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“德主刑辅”是儒家主要的法律思想之一,其基本内容是要求统治者以“礼”、“义”、“仁”、“德”教化为主,以刑事惩罚为辅。儒家的“德主刑辅”思想在中国古代法律思想中具有十分重要的地位,其对当今我国实施以德治国与依法治国相结合,从道德文化层面控制职务犯罪,坚持罪责刑相适应的刑罚原则等方面有着重要的启示。  相似文献   

高苹 《中国科技博览》2011,(21):265-265
人们普遍认为“无为而治”是道家的专利,其实在中国思想史上,儒家也崇尚“无为而治”。儒家“无为而治”指统治者凭借自身的仁德治理天下国家,而使天下归仁,具体包含三方面的内容:1、统治者自身修养仁德之性;2、统治者“以德治国”:3、教民以仁。  相似文献   

“和谐社会”是当今社会最具有时代标志的名词,弄清“和谐”与“和谐社会”一词的最初含义对正确理解构建社会主义和谐社会无疑具有重要意义。作者力图通过古今中外学者对“和谐”与“和谐社会”的探讨,来揭示“和谐”与“和谐社会”的真实含义,以帮助人们正确理解社会主义和谐社会建设。  相似文献   

麦克卢汉的媒介理论“媒介是人的延伸”可以说在某种程度上改变了人们关于媒介的态度,即不再以“人——媒介”这种主客二元的思维方式来观察媒介,而这种思维转变对于我们审视当下的“人工智能威胁论”,并提出解决问题的新思路有着重要的意义,本文旨在通过对于麦克卢汉“媒介延伸论”的现象学哲学基础的分析,为解决人工智能和人类的关系问题提供一种新的观念。  相似文献   

“三个代表”的重要思想,对我们党的建设提出了新的更高的要求。干部作风建设是党的建设的重要组成部分。在学习贯彻江总书记“三个代表”重要思想的过程中,联系当前领导班子和干部队伍思想作风的实际,更加深刻地感受到“三个代表”的重要思想对指导干部队伍作风建设的重大意义。  相似文献   

“科学发展观”就是十六届三中全会提出的“坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观”,是我们党从新世纪新阶段党和国家事业发展全局出发提出的重大战略思想。“科学发展观”是与时俱进的马克思主义发展观,同毛泽东、邓小平和江泽民同志关于发展的重要思想一脉相承。“科学发展观”是用来指导发展的,  相似文献   

1、背景 随着杭州市委、市政府提出“构筑大都市,建设新天堂”发展战略实施,近江地区“望江片”住宅小区二期工程将进行旧城改造建设(以拆迁安置和农居安置为主)。它对改善老城区居民居住品质和城市面貌。整体提升城市区域品味有重要的意义。  相似文献   

针对“三贴近”对于新闻宣传的重要作用,分析阐述了做好“三贴近”工作是新闻精品产生的必由之路的道理,提出了新闻工作中做好“三贴近”的方法。  相似文献   

我国十一五计划提出“提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家”的口号,这是党中央、国务院把握全局、放眼世界、面向未来作出的重大战略决策。而标准创新是最大的自主创新,因为标准的背后隐含的是专利和市场。2004年7月海川公司成为国家科学技术部、国家质检总局“重要技术标准研究”专项企业试点单位,课题编号为:2002BA906A85。海川公司在参与“重要技术标准研究”的专项活动中,通过“技术标准产业化、技术标准市场化”战略目标的实施,提出了“以市场为导向,以企业联盟为基础,以提高研发能力为支点,以政府的支持为后盾”的工作理念。海川公司…  相似文献   

基于实践能力培养的现代制图课程体系是以理论指导实践,在实践中深化理论为指导思想而提出的.在借鉴国内外制图课程改革基础上,提出制图教学“一体两翼”的构思.即以理论学习为“体”,计算机虚拟模拟实践和实地实践为“两翼”.以制图课程“培养学生实践能力”为教学改革目标,提出新的教学体系.实践证明,基于实践能力培养的现代制图课程体系既有效地锻炼学生的实践能力和科研能力,又能提高学生自主学习能力和创新能力.  相似文献   

Numerical computations are presented confirming the possible breakdown of the Cauchy-Born rule for an infinite planar square lattice whose vertices are occupied by interacting particles, in agreement with the theoretical predictions of Friesecke and Theil (2002). Energy minimization yields solution branches exhibiting a non-zero deviatoric inner displacement for shearing and extensional deformation. A statically square lattice can become unstable when subjected to sufficiently large deformation. Numerical solutions of a boundary-value problem illustrate the development of irregular lattice configurations under supercritical conditions.  相似文献   

The results of measurements of the electrical resistivity, of lead-doped (weight concentrations: 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, and 1%) polycrystalline tin are presented. The experiments were performed using a comparative method with the aid of a tantalum thermomagnetic modulator applied as a null indicator. A nonlinear dependence of the residual resistivity on lead concentration was obtained. An anomalous character ofp(T) dependence was observed in the lowest-Pb concentration sample (0.001%). The deviation of the resistivity-temperature characteristics from Matthiessen's rule (DMR) was determined. The characteristics of the DMR do not show humps in the temperature range from 3.7 to 28 K.  相似文献   

Adaptive cumulative sum (ACUSUM) charts, which adjust the reference value dynamically based on estimated shift size, provide good performance in detecting a range of mean shifts. However, when the range is wide, ACUSUM may not perform well for small shifts over the range. An adaptive runs rule, which is motivated by the concept of supplementary runs rule, is proposed, in order to make control charts more sensitive to small mean shifts. The adaptive runs rule assigns scores to consecutive runs based on the estimated shift size of the mean. The ACUSUM chart is supplemented with the adaptive runs rule to enhance its sensitivity in detecting small mean shifts. The average run length performance of the ACUSUM chart with the adaptive runs rule is compared with those of cumulative sum and variants of adaptive charts including ACUSUM. The experimental results reveal that the ACUSUM chart with the adaptive runs rule achieves superior detection performance over a wide range of mean shifts.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the small scale yielding estimation of nonlinear stresses and strains at the root of sharp and blunt notches through the mechanical model of antiplane shear loadings. The frame stems from the relation existing between the elastic and plastic averaged strain energy densities evaluated over the control volume drawn by the energy contour lines ahead of the notch tip. The analysis proves that there exist different relationships in terms of point‐wise elastic and plastic stresses and strains at the notch tip depending whether the notch is sharp (small notch tip radius) or blunt. For sharp notches, the analysis confirms previous results obtained by the present authors, according to which . This equation accounts for the influence of the material law through the hardening exponent n. Differently, when the notch can be regarded as blunt, calculations over the control volume give , in agreement with the Neuber rule.  相似文献   

本文阐述了不同储存形态玉米水分的变化幅度。既包装玉米大于囤积玉米:囤积大于散装玉米:穗藏大于粒藏玉米:露天储存玉米大于仓内储藏玉米。无论哪种储存形态的玉米,其水分的变化幅度都遵循一个规律:上层玉米(接触空气多)水分的变化,一般大于下层,了解这一规律对安全储存玉米具有实际指导意义。  相似文献   

The present study evaluates ratcheting response of materials by means of the Armstrong–Frederick (A–F) hardening rule, the modified A–F rule (Bower's model), and further modifications of the hardening rule based on new introduced coefficients. The implemented modifications on the A–F‐based hardening rule aims to address stages of ratcheting over stress cycles. The modified hardening rule predicts the ratcheting strain rate decay over stage I and the constant rate of strain accumulation during stage II. The modified hardening rule consisted of the coefficients of the hardening rule controlling stress–strain hysteresis loops generated over stress cycles during ratcheting process (Bower's modification on A–F rule) plus the coefficients controlling rates over stages of materials ratcheting deformation. Stress–strain‐dependent coefficients in the modified rule are responsible to compromise overprediction of ratcheting of A–F during stage I and the premature plastic shakedown beyond stage I induced by Bower's model. Ratcheting strain rate coefficients improved the hardening rule capability to calibrate and control the rate of ratcheting in stages I and II and enabled the modified hardening rule to predict ratcheting strain over a prolonged domain of stress cycles. The modified hardening rule was employed to assess ratcheting response of 304, 42CrMo, 316L steel and copper samples under uniaxial loading conditions. The predicted ratcheting values based on the modified hardening rule and the experimental ratcheting strains were found in good agreements.  相似文献   

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published the Maintenance Rule on July 10, 1991 with an implementation date of July 10, 1996 [1]. Maintenance rule implementation at the Duke Power Company has used probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) insights to help focus the monitoring of structures, systems and components (SSC) performance and to ensure that maintenance is effectively performed. This paper describes how the probabilistic risk assessment (PRA)1 group at the Duke Power Company provides support for the maintenance rule by performing the following tasks: (1) providing a member of the expert panel; (2) determining the risk-significant SSCs; (3) establishing SSC performance criteria for availability and reliability; (4) evaluating past performance and its impact on core damage risk as part of the periodic assessment; (5) providing input to the PRA matrix; (6) providing risk analyses of combinations of SSCs out of service; (7) providing support for the SENTINEL program; and (8) providing support for PSA training. These tasks are not simply tied to the initial implementation of the rule. The maintenance rule must be kept consistent with the current design and operation of the plant. This will require that the PRA models and the many PSA calculations performed to support the maintenance rule are kept up-to-date. Therefore, support of the maintenance rule will be one of the primary roles of the PSA group for the remainder of the life of the plant.  相似文献   

Young drivers’ high traffic violation involvement rate and significant contribution to traffic crashes compared to older drivers creates the need for detailed analyses of factors affecting young drivers’ behaviors. This study is based on survey data collected from 2,057 18–29 year old young adults. Data were collected via face-to-face questionnaire surveys in four different cities in Turkey. The main objective of this study is to identify the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics, traffic rule violations, and traffic crashes among young drivers. Four main traffic rule violations are examined: red light violations, seat belt violations, speeding, and driving under the influence of alcohol, which are decisive in determining driving behavior and traffic crashes. The survey investigates the socio-demographic characteristics, traffic rule violation behavior and traffic crash histories of young adults. Four hypothetical scenarios were prepared for each traffic rule violation and data from the scenarios were modeled using the ordered probit model. Significant variables affecting each traffic rule violation are stated. Finally, significant variables that interact with crash involvements were investigated with binary logit models. According to the data analysis, 23.9% of drivers stated that they were involved in at least one traffic crash within the last three years. This crash rate increases to 38.3% for those who received at least one traffic citation/violation in last three years and peaks to 47.4% for those who were fined for seat belt violations in last three years.  相似文献   

Specific examples and theoretical reasons are given to prove the advisability of revising the GSI rules for rounding-off the results of measurements. This is especially important in settlements between suppliers and consumers of large consignments of products, primarily relating to energy supply.Translated from Izmeritelnaya Tekhnika, No. 11, pp. 56–58, November, 2004.  相似文献   

基于关联规则的恒星光谱数据相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用关联规则作为恒星光谱数据相关性分析方法,以VC 和Oracle9i作为开发工具,设计并以程序实现了基于关联规则的恒星光谱数据相关性分析系统,给出了其软件体系结构和模块功能,并对恒星光谱数据的预处理、取样技术、背景知识模板、频繁模式集挖掘算法等关键技术进行了详细描述.最后,通过系统运行结果表明,利用关联规则来描述、分析光谱数据特征和物理化学性质之间存在的相关性是可行的和有价值的.  相似文献   

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