that contributed data from at least 5 purebreds and 5 crossbreds across the years. We split the animals into 3 production levels: high, average, and low according to the herd's average production (kg) of 305-d fat plus protein in the given birth year of the cow. We estimated least squares means of breed group (purebred and crossbred) performance within each production level. Crossbred performance in 305-d fat yield in first-parity cows was greater than that of Holstein across all herd production levels; the gain was greater in high- (9 kg more than Holstein) and average-producing herds (7 kg more than Holstein) than in low-producing herds (3 kg more than Holstein). Regardless of production level or parity, crossbreds did not outperform Holstein in terms of 305-d protein yield (0 to 8 kg less). Crossbreds had relatively better udder health than Holstein in both first and second parity (up to 15% less mastitis) within any of the production levels. In terms of fertility, stillbirth, and survival, crossbreds performed better than purebreds, and improved performance was independent of herd production level. We conclude that differences in performance between F1 crossbreds and Holstein are independent of production level.  相似文献   

Udder cleft dermatitis (UCD) is a skin lesion in dairy cattle mostly located at the anterior junction between the udder and the abdominal wall or between the front quarters. Relatively little is known about causative factors for UCD, and few studies have investigated prevalence and risk factors of UCD. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of UCD in a random sample of dairy herds with freestalls and milking parlors in a county of Sweden. Thirty dairy herds participated in the study. Each herd was visited once at milking, when every third cow was investigated for presence of UCD. Associations between UCD and milk production, breed, parity, days in milk, claw health, and udder health on the herd and cow levels were also investigated. In addition, a case-control study was performed in 6 herds with a high prevalence of UCD to investigate associations between udder conformation or mange and UCD. Udder cleft dermatitis was found in 18.4% of the 1,084 cows included in the study. The within-herd cow prevalence varied between zero and 39%, with an average of 18.5%. Risk factors for UCD at the herd level were a high proportion of Swedish Red cows and a high production level. At the cow level, breed, parity, and production level were identified as risk factors. The highest risk of having UCD was found in high-producing Swedish Red cows that had calved at least 3 times. Veterinary-treated clinical mastitis was associated with UCD, but cow composite somatic cell count was not. A strong anterior udder attachment was a protective factor, but signs of mange had no association with UCD. The primary cause of UCD is still unclear, and more research is needed to identify the best ways to prevent the development of this animal welfare problem.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of feeding the ionophore lasalocid on the productivity and health of seasonally calving, pasture-fed dairy cows. Dairy cows (n = 1020) from 4 herds were enrolled in a split-herd, prospective intervention study. Cows were blocked by breed and age, ranked on previous production, and then assigned to 2 treatment groups. Treatment cows were each exposed to 300 to 350 mg of lasalocid/d commencing 3 wk before and ending 18 wk after the start of the seasonal calving period. Milk production was determined on 3 occasions for each cow at approximately monthly intervals (herd tests 1 to 3), body condition score was determined fortnightly, and all disease occurrences were recorded. Lasalocid treatment increased milk volume milk protein and milk fat production by approximately 2%, without altering milk composition. Fewer lasalocid-treated cows than control cows (7.3 vs. 11.6%, respectively) were diagnosed with clinical mastitis. Lasalocid treatment of pasture-fed dairy cows resulted in reduced mastitis incidence and increased milk production without changes in body condition or negative effects on metabolic processes as monitored by metabolite concentrations.  相似文献   

The effects of heat stress in Italian Holstein dairy cattle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The data set for this study comprised 1,488,474 test-day records for milk, fat, and protein yields and fat and protein percentages from 191,012 first-, second-, and third-parity Holstein cows from 484 farms. Data were collected from 2001 through 2007 and merged with meteorological data from 35 weather stations. A linear model (M1) was used to estimate the effects of the temperature-humidity index (THI) on production traits. Least squares means from M1 were used to detect the THI thresholds for milk production in all parities by using a 2-phase linear regression procedure (M2). A multiple-trait repeatability test-model (M3) was used to estimate variance components for all traits and a dummy regression variable (t) was defined to estimate the production decline caused by heat stress. Additionally, the estimated variance components and M3 were used to estimate traditional and heat-tolerance breeding values (estimated breeding values, EBV) for milk yield and protein percentages at parity 1. An analysis of data (M2) indicated that the daily THI at which milk production started to decline for the 3 parities and traits ranged from 65 to 76. These THI values can be achieved with different temperature/humidity combinations with a range of temperatures from 21 to 36°C and relative humidity values from 5 to 95%. The highest negative effect of THI was observed 4 d before test day over the 3 parities for all traits. The negative effect of THI on production traits indicates that first-parity cows are less sensitive to heat stress than multiparous cows. Over the parities, the general additive genetic variance decreased for protein content and increased for milk yield and fat and protein yield. Additive genetic variance for heat tolerance showed an increase from the first to third parity for milk, protein, and fat yield, and for protein percentage. Genetic correlations between general and heat stress effects were all unfavorable (from −0.24 to −0.56). Three EBV per trait were calculated for each cow and bull (traditional EBV, traditional EBV estimated with the inclusion of THI covariate effect, and heat tolerance EBV) and the rankings of EBV for 283 bulls born after 1985 with at least 50 daughters were compared. When THI was included in the model, the ranking for 17 and 32 bulls changed for milk yield and protein percentage, respectively. The heat tolerance genetic component is not negligible, suggesting that heat tolerance selection should be included in the selection objectives.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine risk factors associated with milk fever (MF) occurrence in Costa Rican grazing dairy cattle. A total of 69,870 cows from 126 dairy herds were included in the study. Data were collected in the Veterinary Automated Management and Production Control Program software by the Population Medicine Research Program of the Veterinary Medicine School, National University of Costa Rica, from 1985 to 2014. To determine the risk factors for MF, 2 logistic regression mixed models were evaluated. The first model used breed, month of calving, ecological life zone, herd nested within ecological life zone, and parity as fixed effects. The second model excluded first-lactation animals and cows without production information, had the same fixed effects of the first model, and added previous MF case, previous lactation length, previous dry period length, previous corrected 305-d milk yield, and calving interval length as fixed effects. Both models used animal and year as random effects. Of the 235,971 recorded lactations, 4,312 (1.83%) reported MF event. The significantly associated risk factors for MF occurrence, ranked by their highest odds ratio (OR), were parity (OR = 52.59), previous dry period length (OR = 4.21), ecological life zone (OR = 3.20), breed (OR = 3.04), previous corrected 305-d milk yield (OR = 2.39), previous MF case (OR = 2.35), and month of calving (OR = 1.36). The findings of this study are the first data reported using an epidemiological approach to study risk factors for MF in Costa Rican dairy cattle. Some of these results might be used to improve preventive management practices at the farms to reduce the incidence of this metabolic disease in grazing dairy herds.  相似文献   

Reproductive performance of dairy cows fed two concentrations of phosphorus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary P concentrations of 0.37 (recommended) or 0.57% (excess; dry matter basis) on reproductive performance. At calving, Holstein cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 dietary treatments (n = 134 for 0.37% P and n = 133 for 0.57% P). Cows were fitted with a radiotelemetric transmitter (50 d in milk [DIM]) to record mounting activity during estrus and bred to natural estrus from 50 to 100 DIM, then to synchronized estrus (Ovsynch protocol) after 100 DIM. Weekly ultrasonography was performed from 50 DIM until pregnancy was diagnosed (-30 d after artificial insemination). Pregnancy was confirmed approximately 60 d after artificial insemination (artificial insemination). Weekly blood samples were analyzed for progesterone concentrations. Days to first increase (>1 ng/ml) in progesterone, days to first estrus detected by radiotelemetry, days to first service detected by herd personnel, and conception rate at first service did not differ between the recommended and excess P groups, respectively. Similarly, conception rate at 30 d, days open, pregnancies lost from 30 to 60 d, multiple ovulation rate, and the incidence of anovulatory condition at 71 DIM did not differ between these groups. The mean duration of estrus was 8.7 +/- 0.5 and 8.7 +/- 0.7 h, and the average number of mounts per estrus was 7.4 +/- 0.5 and 7.8 +/- 0.5 for a total mounting time during estrus of 25.8 +/- 1.8 and 24.5 +/- 1.6 s for cows fed the recommended and excess P diet, respectively. Phosphorus treatment had no detectable effect on reproductive performance.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(9):6216-6231
The objective of this meta-analysis was to examine the effects of supplemental His on lactational performance, plasma His concentration and efficiency of utilization of digestible His (EffHis) in dairy cows. The meta-analysis was performed on data from 17 studies published in peer-reviewed journals between 1999 and 2022. Five publications reported data from 2 separate experiments, which were included in the analyses as separate studies, therefore resulting in a total of 22 studies. In 10 studies, His was supplemented as rumen-protected (RP) His; in 1 study, 2 basal diets with different dHis levels were fed; and in the remaining experiments, free His was infused into the abomasum (4 studies), the jugular vein (3 studies) or deleted from a mixture of postruminally infused AA (4 studies). The main forages in the diets were corn silage in 14 and grass silage in 8 studies. If not reported in the publications, the supplies of dietary CP, metabolizable protein (MP), net energy of lactation, and digestible His (dHis) were estimated using NRC (2001). An initial meta-analysis was performed to test the standard mean difference (SMD; raw mean difference of treatment and control means divided by the pooled standard deviation of the means), that is, effect size, and the corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) in production parameters between His-supplemented groups versus control. Further, regression analyses were also conducted to examine and compare the relationships between several response variables and dHis supply. Across studies, His supplementation increased plasma His concentration (SMD = 1.39; 95% CI: 1.17–1.61), as well as DMI (SMD = 0.240; 95% CI: 0.051–0.429) and milk yield (MY; SMD = 0.667; 95% CI: 0.468–0.866), respectively. Further, milk true protein concentration (MTP; SMD = 0.236; 95% CI: 0.046–0.425) and milk true protein yield (MTPY; SMD = 0.581; 95% CI: 0.387–0.776) were increased by His supplementation. Notably, the increase in MTP concentration and MTPY were 3.9 and 1.3 times greater for studies with MP-deficient (according to NRC 2001) diets compared with studies with MP-adequate diets. The regression analyses revealed that production parameters (DMI, MY, and MTPY) responded in a nonlinear manner to increasing His supply. Further, we detected a difference in the magnitude of change in MTPY and plasma His concentration with the level of His supply and between His supplementation methods, being greater for infused His compared with RPHis. Lastly, a linear and negative relationship between EffHis and the ratio of total digestible His to net energy for lactation supply was observed, indicating an important interaction between dHis and energy supply and EffHis (i.e., utilization of dHis to support protein export). Overall, these analyses confirm His as an important AA in dairy cattle nutrition.  相似文献   

On-farm emergency slaughter (OFES), whereby inspection, stunning, and bleeding occur on the farm before the carcass is transported to a slaughterhouse, is permitted in some jurisdictions as a means to avoid inhumane transportation while salvaging meat from injured animals. However, OFES is controversial and its use for dairy cows has been little studied. Inspection documents for 812 dairy cows were examined to identify how OFES was used for dairy cows in British Columbia, Canada, over 16.5 mo. Producers used OFES for dairy cows aged 1 to 13 yr (median of 4 yr). Leg, hip, nerve, spinal, foot, and hind-end injuries or conditions (in that order) were the most common reasons for OFES, and some cases may have been a consequence of calving. Foot conditions were disproportionately common among cows 5 yr and older, and hind-end conditions were disproportionately common among cows 6 yr and older. Producers used OFES promptly after traumatic injury (within 1 d) for some cows, but OFES was delayed for others, sometimes until cows had been nonambulatory for 2 to 6 d. In some cases, OFES was used for nontraumatic chronic conditions, such as lameness and hind-end weakness, rather than traumatic injuries such as fractures and dislocated hips. Use of OFES appears to conform to the purpose of the program when used promptly after traumatic injuries, but clear guidelines are needed to avoid inappropriate use and delays that may prolong animal suffering.  相似文献   

Some jurisdictions permit on-farm emergency slaughter (OFES) as one end-of-life option for dairy cows and other animals that cannot be transported humanely but are deemed fit for human consumption. Anecdotal reports suggest that OFES is controversial among dairy industry professionals, but to date their perceptions of OFES have not been studied systematically. Twenty-five individual interviews and 3 focus groups with 40 dairy producers, veterinarians, and other professionals in British Columbia, Canada, revealed positive and negative perceptions of OFES influenced by (1) individual values, (2) the perceived operational legitimacy of OFES, and (3) concern over social responsibility and public perception of the dairy industry. Study participants valued cow welfare but were divided on whether OFES quickened or delayed death for injured animals. Views on the operational legitimacy of OFES varied because of different perceptions and concerns regarding regulatory, veterinary, and meat inspector oversight, a possible conflict of interest for veterinarians, and concerns over carcass hygiene and transport. Whereas many appreciated that OFES prevented transport of compromised cows, others saw OFES as merely a stopgap measure. Seven recommended actions could address concerns while retaining the benefits of OFES: (1) specifying precise timing parameters for OFES, (2) clarification of allowable cow conditions for OFES, (3) consultation with dairy industry professionals if OFES is to be expanded, (4) more proactive culling and the development of euthanasia protocols on farms, (5) the designation of veterinarians as the first point of contact in the OFES process, (6) veterinarian training on animal inspection and allowable conditions for OFES, and (7) the use of proper procedures and equipment during the OFES process to ensure food safety.  相似文献   

Evaluating the prevalence of lameness within herds of dairy cattle is important for management and certification purposes; however, sampling strategies that could reduce the time taken for an assessment would be valuable. The prevalence of lame and severely lame cows on 224 United Kingdom dairy farms was available for analysis. Presence of more than 1 severely lame cow on a farm was a useful indication of a lameness problem. The vast majority (80%) of the 182 farms that had ≥1 severely lame cow present had an overall lameness prevalence >25%, whereas only 24% of the 42 farms that had no severely lame cows had an overall prevalence >25%. Information was available on individual milking order through the parlor on the day of the lameness assessment. On 37 farms where cows were housed in a group, lameness prevalence was 11.9% greater in the last third compared with the first third of the milking order. For 36 herds that were larger than 100 cows, sampling a maximum of 100 cows from the middle of the milking order produced an estimate of prevalence within 5% of the true prevalence on 83% of farms. A reasonable sampling strategy may, therefore, be to observe up to 100 cows from the middle of the milking order. Also, presence of severely lame cows at the end of milking may be useful for identifying those farms likely to benefit from further support.  相似文献   

A 3-part study was conducted to evaluate the effect of a developmental fibrolytic enzyme additive on the digestibility of selected forages and the production performance of early-lactation dairy cows. In part 1, 4 replicate 24-h batch culture in vitro incubations were conducted with alfalfa hay, alfalfa silage, and barley silage as substrates and ruminal fluid as the inoculum. A developmental fibrolytic enzyme additive (AB Vista, Marlborough, UK) was added at 5 doses: 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 μL/g of forage dry matter (DM). After the 24-h incubation, DM, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (ADF) disappearance were determined. For alfalfa hay, DM, NDF, and ADF disappearance was greater at the highest dosage compared with no enzyme addition. Barley silage NDF and ADF and alfalfa silage NDF disappearance tended to be greater for the highest enzyme dosage compared with no enzyme addition. In part 2, 6 ruminally cannulated, lactating Holstein dairy cows were used to determine in situ degradation of alfalfa and barley silage, with (1.0 mL/kg of silage DM) and without added enzyme. Three cows received a control diet (no enzyme added) and the other 3 received an enzyme-supplemented (1.0 mL/kg of diet DM) diet. Enzyme addition after the 24 h in situ incubation did not affect the disappearance of barley silage or alfalfa silage. In part 3, 60 early-lactation Holstein dairy cows were fed 1 of 3 diets for a 10-wk period: (1) control (CTL; no enzyme), (2) low enzyme (CTL treated with 0.5 mL of enzyme/kg of diet DM), and (3) high enzyme (CTL treated with 1.0 mL of enzyme/kg of diet DM). Adding enzyme to the diet had no effect on milk yield, but dry matter intake was lower for the high enzyme treatment and tended to be lower for the low enzyme treatment compared with CTL. Consequently, milk production efficiency (kg of 3.5% fat-corrected milk/kg of DM intake) linearly increased with increasing enzyme addition. Cows fed the low and high enzyme diets were 5.3 (not statistically significant) and 11.3% more efficient, respectively, compared with CTL cows. This developmental fibrolytic enzyme additive has the potential to increase fiber digestibility of forages, which could lead to greater milk production efficiency for dairy cows in early lactation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure cow response to feeding of two dietary concentrations of P, one of which was close to recent National Research Council requirements, and the other of which was well in excess of the requirement. Diets containing 0.37 or 0.57% P (dry basis) were fed to Holstein cows for the first 165 d of lactation, and occasionally longer until cows were confirmed pregnant approximately 60 d after insemination. At calving, cows were randomly assigned to experimental diets. The number of cows completing a minimum of 165 d of lactation was 123 for the 0.37 and 124 for the 0.57% P groups. Cows were housed in a stanchion barn and fed one of two transition diets, each formulated to contain one of the P treatments for the first 3 wk of lactation, and then cows were moved to a free-stall barn where the experimental diets were group fed. Milk production, milk fat, and milk protein averaged 35.1 kg/d, 3.92%, and 2.90% for the 0.37% P diet, and 34.9 kg/d, 3.98%, and 2.91% for the 0.57% P diet. None of these measures were different between treatments. Blood serum P concentrations on d 50 and 100 of lactation averaged 6.1 and 6.2 mg/dL for the 0.37% P diet, and 6.8 and 6.9 mg/dL for the 0.57% P diet. No treatment differences were detected in milk production, cow health, or body condition score.  相似文献   

Objectives of the current experiment were to evaluate plasma concentrations of metabolites and haptoglobin peripartum, uterine health and involution, and follicle growth and resumption of cyclicity of Holstein (HO) and Montbéliarde-sired crossbred cows. Cows (52 HO and 52 crossbred) were enrolled in the study 45 d before expected calving date. Cows had body weight and body condition score recorded on d −45, −14, 0, 1, 28, and 56 relative to calving. Dry matter intake was calculated for a subgroup of cows (25 HO and 38 crossbred) from 6 wk before to 6 wk after calving. Blood was sampled weekly from d −14 to 56 relative to calving for determination of glucose, nonesterified fatty acid, and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations; from d −7 to 21 relative to calving for determination of haptoglobin concentration; and from d 14 to 56 postpartum for determination of progesterone concentration. Cows were examined at calving and on d 4, 7, 10, and 14 postpartum for diagnosis of postparturient diseases, on d 24 postpartum for diagnosis of purulent vaginal discharge, and on d 42 postpartum for diagnosis of subclinical endometritis. Uteri and ovaries were examined by ultrasonography every 3 d from d 14 to 41 postpartum. Milk yield and composition were measured monthly and yield of milk, fat, protein, and energy-corrected milk were recorded for the first 90 d postpartum. Body weight was not different between Holstein and crossbred cows, but HO cows had reduced body condition score compared with crossbred cows. Even though DMI from 6 wk before to 6 wk after calving tended to be greater for HO cows (16.8 ± 0.7 vs. 15.3 ± 0.5 kg/d), HO cows tended to have more pronounced decline in dry matter intake, expressed in percentage of body weight from d −15 to 0 relative to calving. Energy-corrected milk and nonesterified fatty acid and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations were not different between breeds. No differences were observed in incidence of retained fetal membranes, metritis, and subclinical endometritis, but HO cows tended to be more likely to have pyrexia from d 0 to 15 postpartum (50.0 vs. 31.4%) and to have greater incidence of purulent vaginal discharge (44.2 vs. 26.5%) than crossbred cows. Holstein cows were more likely to have at least 1 uterine disorder postpartum than crossbred cows (63.5 vs. 36.7%). No differences between breeds were observed in uterine involution. Holstein cows had larger subordinate follicles (10.1 ± 0.4 vs. 8.9 ± 0.5) and a greater number of class III follicles (1.6 ± 0.1 vs. 1.2 ± 0.1) than crossbred cows. Furthermore, the first corpus luteum postpartum of HO cows was diagnosed at a slower rate compared with crossbred cows. Crossbred cows had improved uterine health compared with HO cows and this may have been a consequence of heterosis and (or) breed complementarity and less pronounced decrease in DMI during the last days of gestation.  相似文献   

A 3-point locomotion scoring system was used that incorporated the position of the back of cows while standing and when walking to investigate risk factors for elevated locomotion scores of 1,450 dairy cows on 19 farms in The Netherlands. Each of the farms was visited twice in an 18-mo period from February 2003 to July 2004. At each visit, all milking and dry cows were scored for locomotion by a single observer. Two multivariable regression models were constructed to identify factors associated with elevated mean locomotion score (increased abnormality) and the percentage of cows with the highest score (score 3). Risk factors for increased locomotion score were having a hoof-trimming stall with foot-lifting apparatus compared with not having such apparatus (increase in locomotion score = 0.15), presence of a footbath at the parlor exit or other site compared with not having a footbath on the farm (increase in locomotion score = 0.17 and 0.19, respectively), not providing supplemental vitamins and minerals to lactating cows compared with supplementing animals (increase in locomotion score = 0.17) and feeding corn silage to heifers compared with not doing so (increase in locomotion score = 0.10). The results provide a framework for hypotheses for future investigations of risk factors for high locomotion scores.  相似文献   

Time budgets of lactating dairy cattle in commercial freestall herds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to examine the time budgets of 205 lactating dairy cows housed in 16 freestall barns in Wisconsin and to determine the relationships between components of the time budget and herd- and cow-level fixed effects using mixed models. Using continuous video surveillance, time lying in the stall, time standing in the stall, time standing in the alleys (including drinking), time feeding, and time milking (time out of the pen for milking and transit) during a 24-h period were measured for each cow. In addition, the number of lying bouts and the mean duration of each lying bout per 24-h period were determined. Time milking varied between cows from 0.5 to 6.0 h/d, with a mean ± standard deviation of 2.7 ± 1.1 h/d. Time milking was influenced significantly by pen stocking density, and time milking negatively affected time feeding, time lying, and time in the alley, but not time standing in the stall. Locomotion score, either directly or through an interaction with stall base type (a rubber crumb-filled mattress, MAT, or sand bedding, SAND), influenced pen activity. Lame cows spent less time feeding, less time in the alleys, and more time standing in the stalls in MAT herds, but not in SAND herds. The effect of lameness on lying time is complex and dependent on the time available for rest and differences in resting behavior observed between cows in MAT and SAND herds. In MAT herds, rest was characterized by a larger number of lying bouts of shorter duration than in SAND herds (mean = 14.4; confidence interval, CI: 12.4 to 16.5 vs. mean = 10.2; CI: 8.2 to 12.2 bouts per d, and mean = 1.0; CI: 0.9 to 1.1 vs. mean = 1.3, CI: 1.2 to 1.4 h bout duration for MAT and SAND herds, respectively). Lameness was associated with an increase in time standing in the stall and a reduction in the mean (CI) number of lying bouts per day from 13.2 (CI: 12.3 to 14.1) bouts/d for nonlame cows to 10.9 (CI: 9.30 to 12.8) bouts/d for moderately lame cows, and an overall reduction in lying time in MAT herds compared with SAND herds (11.5; CI: 10.0 to 13.0 vs. 12.7; CI: 11.0 to 14.3 h/d, respectively). These results show that time out of the pen milking, stall base type, and lameness significantly affect time budgets of cows housed in freestall facilities.  相似文献   

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