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储满生  柳政根  王兆才  赵凯  郭同来 《钢铁》2011,46(11):16-20
 以常用的炼铁原料为基础,系统研究了配加不同比例的热压含碳球团对高炉炉料的软熔滴落性能的影响,并进行了理论分析。研究表明,配加热压含碳球团对高炉综合炉料的软化区间、熔化区间、滴落率和透气性等软熔滴落性能参数有显著的影响。随着热压含碳球团配比的增加,软化区间t40-t4逐渐变宽;熔化区间tD-tS逐渐变窄,熔化开始温度tS逐渐升高,滴落温度tD逐渐降低;滴落率先增加后降低,当配比为40%时,滴落率最高,为6710%;最高压差先下降后升高,但在配加热压含碳球团条件下,炉料的最高压差都有所降低。从综合炉料的软熔滴落性能综合考虑,高炉炉料配加热压含碳球团的适宜配比应为40%~50%。  相似文献   

反应气氛和温度对热压含碳球团还原反应进程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热压含碳球团是利用煤的热塑性而将铁矿粉和煤粉热压成型的一种新型优质炼铁原料.还原性是炉料主要冶金性能之一,而反应气氛和温度对热压含碳球团还原反应进程有重要的影响.通过还原失重试验,重点研究了反应气氛和温度对热压含碳球团还原反应进程的影响.研究表明,热压含碳球团整个还原反应进程可分为两个阶段:第一阶段还原速率明显大于第二...  相似文献   

热压含碳球团是一种利用煤的热塑性提高冶金性能的新型炼铁原料,具有还原速度快、高温强度高、原料适应性强等优点。在固定碳氧比n(FC)/n(O)为1.00的条件下,通过改变热压含碳球团碱度,系统研究了碱度对热压含碳球团软熔滴落性能的影响。研究表明:碱度对软化区间、熔化区间、滴落率等软熔滴落性能参数有显著的影响。随着碱度的增加,软化区间t40-t4先变窄后加宽,在碱度为1.40时最窄,降至331℃;熔化区间tD-tS先缓慢变窄后急剧加宽,在碱度为1.00时最窄,降至47℃;滴落率先增加后降低,在碱度为1.20时滴落率最高,达到22.22%。从软熔滴落性能角度综合考虑,实际生产热压含碳球团时其适宜的碱度范围为1.00~1.20。  相似文献   

This paper places emphasis on evaluating ironmaking operation at lower temperature. Blast furnace operation with carbon composite agglomerates (CCB) charging and/or lower operation temperature has been numerically examined using a modified multi‐fluid blast furnace model under constant thermal conditions of the raceway. The numerical calculation shows that a lower in‐furnace temperature level is achieved under the operation with the CCB charging. With CCB charging, the location of the cohesive zone shifts downward and the temperature of the thermal reserve zone decreases. The decrease in heat requirements for solution loss, sinter reduction and silicon transfer reactions compensates the increase in heat demands for CCB reduction and direct reduction, and rather improves the efficiency of blast furnaces. Consequently, the productivity improves, the coke rate shows a notable decrease and the total reducing agent rate also tends to decline compared with conventional operation without CCB charging. Therefore, charging carbon composite agglomerates contributes to the enhancement of blast furnace performance. Furthermore, the model predicts that higher operation efficiency is achieved if the melting and/or tapping temperature could be dropped. The innovative technology of lower temperature ironmaking is expected to be applied in industrial blast furnaces after resolving the problems in engineering and economic evaluations.  相似文献   

高炉炼铁合理配矿研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年中国的生铁产量超过2亿t,作为炼铁原料的国产铁精矿和进口铁矿几乎各占一半;国产铁精矿是细粒度的磁选精矿,进口铁矿则以粉状赤铁矿为主.如何合理配矿,成为当前必须认真研究的课题.回顾了我国炼铁工作者贯彻"精料"方针取得的成就,并就国内外铁矿资源的状况、特点及合理配矿进行探讨.  相似文献   

高炉使用含碳复合炉料的原理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
储满生  赵伟  柳政根  王宏涛  唐珏 《钢铁》2015,50(3):9-18
 高炉炼铁正朝着高产、低污染、低能耗的方向发展,为了实现这一目标,包括高炉使用含碳复合炉料等一些革新的炼铁技术已经被提出或实际应用。铁焦、热压含碳球团是将铁矿粉和煤粉按一定比例混合后制成的新型含碳复合炉料。研究结果指出,含碳复合炉料相比于传统的高炉炉料(烧结矿和球团矿)具有高温强度高、还原性能好以及原料适应性强等优势。阐明了高炉使用含碳复合炉料的基本原理,介绍了铁焦制备的工艺流程及应用情况,重点进行了热压含碳球团制备工艺流程、冷态冶金性能、高温冶金性能、高炉使用热压含碳球团等试验研究,最后利用多流体高炉数学模型对高炉使用热压含碳球团操作进行了模拟研究。研究表明,高炉使用一定量的含碳复合炉料可以降低热空区温度,增加产量,降低焦比,高炉热利用效率明显提高,操作性能得到有效改善。  相似文献   

Blast furnace operation with natural gas (NG) injection is one of the effective measures to save energy, reduce CO2 emission, and decrease environmental load for iron and steel industry. Numerical simulations on blast furnace operation with NG injection through tuyeres are performed in this paper by raceway mathematical model, multi‐fluid blast furnace model, and exergy analytical model. With increasing NG injection volume, the simulation results are shown as follows: (1) the theoretical flame temperature and bosh gas volume can be constant by decreasing blast volume and increasing oxygen enrichment. (2) The utilization rate of CO enhances while that of H2 decreases. The proportion of H2 in indirect reduction tends to be increased, which accelerates the reduction of burdens. The pressure drop shows that the permeability of blast furnace gets better. The blast furnace productivity is increased from 2.07 to 3.08 t · m?3 · day?1. The silicon content in hot metal is decreased from 0.26% to 0.05%. When BF operation with 125.4 kg · tHM?1 NG injection, coke rate and carbon emission rate are decreased by 27.2% and 32.2%, respectively. (3) The thermodynamic perfection degree is increased from 88.40% to 90.50%, the exergy efficiency is decreased from 51.94% to 49.02% and the chemical exergy of top gas is increased from 4.69 to 6.22 GJ · tHM?1. It is important to strengthen the recycling of top gas.  相似文献   

Blast furnace operation with hot burden charging was numerically simulated to preliminarily analyze its advantages and disadvantages.Multi-fluid blast furnace model was utilized to simulate hot burden charging operations under the conditions that the charging temperatures of pellet and coke were supposed separately or simultaneously as800℃.The results showed that,with hot burden charging,the furnace top temperature significantly increased in comparison to the conventional operation with cold burden charging.However,in-furnace temperature decreased,which decelerated the reduction rate of ferrous burdens.The concentrations of reducing gases were decreased in the furnace.The height of cohesive zone shifted downwards.When the charging temperatures of pellet and coke were simultaneously 800℃(PC800),coke rate,fuel rate and carbon emission rate were decreased by 13.4,22.1and19.25kg·t-1,respectively.The ratio of ore to coke,solid burden charging rate and hot metal productivity were increased by 4.79%,7.55kg·s-1 and 6.38%,respectively.Heat taken away by top gas and energy consumption per ton hot metal were increased by 68.97%and 6.40%,respectively.Generally speaking,hot burden charging was adverse to energy utilization of blast furnace.  相似文献   

本文介绍了莱钢高炉原料冶金性能和合理炉料结构的试验结果以及利用该炉料结构的实际生产效果,并对高炉的竣工性能特征进行了分析。  相似文献   

As a new type of ironmaking raw materials,carbon composite iron ore hot briquette(CCB) is the product of fine iron ore and fine coal by hot briquetting process.On basis of experimental research on the manufacturing and metallurgical properties of CCB,this study focused on the application of CCB to blast furnace ironmaking and newly-developed shaft furnace smelting reduction processes.Firstly,the metallurgical properties of CCB are experimentally tested and compared with the common iron-bearing burdens.Th...  相似文献   

Mathematical models for burden descending process have been applied to obtain whole burden structures in blast furnace,whereas the accuracy of those burden descent models has not been sufficiently investigated.Special evaluation method based on timeline burden profiles was established to quantitatively evaluate the error between ex-perimental and modeled burden structures.Four existing burden descent models were utilized to describe the burden structure of a 1/20 scaled warm blast furnace.Input modeling conditions including initial burden profile,descending volumes in each time interval,and normalized descending velocity distribution were determined via special image pro-cessing technology.Modeled burden structures were evaluated combined with the published experimental data.It is found that all the models caught the main profile of the burden structure.Furthermore,the improved nonuniform de-scent model (Model IV)shows the highest level of precision especially when burden descends with unstable velocity distribution tendency.Meanwhile,the traditional nonuniform descent model (Model III)may also be desirable to model the burden descending process when the burden descending velocity presents a linear tendency.Finally,the uni-form descent model (Model I)might be the first option for roughly predicting burden structure.  相似文献   

蔡皓宇  程树森  马金芳 《钢铁》2012,47(11):16-20
 通过热力学计算,讨论了影响高熔点Ti(C,N)在炉内沉积的因素以及可能导致钛矿护炉效果不佳的原因。结果表明,铁水中的硅含量限制了铁水中的钛含量(w([Ti])≤0.2w([Si])),所以控制适合的冶炼温度促进渣中TiO2还原的同时还要提高铁水中的硅含量,以保证铁水中有足够的钛;另一方面,要通过降低侵蚀炭砖表面温度来降低钛的溶解度,促进侵蚀部位铁水中钛的析出。通过钛平衡计算得知,护炉时需要长期加入含钛炉料,使得含钛保护层脱落后能在短时间内迅速形成。  相似文献   

高炉布料的焦层坍塌建模方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
炉料分布是影响高炉内煤气流分布的决定性因素之一。在高炉布料过程中,矿石的冲击作用使部分焦层坍塌并堆积到炉中心区,考虑这一因素对料层分布的影响,在试验和统计分析基础上,采用一种简化方式模拟了布料过程的焦层坍塌现象。它以专家规则修正料面曲线,依据物料平衡关系求解模型参数,通过分析高炉径向温度和径向矿焦比分布,间接验证了布料模型中焦层坍塌修正方法。  相似文献   

高炉炉料结构的研究及其优化配料数学模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以高炉炼铁工艺计算和高炉炉料结构理论为基础,结合在炉料结构方面的最新科研成果,建立一套高炉优化配料模型,并利用软件技术开发了相应的炉料数据库、专家数据库及其优化配料的数学模型,对宝钢高炉的配料数据进行验算,结果表明建立的模型是合理可行的.该模型能够快速得到满足其约束条件的优化配料方案,优化后配料方案的吨铁成本比实际生产采用的配料方案降低0.44%.  相似文献   

文章对包钢4150m3高炉卡卢金顶燃式热风炉热风管系钢结构改造施工进行了总结。介绍了热风炉管系钢结构改造思路、施工质量过程把控,为大型高炉热风炉管系检修工作提供了参考。  相似文献   

高炉优化配料数学模型的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴胜利  韩宏亮  徐少兵  牛兵 《钢铁》2007,42(9):19-23
为了研究实用的高炉优化配料数学模型,利用线性规划原理,以高炉炼铁工艺计算为基础,结合各种含铁炉料的软熔性能和含铁炉料之间的高温反应性等专家知识,开发了一套基于专家知识的高炉优化配料数学模型,并应用生产高炉现场数据对模型进行了验证.结果表明该模型是合理可行的,能够计算得出同时兼顾炉料冶金性能和配料成本的高炉炉料结构.  相似文献   

高炉布料数学模型的开发及应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈令坤  于仲洁  周曼丽 《钢铁》2006,41(11):13-16
为研究炉料在炉内的分布,对武钢1号高炉在开炉前进行了料面测量,在获得的炉料堆积规律的基础上开发了高炉布料数学模型,利用开发的数学模型模拟炉料下落的轨迹,求解料面形状,计算炉料的O/C比分布,利用模型计算结果对不同布料矩阵的布料效果实行量化评估,结合高炉专家系统中有关煤气流分布的信息,可以及时对布料矩阵作出调整.  相似文献   

 焦炭负荷和焦炭在风口前的失碳率随着煤比的提高而增大,而焦炭强度则随着失碳率的提高而降低,因而焦炭在高炉内各部位所承受的压力,成为进一步研究极限煤比的基础。根据高炉炉料的散料特性,采用微元平衡法,对散料体中的任意微元体应用守恒定律,建立连续方程和运动方程,并结合状态方程,建立二维炉料压力数学模型。然后采用数值差分法对流函数和压力函数进行差分推导,设定流场和压力场的边界条件,对高炉内各点进行迭代计算,并用VC++进行程序代码设计得出了压力场分布规律。  相似文献   

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