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采用热弹塑性有限元法,对直通焊和多人同时分段焊两种焊接过程的平板对接焊时焊接应力变形和圆柱壳板环缝的焊接变形进行比较,认为多人同时分段焊直通焊无论在降低焊接残余应力还是焊接残余变形都具有非常显著的效果。 相似文献
采用有限元方法,通过计算机对水电站合拢焊缝残余应力进行了数值模拟,并将其与实测结果进行了比较,两者基本上一致,证明该方法是一种经济而有效的焊接残余应力预测方法,可为制订焊接工艺时控制残余应力提供参考。 相似文献
使用压痕法对两副对接试板进行了表面焊接残余应力测试,并通过焊接有限元仿真获得了对接试板焊接残余应力分布规律,对比分析了表面残余应力实测和数值模拟结果。分析结果表明,焊接残余应力数值仿真结果和压痕法实测结果趋势一致,数值相差不大,残余拉应力峰值实测为599 MPa,仿真结果为597 MPa,表明数值模拟方法可预测焊接残余应力;焊缝及热影响区最大纵向残余应力属于拉应力,而最大横向残余应力为压应力,横向残余应力峰值低于纵向残余应力峰值;等效应力(Mises应力)峰值792 MPa,高于试板材料在常温下的初始屈服强度,表明该材料具有明显的加工硬化现象。 相似文献
U肋加劲板焊接残余应力数值模拟分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
通过数值模拟和实验方法对U 肋加劲板焊接残余应力进行了估算和分析,建立了三维热弹塑性有限元模型,采用生死单元法模拟焊缝填充和焊接热输入过程,实现了整个焊接过程中的动态应力和变形变化,得到了U肋加劲板的焊接温度场和应力场,分析了U 肋加劲板的焊接残余应力分布,并与残余应力测试试验结果比较.结果显示:U 肋加劲板近焊缝区残余拉应力达到材料屈服强度,母板远离焊缝区残余压应力平均值约为材料屈服强度的0.2 倍,其分布趋势与实验测试得到的残余应力分布比较接近,证明了所采用的焊接数值模拟方法的正确性. 相似文献
综述了焊接结构残余应力消除技术研究现状,介绍了几种残余应力消除技术的原理及应用范围,对各种方法的优缺点及适用范围进行了比较,并对脉冲电磁场处理等新技术的应用和发展方向做了展望。 相似文献
用条状炸药对碳钢、低合金钢、调质钢和奥氏体不锈钢进行爆炸消除焊接残余应力试验。已经在压力容器、石油化工反应塔、氧化铝厂脱硅槽、水电站压力钢管等大中型焊接结构上使用。 相似文献
钛合金平板电子束焊接残余应力的小孔法测量 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
采用小孔法对TC11平板真空电子束焊接接头的残余应力进行了测量,结果发现,其残余应力为以纵向残余应力为主的单向拉伸应力状态,横向残余应力数值较小,同时还将测量结果与有限元结果进行对比分析,证明了有限元模型的合理性和可靠性。 相似文献
苏联乌克兰科学院巴顿焊接研究所,为了证实对接接头进行爆炸加工的良好作用与消除残余焊接应力有着密切关系,研究了用爆炸负荷方法消除钢板对接接头的残余应力的效率和机理。采用操作既简单又经济的高电容高功率的爆炸方法加工焊缝,是改善焊接接头性质的理想方法之一。从七十年代开始,人们研究了金属爆炸处理技术的工业应用,即通常用表面线状药包的爆炸作用来消除焊接接头 相似文献
目的研究CT70连续油管高频电阻焊接后的残余应力值和分布规律,以及焊接速度和挤压量等焊接参数对残余应力的影响。方法通过有限元计算的方法施加移动面热源和移动挤压辊,来模拟高频电阻焊的加热和加压过程,并用小孔法测量了高频电阻焊后连续钢管的残余应力值。结果对比计算的和实际的焊缝尺寸,均是内壁处为0.2 mm,壁厚中间部位为0.1 mm,内壁凸起高度为1.0 mm,宽度为2.1 mm,验证了有限元模型的准确性。计算得到的高频电阻焊后在焊缝处的轴向残余应力较大,在400~500MPa之间;环向残余应力较小,在-100~200MPa之间,与小孔法测量的残余应力一致。结论焊缝附近的残余应力主要由不均匀加热引起,远离焊缝处的残余应力主要由挤压引起。热源与挤压辊间距离和焊接速度增加会导致焊缝附近的残余应力增加;挤压量增加和焊接功率增加会导致焊缝附近的残余应力降低。 相似文献
Abstract: This study contributes to Phase 2 of the Task Group 1 round robin in the NeT European Network. To obtain better prediction results, in the thermal analysis, two significant changes are used. The welding efficiency, η, is fixed at 75%, and the weld bead fusion boundary profiles are based upon macrographs taken from welded specimens, which have been destructively examined. In the subsequent mechanical simulation, a non‐linear kinematic or mixed isotropic–kinematic hardening model should be employed, and a progressive annealing scheme or explicit consideration of visco‐plastic or creep effects should be implemented to handle high‐temperature inelastic strains and reduce stress discontinuities. In this study, an uncoupled 3D thermal and mechanical analysis was carried out using the software code SYSWELD. In the thermal simulation, a two‐offset‐double‐ellipsoid heat source model was developed, and the parameters were fitted using the heat source fitting tool. Power intensity was applied to simulate 1‐s dwelling time at the weld start end. Offset distances between two double ellipsoids were adjusted to obtain the weld bead transverse fusion boundary profiles at different positions. Predicted temperatures were compared with the measured data by thermocouples on the test pieces. In the mechanical analysis, a new material constitutive model, non‐linear mixed hardening model, was developed. Tension–compression cyclic tests were simulated at different temperatures using three different material hardening models (isotropic hardening model, kinematic hardening model and non‐linear mixed isotropic–kinematic hardening model), and the predicted cyclic stress–strain curves were compared with the measured data. Effects of three different hardening models on the welding residual stresses were studied. Compared with the measured data, the optimum material hardening model was confirmed. 相似文献
本文采用数值模拟方法,分析了低强匹配对接接头2种拘束条件、5种屈服强度匹配系数的焊接残余应力。结果表明,低强匹配接头焊根处的三向残余拉应力较小,对静载强度影响不大;焊趾处的三向残余拉应力较大,对疲劳强度和冷裂倾向有不利影响。自由状态的纵向残余应力和两端约束状态的横向残余应力,焊缝金属屈服强度每降低25MPa,其残余应力减少约11MPa。 相似文献
Yashar Javadi Omid Afzali Mohammadreza Hadizadeh Raeisi Mehdi Ahmadi Najafabadi 《Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation》2013,32(2):177-187
This paper investigates the nondestructive capability of ultrasonic waves in residual stress evaluation of dissimilar welded pipes. Longitudinal critically refracted (L CR ) waves are employed to measure the residual stresses in a pipe-pipe joint of stainless steel 304 and carbon steel A106. Measuring the acoustoelastic constant is usually accomplished through the tensile test which needs cutting the tested material to extract tensile test specimens. However, cutting the tested pipe to complement the nondestructive ultrasonic measurement was not considered here. Instead, a dissimilar welded plate with the same welding specification, joint geometry, thickness and the same dissimilar materials is used to extract tensile test samples. The measured acoustoelastic constant of the plate along with the measured time of flight of the L CR wave on the pipe, are utilized for ultrasonic stress measurement. A finite element model of welding process validated by hole-drilling method is used to verify the ultrasonic results. The results show good agreement between finite element and ultrasonic measurements in the pipe measured without any destructive process. 相似文献
Yashar Javadi Mehdi Akhlaghi Mehdi Ahmadi Najafabadi 《Research in Nondestructive Evaluation》2014,25(1):30-43
This article investigates the nondestructive capability of ultrasonic waves in residual stress evaluation of austenitic stainless steel plates (AISI 304L). Longitudinal critically refracted (L CR ) waves are employed to measure the residual stresses. Measuring the acoustoelastic constant through the tensile test is eliminated on the main investigated sample to keep it intact. Another welded plate with the same welding specification, geometry, thickness, and the same material is used to extract tensile test samples. To find the acoustoelastic constant of the heat affected zone (HAZ), a metallographic investigation is done to produce microstructure similar to that of the HAZ in a tensile test sample. A finite element model of welding process, which is validated by hole-drilling method, is used to verify the ultrasonic results. The results show good agreement between finite element and ultrasonic stress measurements which is accomplished nondestructively. 相似文献
以环氧树脂R368-1/硼纤维复合材料为研究对象,采用柱体单胞结构,建立了三维有限元分析模型。考虑试样加工制备过程和常温使用时的温度差,对残余应力分布特点和应力水平进行了讨论,给出了应力分布云图和应力沿径向的分布规律。进一步考察了纤维体积分数、温度差和附加界面层对残余应力分布的影响,结果表明,基体主要受拉伸应力作用,纤维主要受压缩应力作用,纤维体积分数增加和附加界面层有助于改善复合材料中残余应力的分布,试样制备温度的升高对纤维中应力的增加具有较大影响。 相似文献
3D Finite Element Numerical Simulation of Residual Stresses on Electron Beam Welded BT20 Plates 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lixing HUO Furong CHEN Yufeng ZHANG Li ZHANG Fangjun LIU Gang CHEN)Welding Division College of Materials Science Engineering Tianjin University Tianjin China)Aviation Techniques Institute of Beijing Beijing China 《材料科学技术学报》2004,20(1):117-120
A three-dimensional finite-element model (FEM) used for calculating electron beam (EB) welding temperature and stresses fields of thin plates of BT20 titanium has been developed in which the nonlinear thermophysical and thermo-mechanical properties of the material has been considered. The welding temperature field, the distributions of residual stresses in as-welded (AW) and electron beam local post-weld heat treatment (EBLPWHT) conditions have been successfully simulated. The results show that: (1) In the weld center, the maximum magnitude of residual tensile stresses of BT20 thin plates of Ti alloy is equal to 60%- 70% of its yield strength σs. (2) The residual tensile stresses in weld center can be even decreased after EBLPWHT and the longitudinal tensile stresses are decreased about 50% compared to joints in AW conditions. (3) The numerical calculating results of residual stresses by using FEM are basically in agreement with the experimental results. Combined with numerical calculating results, the 相似文献
We present a brief analysis of the existing methods for the determination and relieving of residual welding stresses. Among numerous ways of their removal, methods based on surface plastic deformation appear to be the most promising. In addition, we propose a new method of decreasing residual tensile stresses. 相似文献