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ABSTRACT: Community development corporations (CDCs) and other large nonprofit housing organizations are major producers of housing for low‐income households. One of the least recognized and examined set of challenges facing these groups relates to how the workings of the private housing market—both weak and strong market conditions—impact their ability to carry out their mission. After presenting examples of how housing market conditions create challenges for nonprofits, the article explores how organizational strategic planning can help the nonprofit to more explicitly focus on housing market dynamics and plan its activities taking into account these concerns. An analysis of the two major training programs for nonprofit housing organizations that were available during 2007 revealed that out of the 216 different courses offered by NeighborWorks America and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, only 8% appear to relate closely to housing market dynamics and land‐use issues and 3% relate to strategic planning. Initiatives that would assist nonprofits to both recognize the importance of the private housing market and to assist them in developing strategies for confronting market‐based challenges are presented.  相似文献   

The age distributions of the black and white populations vary, as do the ways in which blacks and whites of differing ages are distributed geographically in metropolitan areas. The nature of these differences is such that, in racially mixed neighborhoods, black families with children are often mixed with childless or elderly white adults. For this reason, it is hypothesized that the school-age (5 to 17 years of age) population is more residentially segregated by race than is the total population. To test this hypothesis, segregation indices based on census tract data were computed for the St. Louis SMSA for 1980, for the total population and the school-age population. This analysis confirmed that the school-age population was somewhat more segregated than the total population. The implications of this finding for the problem of school segregation are discussed, as is the interrelationship between housing segregation and school segregation.  相似文献   

以住宅市场理论及统计指标理论为基础,通过对国家统计局《房地产开发统计报表制度》和住建部《房地产统计报表制度》以及部分省市统计年鉴的研究,整理出我国现行住宅市场统计指标体系,分析我国住宅市场统计指标体系存在问题,并寻求可借鉴指标。  相似文献   

不同收入阶层混合居住模式——价值评判与实施策略   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:32  
单文慧 《城市规划》2001,1(2):26-29,39
分析了混合居住模式产生的现实背景及其价值理念 ,介绍了美国混合居住项目运作的主要方法及其成功的关键因素 ,并对中国实施混合居住模式的现实基础进行了思考  相似文献   

This study explores how the locations and characteristics of neighborhoods affected the process of housing filtering in the Orlando metropolitan area during the 2000s. The results show that racial composition was an important determinant of filtering down and that the foreclosure rate and income composition of neighborhoods became more important factors during the housing market bust period. The filtering process tended to be more affected by neighborhood attributes than by changes in the housing market, especially during the housing market bust period. As the filtering down process was not sensitive to the neighborhood location itself, suburban areas were also susceptible to filtering down processes like inner city areas. Moreover, there was a high probability of suburban decline through filtering down during the housing market bust period. These results may be the reflection of recent trends of central city rebound and suburban decline in the Sun Belt.  相似文献   

运用分割原理对我国不同历史时期城镇住房复杂多样的供应和需求分割因素进行了系统分析,揭示了我国城镇住房供应和需求分割机制以及住房市场运作机制的演变规律,以此为基础提出了改革当前住区规划的相关建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The no-growth or slow-growth policies that have spread rapidly in the past 15 years vary in form and include explicit population targets, rigid development controls, and refusal to provide expanded public services, among other techniques The purpose of this article is to review these efforts. The article first presents a review of the economic theory that illuminates the economic motivations for such controls and identifies some of the major impacts to be empirically assessed The next part of the article focuses on the housing price, production, and equity effects of growth control, as documented in the empirical literature. The article concludes with a section devoted to policy implications.  相似文献   

在国际金融危机越演越烈,中国经济面临下滑风险的情况下,2008年11月9日,国务院公布了关于拉动内需的十项新举措。隔日,又公布了十项新举措。可以说,这十项新举措的落实,意味着中国新一轮的宏观经济政策调整拉开了序幕。为了让国际金融危机对中国经济的冲击与影响降低到最小程度,保证中国经济增长是应对这种冲击最好的方式。  相似文献   

李婷 《城市环境设计》2010,(11):118-123
这个故事 冲突和战争……分歧与争吵…… 是什么导致了人们的目光短浅、信仰匮乏 洞悉……源于执著的渴望 寻求救赎中……人们看到了未来 这是一个让他们的灵魂逃离痛苦与悲伤的避难所  相似文献   

Problem: Congestion pricing and land use planning have been proposed as two promising strategies to reduce the externalities associated with driving, including traffic congestion, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. However, they are often viewed by their proponents as substitutive instead of complementary to each other.

Purpose: Using data from a pilot mileage fee program run in Portland, OR, we explored whether congestion pricing and land use planning were mutually supportive in terms of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) reduction. We examined whether effective land use planning could reinforce the benefit of congestion pricing, and whether congestion pricing could strengthen the role of land use planning in encouraging travelers to reduce driving.

Methods: VMT data were collected over 10 months from 130 households, which were divided into two groups: those who paid a mileage charge with rates that varied by congestion level (i.e., congestion pricing) and those who paid a mileage charge with a flat structure. Using regression models to compare the two groups, we tested the effect of congestion pricing on VMT reduction across different land use patterns, and the effect of land use on VMT reduction with and without congestion pricing.

Results and conclusions: With congestion pricing, the VMT reduction is greater in traditional (dense and mixed-use) neighborhoods than in suburban (single-use, low-density) neighborhoods, probably because of the availability of travel alternatives in the former. Under the same land use pattern, land use attributes explain more variance of household VMT when congestion pricing is implemented, suggesting that this form of mileage fee could make land use planning a more effective mechanism to reduce VMT. In summary, land use planning and congestion pricing appear to be mutually supportive.

Takeaway for practice: For policymakers considering mileage pricing, land use planning affects not only the economic viability but also the political feasibility of a pricing scheme. For urban planners, congestion pricing provides both opportunities and challenges to crafting land use policies that will reduce VMT. For example, a pricing zone that overlaps with dense, mixed-use and transit-accessible development, can reinforce the benefits of these development patterns and encourage greater behavioral changes.

Research support: This project was supported by the Mineta Transportation Institute, where the authors are research associates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Housing mobility programs intend to improve the well‐being of low‐income families by changing the neighborhood environment in which they live, and thereby creating access to a new set of opportunities and resources. Using data collected in a study of the Gautreaux Two (G2) Housing Mobility program, which offered housing vouchers to public housing residents in Chicago to move to lower‐poverty and less segregated “opportunity” neighborhoods, this article explores families’ access to programs and services for their children in the neighborhoods where they move. The analysis is based on a sample of 46 families who moved through the G2 program. Qualitative in‐depth interviews were conducted with mothers in four waves, which started when the family still lived in public housing. The results show that almost three‐quarters of the families utilized activities for their children in the baseline neighborhoods, but mothers also expressed concerns about the safety and lack of program variety available in these disadvantaged neighborhoods. After moving through the G2 program, only one‐third of the children in these families are using activities. The decline in activity participation is especially steep for children in families that move to areas outside of the city. Although few mothers are concerned with safety or the variety of programs available, several report barriers to activities for children in the new neighborhood, including fewer programs for low‐income children, high cost, transportation difficulties, and issues finding daycare or preschool for younger children. Some children continue to use activities in the old neighborhood and some families end up making subsequent moves to nonqualifying neighborhoods. These findings suggest that activity participation is important for many low‐income families, and losing access to these activities upon moving through the G2 program may limit children's exposure to the new neighborhood and contribute to subsequent moves.  相似文献   

宋昆:改革开放以来,我国城镇居民的居住条件得到了极大的改善,尤其是1998年住房制度改革以后,公有的福利住宅逐渐被私有的商品住宅所取代,我国城市住宅权属发生了根本性改变.但城市管理者、开发建设者、规划设计者,却很少关注住宅权属与住宅形态之间的关联性及其对居住生活的影响.  相似文献   

讨论深入研究人的居住行为和精神需要 ,创造绿色和生态建筑  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In tins paper the locational effects of introducing High Speed Railways in France, the Benelux and West Germany art estimated, together with the spatial impacts of a far reaching reduction of the internal borders of the EEC. To this aim a multisectoral potentials model is developed. It estimates the zero-sum kind of spatial redistribution effects that are due to changes in relative regional accessibility, as well as the generative net growth effects that are due to increases in market areas and the conseguent economies of scale. Empirically, surprising spatial differences in such effects are found.  相似文献   

住宅区用地规模及规划设计问题探讨   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
住宅区的规模直接影响着住宅区的规划结构和城市的生活空间品质。就目前我们通常采用的住宅区用地的开发与规划设计规模问题从房地产开发、居住环境品质、服务设施配套和城市街道系统等方面进行研讨。  相似文献   

In March 2000, a document entitled Draft Regional Planning Guidance for the South East was published with the primary aim of providing a regional framework for the preparation of development plans to the year 2016.
This paper discusses the potential effects for the water industry of SERPLAN's predicted levels of housing growth on water resources, sewage treatment and the environment. The need for sustainable development with the competing pressures of water-resource limitation, changing regulation, increasing demand and the environment, are discussed. Thames Water's scale of operations is described together with the range of measures aimed at managing the reasonable demands of customers, consistent with achieving sustainable growth. Basingstoke is described as a wastewater case study, highlighting the problem in fulfilling the sewerage undertaker's statutory duties in (a) meeting already stringent effluent-treatment standards which are necessary to maintain and improve river quality, and (b) providing the necessary infrastructure for an area which is earmarked for continuing development.  相似文献   

论市场经济下居住区公共服务设施的建设方式   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12  
杨震  赵民 《城市规划》2002,26(5):14-19
结合广州市公建配套设施建设方式改革研究课题 ,着重研究市场经济条件下居住区公共服务设施的建设方式 ,就配套公建的建设主体、用地获取、资金筹措等与规划实施密切相关的问题展开讨论 ,提出市场经济条件下配套公建的建设应遵循“责任分担”、“熟地 +净地出让”、“资金统筹”和“公众参与”的原则。  相似文献   

The relationship between centralization of power and decision making in local communities is examined, beginning with Clark's generalization that the direction of the relationship depends on the type of decision (separable or public). This generalization accounts well for his own data and for the findings of earlier research. Selected findings from a study of responses to de facto school segregation are reanalyzed. Most are consistent with the centralization hypothesis, but anomalous findings point to issues in conceptualizing centralization. In particular, “centralized” power structures differ in terms of accountability, i.e. the degree to which they incorporate rather than exclude diverse elements. Accountable “centralization” is distinguished from unaccountable “oligarchy” and two approaches to developing this distinction more fully and concretely are suggested.  相似文献   

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