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To determine the normal findings at magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the postpneumonectomy space (PPS), and to evaluate the utility of MRI in detection of recurrent tumor in the postpneumonectomy chest, 32 MRI scans were performed in 31 patients at varying time intervals after pneumonectomy. Eleven patients also had 12 computed tomography (CT) scans performed at the same time to evaluate possible tumor recurrence. Of the 32 scans, 5 demonstrated complete obliteration of the fluid containing PPS, and 4 showed gas in the PPS; the remainder (n = 23) demonstrated persistence of fluid-filled spaces of varying size. The presence of a fibrotic rim of tissue was constant. In 11 patients with clinically suspected tumor recurrences, both CT and MRI were obtained: the two modalities performed with similar accuracy in diagnosing tumor recurrence at 16 sites; CT detected opposite-lung metastatic nodules not seen on MRI in one patient, and a rib metastasis described as "indeterminate" on MRI in a second patient. MRI detected a focus of recurrence in the PPS that was indeterminate on CT. There is considerable variability in the amount of fluid seen in the PPS on MRI. CT remains the procedure of choice for routine follow-up or in suspected tumor recurrence in the postpneumonectomy patient; MRI can be helpful if the CT scan is nondiagnostic or equivocal.  相似文献   

In Study I, the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) was administered to 425 undergraduates. Analyses yielded a three component solution comprising (a) rumination, (b) magnification, and (c) helplessness. In Study 2, 30 undergraduate participants were classified as catastrophizers (n?=?15) or noncatastrophizers (n?=?15) on the basis of their PCS scores and participated in a cold pressor procedure. Catastrophizers reported significantly more negative pain-related thoughts, greater emotional distress, and greater pain intensity than noncatastrophizers. Study 3 examined the relation between PCS scores, negative pain-related thoughts, and distress in 28 individuals undergoing an aversive electrodiagnostic medical procedure. Catastrophizers reported more negative pain-related thoughts, more emotional distress, and more pain than noncatastrophizers. Study 4 examined the relation between the PCS and measures of depression, trait anxiety, negative affectivity, and fear of pain. Analyses revealed moderate correlations among these measures, but only the PCS contributed significant unique variance to the prediction of pain intensity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: To use principal-components analysis to obtain a shorter and therefore more clinically useful version of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ). Subjects: A British sample of 214 chronic back pain patients attending outpatient spinal assessment. Results: A 4-factor solution was discovered that incorporates Catastrophizing, Diversion, Cognitive Coping, and Reinterpreting factors. Apart from the absence of a Praying and Hoping factor, this solution is similar to those previously found by researchers in this field. Conclusions: The new questionnaire (the CSQ24) is a valid utilitarian version of the CSQ that is easy to score and is appropriate for clinical use. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Developed and pilot-tested a measure of satisfaction with mental health services for young clients. One hundred fifty youth from 11 to 17 years of age who had completed services received the measure as a telephone interview. Fourteen of 17 candidate items met criteria for test-retest reliability, part-whole correlation, and correlation with a validation item, and they were retained in the instrument. Total score test-retest reliability and internal consistency were highly satisfactory. Principal components analysis revealed two factors, labeled Relationship With Therapist and Benefits of Therapy. Unexpectedly, satisfaction scores were not related to change in youth self-reported behavior problems. However, convergent validity was indicated by significant relationships with change in parent-reported behavior problems, parent satisfaction, parent ratings of treatment progress, therapist ratings of progress, and Global Assessment of Functioning change scores. These results indicate that the Youth Client Satisfaction Questionnaire is a reliable and valid measure of consumer evaluations of their treatment.  相似文献   

Four studies demonstrate the psychometric adequacy and validity of scales designed to assess coping through emotional approach. In separate undergraduate samples, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of dispositional (Study 1) and situational (Study 3) coping item sets yielded 2 distinct emotional approach coping factors: emotional processing (i.e., active attempts to acknowledge and understand emotions) and emotional expression. The 2 scales yielded high internal consistency and test-retest reliability, as well as convergent and discriminant validity. A study (Study 2) of young adults and their parents established the scales' interjudge reliabilities. Longitudinal (Study 3) and experimental (Study 4) research supported the predictive validity of the emotional approach coping scales with regard to adjustment to stressful encounters. Findings highlight the utility of functionalist theories of emotion as applied to coping theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: This study estimated the Roland-Morris Back Pain Questionnaire's (RMQ) change score that best classified patients as those who had achieved an important change and those who had not achieved an important change. The study also investigated whether the estimate of change was dependent on patients' initial scores. Subjects and METHODS: The RMQ was administered to 226 patients with low back pain of less than 6 weeks' duration during their initial visit for physical therapy and following 3 to 6 weeks of treatment. A global rating of change was used to classify patients as those who had changed an important amount and those who had not changed. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to identify the RMQ change score that most accurately classified patients with respect to important change. This analysis was repeated for 5 overlapping subsamples of patients with initial scores 0 to 8, 5 to 12, 9 to 16, 13 to 20, and 17 to 24. RESULTS: The area under the receiver operating characteristic curves increased when patients' initial scores were taken into account. Estimates of important change were 2, 4, 5, 8, and 8 for the initial score intervals mentioned above. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION: Important change appears to be dependent on patients' initial RMQ scores. Subsequent inquiry using different hypotheses would add support to the estimates of important change found in this study.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether blood pressure is reduced for at least 6 months with an intervention to lower alcohol intake in moderate to heavy drinkers with above optimal to slightly elevated diastolic blood pressure, and whether reduction of alcohol intake can be maintained for 2 years. DESIGN: A randomized controlled trial. METHODS: Six hundred forty-one outpatient veterans with an average intake of 3 or more alcoholic drinks per day in the 6 months before entry into the study and with diastolic blood pressure 80 to 99 mm Hg were randomly assigned to a cognitive-behavioral alcohol reduction intervention program or a control observation group for 15 to 24 months. The goal of the intervention was the lower of 2 or fewer drinks daily or a 50% reduction in intake. A subgroup with hypertension was defined as having a diastolic blood pressure of 90 to 99 mm Hg, or 80 to 99 mm Hg if recently taking medication for hypertension. RESULTS: Reduction in average weekly self-reported alcohol intake was significantly greater (P<.001) at every assessment from 3 to 24 months in the intervention group vs the control group: levels declined from 432 g/wk at baseline by 202 g/wk in the intervention group and from 445 g/wk by 78 g/wk in the control group in the first 6 months, with similar reductions after 24 months. The intervention group had a 1.2/0.7-mm Hg greater reduction in blood pressure than the control group (for each, P = .17 and P = .18) for the 6-month primary end point; for the hypertensive stratum the difference was 0.9/0.7 mm Hg (for each, P = .58 and P = .44). CONCLUSIONS: The 1.3 drinks per day average difference between changes in self-reported alcohol intake observed in this trial produced only small nonsignificant effects on blood pressure. The results from the Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension Study (PATHS) do not provide strong support for reducing alcohol consumption in nondependent moderate drinkers as a sole method for the prevention or treatment of hypertension.  相似文献   

A 15-item paper-and-pencil questionnaire measuring effectiveness in the selection of appropriate counselor responses to client statements was developed from a microcounseling orientation. The Counselor Response Questionnaire (CRQ) is intended primarily for measuring beginning counseling skills. The sample included 157 undergraduates in an introductory psychology course, 19 advanced undergraduates and graduate psychology majors with some training in counseling skills, 80 paraprofessional drug-abuse counselors, and 15 doctoral-level counselors and clinical psychologists. The internal consistency, test–retest reliability, and factor structure of the CRQ are discussed, and the discriminant validity of the CRQ is supported by results from a discriminant analysis. Additional evidence of validity is given by the correlation of scores on the CRQ with rankings of paraprofessional counselor trainees on counseling effectiveness and with ratings of responses in a simulated counseling interview. The overall results indicate that the CRQ is a valid and efficient measure of beginning counseling skills. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Gamblers' Beliefs Questionnaire (GBQ) is a self-report measure of gamblers' cognitive distortions. GBQ test items were constructed on the basis of theory, empirical evidence, and expert review. Four hundred three adults completed the initial set of items, and 21 items werr selected to make up the final GBQ. The factor structure of the GBQ consisted of 2 closely related factors: Luck/Perseverance and Illusion of Control. The full scale showed good internal consistency (α?=?.92) and adequate test-retest reliability (r?=?.77). Problem and pathological gamblers scored higher than nonproblem gamblers on the GBQ and its factors. GBQ scores were moderately correlated with the duration of gambling sessions among problem and pathological gamblers, and there was no relationship between GBQ scores and social desirability. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) pain, like many chronic pain problems, appears to be multiply determined. Patients with TMD pain of at least 6 months duration (N = 30) were administered questionnaires measuring dispositional coping styles and appraisals to explore the dynamic interactions of the pain and coping process. Patients were then issued handheld computers that prompted them to record their momentary pain and coping processes 4 times per day for 7 days. Hierarchical linear regression models using both the dispositional and momentary predictors indicated that momentary pain was a function both of dispositional tendency to catastrophize and of momentary measures of catastrophization, self-efficacy, and mood states. Results were seen as supporting a situational model of intervention for chronic TMD pain. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In light of the increasing interest in the role of family rituals in promoting mental health, a self-report questionnaire was developed. The Family Ritual Questionnaire (FRQ) assesses family rituals across 7 settings ranging from dinnertime to religious celebrations and across 8 dimensions ranging from roles to symbolic significance. Four studies were conducted to evaluate the psychometric properties of the FRQ. Adequate internal consistency, construct validity in comparison to the Family Environment Scale (R. H. Moos and B. S. Moos, 1986), test–retest reliability, and within-family agreement were established. The symbolic significance associated with family rituals was positively related to adolescent self-esteem and negatively related to adolescent anxiety. Clinical implications for the importance of symbolic meaning associated with family rituals are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

S. D. Hollon and P. C. Kendall's (see record 1981-20180-001) Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire (ATQ-30), designed to identify and measure the frequency of occurrence of automatic negative thoughts associated with depression, was constructed and cross-validated using male and female undergraduates as Ss. The present study examined the applicability of the ATQ-30 to clinical populations. Significantly higher ATQ-30 scores were found for 21 19–53 yr old depressed psychiatric patients than for 40 nondepressed medical and psychiatric patients. The ATQ-30 correlated significantly with therapist ratings of depression, the MMPI Depression scale, and the Beck Depression Inventory. Split-half and coefficient alpha reliability coefficients were also highly significant, as were item-to-total correlations. The ATQ-30 appears to be a valid and reliable measure of depression-related cognitions in clinical as well as nonclinical populations. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

There is limited knowledge about how women manage the experience of cardiac surgery. This pilot study examined how women coped with surgery and their emotions in the perioperative period. There was no change in coping or emotion from the day before surgery to the fifth postoperative day, and coping was unrelated to emotion. Preoperative and postoperative confusion and distress were positively correlated. While preliminary, these results raise implications for medical-surgical nursing practice and research.  相似文献   

657 Chinese secondary school students and teachers responded to the Chinese version of the Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WCQ). Factor analysis revealed that their coping activities could be adequately described by 4 relatively independent dimensions: Rational Problem-Solving, Resigned Distancing, Seeking Support and Ventilation, and Passive Wishful Thinking. The 4 scales derived from this emergent 4-factor structure compared favorably with the original 8 WCQ coping scales in internal consistency, interscale associations, and prediction of adaptational outcomes of global and specific psychological distress, suggesting that they are a viable alternative to the 8 original scales for assessing coping in the Chinese population. Gender differences in using a self- vs other-reliant approach in coping, student–teacher differences in using a passive vs active approach in coping, and implications of findings relating coping and adaptational outcomes are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This prospective study of children with recurrent abdominal pain (N=133; ages 8-15 years) used path analysis to examine relations among dispositional pain beliefs and coping styles, cognitions and behavior related to a specific pain episode, and short- and long-term outcomes. Children believing they could not reduce or accept pain appraised their episode-specific coping ability as low and reported passive coping behavior. Dispositional passive coping had direct effects on both episode-specific passive coping and long-term symptoms and disability. Accommodative coping (acceptance and self-encouragement) was associated with reduced episode-specific distress, which itself predicted reduced depressive symptoms 3 months later. Results suggest that coping-skill interventions for children with chronic pain should target reductions in passive coping and consider the potential benefits of accommodative coping strategies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Neck pain is common in rheumatological practice. Assessment of outcome is difficult without objective measures. A neck pain questionnaire using nine five-part sections has been devised to overcome this problem. Forty-four rheumatology out-patients with neck pain were studied. Questionnaires were completed on days 0 and 3-5, and at 1 and 3 months. There was good short-term repeatability (r = 0.84, kappa = 0.62). Mean scores of each of the nine sections tended to rise with that of the pain section showing internal consistency. Questions on duration and intensity of pain were good indicators of a patient's global assessment. The questionnaire is easy for patients to complete, simple to score and provides an objective measure to evaluate outcome in patients with acute or chronic neck pain.  相似文献   

This article describes the development and validation of a new measure of workplace incivility, the Uncivil Workplace Behavior Questionnaire (UWBQ). Participants included 5 samples of Australian adult employees (total N=368). Principal axis factoring of the UWBQ yielded 4 interpretable factors (Hostility, Privacy Invasion, Exclusionary Behavior, and Gossiping), all of which exhibited high internal consistency. The 4-factor structure received further support from a confirmatory factor analysis on a hold-out sample. A series of correlation and regression analyses revealed that the UWBQ subscales exhibited sound convergent, divergent, and concurrent validity. The psychometric properties of the UWBQ are contrasted with those of the Workplace Incivility Scale (L. M. Cortina, V. J. Magley, J. H. Williams, & R. D. Langhout, 2001), to the authors' knowledge the only other measure of the workplace incivility construct available to date. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared the unrealistic expectations of 16 child abusing mothers with 14 mothers whose partners perpetrated the abuse in a 2nd validation study of the Parent Opinion Questionnaire (POQ). This comparison provided a more stringent test of the POQ's validity in that it controlled for nonspecific factors associated with being in a family identified for child maltreatment. Significantly greater unrealistic expectations of child behavior were found for abusing Ss than for control Ss. Analysis showed that the POQ correctly classified 83% of the Ss. (6 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We present a series of 38 cases of longitudinal splitting of the peroneus brevis tendon revealed by MR imaging (12 lesions were confirmed at surgery). MRI enabled classification in four surgical grades. The frequency of such lesions in chronic ankle instability as observed in our series is often reported in the literature. Bilateral cases are common. Asymptomatic cases do occur, especially in grades I and II. MRI has been shown to be a very effective investigation for demonstrating this tendinous lesion; the proton density weighted sequence in the axial plane is the most adequate sequence.  相似文献   

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