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The density of vacuum counter-pressure cast aluminum alloy samples under grade-pressuring condition was studied. The effect of grade pressure difference and time on the density of aluminum aloys was discussed, and the solidiifcation feeding model under grade-pressuring condition was established. The results indicate the grade-pressured solidiifcation feeding ability of vacuum counter-pressure casting mainly depends on grade pressure difference and time. With the increase of grade pressure difference, the density of al the aluminum aloy samples increases, and the trend of change in density from the pouring gate to the top location is first decreasing gradually and then increasing. In addition, in obtaining the maximum density, the optimal grade-pressuring time is different for samples with different wal thicknesses, and the solidiifcation time when the solid volume fraction of aluminum aloy reaches about 0.65 appears to be the optimal beginning time for grade-pressuring.  相似文献   

As a special casting process, counter-gravity casting has many advantages especially in producing thin-wall complicated castings and has widely been used in industry [1]. In recent ten years, various different counter-gravity casting processes have been continuously developed such as vacuum suction casting, low-pressure casting and counter-pressure casting [2-4] et al. Vacuum counter- pressure casting is a new kind of counter-gravity casting technology that was developed in recent years. It ha…  相似文献   

真空差压铸造工艺的凝固补缩特性与模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不同保压压力下真空差压铸造试样致密度进行分析,探讨真空差压铸造工艺的凝固补缩特性,建立凝固补缩过程的数学模型。结果表明:真空差压铸造工艺的凝固补缩速度和补缩能力主要取决于结晶凝固时保压压力的大小;对于晶间同一部位来说,保压压力越大,补缩速度和补缩能力越强,组织越致密;对于晶间不同部位来说,致密度成V形变化趋势,且随着保压压力的逐渐增大,致密度越来越均匀。  相似文献   

The effect of synergistic action of ultrasonic vibration and solidification pressure on tensile properties of vacuum counter-pressure casting ZL114 A alloys was studied systemically through testing and analyzing the tensile strength and elongation subjected to different ultrasonic powers and solidification pressures. The results indicate that the synergistic action of ultrasonic vibration and solidification pressure can result in the refinement of grains and improvement of tensile properties. Both the highest tensile strength and elongation of aluminum alloy were obtained under synergistic action of 600 W ultrasonic power and 350 kPa solidification pressure. Moreover, the tensile fracture morphology shows obvious ductile fracture characteristics. When the solidification pressure is lower than 300 kPa, the effect of ultrasonic power on tensile strength and elongation is more obvious, but when the solidification pressure is higher than 300 kPa, the effect of solidification pressure on tensile strength and elongation is greater. Meanwhile, the size and morphology of the eutectic silicon were improved significantly by the ultrasonic vibration and pressurized solidification. The strip and massive eutectic silicon phase are completely converted into small short rod-like and evenly distributed Si phases at the grain boundary of primary α-Al.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Vacuum counter-pressure casting technology is a kind of advanced counter-gravity method. It has characteristics of vacuumsuction casting,low- pressure casting and pressure kettle casting con- currently ,and its technology theory adopts to fill mould under low pressure or vacuumand to crys- tallize under high pressure ,so it has predominant filling hydrodynamics and solidification mechanics condition[1].It shows enormous vitalities in near net shape ,large-scale , thin-wall a…  相似文献   

高硼低碳铁基合金凝固组织研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
借助光学显微镜、扫描电镜、电子探针显微分析仪和X衍射分析等手段,研究了B含量>1wt%和C含量<0.2wt%的Fe-B-C铸造合金的凝固组织及合金元素的分布特征.研究发现,Fe-B-C铸造合金的凝固组织由硼化物、铁素体和珠光体组成,而且硼化物全部是Fe2B,显微硬度达到1430-1480HV,硼化物沿晶界呈网状分布.随着凝固冷却速度增加,凝固组织和硼化物明显细化.研究还发现,快速冷却条件下,硼化物数量减少,铁素体有增加趋势.另外,硼主要分布在硼化物中,基体中分布甚微.  相似文献   

为某项目生产的产品中,出现了5A06铝镁合金与ZL101A铸铝合金材料的焊接.通过焊接试验和工艺评定,确定了铝镁合金与铸铝合金焊接的最佳焊接方法及焊接工艺参数.  相似文献   

自由落体条件下三元Ni-Pb-Cu偏晶合金的快速凝固   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在自由落体条件下研究三元Ni62Pb30Cu8偏晶合金的相分离与快速凝固.XRD分析结果表明;凝固组织由固溶体(Ni)和(Pb)两相构成;随液滴直径减小,三元Ni62Pb30Cu8偏晶合金从壳核组织演变为(Pb)相颗粒分布在 (Ni)枝晶间的组织;在形成的壳核组织中,表面张力较小的(Pb)相始终占据最外层,有利于降低表面相和体系总吉布斯自由能.能谱测定发现,在固溶体(Ni)和(Pb)相中,溶质截留效应十分显著.采用传热模型计算了不同直径液滴的冷却速率与过冷度,二者均随液滴直径的增大而减小.理论分析了合金液滴的内部温度梯度与第二相L(Pb)液滴的Maragoni迁移,发现第二相L(Pb)液滴充分实现二次相分离.在自由落体条件下,合金液滴的最终凝固组织由冷却速率、表面偏析、Marangoni迁移和(Ni)枝晶生长共同决定.  相似文献   

通过制备不同凝固条件下亚稳难混溶Cu80Fe20合金,系统的研究了不同凝固条件下合金凝固组织以及软磁性能的差异。结果表明:铜板模具冷却得到的Cu80Fe20合金凝固组织由细小的胞状富Fe枝晶以及基体组成,说明该凝固条件下合金凝固过程中仅仅发生平衡液-固相转变;然而石墨模具冷却得到的Cu80Fe20合金凝固组织由球状的富Fe相、发达的富Fe枝晶以及基体组成,说明该凝固条件下合金凝固过程中不仅发生平衡液-固相转变,而且发生了液-液相分离,并发现相分离形成的少量相富Fe液滴内部结构存在富Fe层的存在,且在迁移发生聚合、凝并以及碰撞;同时研究发现,不同的凝固条件下得到Cu80Fe20合金的饱和磁化强度和矫顽力存在差异,但综合来看制备的合金均呈现良好的软磁性能。  相似文献   

研究不同等效应变幅下ZL101铝合金在多轴比例和非比例载荷下的低周疲劳行为,并用透射电镜观察合金的疲劳行为中的位错结构。结果表明:合金在两种加载方式下均表现为循环硬化;在非比例载荷下合金表现出附加强化,但程度不明显;合金的疲劳寿命随等效应变幅的增加而降低,合金在非比例加载下的疲劳寿命低于比例加载时的疲劳寿命。对位错结构的观察表明,随等效应变幅度的提高,合金的低周疲劳位错结构从交叉位错带转化为位错胞,合金在非比例加载下更易形成位错胞结构。  相似文献   

对6014铝合金进行了常温拉深试验,采用不同的拉深凸模速度,研究了该铝合金变形中的组织力学行为;对6016铝合金进行热拉伸试验,相同应变速率下采用不同的拉伸温度,研究了该铝合金在热拉伸过程中的组织力学行为。实验表明:随着凸模速度(10~30 mm·min~(-1))增加,6014铝合金的常温拉深深度增大;随着拉伸温度(400~550℃)升高,6016铝合金的硬度增大,且沿拉伸轴向硬度值波动越大;在应变速率为1 s~(-1)、温度为500℃下热拉伸,变形区有明显的动态再结晶过程,进一步升高温度会造成再结晶组织的晶粒粗化;6014和6016铝合金中均存在大量的Al、Fe、Si结晶相,但原始组织中6016的析出相更弥散,尺寸大小更均匀,更集中分布于晶界附近;比较6014铝合金常温拉深组织和6016铝合金热拉伸组织,冷变形后的晶粒组织更均匀,热拉伸后的晶粒尺寸差异很大,会降低材料变形后的力学性能。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONLargequantityoftheAl Mn Mgalloy 310 4isusedinthemanufactureofaluminumbeverage .Muchattentionwaspaidtothecontroloftextureandearinginthedeepdrawingstagesofmanufacture .Thetex tureinthecanstockwasextensivelyinvestigated .Oneearingofaluminumalloyisverycloserelatedtothetexture ,agoodassociationofthetexturescompo nentsearingdropsobviously ,inthissituationthe 4 foldearingat 0°/90°andearingat± 4 5°occursto gether[15] .Theappearanceof 4 foldearingat 0°/90°isduetothecubetext…  相似文献   

本篇是全文的第三部分,继续评述国内外工业高速凝固粉末冶金铝合金的发展状况,其中包括各种高速凝固粉末冶金铝-硅合金的成分和性能,以及它们的制备工艺,含Si量高的铝-硅合金耐磨性好,多用于制造汽车发动机和空调器压缩机零配件,如活塞、汽缸衬里、压缩机转子和叶片、发动机阀门、弹簧座、连杆等,可大大减轻它们的质量,提高发动机的效率。还评述了各种高速凝固粉末冶金热处理可强化2×××系、7×××系铝合金的成分和性能,以及它们在航空航天工业中的应用。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONThesolidificationprocessofbinaryAl Fealloyundercentrifugalcastingiscontrolledbythemass,momentum ,heatandchemicalspeciestransporta tion .Therefore,itisanimportantmeanstoknowthemicrostructureandthesegregationofbinaryAl Fealloyundercentrifugalc…  相似文献   

Lost foam casting (LFC) is regarded as a cost-effective, environment-friendly vital option to the conventional casting process for production of near-net shape castings with high quality. Effect of vacuum on the solidification process and microstructure of LFC magnesium alloy were explored. The results indicate that vacuum plays a very important role in the heat transfer during mould filling and solidification periods, it increases the cooling rate of the filling melt, but greatly decreases the cooling rate of the casting during solidification period, and the solidification time of the casting is greater than that without vacuum. The microstructure of LFC magnesium alloy is rather coarse. Compared with that without vacuum, the microstructure of the LFC magnesium alloy under vacuum is more refined and has less precipitated β-phase, which is formed at the grain boundry and around the Al-Mn compound particle.  相似文献   

A study of the resistance to fatigue-crack growth in a submicrocrystalline alloy Al-6% Mg-0.3% Sc-0.4% Mn in combination with a precision analysis of the fracture surface of the samples has been performed. A comparison of crack resistance between coarse-grained and submicrocrystalline states of this alloy showed that only at the stage of near-threshold crack growth the velocity of fatigue-crack propagation in the submicrocrystalline state proves to be higher than that in the coarse-grained state. At the stage of linear crack growth, the fatigue-crack propagation becomes insensitive to the grain size. Upon transition to the stage of accelerated crack growth, the velocity of crack propagation in the submicrocrystalline alloy is retarded. A fractographic analysis of the fracture surface of the samples indicates that the retardation of the fatigue-crack growth in the submicrocrystalline alloy is connected with a gradual transition from the intercrystalline to the transcrystalline mechanism of fatigue fracture of the material.  相似文献   

一种铝合金轮毂铸旋成形工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了铝合金轮毂铸旋成形工艺技术,铸旋工艺能够满足铝轮毂的高强度、轻量化要求,是未来铝合金轮毂工艺发展的主要方向之一。从铸旋生产背景、流程、铸旋工艺原理方面进行了介绍,并着重对影响旋压工艺的多种因素、参数设置及工艺优化进行了重点分析和说明,为铸旋成形工艺的研究提供了参考方向。  相似文献   

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