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基于工作在亚阈值区的MOS器件,运用CMOS电流模基准时CATA和PTAT电流求和的思想,提出一种具有低温漂系数、高电源抑制比(PSRR)的CMOS电压基准源,该电路可同时提供多个输出基准电压,且输出电压可调.该基准源基于CSMC 0.5 μm标准CMOS工艺,充分利用预调节电路并改进电流模基准核心电路,使整个电路的电源抑制比在低频时达到122 dB,温度系数(TC)在0~100℃的温度范围内约7 ppm/℃.  相似文献   

一种具有高电源抑制比的低功耗CMOS带隙基准电压源   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
汪宁  魏同立 《微电子学》2004,34(3):330-333
文章设计了一种适用于CMOS工艺的带隙基准电压源电路,该电路采用工作在亚阈值区的电路结构,并采用高增益反馈回路,使其具有低功耗、低电压、高电源电压抑制比和较低温度系数等特点。  相似文献   

基于0.18 μm CMOS工艺设计了一种高性能的亚阈值CMOS电压基准。提出了一个电压减法电路,将两个具有不同阈值电压且工作在亚阈值区晶体管的栅源电压差作为电压基准输出。所提出的电压减法电路还可以很好地消除电源电压变化对输出基准的影响。后仿仿真结果表明,所设计的电压基准在0.55~1.8 V电源电压范围内,线性灵敏度为0.053%/V~0.121%/V;在-20 ℃~80 ℃范围内,温度系数为9.5×10-6/℃~3.49×10-5/℃;在tt工艺角、0.55 V电源电压下,电源抑制比为-65 dB@100 Hz,功耗为3.7 nW。芯片面积为0.008 2 mm2。该电路适用于能量采集、无线传感器等低功耗应用。  相似文献   

介绍一种基于CSMC0.5μm工艺的低温漂高电源抑制比带隙基准电路。本文在原有Banba带隙基准电路的基础上,通过采用共源共栅电流镜结构和引入负反馈环路的方法,大大提高了整体电路的电源抑制比。Spectre仿真分析结果表明:在-40~100℃的温度范围内,输出电压摆动仅为1.7 mV,在低频时达到100 dB以上的电源抑制比(PSRR),整个电路功耗仅仅只有30μA。可以很好地应用在低功耗高电源抑制比的LDO芯片设计中。  相似文献   

基于MOS管在亚阈值区、线性区和饱和区的不同导电特性,采用TSMC 0.18 μm CMOS工艺,设计了一种全MOS结构的电压基准源。为了改进核心电路,通过设计并优化预抑制电路,使整个电路实现了高电源电压抑制比的输出电压。对电路进行仿真,当电源电压大于1.5 V时,电路进入正常工作状态;在1.8 V电源电压下,-20 ℃~120 ℃范围内,温度系数为1.04×10-5/℃,该电压基准源的输出电压为0.688 V;低频时,电源电压抑制比达到-159.3 dB,在1 MHz时电源电压抑制比为-66.8 dB,功耗小于9.83 μW。该电压基准源能应用于高电源电压抑制比、低功耗的LDO电路中。  相似文献   

刘韬  徐志伟 《微电子学》1999,29(2):128-131,140
介绍了一个采用0.6μm数字CMOS工艺制作的能隙基准电压源电路,该电路具有小的硅片面积(0.06mm^2)、高电源抑制比和较低温度系数。在该电路应用于高精度电路的偏置系统时,还可增加改善输出偏置电流温度系数的电路。  相似文献   

一种高电源抑制比CMOS能隙基准电压源   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
介绍了一个采用0.6μm数字CMOS工艺制作的能隙基准电压源电路,该电路具有小的硅片面积(0.06mm2)、高电源抑制比和较低温度系数。在该电路应用于高精度电路的偏置系统时,还可增加改善输出偏置电流温度系数的电路。  相似文献   

本文给出了一种基于亚阈值MOS特性的基准电压源.通过使用线性区工作的MOS管代替传统电阻来消除掉迁移率和电流的温度影响,拓宽了温度范围,改善了性能.采用0.5μmCMOS工艺进行仿真.结果表明电路能在2.5~8V范围内工作,线性调整率为0.3mV/V.在3.3V工作电压下,输出基准在-55℃到150℃温度范围内温度系数为7.3ppm/℃,静态功耗为13.8μW,1kHz下电源抑制比为-53dB.该基准电压源的设计能满足宽温度范围、低温漂、低功耗和高电源抑制比的要求.  相似文献   

姬晶  刘树林 《微电子学》2014,(5):610-614,619
设计了一种基准电压源电路。在分析传统带隙基准结构的基础上,该电路不采用运放结构,避免了运放失调电压对基准源的影响,并加入内部正、负反馈回路,对基准绝对数值进行补偿。仿真结果表明,当温度在-40 ℃~140 ℃之间变化时,该电路输出电压的温度系数小于1.622×10-5 /℃,电源抑制比高达98 dB,符合设计要求。  相似文献   

基于SMIC 0.18 μm CMOS工艺,设计了一种高电源抑制比(PSRR)、高阶温度补偿的带隙基准电压源(BGR)。在传统带隙基准电压源的基础上,增加了一个温度分段曲率补偿电路以及一个ΔVGS温度补偿电路,使得该BGR的温度特性得到有效改善。采用前调整器技术,使得该BGR获得高PSRR特性。仿真结果表明,当温度在-55 ℃~125 ℃范围变化时,该BGR的温度系数为8.1×10-7/℃,在10 Hz、100 Hz、1 kHz、10 kHz、100 kHz频率处的PSRR分别为-90.15、-90.13、-89.83、-81.15、-58.78 dB。  相似文献   

Novel high power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) high-order temperature-compensated subthreshold metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) bandgap reference (BGR) is proposed in Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) 0.13 μm complementary MOS (CMOS) process. By adopting subthreshold MOS field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) and the piecewise-curvature temperature-compensated technique, the output reference voltage's temperature performance of the subthreshold MOS BGR is effectively improved. The subthreshold MOS BGR achieves high PSRR performance by adopting the technique of pre-regulator. Simulation results show that the temperature coefficient (TC) of the subthreshold MOS BGR is 1.38×10?6/°C when temperature is changed from ?40 °C to 125 °C with a power supply voltage of 1.2 V. The subthreshold MOS BGR achieves the PSRR of ?104.54 dB, ?104.54 dB, ?104.5 dB, ?101.82 dB and ?79.92 dB at 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz and 100 kHz respectively.  相似文献   

贺志伟  姜岩峰 《现代电子技术》2014,(13):153-155,158
为了降低芯片电路功耗,电源电压需要不断的减小,这将导致电源噪声对基准电压产生严重影响。为此针对这一问题进行相关研究,采用SMIC 0.18μm工艺,设计出一种低功耗、低温度系数的高PSR带隙基准电压源。仿真结果表明,该设计带隙基准源的PSR在50 kHz与100 kHz分别为-65.13 dB和-53.85 dB;在26 V电源电压下,工作电流为30μA,温度系数为30.38 ppm/℃,电压调整率为71.47μV/V。该带隙基准适用于在低功耗高PSR性能需求的LDOs电路中应用。  相似文献   

介绍一种超低功耗、无片上电阻的带隙基准源。该带隙基准源主要用于低功耗型专用集成电路。采用Oguey电流源结构来减小静态电流,以降低功耗;采用共源共栅电流镜以提高电源电压抑制比和电压调整率。电路基于SMIC 0.18-μm CMOS工艺进行设计并流片。测试结果表明,在温度范围25℃-100℃内,温漂系数为66 ppm/℃,电源电压范围为1.8V - 3.3V时,电压调整率为0.9%,在100 Hz时,电源电压抑制比为-49 dB。电路功耗仅为200 nW,芯片面积为0.01 mm2。该电路可作为低功耗专用集成电路里的基本模块。  相似文献   

A Bandgap circuit capable of generating a reference voltage of less than 1 V with high PSRR and low temperature sensitivity is proposed. High PSRR achieved by means of an improved current mode regulator which isolates the bandgap voltage from the variations and the noise of the power supply. A vigorous analytical approach is presented to provide a universal design guideline. The analysis unveils the sensitivity of the circuit characteristic to device parameters. The proposed circuit is fabricated in a CMOS technology and operates down to a supply voltage of 1.2 V. The circuit yields 20 ppm/°C of temperature coefficient in typical case and 50 ppm/°C of temperature coefficient in worst case over temperature range −40 to 140°C, 60 ppm/V of supply voltage dependence and 60 dB PSRR at 1 MHz without trimming or extra circuits for the curvature compensation. The entire circuit occupies 0.027 mm2 of die area and consumes from a 1.2 V supply voltage at room temperature. Twenty chips are tested to show the robustness of the topology and the measurement results are compared with Monte Carlo simulation and analysis.  相似文献   

A novel bandgap reference (BGR) with low temperature and supply voltage sensitivity without any resistor, which is compatible with standard CMOS process, is presented in this article. The proposed BGR utilises a differential amplifier with an offset voltage proportional to absolute temperature to compensate the temperature drift of emitter–base voltage. Besides, a self-biased current source with feedback is used to provide the bias current of the BGR core for reducing current mirror errors dependent on supply voltage and temperature further. Verification results of the proposed BGR implemented with 0.35?µm CMOS process demonstrate that a temperature coefficient of 10.2?ppm/°C is realised with temperature ranging from ?40°C to 140°C, and a power supply rejection ratio of 58?dB is achieved with a maximum supply current of 27?µA. The active area of the presented BGR is 160?×?140?µm2.  相似文献   

To meet the accuracy requirement for the bandgap voltage reference by the increasing data conversion precision of integrated circuits, a high-order curvature-compensated bandgap voltage reference is presented employing the characteristic of bipolar transistor current gain exponentially changing with temperature variations. In addition, an over-temperature protection circuit with a thermal hysteresis function to prevent thermal oscillation is proposed. Based on the CSMC 0.5 μ m 20 V BCD process, the designed circuit is implemented; the active die area is 0.17 × 0.20 mm2. Simulation and testing results show that the temperature coefficient is 13.7 ppm/K with temperature ranging from –40 to 150 ℃, the power supply rejection ratio is –98.2 dB, the line regulation is 0.3 mV/V, and the power consumption is only 0.38 mW. The proposed bandgap voltage reference has good characteristics such as small area, low power consumption, good temperature stability, high power supply rejection ratio, as well as low line regulation. This circuit can effectively prevent thermal oscillation and is suitable for on-chip voltage reference in high precision analog, digital and mixed systems.  相似文献   

曾健平  邹韦华  易峰  田涛 《半导体技术》2007,32(11):984-987
提出一种采用0.25 μm CMOS工艺的低功耗、高电源抑制比、低温度系数的带隙基准电压源(BGR)设计.设计中,采用了共源共栅电流镜结构,运放的输出作为驱动的同时也作为自身电流源的驱动,并且实现了与绝对温度成正比(PTAT)温度补偿.使用Hspice对其进行仿真,在中芯国际标准0.25 μm CMOS工艺下,当温度变化范围在-25~125℃和电源电压变化范围为4.5~5.5 V时,输出基准电压具有9.3×10-6 V/℃的温度特性,Vref摆动小于0.12 mV,在低频时具有85 dB以上的电源电压抑制比(PSRR),整个电路消耗电源电流仅为20μA.  相似文献   

杨银堂  李娅妮  朱樟明 《半导体学报》2010,31(9):095010-095010-5
To meet the accuracy requirement for the bandgap voltage reference by the increasing data conversion precision of integrated circuits,a high-order curvature-compensated bandgap voltage reference is presented employing the characteristic of bipolar transistor current gain exponentially changing with temperature variations.In addition,an over-temperature protection circuit with a thermal hysteresis function to prevent thermal oscillation is proposed.Based on the CSMC 0.5μm 20 V BCD process,the designed cir...  相似文献   

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