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In this paper, we used data mining techniques for the automatic discovering of useful temporal abstraction in reinforcement learning. This idea was motivated by the ability of data mining algorithms in automatic discovering of structures and patterns, when applied to large data sets. The state transitions and action trajectories of the learning agent are stored as the data sets for data mining techniques. The proposed state clustering algorithms partition the state space to different regions. Policies for reaching different parts of the space are separately learned and added to the model in a form of options (macro-actions). The main idea of the proposed action sequence mining is to search for patterns that occur frequently within an agent’s accumulated experience. The mined action sequences are also added to the model in a form of options. Our experiments with different data sets indicate a significant speedup of the Q-learning algorithm using the options discovered by the state clustering and action sequence mining algorithms.  相似文献   

A novel approach for process mining based on event types   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite the omnipresence of event logs in transactional information systems (cf. WFM, ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems), historic information is rarely used to analyze the underlying processes. Process mining aims at improving this by providing techniques and tools for discovering process, control, data, organizational, and social structures from event logs, i.e., the basic idea of process mining is to diagnose business processes by mining event logs for knowledge. Given its potential and challenges it is no surprise that recently process mining has become a vivid research area. In this paper, a novel approach for process mining based on two event types, i.e., START and COMPLETE, is proposed. Information about the start and completion of tasks can be used to explicitly detect parallelism. The algorithm presented in this paper overcomes some of the limitations of existing algorithms such as the α-algorithm (e.g., short-loops) and therefore enhances the applicability of process mining.
Jiaguang SunEmail:

It is increasingly common to see computer-based simulation being used as a vehicle to model and analyze business processes in relation to process management and improvement. While there are a number of business process management (BPM) and business process simulation (BPS) methodologies, approaches and tools available, it is more desirable to have a systemic BPS approach for operational decision support, from constructing process models based on historical data to simulating processes for typical and common problems. In this paper, we have proposed a generic approach of BPS for operational decision support which includes business processes modeling and workflow simulation with the models generated. Processes are modeled with event graphs through process mining from workflow logs that have integrated comprehensive information about the control-flow, data and resource aspects of a business process. A case study of a credit card application is presented to illustrate the steps involved in constructing an event graph. The evaluation detail is also given in terms of precision, generalization and robustness. Based on the event graph model constructed, we simulate the process under different scenarios and analyze the simulation logs for three generic problems in the case study: 1) suitable resource allocation plan for different case arrival rates; 2) teamwork performance under different case arrival rates; and 3) evaluation and prediction for personal performances. Our experimental results show that the proposed approach is able to model business processes using event graphs and simulate the processes for common operational decision support which collectively play an important role in process management and improvement.  相似文献   

In an inter-organizational setting the manual construction of process models is challenging because the different people involved have to put together their partial knowledge about the overall process. Process mining, an automated technique to discover and analyze process models, can facilitate the construction of inter-organizational process models. This paper presents a technique to merge the input data of the different partners of an inter-organizational process in order to serve as input for process mining algorithms. The technique consists of a method for configuring and executing the merge and an algorithm that searches for links between the data of the different partners and that suggests rules to the user on how to merge the data. Tool support is provided in the open source process mining framework ProM. The method and the algorithm are tested using two artificial and three real life datasets that confirm their effectiveness and efficiency.  相似文献   

Genetic process mining: an experimental evaluation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
One of the aims of process mining is to retrieve a process model from an event log. The discovered models can be used as objective starting points during the deployment of process-aware information systems (Dumas et al., eds., Process-Aware Information Systems: Bridging People and Software Through Process Technology. Wiley, New York, 2005) and/or as a feedback mechanism to check prescribed models against enacted ones. However, current techniques have problems when mining processes that contain non-trivial constructs and/or when dealing with the presence of noise in the logs. Most of the problems happen because many current techniques are based on local information in the event log. To overcome these problems, we try to use genetic algorithms to mine process models. The main motivation is to benefit from the global search performed by this kind of algorithms. The non-trivial constructs are tackled by choosing an internal representation that supports them. The problem of noise is naturally tackled by the genetic algorithm because, per definition, these algorithms are robust to noise. The main challenge in a genetic approach is the definition of a good fitness measure because it guides the global search performed by the genetic algorithm. This paper explains how the genetic algorithm works. Experiments with synthetic and real-life logs show that the fitness measure indeed leads to the mining of process models that are complete (can reproduce all the behavior in the log) and precise (do not allow for extra behavior that cannot be derived from the event log). The genetic algorithm is implemented as a plug-in in the ProM framework.  相似文献   

Mining process models with non-free-choice constructs   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Process mining aims at extracting information from event logs to capture the business process as it is being executed. Process mining is particularly useful in situations where events are recorded but there is no system enforcing people to work in a particular way. Consider for example a hospital where the diagnosis and treatment activities are recorded in the hospital information system, but where health-care professionals determine the “careflow.” Many process mining approaches have been proposed in recent years. However, in spite of many researchers’ persistent efforts, there are still several challenging problems to be solved. In this paper, we focus on mining non-free-choice constructs, i.e., situations where there is a mixture of choice and synchronization. Although most real-life processes exhibit non-free-choice behavior, existing algorithms are unable to adequately deal with such constructs. Using a Petri-net-based representation, we will show that there are two kinds of causal dependencies between tasks, i.e., explicit and implicit ones. We propose an algorithm that is able to deal with both kinds of dependencies. The algorithm has been implemented in the ProM framework and experimental results shows that the algorithm indeed significantly improves existing process mining techniques.  相似文献   

Process mining techniques allow for extracting information from event logs. For example, the audit trails of a workflow management system or the transaction logs of an enterprise resource planning system can be used to discover models describing processes, organizations, and products. Traditionally, process mining has been applied to structured processes. In this paper, we argue that process mining can also be applied to less structured processes supported by computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) systems. In addition, the ProM framework is described. Using ProM a wide variety of process mining activities are supported ranging from process discovery and verification to conformance checking and social network analysis.  相似文献   

Finding the case id in unlabeled event logs is arguably one of the hardest challenges in process mining research. While this problem has been addressed with greedy approaches, these usually converge to sub-optimal solutions. In this work, we describe an approach to perform complete search over the search space. We formulate the problem as a matter of finding the minimal set of patterns contained in a sequence, where patterns can be interleaved but do not have repeating symbols. This represents a new problem that has not been previously addressed in the literature, with NP-hard variants and conjectured NP-completeness. We solve it in a stepwise manner, by generating and verifying a list of candidate solutions. The techniques, introduced to address various subtasks, can be applied independently for solving more specific problems. The approach has been implemented and applied in a case study with real data from a business process supported in a software application.  相似文献   

Performing business process analysis in healthcare organizations is particularly difficult due to the highly dynamic, complex, ad hoc, and multi-disciplinary nature of healthcare processes. Process mining is a promising approach to obtain a better understanding about those processes by analyzing event data recorded in healthcare information systems. However, not all process mining techniques perform well in capturing the complex and ad hoc nature of clinical workflows. In this work we introduce a methodology for the application of process mining techniques that leads to the identification of regular behavior, process variants, and exceptional medical cases. The approach is demonstrated in a case study conducted at a hospital emergency service. For this purpose, we implemented the methodology in a tool that integrates the main stages of process analysis. The tool is specific to the case study, but the same methodology can be used in other healthcare environments.  相似文献   

The more knowledge industrial practitioners detain of their production processes, the more they are capable of performing process improvements. Nonetheless, there may exist process characteristics and dependencies that are not easily extractable from business models, such as routing dependent attributes. This paper introduces an algorithm-driven framework to establish whether process path decisions influence the attributes in non-direct sequences, e.g., deploying machine A instead of machine B affects the % of rejected parts on the process, 4 stages down the line. This problem is shown to bears similarities with sequential pattern mining problems. The basis of the solution framework relies on process mining and data mining techniques. The approach proposed is applied on a real industrial log, unveiling deficiencies in the system and providing further improvement recommendations.  相似文献   

Process mining allows for the automated discovery of process models from event logs. These models provide insights and enable various types of model-based analysis. This paper demonstrates that the discovered process models can be extended with information to predict the completion time of running instances. There are many scenarios where it is useful to have reliable time predictions. For example, when a customer phones her insurance company for information about her insurance claim, she can be given an estimate for the remaining processing time. In order to do this, we provide a configurable approach to construct a process model, augment this model with time information learned from earlier instances, and use this to predict e.g., the completion time. To provide meaningful time predictions we use a configurable set of abstractions that allow for a good balance between “overfitting” and “underfitting”. The approach has been implemented in ProM and through several experiments using real-life event logs we demonstrate its applicability.  相似文献   

Naive program transformations can have surprising effects due to the interaction between introduced identifier references and previously existing identifier bindings, or between introduced bindings and previously existing references. These interactions can result in inadvertent binding, or capturing, of identifiers. A further complication is that transformed programs may have little resemblance to original programs, making correlation of source and object code difficult. This article describes an efficient macro system that prevents inadvertent capturing while maintaining the correlation between source and object code. The macro system allows the programmer to define program transformations using an unrestricted, general-purpose language. Previous approaches to the capturing problem have been inadequate, overly restrictive, or inefficient, and the problem of source-object correlation has been largely unaddressed. The macro system is based on a new algorithm for implementing syntactic transformations and a new representation for syntactic expressions.This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number CCR-8803432.Robert Hieb died in an automobile accident in April 1992.  相似文献   

The ability to predict the remaining cycle-time in industrial environments is of major concern among production managers. An accurate prediction would enable managers to handle undesired situations with more control, thereby preventing future losses. However, making such predictions is no trivial task: there are many methods available to cope with this problem, including a recent research stream in process mining. Process mining provides tools for automated discovery of process models from event logs, and eventually, extend those models in driving predictions. In general, predictive models in process mining generally deals with business processes, and not directly with the industrial environment, which contains a full prism of particularities. In this paper we propose a hybrid predictive model based on transition-systems and statistical regression which is “product-oriented”, tailored to better predict online cycle-times on industrial environments. We propose a weight for each method, optimized by a linear programming model. We tested our new approach on an artificially created log that emulates an industrial environment, and on a real manufacture log. Results showed that our approach provides better accuracy measures for both test instances.  相似文献   

Contemporary information systems (e.g., WfM, ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems) record business events in so-called event logs. Business process mining takes these logs to discover process, control, data, organizational, and social structures. Although many researchers are developing new and more powerful process mining techniques and software vendors are incorporating these in their software, few of the more advanced process mining techniques have been tested on real-life processes. This paper describes the application of process mining in one of the provincial offices of the Dutch National Public Works Department, responsible for the construction and maintenance of the road and water infrastructure. Using a variety of process mining techniques, we analyzed the processing of invoices sent by the various subcontractors and suppliers from three different perspectives: (1) the process perspective, (2) the organizational perspective, and (3) the case perspective. For this purpose, we used some of the tools developed in the context of the ProM framework. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the applicability of process mining in general and our algorithms and tools in particular.  相似文献   

Knowing the availability of human resources for a business process is required, e.g., when allocating resources to work items, or when analyzing the process using a simulation model. In this respect, it should be taken into account that staff members are not permanently available and that they can be involved in multiple processes within the company. Consequently, it is far from trivial to specify their availability for the single process from, e.g., generic timetables. To this end, this paper presents a new method to automatically retrieve resource availability calendars from event logs containing process execution information. The retrieved resource availability calendars are the first to take into account (i) the temporal dimension of availability, i.e. the time of day at which a resource is available, and (ii) intermediate availability interruptions (e.g. due to a break). Empirical evaluation using synthetic data shows that the method’s key outputs closely resemble their equivalents in reality.  相似文献   

龙珑  邓伟 《计算机应用》2012,32(7):2030-2032
随着Internet的迅猛发展,我国网民的数量激增,传统的自动文摘算法无法适应绿色网络提供优质内容并过滤不良内容的社会需求。不同于传统采用统计学习自动文摘算法,提出一种新的基于明确语义的算法,利用基于行为分析的绿色网络系统的云数据采集库和维基百科资源作为知识库建立概念空间,对该空间的词语进行语义解释。最后,实验结果证明,所提方法比传统算法用更少的句子即可以获得更高的信息覆盖率,从而大大缩短系统分析过滤不良内容的时间,提升软件的服务质量。  相似文献   

Information systems have been widely adopted to support service processes in various domains, e.g., in the telecommunication, finance, and health sectors. Information recorded by systems during the operation of these processes provides an angle for operational process analysis, commonly referred to as process mining. In this work, we establish a queueing perspective in process mining to address the online delay prediction problem, which refers to the time that the execution of an activity for a running instance of a service process is delayed due to queueing effects. We present predictors that treat queues as first-class citizens and either enhance existing regression-based techniques for process mining or are directly grounded in queueing theory. In particular, our predictors target multi-class service processes, in which requests are classified by a type that influences their processing. Further, we introduce queue mining techniques that derive the predictors from event logs recorded by an information system during process execution. Our evaluation based on large real-world datasets, from the telecommunications and financial sectors, shows that our techniques yield accurate online predictions of case delay and drastically improve over predictors neglecting the queueing perspective.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore sequences of social regulatory processes during a computer-supported collaborative learning task and their relationship to group performance. Analogous to self-regulation during individual learning, we conceptualized social regulation both as individual and as collaborative activities of analyzing, planning, monitoring and evaluating cognitive and motivational aspects during collaborative learning. We analyzed the data of 42 participants working together in dyads. They had 90 min to develop a common handout on a statistical topic while communicating only via chat and common editor. The log files of chat and editor were coded regarding activities of social regulation. Results show that participants in dyads with higher group performance (N = 20) did not differ from participants with lower group performance (N = 22) in the frequencies of regulatory activities. In an exploratory way, we used process mining to identify process patterns for high versus low group performance dyads. The resulting models show clear parallels between high and low achieving dyads in a double loop of working on the task, monitoring, and coordinating. Moreover, there are no major differences in the process of high versus low achieving dyads. Both results are discussed with regard to theoretical and empirical issues. Furthermore, the method of process mining is discussed.  相似文献   

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