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A total of 11,018 employees participated in a survey investigating whether demographic, personality, and work‐related variables could explain variance in attitudes towards and actual use of social network sites for personal purposes during working hours. Age was negatively related to both dependent variables. Male gender, single status, and education were positively associated with both dependent variables. Managers had negative attitudes to use, but top‐level managers reported more use than other respondents. Access to social network sites at the workplace was positively related to both dependent variables, whereas policies prohibiting showed the opposite relationship. Extraversion and Neuroticism were positively related to both dependent variables. Conscientiousness, positive challenge at work, and quantitative demands were all negatively related to both dependent variables.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between perceived bridging social capital and specific Facebook‐enabled communication behaviors using survey data from a sample of U.S. adults (N=614). We explore the role of a specific set of Facebook behaviors that support relationship maintenance and assess the extent to which demographic variables, time on site, total and “actual” Facebook Friends, and this new measure (Facebook Relationship Maintenance Behaviors) predict bridging social capital. Drawing upon scholarship on social capital and relationship maintenance, we discuss the role of social grooming and attention‐signaling activities in shaping perceived access to resources in one's network as measured by bridging social capital.  相似文献   

Scholars have confirmed that political candidates are increasingly turning to social network sites (SNS) to persuade voters to vote for them, and that these sites have become prominent sources of political information. But a fundamental question arises about the sustainability of social networks as a campaign tool: How much do users trust the information they find there? This study employed an online survey to examine the degree to which politically interested online users view SNS as credible. SNS were ranked the least credible among the nine traditional and online sources examined. Reliance on social networks proved the strongest predictor of SNS credibility.  相似文献   

Social networking sites such as Facebook are becoming increasingly popular and important but it remains unclear which aspects of profiles convey information used to form impressions. This study expands on research investigating the role of popularity online and its impact on perceptions of targets' personality and appearance. Facebook profile owners' popularity was manipulated via number of friends and photos, and type of wall activity. Participants were 102 undergraduates who viewed 4 Facebook profiles (a popular and unpopular male and female) and judged the individuals represented by each. Popular targets were perceived to be more socially and physically attractive, extroverted and approachable than unpopular targets. Findings mirror offline effects and provide clues as to how profiles are examined and information extracted.  相似文献   


There is a rise in the interest among researchers to understand how addiction to social networking sites (SNSs) influences the use of SNS for information sharing. Much less attention has been placed on the interactive effect of multiple addictions (i.e., cross-addiction) on information sharing behaviors on SNSs. In this study, we examine the interaction effect of SNS addiction and alcohol use on two characteristic sharing behaviors on SNSs, self-promotion, and peer promotion of alcohol use. This study contributes to theory and practice as it builds a model that integrates social cognitive theory and normative social influence to explain mechanisms through which cross-addiction shapes information sharing behaviors on SNSs. The proposed model is estimated using data from a sample of college students in a North American university. The results support the theorized relationships between cross-addiction and SNS use to promote addiction-related activities. Implications of the findings for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

While research on organizational online networking recently increased significantly, most studies adopt quantitative research designs with a focus on the consequences of social network configurations. Very limited attention is paid to comprehensive theoretical conceptions of the complex phenomenon of organizational online networking. We address this gap by adopting a theoretical framework of the deep structure of organizational online networking with a focus on their emerging meaning for the employees. We apply and assess the framework in a qualitative case study of a large‐scale implementation of a corporate social network site (SNS) in a global organization. We reveal organizational online networking as a multi‐dimensional phenomenon with multiplex relationships that are unbalanced, primarily consist of weak ties and are subject to temporal change. Further, we identify discourse drivers and information retrievers as two mutually interdependent actor roles as an explanation for uneven levels of user contributions to the SNS. Based on our analysis, we elicit abstract order principles, such as topical discourses, and identify transactive memory theory as a potent explanation of the evolving interaction structures. We finally discuss how the deep structure framework can contribute to future research on organizational networks.  相似文献   

Internet users decide within seconds, whether to elaborate on a website, or to go on to a new page. This calls for investigation of the factors influencing this decision. In two studies, we presented websites for 3 s and analysed the effect implementation of Gestalt principles (GPs) and visualisation of an interaction partner has on acceptance, recommendation of the site by the user, and social presence. Study 1 implemented a 3 (Gestalt principle of proximity: no, medium and strong implementation) × 3 (Gestalt principle of a common region: no, medium and strong implementation) – design and found more acceptance and recommendation with more GPs used. Study 2, using a 2 (GPs: implemented and not implemented) × 3 (visualisation: no, drawing and photograph) – design, showed more social presence with more realistic visualisation and more recommendation with higher social presence. Thus, GPs and realistic visualisation should be implemented in web design to intensify interaction with the user.  相似文献   

On social network sites (SNS), information about one's romantic partner is readily available and public for friends. The paper focuses on the negative (SNS jealousy) and positive (SNS relationship happiness) consequences of SNS use for romantic relationships. We examined whether relationship satisfaction, trait jealousy, SNS use and need for popularity predicted these emotional consequences of SNS use and tested the moderating role of self‐esteem. For low self‐esteem individuals, need for popularity predicted jealousy and relationship happiness. For high‐self‐esteem individuals, SNS use for grooming was the main predictor. Low‐self‐esteem individuals try to compensate their low self‐esteem by creating an idealized picture. Undesirable information threatens this picture, and especially individuals with a high need for popularity react with SNS jealousy.  相似文献   

With the growing usage of the Internet, the demand for online health care information and advice as well as the number of health‐related Web sites are increasing. In case of online health information and advice, the user interface replaces face‐to‐face communication. To ensure that the users' needs are met, it is critical to balance functionality and usability in the design of the Web site. The present study seeks to identify the complex interrelationships among the various factors of usability and functionality concerning e‐health Web sites. Two Turkish e‐health Web sites were assessed for evaluation in this study. The findings show that the users of the health information Web sites give a higher priority to functionality and its factors, whereby the highest relative importance is on “services/facilities” and “personalization/categorization of information.” The most important usability factors related to the e‐health Web sites are “memorability” and “interaction.” © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Web2.0时代,空间定位技术不断成熟,使得基于位置的社交网络(LBSN)快速发展.LBSN用户的典型行为是签到以及针对签到地进行评论等.探索用户签到及相关行为的规律及背后动机,可以更好地了解用户的需求,发现系统设计与用户需求的不匹配之处,这对LBSN类应用的设计和开发具有一定的指导意义.利用在线数据抓取工具GooSeeker抽样国内典型的LBSN嘀咕网的用户数据.通过对获取的数据进行处理、分析,获知用户签到行为特点.同时关注用户发布的签到地评论的内容,并且使用分类工具SVMCLS将用户对麦当劳的评论划分为不同的倾向级别,从而得到用户对麦当劳的主观情感倾向性.结果发现嘀咕网用户签到的时间和地点存在规律性特征.用户趋向于在签到地做出正面的评论,并且评论的内容比较简短.这些发现有助于LBSN类系统设计和开发人员更好地了解用户,获知用户的需求,最终完善自己的设计,为用户提供更好的应用服务.  相似文献   

面对日益复杂的反恐和防范犯罪的公共安全的需要,对大量情报信息的收集与综合研判,已成为精确的预防与打击犯罪的重要方法和手段。本文提出了一个自动化的情报分析系统,通过文本挖掘技术,提取并建立情报信息的特征向量,自动构建社会网络模型,采用中心度测度算法,定量分析各成员在社会网络中的地位,使用聚类算法进一步发现和分割出高内聚的紧密型的犯罪团伙,以有效揭示出团伙内部的关联关系,为准确的情报研判提供了重要的线索和方向。  相似文献   

As people increasingly integrate social network sites (SNSs) into their daily lives, their social connections on SNSs become more diverse, including their friends, co‐workers, and relatives. In such a context, users may receive different role expectations from their various social circles and experience role conflict in their usage of SNSs. Furthermore, previous literature suggests that people may not always make privacy‐related decisions through effortful and deliberate information processing. Drawing on the perspective of boundary regulation and dual process theories, this study clarifies the consequences of role conflict on SNSs. A theoretical model is developed to examine the effect of role conflict regarding privacy risk and perceived control, which, in turn, impact self‐disclosure behaviour, as well as how this process is moderated by high‐ versus low‐effort processing. The results of 4 experiments provide strong support for our model. The implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

社会网络分析与可视化是当前的热门研究领域,但是针对社会网络信息的高效理解与组织的研究成果却十分缺乏。本文提出一种针对社会网络信息的领域本体模型,它对社会网络信息领域的客观存在及其关系进行描述。该模型适合于描述各种社会网络分析与可视化方法,并能针对不同社会网络信息可视化应用进行扩展,克服了传统力导引布局算法在社会网络结构分析与可视化上的不足。其可视化结果能够清晰显示子群分布,表现行动者间的密切程度,显示行动者关键属性分布以及子群内部的角色分布等信息。最后通过恐怖活动信息实例,验证了领域本体模型在社会网络信息分析与显示方面的优越性。  相似文献   

随着团购以及移动终端的发展越演越烈,传统的推荐机制在团购推荐问题上逐渐呈现出弊端。针对团购推荐的情境敏感性,设计了基于情境语义推理的偏好分析模块,综合考虑了消费者长期演化形成的长期偏好以及基于情境形成的短期偏好;并将团购网络中的每个成员设定为复杂网络中的一个节点,将成员间的相互关系表示为节点的链接,构建团购用户的复杂网络,并设计了基于复杂网络的社会影响分析模块,以进行团购社区的划分,以及评测社区中成员之间的影响。基于此,完成了团购平台中两类产品的团购推荐研究。仿真实验表明,融合情境语义推理及社会网络的团购推荐机制具有良好的有效性及用户反馈满意度。  相似文献   

The present study examines if Facebooking can contribute to psychological well‐being and if so, which aspects of Facebook use could play a significant role. Matching crawled data with self‐reported data from mobile Facebook users, we found that more social interactions with Facebook friends and faster friends' reactions to a user's post contributed toFacebook user's perceived social support and ultimately alleviated loneliness. We also found that the association between frequency as well as speed of Facebook social interactions and psychological well‐being were more significant among those who were sensitive to other's behaviors and feelings than those who were not. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings, particularly regarding mobile communication context, are also discussed.  相似文献   

The present research aims to provide insight into social compensatory friending on social network sites by investigating the effects of self-esteem and self-consciousness on number of friends in the context of Facebook use. It was hypothesized that Facebook users low in self-esteem, when compared with high-self-esteem individuals, would engage in friending more actively and thereby accumulate a large number of friends as a way to compensate for the deficiency in self-esteem. We also hypothesized that the relationship between self-esteem and number of Facebook friends would vary depending on the levels of public self-consciousness. Data were collected from a college student sample in the United States (N = 234) based on an online cross-sectional survey. The results supported the hypothesis on social compensatory friending, demonstrating a negative association between self-esteem and number of Facebook friends. Furthermore, the data yielded support for the hypothesized moderating role of public self-consciousness in social compensatory friending: the negative association between self-esteem and number of Facebook friends was significant only for Facebook users who are high in public self-consciousness but not for those who are low in public self-consciousness. Implications for understanding social network site users’ friending behavior in light of social compensation motives are discussed.  相似文献   

Given the diffusion of the Social Web and increased disclosure of personal information online, the ‘privacy paradox’ suggests that while Internet users are concerned about privacy, their behaviors do not mirror those concerns. This study investigates the potential influence of privacy concerns, psychological traits, attitudes to the Social Web and age on self‐disclosure. Using an online survey of a representative sample of German Internet users (n = 2, 739), the variety and quality of self‐disclosure as well as access were measured. The findings indicate that privacy concerns hardly impact self‐disclosure, but different variables moderate this relation. Perceived social relevance and the number of applications used proved important. Users' general willingness to disclose is most important when providing sensitive information.  相似文献   

This study examines trust in technology‐supported groups from the perspectives of culture, social presence and group composition. Our results demonstrate that, in culturally homogeneous groups, individualism has a negative impact on the level of interpersonal trust; however, in culturally heterogeneous groups consisting of Chinese and U.S. participants, individualism has a positive impact on interpersonal trust among members. There were also significant differences in the level of trust between homogeneous Chinese groups and heterogeneous groups consisting of Chinese and U.S. participants. In addition, the mediating role of communication quality was identified to explain the effect for trust‐of social presence on trust. These findings have important implications on building and communication in global technology‐supported decision‐making groups.  相似文献   

As social media become popular news platforms, journalists and news organizations have been keen to capitalize on their potential to build and maintain audiences. However, little is known about the extent to which these efforts may have adverse implications. Based on normative theories, the present study investigates the influence of journalists' social media activities (specifically, self‐disclosure and interaction with other users) on audience perceptions of journalists. An experiment (N = 267) revealed that: Although both journalists' self‐disclosure and interaction positively influenced audience perceptions of the journalists in the personal dimension, interaction negatively influenced audience perceptions in the professional dimension; and the perceptions transferred to perceptions of news products, thereby mediating the relationship between journalists' social media activities and audience news perceptions.  相似文献   

Map matching algorithms are utilised to support the navigation module of advanced transport telematics systems. The objective of this paper is to develop a framework to quantify the effects of spatial road network data and navigation sensor data on the performance of map matching algorithms. Three map matching algorithms are tested with different spatial road network data (map scale 1:1,250; 1:2,500 and 1:50,000) and navigation sensor data (global positioning system (GPS) and GPS augmented with deduced reckoning) in order to quantify their performance. The algorithms are applied to different road networks of varying complexity. The performance of the algorithms is then assessed for a suburban road network using high precision positioning data obtained from GPS carrier phase observables. The results show that there are considerable effects of spatial road network data on the performance of map matching algorithms. For an urban road network, the results suggest that both the quality of spatial road network data and the type of navigation system affect the link identification performance of map matching algorithms.
Robert B. NolandEmail:

Dr. Mohammed Quddus   obtained a PhD from Imperial College London in 2005 where he was working as a research assistant for four years and a research fellow for one year on a number of research projects. He received an MEng degree in Civil Engineering from the National University of Singapore in 2001 and a BSc in Civil Engineering from BUET (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) in 1998. He joined Loughborough University as a lecturer in transport studies in 2006.
Dr. Robert Noland   is Reader in Transport and Environmental Policy and heads the Environment and Policy Research Group within the Centre for Transport Studies. He received his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania in Energy Management and Environmental Policy. Prior to joining Imperial College he was a Policy Analyst at the US Environmental Protection Agency and also conducted post-doctoral research in the Economics Department at the University of California at Irvine.
Prof Washington Ochieng   is Professor of Positioning and Navigation Systems at the Centre for Transport Studies (CTS) in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. He is also the Director of the Departmental MSc Programmes and the Imperial College Engineering Geomatics Group (ICEGG). Dr. Ochieng is a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Navigation (FRIN) and the Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (FInstCES). He is a Member of Council and Trustee of the Royal Institute of Navigation, Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (MICE), the Institution of Highways and Transportation (MIHT), and the United States Institute of Navigation.

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