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Uncertain data is inherent in a few important applications. It is far from trivial to extend ranking queries (also known as top-k queries), a popular type of queries on certain data, to uncertain data. In this paper, we cast ranking queries on uncertain data using three parameters: rank threshold k, probability threshold p, and answer set size threshold l. Systematically, we identify four types of ranking queries on uncertain data. First, a probability threshold top-k query computes the uncertain records taking a probability of at least p to be in the top-k list. Second, a top-(k, l) query returns the top-l uncertain records whose probabilities of being ranked among top-k are the largest. Third, the p-rank of an uncertain record is the smallest number k such that the record takes a probability of at least p to be ranked in the top-k list. A rank threshold top-k query retrieves the records whose p-ranks are at most k. Last, a top-(p, l) query returns the top-l uncertain records with the smallest p-ranks. To answer such ranking queries, we present an efficient exact algorithm, a fast sampling algorithm, and a Poisson approximation-based algorithm. To answer top-(k, l) queries and top-(p, l) queries, we propose PRist+, a compact index. An efficient index construction algorithm and efficacious query answering methods are developed for PRist+. An empirical study using real and synthetic data sets verifies the effectiveness of the probabilistic ranking queries and the efficiency of our methods.  相似文献   

Finding typical instances is an effective approach to understand and analyze large data sets. In this paper, we apply the idea of typicality analysis from psychology and cognitive science to database query answering, and study the novel problem of answering top-k typicality queries. We model typicality in large data sets systematically. Three types of top-k typicality queries are formulated. To answer questions like “Who are the top-k most typical NBA players?”, the measure of simple typicality is developed. To answer questions like “Who are the top-k most typical guards distinguishing guards from other players?”, the notion of discriminative typicality is proposed. Moreover, to answer questions like “Who are the best k typical guards in whole representing different types of guards?”, the notion of representative typicality is used. Computing the exact answer to a top-k typicality query requires quadratic time which is often too costly for online query answering on large databases. We develop a series of approximation methods for various situations: (1) the randomized tournament algorithm has linear complexity though it does not provide a theoretical guarantee on the quality of the answers; (2) the direct local typicality approximation using VP-trees provides an approximation quality guarantee; (3) a local typicality tree data structure can be exploited to index a large set of objects. Then, typicality queries can be answered efficiently with quality guarantees by a tournament method based on a Local Typicality Tree. An extensive performance study using two real data sets and a series of synthetic data sets clearly shows that top-k typicality queries are meaningful and our methods are practical.  相似文献   

Let P be a set of n colored points distributed arbitrarily in R2. The chromatic distribution of the k-nearest neighbors of a query line segment ? is to report the number of points of each color among the k-nearest points of the query line segment. While solving this problem, we have encountered another interesting problem, namely the semicircular range counting query. Here a set of n points is given. The objective is to report the number of points inside a given semicircular range. We propose a simple algorithm for this problem with preprocessing time and space complexity O(n3), and the query time complexity O(logn). Finally, we propose the algorithm for reporting the chromatic distribution of k nearest neighbors of a query line segment. Using our proposed technique for semicircular range counting query, it runs in O(log2n) time.  相似文献   

A novel approach for k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) searching with Euclidean metric is described. It is well known that many sophisticated algorithms cannot beat the brute-force algorithm when the dimensionality is high. In this study, a probably correct approach, in which the correct set of k-nearest neighbors is obtained in high probability, is proposed for greatly reducing the searching time. We exploit the marginal distribution of the k th nearest neighbors in low dimensions, which is estimated from the stored data (an empirical percentile approach). We analyze the basic nature of the marginal distribution and show the advantage of the implemented algorithm, which is a probabilistic variant of the partial distance searching. Its query time is sublinear in data size n, that is, O(mnδ) with δ=o(1) in n and δ≤1, for any fixed dimension m.  相似文献   

The problem of k-nearest neighbors (kNN) is to find the nearest k neighbors for a query point from a given data set. Among available methods, the principal axis search tree (PAT) algorithm always has good performance on finding nearest k neighbors using the PAT structure and a node elimination criterion. In this paper, a novel kNN search algorithm is proposed. The proposed algorithm stores projection values for all data points in leaf nodes. If a leaf node in the PAT cannot be rejected by the node elimination criterion, data points in the leaf node are further checked using their pre-stored projection values to reject more impossible data points. Experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively reduce the number of distance calculations and computation time for the PAT algorithm, especially for the data set with a large dimension or for a search tree with large number of data points in a leaf node.  相似文献   

Text categorization is a significant technique to manage the surging text data on the Internet.The k-nearest neighbors(kNN) algorithm is an effective,but not efficient,classification model for text categorization.In this paper,we propose an effective strategy to accelerate the standard kNN,based on a simple principle:usually,near points in space are also near when they are projected into a direction,which means that distant points in the projection direction are also distant in the original space.Using the proposed strategy,most of the irrelevant points can be removed when searching for the k-nearest neighbors of a query point,which greatly decreases the computation cost.Experimental results show that the proposed strategy greatly improves the time performance of the standard kNN,with little degradation in accuracy.Specifically,it is superior in applications that have large and high-dimensional datasets.  相似文献   

A top-k spatial keyword query returns k objects having the highest (or lowest) scores with regard to spatial proximity as well as text relevancy. Approaches for answering top-k spatial keyword queries can be classified into two categories: the separate index approach and the hybrid index approach. The separate index approach maintains the spatial index and the text index independently and can accommodate new data types. However, it is difficult to support top-k pruning and merging efficiently at the same time since it requires two different orders for clustering the objects: the first based on scores for top-k pruning and the second based on object IDs for efficient merging. In this paper, we propose a new separate index method called Rank-Aware Separate Index Method (RASIM) for top-k spatial keyword queries. RASIM supports both top-k pruning and efficient merging at the same time by clustering each separate index in two different orders through the partitioning technique. Specifically, RASIM partitions the set of objects in each index into rank-aware (RA) groups that contain the objects with similar scores and applies the first order to these groups according to their scores and the second order to the objects within each group according to their object IDs. Based on the RA groups, we propose two query processing algorithms: (i) External Threshold Algorithm (External TA) that supports top-k pruning in the unit of RA groups and (ii) Generalized External TA that enhances the performance of External TA by exploiting special properties of the RA groups. RASIM is the first research work that supports top-k pruning based on the separate index approach. Naturally, it keeps the advantages of the separate index approach. In addition, in terms of storage and query processing time, RASIM is more efficient than the IR-tree method, which is the prevailing method to support top-k pruning to date and is based on the hybrid index approach. Experimental results show that, compared with the IR-tree method, the index size of RASIM is reduced by up to 1.85 times, and the query performance is improved by up to 3.22 times.  相似文献   

To support the need for interactive spatial analysis, it is often necessary to rethink the data structures and algorithms underpinning applications. This paper describes the development of an interactive environment in which a number of different Voronoi models of space can be manipulated together in real time to: (1) study their behaviour; (2) select appropriate models for specific analysis tasks; and (3) to examine how choice of one model over another will affect the interpretation of data. The paper studies six specific Voronoi diagram variants: the Ordinary Voronoi Diagram, the Farthest-point Voronoi Diagram, the Order-k Voronoi Diagram, the Ordered Order-k Voronoi Diagram, the kth Nearest-point Voronoi Diagram and the Multiplicatively Weighted Voronoi Diagram, and develops algorithms and data structures to store, rebuild and query these variants. From this, a generalised Voronoi data structure is proposed, from which specific Voronoi variants can be reconstructed dynamically as required. Algorithms for diagram reconstruction and for querying neighbourhood (topology or adjacency relations) of generator points and Voronoi regions are presented. An application program, developed on these ideas, is used to generate example results as proof of concept. It may be downloaded from a supporting website.  相似文献   

Why-not and why questions can be posed by database users to seek clarifications on unexpected query results. Specifically, why-not questions aim to explain why certain expected tuples are absent from the query results, while why questions try to clarify why certain unexpected tuples are present in the query results. This paper systematically explores the why-not and why questions on reverse top-k queries, owing to its importance in multi-criteria decision making. We first formalize why-not questions on reverse top-k queries, which try to include the missing objects in the reverse top-k query results, and then, we propose a unified framework called WQRTQ to answer why-not questions on reverse top-k queries. Our framework offers three solutions to cater for different application scenarios. Furthermore, we study why questions on reverse top-k queries, which aim to exclude the undesirable objects from the reverse top-k query results, and extend the framework WQRTQ to efficiently answer why questions on reverse top-k queries, which demonstrates the flexibility of our proposed algorithms. Extensive experimental evaluation with both real and synthetic data sets verifies the effectiveness and efficiency of the presented algorithms under various experimental settings.  相似文献   

Top-k query in a wireless sensor network is to find the k sensor nodes with the highest sensing values. To evaluate the top-k query in such an energy-constrained network poses great challenges, due to the unique characteristics imposed on its sensors. Existing solutions for top-k query in the literature mainly focused on energy efficiency but little attention has been paid to the query response time and its effect on the network lifetime. In this paper we address the query response time and its effect on the network lifetime through the study of the top-k query problem in sensor networks with the response time constraint. We aim at finding an energy-efficient routing tree and evaluating top-k queries on the tree such that the network lifetime is significantly prolonged, provided that the query response time constraint is met too. To do so, we first present a cost model of energy consumption for answering top-k queries and introduce the query response time definition. We then propose a novel joint query optimization framework, which consists of finding a routing tree in the network and devising a filter-based evaluation algorithm for top-k query evaluation on the tree. We finally conduct extensive experiments by simulation to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms, in terms of the total energy consumption, the maximum energy consumption among nodes, the query response time, and the network lifetime. The experimental results showed that there is a non-trivial tradeoff between the query response time and the network lifetime, and the joint query optimization framework can prolong the network lifetime significantly under a specified query response time constraint.  相似文献   

Recently, a trend has been observed towards supporting rank-aware query operators, such as top-k, that enable users to retrieve only a limited set of the most interesting data objects. As data nowadays is commonly stored distributed over multiple servers, a challenging problem is to support rank-aware queries in distributed environments. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, called DiTo, for efficient top-k processing over multiple servers, where each server stores autonomously a fraction of the data. Towards this goal, we exploit the inherent relationship of top-k and skyline objects, and we employ the skyline objects of servers as a data summarization mechanism for efficiently identifying the servers that store top-k results. Relying on a thresholding scheme, DiTo retrieves the top-k result set progressively, while the number of queried servers and transferred data is minimized. Furthermore, we extend DiTo to support data summarizations of bounded size, thus restricting the cost of summary distribution and maintenance. To this end, we study the challenging problem of finding an abstraction of the skyline set of fixed size that influences the performance of DiTo only slightly. Our experimental evaluation shows that DiTo performs efficiently and provides a viable solution when a high degree of distribution is required.  相似文献   

Continuous top-k query over sliding window is a fundamental problem in database, which retrieves k objects with the highest scores when the window slides. Existing studies mainly adopt exact algorithms to tackle this type of queries, whose key idea is to maintain a subset of objects in the window, and try to retrieve answers from it. However, all the existing algorithms are sensitive to query parameters and data distribution. In addition, they suffer from expensive overhead for incremental maintenance, and thus cannot satisfy real-time requirement. In this paper, we define a novel query named (ε, δ)-approximate continuous top-k query, which returns approximate answers for top-k query. In order to efficiently support this query, we propose an efficient framework, named PABF (Probabilistic Approximate Based Framework), to support approximate top-k query over sliding window. We firstly maintain a self-adaptive pruning value, which could filter out newly arrived objects who have a probability less than 1 ? δ of being a query result. For those objects that are not filtered, we combine them together, if the score difference among them is less than a threshold. To efficiently maintain these combined results, the framework PABF also proposes a multi-phase merging algorithm. Theoretical analysis indicates that even in the worst case, we require only logarithmic complexity for maintaining each candidate.  相似文献   

Traditional spatial queries return, for a given query object q, all database objects that satisfy a given predicate, such as epsilon range and k-nearest neighbors. This paper defines and studies inverse spatial queries, which, given a subset of database objects Q and a query predicate, return all objects which, if used as query objects with the predicate, contain Q in their result. We first show a straightforward solution for answering inverse spatial queries for any query predicate. Then, we propose a filter-and-refinement framework that can be used to improve efficiency. We show how to apply this framework on a variety of inverse queries, using appropriate space pruning strategies. In particular, we propose solutions for inverse epsilon range queries, inverse k-nearest neighbor queries, and inverse skyline queries. Furthermore, we show how to relax the definition of inverse queries in order to ensure non-empty result sets. Our experiments show that our framework is significantly more efficient than naive approaches.  相似文献   

Due to the advancement of wireless internet and mobile positioning technology, the application of location-based services (LBSs) has become popular for mobile users. Since users have to send their exact locations to obtain the service, it may lead to several privacy threats. To solve this problem, a cloaking method has been proposed to blur users’ exact locations into a cloaked spatial region with a required privacy threshold (k). With the cloaked region, an LBS server can carry out a k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) search algorithm. Some recent studies have proposed methods to search k-nearest POIs while protecting a user’s privacy. However, they have at least one major problem, such as inefficiency on query processing or low precision of retrieved result. To resolve these problems, in this paper, we propose a novel k-NN query processing algorithm for a cloaking region to satisfy both requirements of fast query processing time and high precision of the retrieved result. To achieve fast query processing time, we propose a new pruning technique based on a 2D-coodinate scheme. In addition, we make use of a Voronoi diagram for retrieving the nearest POIs efficiently. To satisfy the requirement of high precision of the retrieved result, we guarantee that our k-NN query processing algorithm always contains the exact set of k nearest neighbors. Our performance analysis shows that our algorithm achieves better performance in terms of query processing time and the number of candidate POIs compared with other algorithms.  相似文献   

Consider a database consisting of a set of tuples, each of which contains an interval, a type and a weight. These tuples are called typed intervals and used to support applications involving diverse intervals. In this paper, we study top-k queries on typed intervals. The query reports k intervals intersecting the query time, containing a particular type and having the largest weight. The query time can be a point or an interval. Further, we define top-k continuous queries that return qualified intervals at each time point during the query interval. To efficiently answer such queries, a key challenge is to build an index structure to manage typed intervals. Employing the standard interval tree, we build the structure in a compact way to reduce the I/O cost, and provide analytically derived partitioning methods to manage the data. Query algorithms are proposed to support point, interval and continuous queries. An auxiliary main-memory structure is developed to report continuous results. Using large real and synthetic datasets, extensive experiments are performed in a prototype database system to demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency and scalability. The results show that our method significantly outperforms alternative methods in most settings.  相似文献   

In this paper, we define a new class of queries, the top-k multiple-type integrated query (simply, top-k MULTI query). It deals with multiple data types and finds the information in the order of relevance between the query and the object. Various data types such as spatial, textual, and relational data types can be used for the top-k MULTI query. The top-k MULTI query distinguishes itself from the traditional top-k query in that the component scores to calculate final scores are determined dependent of the query. Hence, each component score is calculated only when the query is given for each data type rather than being calculated apriori as in the top-k query. As a representative instance, the traditional top-k spatial keyword query is an instance of the top-k MULTI query. It deals with the spatial data type and text data type and finds the information based on spatial proximity and textual relevance between the query and the object, which is determined only when the query is given. In this paper, we first define the top-k MULTI query formally and define a new specific instance for the top-k MULTI query, the top-k spatial-keyword-relational(SKR) query, by integrating the relational data type into the traditional top-k spatial keyword query. Then, we investigate the processing approaches for the top-k MULTI query. We discuss the scalability of those approaches as new data types are integrated. We also devise the processing methods for the top-k SKR query. Finally, through extensive experiments on the top-k SKR query using real and synthetic data sets, we compare efficiency of the methods in terms of the query performance and storage.  相似文献   

A top-k query returns k tuples with the highest (or the lowest) scores from a relation. The score is computed by combining the values of one or more attributes. We focus on top-k queries having monotone linear score functions. Layer-based methods are well-known techniques for top-k query processing. These methods construct a database as a single list of layers. Here, the ith layer has the tuples that can be the top-i tuple. Thus, these methods answer top-k queries by reading at most k layers. Query performance, however, is poor when the number of tuples in each layer (simply, the layer size) is large. In this paper, we propose a new layer-ordering method, called the Partitioned-Layer Index (simply, the PL Index), that significantly improves query performance by reducing the layer size. The PL Index uses the notion of partitioning, which constructs a database as multiple sublayer lists instead of a single layer list subsequently reducing the layer size. The PL Index also uses the convex skyline, which is a subset of the skyline, to construct a sublayer to further reduce the layer size. The PL Index has the following desired properties. The query performance of the PL Index is quite insensitive to the weights of attributes (called the preference vector) of the score function and is approximately linear in the value of k. The PL Index is capable of tuning query performance for the most frequently used value of k by controlling the number of sublayer lists. Experimental results using synthetic and real data sets show that the query performance of the PL Index significantly outperforms existing methods except for small values of k (say, k?9).  相似文献   

Abstract. For some multimedia applications, it has been found that domain objects cannot be represented as feature vectors in a multidimensional space. Instead, pair-wise distances between data objects are the only input. To support content-based retrieval, one approach maps each object to a k-dimensional (k-d) point and tries to preserve the distances among the points. Then, existing spatial access index methods such as the R-trees and KD-trees can support fast searching on the resulting k-d points. However, information loss is inevitable with such an approach since the distances between data objects can only be preserved to a certain extent. Here we investigate the use of a distance-based indexing method. In particular, we apply the vantage point tree (vp-tree) method. There are two important problems for the vp-tree method that warrant further investigation, the n-nearest neighbors search and the updating mechanisms. We study an n-nearest neighbors search algorithm for the vp-tree, which is shown by experiments to scale up well with the size of the dataset and the desired number of nearest neighbors, n. Experiments also show that the searching in the vp-tree is more efficient than that for the -tree and the M-tree. Next, we propose solutions for the update problem for the vp-tree, and show by experiments that the algorithms are efficient and effective. Finally, we investigate the problem of selecting vantage-point, propose a few alternative methods, and study their impact on the number of distance computation. Received June 9, 1998 / Accepted January 31, 2000  相似文献   

Internet users may suffer the empty or too little answer problem when they post a strict query to the Web database. To address this problem, we develop a general framework to enable automatically query relaxation and top-k result ranking. Our framework consists of two processing steps. The first step is query relaxation. Based on the user original query, we speculate how much the user cares about each specified attribute by measuring its specified value distribution in the database. The rare distribution of the specified value of the attribute indicates the attribute may important for the user. According to the attribute importance, the original query is then rewritten as a relaxed query by expanding each query criterion range. The relaxed degree on each specified attribute is varied with the attribute weight adaptively. The most important attribute is relaxed with the minimum degree so that the answer returned by the relaxed query can be most relevant to the user original intention. The second step is top-k result ranking. In this step, we first generate user contextual preferences from query history and then use them to create a priori orders of tuples during the off-line pre-processing. Only a few representative orders are saved, each corresponding to a set of contexts. Then, these orders and associated contexts are used at querying time to expeditiously provide top-k relevant answers by using the top-k evaluation algorithm. Results of a preliminary user study demonstrate our query relaxation, and top-k result ranking methods can capture the users preferences effectively. The efficiency and effectiveness of our approach is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The problem of k nearest neighbors (kNN) is to find the nearest k neighbors for a query point from a given data set. In this paper, a novel fast kNN search method using an orthogonal search tree is proposed. The proposed method creates an orthogonal search tree for a data set using an orthonormal basis evaluated from the data set. To find the kNN for a query point from the data set, projection values of the query point onto orthogonal vectors in the orthonormal basis and a node elimination inequality are applied for pruning unlikely nodes. For a node, which cannot be deleted, a point elimination inequality is further used to reject impossible data points. Experimental results show that the proposed method has good performance on finding kNN for query points and always requires less computation time than available kNN search algorithms, especially for a data set with a big number of data points or a large standard deviation.  相似文献   

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