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This article refers to the first commercial application of upflow residuum hydrotreating serial catalyst, developed by Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals (FRIPP), in the residuum hydrotreating unit at Shengli refinery of Qilu Petrochemical Company. This catalyst features large pore volume and large pore diameter. The production practice for more than one year has revealed that the domestic upflow residuum hydrotreating catalyst has shown good performance and stability over the whole period of operation despite its high activity at the start of run, and has basically reached the level of similar imported catalyst.  相似文献   

The RHT technology is developed by Research histitute of Petroteum Processing (RIPP) for residuum hydrotreating in order In produce good quality RFCC feed. The advantages of the RHT series catalysts are presented in this article, based on the results of activity tests and a 9500 hours service life test in pilot plants and the assessment on a commercial application.  相似文献   

This article has analyzed the environment and tasks confronting China's petroleum refining industry, and has referred to principles for selecting the resid processing technologies and viability of various combination technologies for resid processing. Taking into account the actual commercial practice of resid hydrogenation units, this article has also discussed methods for processing high-sulfur inferior crudes as well as the suitability of resid hydrogenation technology.  相似文献   

Complete conversion of resid into light oil needs to consume large amount of hydrogen, because the light oil has higher hydrogen content.The conversion of whole resid into light oil is not economic at the normal price gap between the light and heavy oils. Hence a combination of hydrogenation process with carbon removal process is generally adopted.  相似文献   

Application of Resid Hydrogenation Process in Mainland China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article mainly refers to a brief introduction on the design and operation of resid hydrogenation units in Mainland China in order to keep the peers abreast of the basic status of aoolication of resid hydrogenation process in the Mainland China.  相似文献   

The technical development project assigned by SINOPEC-- “Commercial test of the SHP-02/F catalyst for two-stage hydrotreating of pyrolysis gasoline”--jointly performed by SINOPEC Shanghai Petrochemical Research Institute and Zhongyuan Petrochemical Company had passed the technical appraisal organized by SINOPEC Science and Technology Development Division. The SHP-02/F catalyst used in the combined bed has the advantages of both CoMo and NiMo catalyst series with outstanding hydrogenation and desulfurization performance, and can be applied to hydrogenate petroleum products with high contents of diolefins and resins and a sulfur content ranging from 30 to 1100 ppm. This catalyst is innovative in its nature.  相似文献   

In order to reduce the coke yield and increase the economic benefits of FCC unit under the prerequisites of securing the olefin content of gasoline in compliance with the requirement, SINOPEC Luoyang Branch Company applied in the period from July through October 2004 the new generation X-62 catalyst (FlexTec-LOL1) developed by the Engelhard Corporation of USA to improve the heavy oil conversion and to reduce coke make. The result of tests has shown that indicators on reducing the unit catalyst consumption, amplitude on reduction of non-ideal products (coke+oil slurry+dry gas) yield, and amplitude on reduction of coke yield were comparatively satisfactory.  相似文献   

The ZHC-01 hydrocracking catalyst, characterized by high hydrogenation activity, good selectivity for middle distillates, strong resistance to nitrogen poisoning, was prepared by co-gelling. The catalyst is not only suited to the single-stage hydrocracking process, but also to the first stage of serial hydrocracking process. In parallel with the fully loaded operation of the 1.4 Mt/a hydrocracking unit at the SINOPEC Qilu Petrochemical Company, a pilot test of the ZHC-01 catalyst was also carried out on the hydrocracking unit. The test results indicated that the activity, the yield of major target products and quality of the ZHC-01 catalyst could comply with the design requirements for the hydrocracking unit, and this catalyst could be applied in the hydrocracking unit. The commercial test results showed that the ZHC-01 catalyst, featuring good activity, stability, and flexibility in production, not only could meet the demand for producing environmentally friendly middle distillates, but could also increase the resource of optimized steam cracking feedstock.  相似文献   

In the course of reduction of reforming catalyst by not hydrogen a certain amount of chlorine containing compounds is added to the recycle hydrogen to facilitate the reduction of sulfates.The outcome of commercial application of this technique has revealed that the procedure of “regeneration by chlorination→reduction→sulfate removal→sulfiding and oil feed-in“aimed at sulate removal is very simple and can recover the reaction activity of reforming catalyst after having been poisoned by sulfates.This procedure can be disseminated for application in refineries.  相似文献   

After utilizing an improved method for adding a non-precious promoter to the precious Pd/C catalyst during hydrogenation of benzoic acid, a new understanding concerning regeneration of deactivated Pd/C catalyst has been obtained, and an improved process has emerged. The improved process can avoid the conventional technical shortcomings related with hydrogenation of benzoic acid such as the quick decline of catalyst activity in a relatively short period of time and low palladium recovery from the spent catalyst. Furthermore, according to this process, cyclohexane carboxylic acid (CCA) can be produced Pavorably in a commercial scale at a high selectivity and product yield with a extended catalyst life.  相似文献   

1 Introduction. China has enforced a new gasoline standard starting 2003 to limit the olefins, aromatics and benzene contents in gasoline. The isomcrate is the cleanest gasoline component because it does not contain the above-mentioned components, and is also an excellent gasoline blending component because of its higher RON and MON ratings. Currently the FCC naphtha accounts for 81.4% of gasoline pool, reformate accounts for 12.6% of gasoline pool, MTBE makes up 4% of gasoline pool.  相似文献   

This article refers to the application of DOCO olefin-reducing catalyst developed by RIPP and manufactured by the Catalyst Factory of Changling Refining and Chemical Company in the 1.4 Mt/a RFCCU at Daqing Petrochemical Company. Results of operation over two months had revealed that this catalyst had good olefin-reducing ability and heavy oil converting ability adapted to paraffinic feedstock. The gasoline olefin yield had been reduced to 36.1 v% from 54.2 v% with gasoline RON rating decreased by 1.4 units. The induction period of gasoline had significantly increased to 952 ram, while the coke yield was increased by 0.05 percentage point with light oil yield dropping by only 0.02 percentage point. The FCC product distribution is favorable.  相似文献   

The NT-1 type high-efficiency catalyst for ethylene polymer-ization developed by RIPP has successfully undergone com-mercial application tests in the 70kt/a unit for slurry polymer-ization of ethylene at Yangzi Petrochemical Company afterhaving manufactured 1500 tons of the 7000F and 5000S PEresin grades.The test team consisting of staffs from YangziPetrochemical Company,RIPP and Yanhua High and New  相似文献   

A newly developed catalyst type DVR-1 for catalytic cracking of Daqing vacuum resid was put into use in a commercial VRFCC unit,This catalyst features uniquely active matrix and modified ultra-stable zeolite.The commercial application results show that the DVR-1 type catalyst has the advantage of high heavy oil conversion,good metal tolerance nd gooed stability for catalyst regeneration,The FCC tests have shown Favorable product distribution,acceptable product quality and enormaous economic benefits whe processing the feedstock containin 75%-100% Daqing VR.  相似文献   

HGY-2000R catalyst developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, SINOPEC was tested in the RFCC unit, Ulsan complex, SK Corporation, Korea from July to August 2002. The primary results of commercial test show that it has good performance of higher activity, good hydrotherrnal stability,higher residue cracking ability, good coke selectivity and good fluidization properties as well as maximizing gasoline yield with a lower olefin content.  相似文献   

The commercial application test of the new generation catalyst for ethylene oxychlorination performed jointly by SINOPEC Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry (BRICI) and Qilu Petrochemical Branch Company has passed the technical appraisal organized by SINOPEC.  相似文献   

The project "Preparation of novel resin catalyst for manufacture of bisphenol A" jointly undertaken by the Jiangsu Technology College and Tianjin Shuangfu Fine Chemicals Company, Ltd. has made great strides. Bisphenol A is an important raw material for manufacture of epoxy resins, polycarbonates and combustion retarders, and the global output of this chemical is around 3.2 Mt/a. For a long time several foreign companies have monopolized the technology for production of bisphenol A, and China has to import a large amount of bisphenol A. Till now the bisphenol A production capacity in China is merely 50 kt/a.  相似文献   

The CTV-IV type catalyst for synthesis of vinyl acetate developed by the SINOPEC Shanghai Petrochemical Research Institute (SPRI) has been successfully applied on the #2 vinyl acetate unit at SINOPEC's Shanghai Petrochemical Company.  相似文献   

A new type of zeolite La-USL (ultra stable zeolite L (zeolite USL) modified by La), which has superior activity, stability and selectivity in catalytic cracking of hydrocarbons and thus can be used as an active catalyst component, is reported in this paper. The zeolite L with relative crystallinity of above 90% was synthesized by the hydrothermal crystallization method under optimum conditions and characterized by means of XRD, NH3-TPD and isotherm adsorption techniques. The in-situ synthesized zeolite L with a SiO2/Al2O3 mole ratio of 5-6 was modified by cation ion exchange, hydrothermal dealumination and chemical modifications with La in order to prepare La-containing USL with a higher framework SiO2/Al2O3 mole ratio of 15-30. The modified zeolite La-USL was used as an active additive component of fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalyst and the resulting catalysts were evaluated by microactivity test (MAT) and fixed-fluidized bed (FFB) experiments using heavy oil as feedstock. The influence of La content in La-USL on cracking product distribution, gasoline group composition and research octane number (RON) was investigated. The results showed that when La content in La-USL was 0.8 wt%, the addition of the corresponding La-USL could result in a FCC catalyst that produced significant improvement in product distribution and gasoline quality.  相似文献   

This paper refers to the results of study and development of benzene and polyethylbenzene transalkylation catalyst (type AEB-1) for syntthesis of ethylbenzene,The effect of reaction conditions on the reaction performance of the catalyst was investigated in the pressurized microreactor CDS-900,A transalyltaion catalst with high activity,good selectivity and stability was developed following a 2000-hour test on the activity and stabiity of the catalyst .The preparation of this catatlyst was implemented in pilot scale and this catalyst was tested for activity and stability in a 150 t/a pilot unit for production of etheylbenzene ,The test results have shown that this transalkyliation catalyst has excellent activity ,seletivity and stability,The operation of pilot test unit ran smoothly and the process schemis is viable.  相似文献   

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