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高炉使用含碳复合炉料的原理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
储满生  赵伟  柳政根  王宏涛  唐珏 《钢铁》2015,50(3):9-18
 高炉炼铁正朝着高产、低污染、低能耗的方向发展,为了实现这一目标,包括高炉使用含碳复合炉料等一些革新的炼铁技术已经被提出或实际应用。铁焦、热压含碳球团是将铁矿粉和煤粉按一定比例混合后制成的新型含碳复合炉料。研究结果指出,含碳复合炉料相比于传统的高炉炉料(烧结矿和球团矿)具有高温强度高、还原性能好以及原料适应性强等优势。阐明了高炉使用含碳复合炉料的基本原理,介绍了铁焦制备的工艺流程及应用情况,重点进行了热压含碳球团制备工艺流程、冷态冶金性能、高温冶金性能、高炉使用热压含碳球团等试验研究,最后利用多流体高炉数学模型对高炉使用热压含碳球团操作进行了模拟研究。研究表明,高炉使用一定量的含碳复合炉料可以降低热空区温度,增加产量,降低焦比,高炉热利用效率明显提高,操作性能得到有效改善。  相似文献   

The ironmaking process is the most significant source of CO2 emission in the iron and steel industry, which generates large quantities of greenhouse gases. Recently, oxygen blast and top gas recycling have been applied to the blast furnace to improve the energy efficiency and reduce the pollution from the ironmaking process. However, as a new ironmaking technology, the oxygen blast furnace with top gas recycling (TGR‐OBF) is still under development. This paper focuses on the investigation of the energy consumption and carbon emission for the TGR‐OBF process by modeling the stack, the bosh, the combustion zone, and the gas recycling system. Effects of the key parameters in the TGR‐OBF process on the carbon consumption of reactions and the energy consumption of the system are investigated by orthogonal experiments. Our results indicate that the TGR‐OBF process has the advantages of reducing energy consumption and CO2 emission. The low temperature and high reducing environment in the new furnace is favorable to lower the coke gasification and increase the reaction rate of iron oxide. The recycling of the top gas can significantly reduce CO2 emission, and the main advantage comes when the stripped CO2 is stored.  相似文献   

Alternative ironmaking processes compete with the blast furnace process route. The blast furnace, the most important hot metal producer, has improved over the years and continues to do so. Consequently replacing the blast furnace is a formidable task. The success rate of alternative processes has been low, i.e. limited to niche applications. Why do we continue to work in this field? Because the drivers to develop alternative processes are very strong. For example, the expected coke shortage has been the driver for coal based developments in Europe in the period 1980–1990. Some of the recent developments evolved from the work done in that period. In later years, around the year 2000, the Climate Change issue became the driver for development. And the high price level of iron ore of the last decade can spur a new wave of ironmaking developments. The HIsarna alternative ironmaking process is an example of a development that combines several of the drivers mentioned above. The process has the potential to considerably reduce the CO2 emissions per ton. But it can also use more economically priced raw materials such as non coking coals and iron ores outside the quality range for blast furnace ironmaking. Therefore the process can offer economic benefits as well as environmental benefits.  相似文献   

郭俊  储满生  唐珏  李峰  柳政根  鲍继伟 《钢铁》2022,57(8):30-38
 中国钢铁生产主要以高能耗和高排放的高炉-转炉长流程为主,节能减排压力较大。因此,积极研发高炉低碳炼铁技术,促进高炉工序CO2减排尤为重要。铁焦是将含铁原料加入适宜的煤中,经焦化或炭化后成型的新型碳铁复合炉料,其高反应性可以显著降低热储备区温度、降低碳消耗,高炉使用适量的铁焦可实现一定程度的节能降碳。基于现场生产数据,采用㶲分析理论,建立高炉使用铁焦的㶲平衡模型,探索铁焦添加量对高炉物料消耗及能量利用效率的影响。结果表明,高炉使用铁焦后,炉内间接还原得到发展,碳利用率提高,炉内灰分量降低,冶炼单位生铁的碳素消耗和炉渣量均会降低,与未使用铁焦相比,高炉使用114 kg铁焦后,吨铁碳素消耗降低25.95 kg,渣量降低11.28 kg。此外,铁焦内部的金属铁仅需熔化,节省还原所需的㶲量,焦炭和鼓风带入㶲会显著降低,因此高炉冶炼吨铁消耗的总㶲量降低,同时,炉内传热也得到改善,内部㶲损失有效降低,与未使用铁焦相比,高炉使用114 kg/t铁焦后,目的㶲效率由46.14%提高至48.87%,热力学完善度由87.46%提高到88.02%。在此条件下,高炉吨铁的内部㶲损失降低192.63 MJ,实现节能6.57 kg(标煤)。  相似文献   

In order to improve the performance of blast furnace ironmaking when using the high Al2O3 iron ore, the technology of mixing charge of high reactive semicoke nut with ferrous burden was proposed and systematically investigated at laboratory scale in the present paper. The CO2 gasification activation energy of semicoke ranged from 136.5 to 150.3?kJ?mol?1, which was lower than that of the traditional coke. At the temperature of 1200°C, the reduction degree of ferrous burden increased a little with the addition of semicoke nut and the consumption ratio of semicoke was 14.0?wt-% under the simulated blast furnace ironmaking condition. The mixing charge of semicoke could obviously reduce the softening beginning temperature, increase the melting temperature and improve the permeability compared with the standard and traditional coke mixing charge samples. During the total softening and melting process, about 90?wt-% of the semicoke nut and 45?wt-% of the traditional coke nut were consumed, respectively. The experiment results indicated that the mixing charge of high reactive semicoke nut could obviously improve the performance of blast furnace ironmaking when using high Al2O3 ferrous burden and the semicoke was more effective than traditional coke.  相似文献   

铁焦制备与高炉应用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 钢铁工业长期面临着资源短缺和环境污染的的发展现状,实现节能减排和绿色冶金是钢铁工业实现可持续发展的重点。而高炉炼铁是钢铁工业节能减排的关键,急需研发低碳高炉炼铁新技术。复合铁焦是实现低碳高炉炼铁的一种新型碳铁复合炉料。高炉使用铁焦后可降低热储备区温度,提高冶炼效率,降低焦比,从而实现CO2减排。综述了国内外铁焦制备与应用的研究进展,主要包括铁焦的制备工艺和高炉应用。归纳了各种铁焦制备工艺的特点。同时提出并研究了矿煤压块-竖炉炭化-高炉应用的冷压型铁焦制备与应用新技术。重点进行了冷压型铁焦的制备及冶金性能优化、高炉应用冷压型铁焦等试验研究。冷压型铁焦制备适宜的工艺条件为,质量分数为30%铁矿粉、45%烟煤1、10%烟煤2、10%烟煤3、5%无烟煤、5%沥青类黏结剂B混合加热至60 ℃,并进行冷压成型;成型压块再经竖炉1 000 ℃炭化4 h;获得抗压强度3 977 N、I型转鼓强度77.7%、反应性69.7%、反应后强(固定气化溶损量20%)42%的优质铁焦。高炉综合炉料中添加质量分数20%~30%冷压型铁焦,综合炉料熔滴性能明显改善。以上研究为铁焦实现工业化生产与低碳高炉炼铁应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

从炼铁新技术及基础理论研究方面介绍了烧结球团提质降耗新技术、焦炭在高炉内行为解析研究、高炉喷吹清洁燃料技术、高炉长寿技术、高炉炼铁数据建模技术以及冶金尘泥再处理技术。从基础研究出发,提出了目前最具有潜力的炼铁新技术;然后在国家碳中和战略的大背景下,综述了目前国际上的非高炉炼铁技术研究进展,为我国低碳炼铁发展提供依据;最后从最新微观研究手段出发,介绍了目前炼铁研究领域在微观尺度的研究进展,多尺度综合调控研究高炉炼铁过程机理,为未来低碳炼铁发展方向提供思路。   相似文献   

 通过建立高炉冶炼预还原炉料数学模型,计算了原料铁品位、预还原炉料金属化率和铁的存在形态对高炉冶炼能耗的影响,比较了高炉冶炼预还原炉料和传统高炉的能耗。计算结果表明:针对不同铁品位原料,有一个适合高炉冶炼的炉料最佳金属化率,使高炉冶炼焦比最低;预还原炉料中的铁以硅酸铁形式存在时,主要进行直接还原,冶炼焦比较高;与传统高炉相比,高炉冶炼预还原炉料,可以大幅度降低焦比,但燃料比升高。  相似文献   

张福明 《钢铁》2022,57(9):11-25
 现代高炉炼铁是以人造矿石和焦炭为物质基础的。现代高炉实现绿色低碳炼铁,需要从炼铁工序的层次优化工艺流程和关键技术,实现烧结、球团、高炉等多工序的协同优化。面向未来,在提高资源和能源利用效率的同时,基于现有技术推进采用低碳节能技术和先进工艺。对于烧结、高炉等传统工艺技术,要进一步研究并应用先进技术,提高生产效能、降低能源消耗和碳排放。持续研究推广绿色低碳烧结技术,如低碳厚料层烧结技术、烧结料面富氢气体喷吹技术、烧结返矿高效回收利用技术、低温烧结技术和热风循环烧结技术等,有效降低烧结过程的能源消耗和CO2排放。充分利用中国精矿粉资源生产球团矿,提高球团矿产能和产量,进而提高球团矿入炉比率和炉料综合品位,有效降低碳素燃料消耗。提高高炉富氧率和喷煤量,持续提高风温、降低燃料消耗,提高高炉顶压和煤气利用率。有条件的高炉喷吹富氢气体以减少焦炭消耗,开发应用高炉炉顶煤气循环及CO2脱除再利用(CCUS)等技术。研究解析了高炉炼铁工艺碳-氢耦合还原的热力学机理,讨论了在高炉内不同温度区域固体碳、CO和H2的还原能力,提出了直接还原与间接还原的耦合匹配是实现最低燃料比的技术核心,探讨了高炉炼铁喷吹全氢/富氢气体的技术可行性和经济性。这些综合技术措施对于进一步降低高炉工艺流程的碳素消耗、减少CO2排放具有显著效应。与此同时,设计先进合理的流程系统和耗散结构,优化工序界面技术,构建信息物理系统(CPS)实现炼铁工序协同高效、动态有序运行,这也是高炉炼铁工艺实现绿色低碳的关键共性技术之一,具有广泛的适用性和显著的应用效果。  相似文献   

王新东 《钢铁》2022,57(12):23-31
 当前中国钢铁工业面临着节能减排、绿色发展等多重压力,呈现出减量化和创新性发展的新形态。在非高炉炼铁关键技术取得重大突破及大规模应用前,以高炉为主的炼铁工艺在一段时间内仍将保持主体地位。而高比例球团冶炼是当前中国高炉炼铁的发展方向,是未来钢铁工业实现减污降碳的必然趋势。为了进一步推动高比例球团技术的研发与应用,从球团矿的物理化学性质出发,阐述了球团矿在高炉内的行为,分析了限制球团矿比例提高的因素,从冶金反应机理到工程实践总结了未来高比例球团冶炼的高炉系统设计发展方向,提出以低碳绿色为前提、以资源和能源利用为基础、以智能化装备为支撑的高炉设计理念。通过对比分析国内外多种高炉炉型、冷却系统、炉缸炉底设计方案,重点分析了多段式炉身、全铸铁冷却壁、串罐无钟炉顶在高比例球团冶炼中的优势,归纳了矿焦槽、热风炉及自动化检测与模型控制等技术特点,给出了适应高比例球团冶炼的高炉系统设计建议。根据球团矿在高炉内的反应机理以及操作炉型对强化冶炼的影响,提出合理的炉料结构的确定方法,最佳的炉料碱度控制标准,以及装料、送风、出铁、热、渣等操作制度。最后,通过高炉冶炼实践,验证了高比例球团冶炼技术经济指标的进步,为今后高比例球团冶炼高炉系统设计及优化方向奠定了基础。  相似文献   

李然 《中国冶金》2012,22(10):40-46
节能减排是目前钢铁企业面临主要任务之一,结合中国钢铁企业炼铁系统的情况,对传统高炉炼铁流程实 现减排的技术优化措施进行了分析,介绍了以降低高炉燃料比为核心的减碳技术和低碳能源的开发利用情况;根 据气基直接还原工艺技术的要求并依据国内现有能源、资源分布状况和结构特点,展望了国内钢铁行业炼铁系统 减碳工作的前景。  相似文献   

在全球“碳达峰”“碳中和”发展形势下,研究高炉-转炉流程低碳技术发展战略、目标和路径,大幅度降低CO2排放对钢铁工业实现可持续发展具有重要意义。面向未来,钢铁仍是重要的基础材料、结构材料和功能材料,钢铁工业仍是经济社会发展的重要基础产业。研究分析了日本钢铁工业发展现状及其特征,介绍了高炉-转炉流程减碳关键技术研究及其进展。针对日本钢铁工业减碳技术开发研究,论述了高炉矿焦混装技术、高比率球团矿冶炼技术对于常规高炉降低燃料比的机理和应用效果。讨论了含碳团矿和预还原烧结矿的制备工艺流程,分析了新型炉料制备的关键技术难点,论述了新型炉料在高炉冶炼过程的减碳机理。介绍了SCOPE 21新型炼焦工艺的构成、技术特点和应用效果;针对铁焦制备的工艺过程、冶金机理和使用效果进行了评述。重点论述了新一代高炉炼铁工艺COURSE 50的工艺组成、技术路线和流程特征,阐述了核心技术难点和关键技术构成以及工程应用前景。分析了构建智能化高炉信息物理系统对高炉减碳的支撑作用,指出了高炉智能化与低碳化协同发展的重要性。结合日本高炉-转炉流程减碳技术发展现状及未来方向,提出了制定可行的减碳技术战略...  相似文献   

刘然  张智峰  刘小杰  李欣  李宏扬  吕庆 《钢铁》2022,57(5):1-10
 当前,为积极应对气候变化等一系列问题,世界各国纷纷提出了绿色减排计划。与此同时,中国相应提出了“碳达峰、碳中和”节能减排目标,并以“1+N”等政策体系作为实现可持续发展战略、积极应对气候变化、履行大国义务的核心支持。钢铁工业作为31个制造业门类中碳排放量最大的行业,自然而然成为节能减排战役中的“排头兵”。目前,复杂的高炉生产工艺仍然以煤、焦等化石资源作为主要燃料,使得其成为钢铁流程中的碳耗大户、碳排放大户、污染排放大户,因此高炉炼铁工艺的绿色低碳转型升级已迫在眉睫。从背景介绍、发展动态以及未来发展展望这3大部分对低碳绿色炼铁技术进行论述,其中对绿色低碳炼铁技术发展动态部分进行了详细阐述。首先就优化节能低碳操作和构建循环经济环保圈两个层面,从精细炉料操作、提升生产技术等多个角度讨论了如何实现高炉工艺低碳绿色炼铁;其次从非高炉领域入手,对直接还原工艺和熔融还原工艺的国内外发展现状进行阐述,并进行了相应的比较与分类汇总;之后从创新型炼铁工艺(氢冶金、智能化炼铁)角度探讨了此类技术的发展态势。最后,综合当前绿色低碳炼铁技术发展最新动态进行了5个方面的展望,明确了“绿色低碳为方向,节能减排是目标”的任务方向。  相似文献   

The blast furnace is the most important process for the production of hot metal. An integral part of this process route is the coking of coal and sintering of fine ore. The FINEX®‐process is a new technology for hot metal production which uses untreated fine ores and coal instead of sinter and coke. This paper deals with the investigation of integration concepts of the blast furnace and FINEX®. Low reduced iron (LRI) and/or reducing gas are/is produced in FINEX® and are/is considered as substitute/s of burden and fuel in the blast furnace, respectively. In the article the overall fuel demand and CO2 emissions for the integration of the blast furnace and FINEX® are shown. For that reason two case studies for the integration are carried out and compared with the base case, that is, the two‐independent processes. The CO2 emissions are calculated considering the fuel and electric power consumption of the different cases.  相似文献   

Blast furnace (BF) ironmaking is dominant for reducing pollution emission and energy consumption in iron and steel industry.Under the increasingly strict environmental pressure, some innovative tech-nologies of BF ironmaking for environmental protection have been developed and applied in actual op-erating facilities.The current state of BF ironmaking in Europe, America, Japan, and China were briefly overviewed.Moreover, some innovative BF ironmaking technologies aiming at environmental harmony and operation intellectualization in the world, such as waste gas recycling sintering, BF op-eration with coke oven gas injection, ferro-coke, lime coating coke, BF visualization and intellectuali-zation, were roundly summarized.Finally, some discussion on the technologies was carried out and the development trends of BF ironmaking were pointed out.The review could provide references and supports for the progress of environment-friendly technologies of BF ironmaking, thereby promoting their practical applications and achieving sustainable development of BF ironmaking, especially for Chinese ironmaking industry.  相似文献   

钢铁企业面临严峻的二氧化碳减排形势,建立全国性的碳排放交易市场势在必行,钢铁企业提前布局二氧化碳减排战略对企业生存具有重要意义。为了促进国内钢铁企业对减排二氧化碳技术的重视,从国内外二氧化碳减排技术现状出发,介绍了欧洲、日本等国外碳减排技术的研究现状及进展。同时从设备、原燃料、高炉操作等角度分析了国内高炉减排二氧化碳的技术现状,并对二氧化碳减排技术的发展趋势进行了系统介绍。研究认为探索焦炉煤气和生物质喷吹技术、生物质直接还原技术和废塑料喷吹技术,促进高炉渣余热回收、推广烧结矿竖式冷却余热回收技术和高富氧高炉结合碳捕集封存技术等对于二氧化碳减排具有潜在的研究和应用价值。  相似文献   

当前围绕循环经济和生态化生产等主题,一些革新的高炉炼铁技术已被提出或实际应用。综合介绍了高炉使用热压含碳球团、高炉喷吹含氢物质、高炉炉顶煤气循环利用、以及高炉炼铁与大规模发电相结合等若干炼铁新技术的概况和最新进展。  相似文献   

炼铁领域节能减排技术的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在炼铁领域正研究的创新型节能技术主要包括日本的新一代高炉和预还原烧结矿.对余热余能回收研究的热点主要集中在烧结余热和高炉渣显热的回收利用上.关于CO2减排,除了降低燃料比和焦比外,目前研究的热点集中在炉顶煤气循环利用、寻找碳的可替代物作还原剂和回收高炉产生的CO2并加以有效利用.也介绍了炼铁领域SO2、NOx及二恶英减排技术的发展.  相似文献   

Iron coke has emerged as a promising raw material for low-carbon ironmaking. However, the structure and properties of iron coke are still obstacles to practical application in blast furnaces, especially the strength of iron coke. Herein, investigations on the preparation and properties of iron coke are reviewed and an integrated system for the performance optimization and efficient utilization of iron coke is proposed. First, the characteristics of different preparation processes for iron coke are compared; then the advantages and limitations of the three processes are summarized. Afterward, the evolution mechanism of iron coke strength and the catalytic mechanism of Fe on the gasification reaction of iron coke are explored in depth. In addition, the coupling mechanism of iron coke gasification and iron ore reduction is analyzed and discussed. The influence of iron coke on the melting–dropping properties of blast furnace charge and the mathematical simulation of using iron coke in the blast furnace are analyzed and summarized. Finally, a comprehensive strategy for the performance optimization of iron coke and its efficient application in the blast furnace is proposed, in which the sequence slicing 3D reconstruction method is applied to analyze the relationship between microstructure and performance of iron coke.  相似文献   

A comparative reduction behavior of wüstite samples prepared from iron ore sinter was investigated to find the optimum way for reducing coke consumption and CO2 emission in blast furnace technology. A series of wüstite reduction experiments was carried out using different gas mixtures. A correlation between the experimental results and real data of blast furnaces at Egyptian Iron and Steel Company (EISCO) was demonstrated in order to optimize the coke consumption inside blast furnaces. Different theoretical models were applied on real data of blast furnaces to calculate the effect of operation parameters on the coke consumption. It was found that the wüstite reducibility can be controlled and enhanced using certain ratio of H2 and CO gases. Such kind of enhancement decreases the remaining quantity of unreduced wüstite which descends to the high temperature region of blast furnace. The theoretical analysis of real data using certain values of H2 and CO shows that increasing the amount of natural gas injection in blast furnace of EISCO will decrease the degree of direct reduction of iron oxide and consequently will decrease the amount of coke consumption.  相似文献   

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