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Defining appropriate environmental flow regimes and criteria for the use of environmental water allocations requires experimental data on the ecological impacts of flow regime change and responses to environmental water allocation. Fish assemblages in one regulated and one unregulated tributary paired in each of two sub‐catchments of the Hunter River, coastal New South Wales, Australia, were sampled monthly between August 2006 and June 2007. It was predicted that altered flow regime due to flow regulation would reduce species richness and abundance of native fish, and assemblage composition would differ between paired regulated and unregulated tributaries. Despite significant changes in richness, abundance and assemblage composition through time, differences between regulated and unregulated tributaries were not consistent. In February 2007, an environmental flow release (‘artificial flood’) of 1400 ML was experimentally released down the regulated tributary of one of the two catchments over 6 days. The flow release resulted in no significant changes in fish species abundances or assemblage composition when compared to nearby unregulated and regulated tributaries. Flow regulation in this region has reduced flow variability and eliminated natural low‐flow periods, although large floods occurred at similar frequencies between regulated–unregulated tributaries prior to and during 2006–2007, resulting in only moderate changes to regulated flow regimes. Barriers to dispersal within catchments also compound the effects of flow regulation, and findings from this study indicate that the location of migratory barriers potentially confounded detection of the effects of flow regime change. Further experimental comparisons of fish assemblages in regulated rivers will refine river‐specific response thresholds to flow regime change and facilitate the sustainable use of water in coastal rivers. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Frogs are widespread through inland rivers and floodplains and are an important component of floodplain food chains. Despite this, studies of frog communities in inland river systems are limited and the impacts of river regulation on frog communities have received very little attention. Surveys for frogs, tadpoles and egg masses along with assessment of vegetation, hydrology and water chemistry were conducted along 10 km reaches of three creek systems in the Lachlan River catchment, a major regulated river in Australia's Murray–Darling Basin. A total of 23 sample sites were surveyed at locations above and below in‐stream weirs as well as adjacent floodplain depressions. The hydrological regimes of sample sites were classified according to the length of time that they were known to hold water (water permanence). The sample sites fell into two distinct categories, 14 were classified as permanent and occurred upstream of weirs while nine were classified as temporary and were located downstream of weirs and in depressions adjacent to the weir pool. Permanent sample sites had a significantly higher percentage of dead standing timber and were deeper with less aquatic vegetation cover than temporary sample sites. Seven frog species were identified; there were no significant differences in species richness between permanent and the temporary waterbodies but the composition of frog assemblages differed significantly between them. This suggests that alteration to the hydrology of inland creek systems can lead to changes in the distribution frog species, with some becoming more common due to increases in the availably of permanent waterbodies while others decline due to reductions in the availability of seasonally flooded waterbodies. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Upper Mississippi River is a dynamic floodplain river that has been largely transformed by navigational levees and dams since the 1930s. The pools upstream of each dam are lake‐like and only about the upper third of each reach retains a riverine character. In contrast, the Wisconsin River is not managed for commercial navigation and today its lower 149 km represent one of the least‐degraded large river reaches in central North America. Riverine reaches in both the Mississippi and Wisconsin rivers have similar macro‐habitats including numerous islands, large side channels, and connected backwaters and floodplain lakes. In this study, shoreline electrofishing samples were collected during summer 2002 and 2003 to characterize resident fish assemblages. We compared fish species abundance, biomass, and biotic integrity along main and side channel borders between the Upper Mississippi River and the Lower Wisconsin River. We expected that, in the absence of environmental degradation, fish composition and structure would be similar between the Mississippi and Wisconsin rivers, and between channel types within each river. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling and redundancy analysis revealed that fish species in the Mississippi River, unlike in the Wisconsin River, were characteristic of non‐riverine habitats. We consider non‐riverine fish assemblages indicative of environmental impairment. The main and side channel sites in the Mississippi River had more variable fish assemblages than the Wisconsin River. Analyses of fish index of biotic integrity scores showed that environmental condition was excellent for both channel types in the Wisconsin River, whereas in the Mississippi River the side channel was rated good and the main channel only fair. We conclude that differences between the two rivers and between channel types of the Mississippi River are consistent with direct and indirect effects of navigation. This study demonstrates the utility of a fish index of biotic integrity, an inexpensive and rapid bioassessment tool, for detecting change in ecological health on one of the world's largest rivers. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The River Murray, Australia, is a highly regulated river from which almost 80% of mean annual flow is removed for human use, primarily irrigated agriculture. Consequent changes to the pattern and volume of river flow are reflected in floodplain hydrology and, therefore, the wetting/drying patterns of floodplain wetlands. To explore the significance of these changes, macroinvertebrate samples were compared between permanent and temporary wetlands following experimental flooding in a forested floodplain of the River Murray. Weekly samples from two permanent wetlands and four associated temporary sites were used to track changes in macroinvertebrate assemblage composition. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling was used to ordinate the macroinvertebrate data, indicating consistent differences between the biota of permanent and temporary wetlands and between the initial and later assemblages in the temporary sites. There were marked changes over time, but little sign that the permanent and temporary assemblages were becoming more alike over the 25‐week observation period. The apparent heterogeneity of these systems is of particular importance in developing river management plans which are likely to change flooding patterns. Such plans need to maintain a mosaic of wetland habitats if floodplain biodiversity is to be supported. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Globally, dams and water extractions are well‐recognised disruptors of flow regimes in floodplain wetlands, but little is known of the hydrological and ecological impacts of floodplain earthworks constructed for irrigation, flood mitigation and erosion control. We mapped the distribution of earthworks with high‐resolution SPOT (Système Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre) imagery in an internationally recognised Ramsar wetland, the Macquarie Marshes of the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia. There were 339 km levees, 1648 km channels, 54 off‐river storages and 664 tanks (0.5–5 m high), detected within the 4793 km2 floodplain study area. Earthworks reduced localised flooding compared with undeveloped sites. The most pronounced disconnection of the original floodplain (73.0%) occurred where earthworks were most concentrated compared with areas with few earthworks (53.2%). We investigated relationships between hydrological connectivity and mortality of the perennial flood‐dependent river red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis at 55 floodplain sites (225 × 150 m). Over half of the river red gums were dead at 21.8% of the sites. Earthworks blocked surface flows to flood‐dependent vegetation and drowned vegetation in artificially inundated off‐river storages. Mortality was due to impacts of earthworks and potentially exacerbated by effects of river regulation, water extraction and climate. River red gums were healthiest in narrow river corridors where earthworks confined flows and flows could recede freely. Rehabilitation of flood‐dependent ecosystems should focus on reinstating lateral connectivity and protecting environmental flows. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regional assessment of cumulative impacts of dams on riverine fish assemblages provides resource managers essential information for dam operation, potential dam removal, river health assessment and overall ecosystem management. Such an assessment is challenging because characteristics of fish assemblages are not only affected by dams, but also influenced by natural variation and human‐induced modification (in addition to dams) in thermal and flow regimes, physicochemical habitats and biological assemblages. This study evaluated the impacts of dams on river fish assemblages in the non‐impoundment sections of rivers in the states of Michigan and Wisconsin using multiple fish assemblage indicators and multiple approaches to distinguish the influences of dams from those of other natural and human‐induced factors. We found that environmental factors that influence fish assemblages in addition to dams should be incorporated when evaluating regional effects of dams on fish assemblages. Without considering such co‐influential factors, the evaluation is inadequate and potentially misleading. The role of dams alone in determining fish assemblages at a regional spatial scale is relatively small (explained less than 20% of variance) compared with the other environmental factors, such as river size, flow and thermal regimes and land uses jointly. However, our results do demonstrate that downstream and upstream dams can substantially modify fish assemblages in the non‐impoundment sections of rivers. After excluding river size and land‐use influences, our results clearly demonstrate that dams have significant impacts on fish biotic‐integrity and habitat‐and‐social‐preference indicators. The influences of the upstream dams, downstream dams, distance to dams, and dam density differ among the fish indicators, which have different implications for maintaining river biotic integrity, protecting biodiversity and managing fisheries. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On meandering rivers with well‐developed floodplains, bankfull stage has geomorphological and ecological significance because it approximates the level of connection between the channel and the floodplain. As a river rises to bankfull stage, sediment begins to be deposited on the floodplain, wetlands are progressively inundated and organisms migrate between the channel and floodplain habitats. On many rivers large headwater dams have reduced the frequency and duration of floodplain inundation downstream. However, the lack of reliable pre‐regulation flow data has made it difficult to quantify the effects of river regulation. This study used historical regulated and modelled natural flow data to determine the effects of regulation on the frequency and duration of bankfull flows on the Murrumbidgee River, one of Australia's largest and most heavily regulated rivers. In combination with floodplain surveys the flow data show that regulation has halved the frequency and duration of bankfull flows. This reduction in channel–floodplain connection has implications for the ecological health of the Murrumbidgee River. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River regulation induces immediate and chronic changes to floodplain ecosystems. We analysed both short‐term and prolonged effects of river regulation on the growth patterns of the keystone riparian tree species Fremont cottonwood (Populus deltoides ssp. wislizenii) at three upper Colorado River Basin rivers having different magnitudes of flow regulation. We compared cottonwood basal area increment on (i) the regulated Upper Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam; (ii) the adjacent free‐flowing Yampa River; and (iii) the partially regulated Lower Green River below their confluence. Our goal was to identify the hydrologic and climatic variables most influential to tree growth under different flow regimes. A dendrochronological analysis of 182 trees revealed a long‐term (37 years) trend of declining growth during the post‐dam period on the Upper Green, but trees on the partially regulated Lower Green maintained growth rates similar to those on the reference Yampa River. Mean annual, mean growing season, and peak annual discharges were the multicollinear flow variables most correlated to growth during both pre‐dam and post‐dam periods at all sites. Annual precipitation was also highly correlated with tree growth, but precipitation occurring during the growing season was poorly correlated with tree growth, even under full river regulation conditions. This indicates that cottonwoods rely primarily on groundwater recharged by river flows. Our results illustrate the complex and prolonged effects of flow regulation on floodplain forests, and suggest that flow regulation designed to simulate specific aspects of flow regimes, particularly peak flows, may promote the persistence of these ecosystems. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding how floodplain wetland vegetation is influenced by water regimes can inform the management of regulated river systems by targeting appropriate environmental water allocations. In this study, we examined plant community structure in 21 floodplain wetlands adjacent to the Murray River between Hume Reservoir and Tocumwal, south‐eastern Australia. Correlations between the water regime of the previous 25 years, and wetland type were investigated. We found the structure of plant communities, as assessed by the richness and percentage cover of plants, to be related to water regime, with clear differences between the communities of wetlands with historical ‘Wet’, ‘Dry’ and ‘Intermediate’ water regimes. Plant community structure was also related to wetland type, with differences being found between the communities of floodplain depressions, flood‐runners and cut‐off meanders. Managers of riverine/floodplain ecosystems need to consider both wetland type and water regime when planning strategies for the restoration or conservation of floodplain wetland vegetation in regulated river systems. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Murray–Darling Basin in south‐eastern Australia contains over 70,000 km2 of wetlands and floodplains, many of which are in poor condition. In response, Australian governments have committed to a major restoration program, the Murray–Darling Basin Plan that includes management of 2,750 Gl of environmental water to protect and restore aquatic ecosystems. The restoration is being undertaken within an adaptive management framework that includes monitoring the outcomes of environmental flows in seven river valleys. This paper provides an overview of the 5‐year monitoring project and some preliminary results. Monitoring design considered the Basin Plan's environmental objectives, conceptual models of ecosystem responses to flow, and an outcomes framework linking flow responses to the environmental objectives. Monitoring indicators includes ecosystem type, vegetation, river metabolism, and fish. Responses are evaluated to identify the contribution of environmental flows to Basin Plan environmental objectives and continual improvements in management. The program is unique in that it seeks to monitor long‐term outcomes of environmental flows at the river basin scale. Despite many challenges, the monitoring has become a key part of the adaptive management of environmental flows in the Murray–Darling Basin.  相似文献   

One of the most severe anthropogenic impacts on river systems worldwide has been alterations to the natural flow regime. Understanding biological responses to altered flow regimes is critical to effectively rehabilitate aquatic ecosystems. This study investigated changes in the larval fish assemblages during varying hydrological conditions over 5 years in the lower River Murray, in south‐eastern Australia. Larval fish were sampled during spring/summer during three distinct hydrological periods: under a within‐channel flow pulse and a water level raising (2005); during a drought with very low flows and stable water levels (2006, 2007 and 2008); and during an overbank flow (2010). Data were analysed for annual, spatial and seasonal variations, and correlations were examined between changes in larval assemblages and environmental variables. Hydrology was a key driver in inter‐annual variation in larval fish assemblages. High abundances of small‐bodied to medium‐bodied native species were recorded under low flows, while for other species, abundance was more strongly correlated to temperature, representing seasonal variation. Two large‐bodied species were only recorded during the within‐channel flow pulse and overbank flow conditions, and significant increases in larval abundances were recorded during overbank flow conditions. We suggest groupings based on species response to hydrology (low‐flow to medium‐flow spawners, high‐flow spawners or seasonal spawners). This study suggests that a range of conditions (low flows and overbank flows) are required to maintain a diverse and abundant native fish fauna in the lower River Murray. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The floodplain wetlands of the southern Murray Darling Basin (MDB) have been subject to the impacts of catchment and water resource development for more than a century. Their current degraded state is attributed to the regulation of the rivers and abstraction of water volume for irrigation. The MDB Plan is to return at least 2,750 Gl of mean annual flow to the system to restore the condition of waterways. Considerable recent investment in infrastructure enables water to be released into the basin's floodplain wetlands. The proposed watering regime is underpinned by modelling that suggests that, before regulation, overbank flows would have occurred regularly as discharge peaked in winter and spring. Sediment cores have been extracted from over 50 floodplain wetlands of the southern Murray Basin. Those from several, large meander wavelength billabongs extend for 1,000–5,000 years suggesting that these sites were permanently inundated over that time. Others extend to ~200 years and are presumed not to have accumulated sediment until more recently. The records of most wetlands, however, only extend to the onset of river regulation in the 1920s, suggesting that before then they were not inundated for sufficient duration for net accumulation to occur. Preserved diatoms suggest that the shallow, plant‐dominated wetlands of the past have transitioned to deep, turbid water systems today. As rivers are identified as a source of sediment to wetlands, less regular inundation, rather than more, is a viable option in restoring the ecological function of these floodplain wetlands and in slowing sediment infill.  相似文献   

The effects of river regulation on the hydrological cycle of a river and on the respective fish assemblage may differ according to dam operation purpose and type of river analysed. To assess the spatial and temporal variation of fish assemblages and their response to the hydrological changes caused by two different types of flow regulation, we selected three sampling sites in four rivers with different levels of regulation, two in a permanent river system and another two on a temporary one, which we sampled in four different annual seasons. In the permanent system, hydroelectrical regulation decreased hydrological variability, which affected fluvial specialist species, benefitting the generalist ones, and created a more homogeneous community that presented less intra‐annual variation. In the temporary system, agricultural regulation caused an inversion of the hydrological cycle, maintaining a moderate flow volume throughout the drought period that benefited the introduced, generalist and more tolerant species. Monthly volume was recognized, in a temporal scale, as the most important hydrological feature for assemblages’ structure, predicting the intra‐annual variation of several ecological guilds. This study provides important considerations for dam management and riverine ecosystems conservation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The majority of rivers in the Australian tropics possess near‐natural flow regimes and are an ecological asset of global significance. We examined flow variability in large floodplain rivers in the Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Australia, and the potential ecological impacts of future water resource development (WRD). Flow metrics based on long‐term records were used to classify flow regimes and predict hydrological drivers of ecological function. Flow regimes of selected rivers were then compared with those simulated for pre‐ and post‐WRD flows in the Darling River, a highly modified river in Australia's south‐east. Generally, rivers were classified as typically ‘tropical’ (more permanent, regular flows) or ‘dryland’ (more ephemeral, with greater flow variability). In addition, all rivers displayed wet–dry seasonality associated with changes in flow magnitude or number of zero‐flow days. We propose that these features (flow permanence and regularity; flow variability and absence; wet–dry seasonality) are the key hydrological drivers of biodiversity and ecological function in the floodplain rivers of Australia's north. In terms of WRD, inter‐annual flow variability was predicted to increase or decrease depending on rivers' natural flow regimes, specifically their tendency toward lower or higher flow magnitudes. Either outcome is expected to have adverse effects on the biodiversity and ecological function of these relatively pristine rivers and floodplain habitats. In particular, reduced and homogenized habitat, loss of life‐history cues, inhibited dispersal and shifts in community composition, as a result of WRD, threaten the ecological integrity of rivers adapted to the three hydrological drivers above. These findings serve as a caution for careful consideration of WRD options for rivers in the Australian tropics and for those with similar flow regimes the world over. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Globally, rivers are increasingly being subjected to various levels of physical alteration and river regulation to provide humans with services such as hydropower, freshwater, flood control, irrigation and recreation. Although river regulation plays an important role in modern society, there are potential consequences which may negatively affect fish and fish habitat. While much effort has been expended examining the response of fish to fluctuating flow regimes in different systems, there has been little in the way of a comprehensive synthesis. In an effort to better understand the effects of river regulation on fish and fish habitat, we conducted a systematic review of available literature with three goals: (1) summarize the various research methodologies used by regulated river researchers, (2) summarize the effects found on fish and fish habitat and (3) identify opportunities for future research. The results of the synthesis indicate that a wide variety of methodologies are being employed to study regulated river science, yet there is a gap in incorporating methodologies that examine effects on fish at a cellular level or those techniques that are interdisciplinary (e.g. behaviour and physiology). There is a clear consensus that modified flow regimes in regulated rivers are affecting fish and fish habitat, but the severity and direction of the response varies widely. Future study designs should include methods that target all biological levels of fish response, and in which detailed statistical analyses can be performed. There is also a need for more rigorous study designs including the use of appropriate controls and replicates. Data on physical variables that co‐vary with flow should be collected and examined to add explanatory power to the results. Increased multi‐stakeholder collaborations provide the greatest promise of balancing ecological concerns with economic needs. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydroelectric dam operation can alter discharge and temperature patterns, impacting fish populations downstream. Previous investigations into the effects of river regulation on fish have focused on a single species within a river, yet different results among studies suggest the potential for species‐specific impacts. Here, we compare the impacts of two different hydropeaking regimes relative to a naturally flowing river on three ecologically important members of the forage fish community: longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae), slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) and trout‐perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus). Annual growth, estimated from otolith back‐calculations, was higher for each of the species in the regulated river relative to the naturally flowing river but did not differ between hydropeaking regimes. Condition was assessed using weight–length relationships and differed between rivers for each species, and between hydropeaking regimes for longnose dace and slimy sculpin. Survival of longnose dace and slimy sculpin was lower in the regulated river relative to the naturally flowing river, but comparable between rivers for trout‐perch. Annual growth was significantly related to mean summer discharge in the regulated river and to mean summer water temperature in the naturally flowing river for each species, and significantly different slopes among species indicate species‐specific responses to discharge and temperature alterations. This study demonstrates different biological responses among fish species within rivers to regulation in general, as well as to specific hydropeaking regimes. Future studies should focus on multiple species and multiple indicators of fish health to more fully characterize the impacts of river regulation on downstream fish communities. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The abundance of epiphytic invertebrates living on both submerged and emergent macrophytes in lentic systems is influenced by a range of environmental features at both spatial and temporal scales. Such features include water chemistry, habitat complexity, hydrology and external influences such as climatic cycles. Dugays 2 billabong is a floodplain lake on the highly regulated, mid‐upper Murray River in southeastern Australia. Giant rush (Juncus ingens N.A. Wakefield) is the dominant habitat feature in this billabong. This plant is a simple, single‐stemmed, densely packed emergent macrophyte that fringes the littoral margins. The macrophyte habitat available to epiphytic invertebrates in this billabong is highly variable through time largely due to the variable water levels imposed by the regulated river channel for downstream irrigation needs, particularly through summer. To investigate both spatial and temporal patterns in the epiphytic invertebrates of Dugays 2 billabong, invertebrates were sampled within giant rush stands on five occasions over one year. Spatial variability in epifaunal density was generally low, while temporal densities were highly variable through time. Spatial patterns of invertebrate abundance revealed few associations with habitat structure or water quality, apart from those associated with water depth, particularly when sampling had been preceded by fluctuating water levels. High temporal variability in assemblage structure of the epifauna reflects the high background environmental variation that occurs in this system. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dynamic nature of alluvial floodplain rivers is a function of flow and sediment regimes interacting with the physiographic features and vegetation cover of the landscape. During seasonal inundation, the flood pulse forms a ‘moving littoral’ that traverses the plain, increasing productivity and enhancing connectivity. The range of spatio-temporal connectivity between different biotopes, coupled with variable levels of natural disturbance, determine successional patterns and habitat heterogeneity that are responsible for maintaining the ecological integrity of floodplain river systems. Flow regulation by dams, often compounded by other modifications such as levee construction, normally results in reduced connectivity and altered successional trajectories in downstream reaches. Flood peaks are typically reduced by river regulation, which reduces the frequency and extent of floodplain inundation. A reduction in channel-forming flows reduces channel migration, an important phenomenon in maintaining high levels of habitat diversity across floodplains. The seasonal timing of floods may be shifted by flow regulation, with major ramifications for aquatic and terrestrial biota. Truncation of sediment transport may result in channel degradation for many kilometres downstream from a dam. Deepening of the channel lowers the water-table, which affects riparian vegetation dynamics and reduces the effective base level of tributaries, which results in rejuvenation and erosion. Ecological integrity in floodplain rivers is based in part on a diversity of water bodies with differing degrees of connectivity with the main river channel. Collectively, these water bodies occupy a wide range of successional stages, thereby forming a mosaic of habitat patches across the floodplain, This diversity is maintained by a balance between the trend toward terrestrialization and flow disturbances that renew connectivity and reset successional sequences. To counter the influence of river regulation, restoration efforts should focus on reestablishing dynamic connectivity between the channel and floodplain water bodies.  相似文献   

In large European rivers the chemical water quality has improved markedly in recent decades, yet the recovery of the fish fauna is not proceeding accordingly. Important causes are the loss of habitats in the main river channels and their floodplains, and the diminished hydrological connectivity between them. In this study we investigate how river regulation has affected fish community structure in floodplain waterbodies of the rivers Rhône (France), Danube (Austria), Rhine and Meuse (The Netherlands). A typology of natural and man‐made aquatic habitats was constructed based on geomorphology, inundation frequency and ecological connectivity, along the transversal river–floodplain gradient, i.e. perpendicular to the main stream of the river. Fish species were classified in ecological guilds based on their flow preference, reproduction ecology and diet, and their status on national red lists was used to analyse the present state of the guilds and habitats. Ecological fish guilds appear to be good indicators of ecological integrity and functioning of river–floodplain systems. A transversal successional gradient in fish community structure that bears some resemblance to the gradient found in natural rivers can still be discerned in heavily regulated rivers. It resembles the longitudinal river gradient; even some predictions of the River Continuum Concept are applicable. Overall, richness and diversity of species and ecological guilds decrease with decreasing hydrological connectivity of floodplain waterbodies. Anthropogenic disturbances have affected fish species unevenly: guilds of specialized species that are highly adapted to specifically riverine conditions have declined far more than generalist species. Fish habitats in the main and secondary channels have suffered most from regulation and contain the highest percentage of threatened species. Rheophilic fishes have become rare because their lotic reproductive habitats are severely degraded, fragmented, absent or unreachable. Limnophilic fishes have become rare too, mainly as a result of eutrophication. Eurytopic fishes have become dominant everywhere. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Floodplain habitats provide critical spawning and rearing habitats for many large‐river fishes. The paradigm that floodplains are essential habitats is often a key reason for restoring altered rivers to natural flow regimes. However, few studies have documented spatial and temporal utilization of floodplain habitats by adult fish of sport or commercial management interest or assessed obligatory access to floodplain habitats for species' persistence. In this study, we applied telemetry techniques to examine adult fish movements between floodplain and mainstem habitats, paired with intensive light trap sampling of larval fish in these same habitats, to assess the relationships between riverine flows and fish movement and spawning patterns in restored and unmodified floodplain distributaries of the Apalachicola River, Florida. Our intent is to inform resource managers on the relationships between the timing, magnitude and duration of flow events and fish spawning as part of river management actions. Our results demonstrate spawning by all study species in floodplain and mainstem river habitat types, apparent migratory movements of some species between these habitats, and distinct spawning events for each study species on the basis of fish movement patterns and light trap catches. Additionally, Micropterus spp., Lepomis spp. and, to a lesser degree, Minytrema melanops used floodplain channel habitat that was experimentally reconnected to the mainstem within a few weeks of completing the restoration. This result is of interest to managers assessing restoration activities to reconnect these habitats as part of riverine restoration programmes globally. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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