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内蒙古能源工业发展与环境问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张友国 《中国能源》2007,29(2):43-47
内蒙古拥有得天独厚的煤炭资源优势,最近几年随着中国经济增长而带来的能源需求的急剧上升,内蒙古的煤炭开采和煤炭发电等能源产业发展十分迅猛,为全国和当地经济发展做出了贡献,但也带来了不少相关的生态环境问题。本文系统分析了这些问题,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

内蒙古能源经济形势与可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
内蒙古能源资源丰富,对经济的发展起着重要的作用。随着新型工业化进程的加快和资源节约、环境友好型社会建设的推进,内蒙古转变经济发展方式,实现经济社会的可持续发展迎来了新的机遇。目前,内蒙古能源经济形式发生了明显变化,能源供给和需求数量不断增长,消费结构发生了明显变化,能源产业实现多元化,产业结构不断升级,新能源开发利用步伐加快,但能源经济发展中仍存在一些问题。因此,坚持可持续能源发展观,转变经济发展方式,优化能源资源配置,提高能源利用效率等是实现内蒙古能源经济可持续发展的重要战略举措。  相似文献   

刘晶 《中外能源》2010,15(1):23-28
2000~2008年,内蒙古GDP由1539亿元增加到7761.8亿元,年均增长率为22.42%,经济增长速度连续7年居全国第一位。随着经济的快速增长和人民生活水平的不断提高,内蒙古对能源的需求也不断增加,如何正确处理能源消费与经济增长的关系,对于内蒙古的可持续发展具有重要意义。内蒙古煤炭、石油、天然气等一次能源十分丰富,新能源发展潜力巨大。内蒙古虽为能源生产大户,但同时也是耗能大户。2001~2005年能源消费年均增速为24.69%,高出全国平均增速近13个百分点;2007年能源消费创历史最高水平,达到14649.39×104t标煤。自1993年以来,内蒙古原煤消费量占能源消费总量的比重一直保持在90%左右。全区工业部门能源消费占有很大比重,2007年达到73.51%。虽然全区能源综合利用水平不断提高,但与"十一五"规划目标相比仍有相当大的差距。对内蒙古能源消费与经济增长的相关数据进行相关性分析及弹性分析,结果表明,地区生产总值每增加1亿元,能源消费总量就增加1.98×104t标煤。2001~2005年,内蒙古能源消费弹性系数都在1以上,说明能源消费增长快于经济增长,内蒙古经济的快速增长属于粗放型增长,是在消耗大量能源和原材料基础上取得的。要实现内蒙古经济的可持续发展,不仅要加快产业结构调整步伐、调整能源消费结构、创建循环经济模式,而且还要完善节能管理体制,加强监管力度。  相似文献   

"三西"地区(山西、陕西北部、内蒙西部)是我国煤炭资源最为丰富的地区,近几年来,为促进地方经济发展、延长煤炭产业链,该地区对发展煤基液体燃料兴趣浓厚,然而我国以煤制油为代表的煤基液体燃料产业目前存在较大的不确定性,水资源是影响富煤地区发展煤基液体燃料的根本因素。本文分析预测了未来"三西"地区的水资源可供量大小,进而探讨了该地区的煤基液体燃料的发展空间。研究数据表明,长远看由于水资源的约束,该地区尽管煤炭资源丰富,也不宜发展高耗水的煤基液体燃料产业。  相似文献   

The analysis in this paper is concerned with the effect of energy scarcity on economic growth in the United States. After defining the notion of scarcity and introducing two measures of scarcity, unit costs and relative energy price, changes in the trend in resource scarcity for natural gas, bituminous coal, anthracite coal, and crude oil over the most recent three decades are investigated. Each of the energy resources became significantly more scarce resources during the decade of the 1970s in the Malthusian Stock Scarcity and Malthusian Flow Scarcity sense. Unit costs exhibit a similar change for natural gas and crude oil but not for bituminous coal and anthracite coal. The situation reversed itself during the 1980s. Natural gas, bituminous coal, anthracite coal, and crude oil all became significantly less scarce resources during the decade of the 1980s than they had been during the 1970s. That is, the increase in scarcity as measured by relative energy prices observed during the decade of the 1970s was not reversed completely during the 1980s for natural gas and crude oil. Unit costs for natural gas and crude oil demonstrate analogous patterns and test results. Given that change has taken place, it has implications for future economic growth to the extent resource scarcity and economic growth are interrelated. To see whether this is a relevant concern, subsequent to the examination of changing resource scarcity trends, an objective effort is made to identify a long-run equilibrium relationship between energy scarcity and economic growth. Relying on co-integration techniques, only for crude oil is there a suggestion that resource scarcity has affected economic growth in the United States over the period 1889–1992.  相似文献   

内蒙古建设大型并网光伏沙漠电站的可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合理利用现有资源、改善能源结构,已成为可再生能源发展的指导思想.有效地利用内蒙古荒漠资源建设大型并网光伏沙漠电站,是实现能源可持续发展战略,开拓和发展可再生能源的必由之路.文章从政策指导、太阳能资源、荒漠资源和电网交通等方面,分析了在内蒙古建设大型并网光伏沙漠电站的可行性.  相似文献   

我国煤层气开发战略与经济政策选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
潘伟尔 《中国能源》2006,28(11):13-17,10
本文认为,虽然中国煤层气开发利用已经十几年,但还处于幼稚期,应当尽快进入成熟期。由此需要借鉴国际成功经验,调整战略定位和经济政策:将煤层气资源开发利用定位为国家科学发展必需的新兴能源产业。确立“煤层气资源矿业权与煤炭资源矿业权分离,煤层气开发优先”、“整装煤层气资源区块必须整装开发利用”等资源配置原则。使经济政策选择具有刺激性,让煤层气开发商有利可图,经济政策支持的核心是低税、管网输送和煤层气价格支持。这些调整可概括为“整装开发、集中钻采、管网输送、政策刺激”。  相似文献   

伊犁地区是新疆地区生态环境比较优越的地区之一,同时伊犁地区储存着丰富的煤炭资源,而煤炭资源的大规模开采势必会对生态环境造成一定的影响,如何在煤炭资源开发的同时避免对生态环境的破坏已成为研究的重点。以《新疆伊犁伊宁矿区规划》为例提出矿区煤炭开采生态补偿机制方面的有关建议。  相似文献   

基于C-D模型分析我国能源消费结构与经济增长的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从我国的实际出发,按照经济发展规律,对自改革开放以来较长时期的能源消费数据进行灰色技术处理,利用C-D模型实证分析了我国能源消费结构与经济增长之间的比例关系,得到的结论是促进我国经济增长的能源消费中煤炭的贡献最大,其次是石油、电力、天然气,这表明我国经济的发展高耗能还较为突出,能源消费结构也不合理。因此,一要以节能减排的理念调整我国相关的产业政策,二要加大新能源与可再生能源的勘探开发与利用。  相似文献   

内蒙古地区风资源评估与风场特征风速的推导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对内蒙古二十四个地区的风能资源进行评估,得到风谱图.首先提出了利用WAsP软件对1998年至2008年期间内蒙古二十四地区的风资源资料中的基础进行分析;然后利用风速威布尔分布函数和风力发电机组输出功率的威布尔的概率密度函数,求两个函数的极值,推导出切入风速和额定风速的公式.最后以内蒙古六个地区为例,计算不同风资源条件下的切入风速和额定风速.  相似文献   

The “resource curse” has been analyzed extensively in the context of non-renewable resources such as oil and gas. More recently commentators have expressed concerns that also renewable electricity exports can have adverse economic impacts on exporting countries. My paper analyzes to what extent the resource curse applies in the case of large-scale renewable electricity exports. I develop a “comprehensive model” that integrates previous works and provides a consolidated view of how non-renewable resource abundance impacts economic growth. Deploying this model I analyze through case studies on Laos, Mongolia, and the MENA region to what extent exporters of renewable electricity run into the danger of the resource curse. I find that renewable electricity exports avoid some disadvantages of non-renewable resource exports including (i) shocks after resource depletion; (ii) macroeconomic fluctuations; and (iii) competition for a fixed amount of resources. Nevertheless, renewable electricity exports bear some of the same risks as conventional resource exports including (i) crowding-out of the manufacturing sector; (ii) incentives for corruption; and (iii) reduced government accountability. I conclude with recommendations for managing such risks.  相似文献   

Wuliangsuhai Lake is one of the largest wetlands in Inner Mongolia, China, half covered by large and highly productive Common Reed (Phragmites australis) stands. However, benefits from current utilization practices do not cover the costs of harvesting. Against this background, Wuliangsuhai Lake is taken as a case study for the assessment of the potential use of reed biomass for energy production. Taking into account, both the present and the potential reed availability, four scenarios are considered, i.e. (1) a decentralized application in household stoves, (2) a centralized reed supplied combined heat and power gasification, (3) a direct combustion plant and (4) a co-firing in existing coal plants. Two field campaigns have been conducted firstly collect information about the current situation of the reed and coal market and secondly to measure reed above-ground biomass. The suitability of reed for thermochemical conversion processes has been evaluated by means of chemical-physical, calorimetric, and thermal analyses of the samples. The potential energy production is valued regarding the profitability on the current Chinese energy market. Possible subsidies for reed as a renewable resource are taken into account. The evaluation has shown that reed has the potential to act as an energy feedstock. In relation to the considered study site, reed energy use can be profitable on the household level, in CHP combustion plants and in co-combustion. Gasification CHP plants are not economic feasible under current conditions. The results show that reed can be a sustainable alternative to highly health and environment damaging coal.  相似文献   

地热资源的开发利用及可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地热资源作为一种新型能源矿产,具有分布广泛、易于开发等特点,其利用方式主要有地热发电和地热直接利用两种.我国具有良好的地热资源条件,主要为中低温地热资源.据计算,我国12个主要沉积盆地的地热可开采资源量为7500×1018J,相当于2560×108t标煤.当前,我国地热资源利用方式主要以供暖、洗浴、种植等直接利用为主;地热发电发展缓慢,主要分布在西藏;利用热泵技术开发地热资源得到了快速发展;油区地热资源的开发利用也取得了良好的经济和社会效益.但同时我国地热资源产业也面临着一些问题,包括大部分地区尚未开展地热资源勘查评价,影响了地热资源规划的制订及地热产业的发展;防腐、防垢技术还需要进一步加强研究;地热回灌率普遍过低;增强型地热系统研究有待加强等.为了促进地热资源的可持续发展,建议在加大地热资源勘查力度的同时,应以浅层地温能和热水型地热资源为主,发挥热泵技术的优势,开展地热资源的综合利用及梯级利用;重视和加快油气区地热资源的利用;在西藏等适宜地区加大高温地热能发电利用;集中全国优势技术力量,在一两个有利区域开展增强型地热系统技术探索;此外,走回灌开发道路是地热资源开发利用的必然选择.  相似文献   

从"比较优势"与"比较优势陷阱"分析山西所走过的经济发展道路。煤炭经济发展模式让山西的经济实力和社会面貌发生了急剧的变化,但长期依赖煤炭经济,又使其陷入人力资本缺乏、经济空间结构松散、产权制度弱化等路径依赖和"制度锁定"所造成的"资源诅咒"怪圈之中。后金融危机之下的山西,其发展路径的选择在于正确地认识与利用"比较优势",使其既能避免"比较优势陷阱",又能避免"资源诅咒"的发生。具体对策包括自然资本最大化、保持煤炭寡头制、改革资源税租等。  相似文献   

An ecological energetic evaluation is presented in this paper as a complement to economic account for the cropping–grazing system in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in China in the year 2000. Based on Odum's well-known concept of emergy in terms of embodied solar energy as a unified measure for environmental resources, human or animal labors and industrial products, a systems diagram is developed for the crop and livestock productions with arms and sub-arms for free renewable natural resource input, purchased economic investment, yields of and interactive fluxes between the cropping and grazing sub-industries. In addition to conventional systems indices of the emergy yield ratio (EYR), emergy investment ratio (EIR), environmental load ratio (ELR) and environmental sustainability index (ESI) introduced for congregated systems ecological assessment with essential implication for sustainability, new indicators of soil emergy cost (SEC), self-support intensity (SSI) and self-support orientation (SSO) are defined to characterize the desertification and internal recycling associated with the special agricultural system. Extensive emergy accounting is made for the cropping-grazing system as a whole as well as for the cropping and grazing subsystems. The overall cropping–grazing system is shown with outstanding production competence compared with agricultural systems in some other provinces and the national average in China, though confronted with severe desertification associated with soil loss. The production of crops has higher emergy density and yield rate per unit area as well as higher rate of soil loss than grazing system. The soil emergy cost defined as the soil loss emergy divided by the yield emergy is estimated to be of the same value for both of the subsystems, but the grazing activity is with less extraction intensity, leaving rangeland to rest and rehabilitate. Suggestions with regard to the local sustainability and national ecological security in northern China are explored for land-use policy making.  相似文献   

Energy is the most abundant and valuable natural resource of Central Asia and northwest China1 and includes oil, gas, coal, electricity, and renewables. Kazakhstan has large reserves of oil and coal. Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have significant reserves of gas. Kyrgyzstan produces significant amounts of hydroelectric power. Xinjiang, China has significant coal resources and an uncertain, although generally promising, potential for oil in the Tarim basin. These energy reserves form the basis for future economic growth and development in the region, and energy exports are beginning to generate important foreign exchange revenues. Although Central Asia enjoys vast energy development potential, there are obstacles to exploiting these resources, including limited infrastructure for transporting energy—notably oil and gas pipelines and electric transmission lines—in the region, political turmoil, payment difficulties, and inadequate energy policies. Despite these challenges, however, with appropriate government planning Central Asia is poised to become a significant world supplier of energy, especially in the oil and gas sectors, and the region is likely to diminish OPEC's influence of the global oil market over the long term.  相似文献   

随着国民经济的高速发展和能源对煤炭需求的进一步加大,煤炭工业发展遇到前所未有的发展时期。复杂地质条件下煤炭资源的高强度开采也带来了许多不安全因素,其中煤与瓦斯突出是煤矿开采过程中的严重自然灾害之一,因其具有突发性,对生产人员的安全危害极大。在突出矿井在生产过程中,针对煤与瓦斯突出的一般规律进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Coal mining has a long legacy of providing needed jobs in isolated communities but it is also associated with places that suffer from high poverty and weaker long-term economic growth. Yet, the industry has greatly changed in recent decades. Regulations, first on air quality, have altered the geography of coal mining, pushing it west from Appalachia. Likewise, technological change has reduced labor demand and has led to relatively new mining practices, such as invasive mountain-top approaches. Thus, the economic footprint of coal mining has greatly changed in an era when the industry appears to be on the decline. This study investigates whether these changes along with coal’s “boom/bust” cycles have affected economic prosperity in coal country. We separately examine the Appalachian region from the rest of the U.S. due to Appalachia’s unique history and different mining practices. Our study takes a new look at the industry by assessing the winners and losers of coal development around a range of economic indicators and addressing whether the natural resources curse applies to contemporary American coal communities. The results suggest that modern coal mining has rather nuanced effects that differ between Appalachia and the rest of the U.S. We do not find strong evidence of a resources curse, except that coal mining has a consistent inverse association with measures linked to population growth and entrepreneurship, and thereby future economic growth.  相似文献   

蒙陕甘宁能源金三角地区水资源需求分析与保障对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒙陕甘宁能源金三角地区是我国实现能源发展战略综合开发的重要组成部分,目前面临的主要问题是水资源匮乏、利用效率低,随着经济社会快速发展,水资源供需矛盾日益突出,水资源将成为制约该区域能源综合开发的瓶颈。根据区域内各省(区)能源综合开发的规模,对能源综合开发的水资源需求进行了预测,通过分析当地水资源供水保障能力,得出仅靠该区域当地水资源难以满足大规模能源综合开发的需求,并提出切实可行的对策,以保障该区域供水安全。  相似文献   

刘万 《能源与节能》2020,(3):76-77,106
在中国经济发展的过程中,煤炭是最重要的消耗能源,提高煤炭资源的开采水平具有重要的现实意义。近年来,中国开展了各项活动来保证煤炭资源的开采安全,同时还出台了相关的措施来加强对煤炭安全生产的管理,这使得煤炭资源的开采与生产形势开始好转。但是在煤炭开采的过程中,人员的伤亡率仍然比较高,因此,在煤炭资源开采过程中,研发安全的生产技术是十分必要的。  相似文献   

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