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为解决金刚石砂轮磨削钛合金时材料弹性模量低、弹性形变大等问题,从理论上对砂轮的受力状态进行分析。基于切屑分离准则和材料摩擦属性,构建钛合金磨削时的受力模型,并对单颗磨粒的受力状态进行有限元仿真。设计钛合金磨削加工试验,研究工艺参数变化对砂轮磨削力的影响规律。结果表明:砂轮磨削速度增加,磨削力逐渐降低;当进给速度和磨削深度增加时,磨削力增加。当磨削工艺参数改变时,砂轮的切向和法向磨削力的变化趋势大致相同,切向和法向磨削力的比值为0.29~0.37。且磨削力的理论值和试验值的变化趋势基本一致,二者相对误差的平均值在5%以内,验证了磨削力理论模型的正确性。  相似文献   

为了获得磨料有序化排布砂轮磨削TC4的温度变化规律,使用电镀CBN砂轮对TC4合金进行磨削实验。砂轮分别采用叶序、错位和无序3种不同的磨料排布方式。研究了工件表面平均温度与进给速度和磨削深度的关系,并对3种磨料排布方式的电镀CBN砂轮磨削工件时温度的变化形态进行对比。结果表明:在相同磨削条件下,磨料有序化排布能有效降低TC4的磨削温度,使用叶序排布磨料砂轮能获得更低的工件表面温度。  相似文献   

A new method is proposed for measuring the heat transfer coefficient in the vicinity of the wheel-workpiece contact zone. The accuracy of measurement is estimated by using a finite element method and the factor for correcting the measured results is derived. The experiments are performed in a number of conditions where grinding fluid is supplied and the following measures are consequently recommended for increasing the cooling efficiency: (1) set the velocity of coolant to more than the critical value to penetrate the air flow layer formed around the wheel periphery; (2) use a nozzle with a thin throat, about 1 mm in height, and attach a scraper plate above the nozzle outlet; (3) choose a wheel of large grain size and dress roughly, or form shallow grooves on the wheel periphery; and (4) set a higher wheel speed.  相似文献   

采用白刚玉和绿碳化硅两种不同磨料的砂轮对CSS-42L钢进行了平面切入式磨削实验.选取磨削力、磨削力比和比磨削能为指标,通过单因素实验分析比较了在白刚玉砂轮和绿碳化硅砂轮平面切入式磨削条件下,CSS-42L钢的磨削加工性.实验结果表明,相同条件下,绿碳化硅砂轮磨削时的磨削力、磨削力比和比磨削能均明显高于白刚玉砂轮;绿碳化硅砂轮从初期磨损阶段进入稳定磨损阶段所用时间至少是白刚玉砂轮的2倍;两种砂轮磨削时的比磨削能均随着当量磨削厚度的增加呈幂函数降低.  相似文献   

钢轨打磨车砂轮技术标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在介绍中国铁路总公司企业标准Q/CR 1-2014《钢轨打磨车砂轮订货技术条件》制定背景的基础上,叙述了标准的主要内容及制定原则,着重对标准中参数的来源及依据进行了说明,解析了标准中钢轨打磨砂轮磨削性能、回转性能、静平衡性能参数的选择,对标准的合理性进行了评价。   相似文献   

Ultra-precision grinding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ultra-precision grinding is primarily used to generate high quality and functional parts usually made from hard and difficult to machine materials. The objective of ultra-precision grinding is to generate parts with high surface finish, high form accuracy and surface integrity for the electronic and optical industries as well as for astronomical applications. This keynote paper introduces general aspects of ultra-precision grinding techniques and point out the essential features of ultra-precision grinding. In particular, the keynote paper reviews the state-of-the-art regarding applied grinding tools, ultra-precision machine tools and grinding processes. Finally, selected examples of advanced ultra-precision grinding processes are presented.  相似文献   

This paper investigates grinding force and grinding temperature of ultra-high strength steel Aermet 100 in conventional surface grinding using a single alumina wheel, a white alumina wheel and a cubic boron nitride wheel. First, mathematical models of grinding force and grinding temperature for three wheels were established. Then, the role of chip formation force and friction force in grinding force was investigated and thermal distribution in contact zone between workpiece and wheel was analyzed based on the mathematical model. The experimental result indicated that the minimum grinding force and the maximum grinding force ratio under the same grinding parameters can be achieved when using a CBN wheel and a single alumina wheel, respectively. When the phenomenon of large grinding force and high grinding temperature appeared, the workpiece material would adhere locally to the single alumina wheel. Grinding temperature was in a high state under the effect of two main aspects: poor thermal properties of grinding wheel and low coolant efficiency. The predicted value of grinding force and grinding temperature were compared with those experimentally obtained and the results show a reasonable agreement.  相似文献   

利用钎焊技术和传统热压技术研发出一款钢轨打磨用新型复合砂轮,复合砂轮除含传统树脂砂轮的成分外还含金属结合剂金刚石插片,用其在钢轨打磨试验机上与传统树脂砂轮进行工件打磨对比试验,分析工件打磨后的打磨温度和表面粗糙度变化,并对钢轨打磨后的磨屑进行电镜、能谱分析。试验结果表明:与纯树脂砂轮相比,采用新型复合砂轮打磨工件,其打磨温度峰值下降10%左右,砂轮中插片数越多下降比例越大;工件表面粗糙度下降比例在9%以上,且随着砂轮中插片数量的增加而增大;同时,磨屑中球状磨屑比例更低,球状磨屑中O元素质量分数更小。   相似文献   

cBN砂轮在高速设备上使用非常广泛,但在老式低速磨床上采用cBN砂轮的非常少。我们在这方面做了大胆的尝试,就是在老式磨床上不做任何改进,直接更换相同直径的陶瓷cBN砂轮,通过更换皮带轮改变传动比,把砂轮速度从51.4 m/s提升到64.8 m/s,增大冷却液流量、压力,确定冷却液冲刷位置,改变切削的进给量,使cBN砂轮的一个修整频次内寿命大幅提升。最后证明陶瓷cBN砂轮在低速磨床中一样可以替代刚玉砂轮,并且不需要大的改造投资,可以获得非常好的综合经济效益。  相似文献   

为解决传统树脂砂轮打磨钢轨时存在的打磨效率低、易烧伤钢轨和粉尘污染大等问题,分析利用钎焊金刚石技术的优势制备新型钢轨打磨用砂轮的可行性。结合磨粒有序排布工艺,制备具有开槽结构的新型钎焊金刚石砂轮,并对U71Mn钢轨钢进行打磨对比试验。结果表明:相较于树脂锆刚玉砂轮,新型钎焊金刚石砂轮能提高50%左右的打磨效率,并有效降低磨削温度,避免钢轨烧伤。在钢轨打磨过程中,新型钎焊砂轮排屑效果显著,基本不发生磨屑黏附现象;但砂轮开槽导致磨削振动增大,加剧金刚石磨粒破碎,并增大钢轨表面粗糙度。新型砂轮磨屑多为带状,磨屑体积大且无熔融小球。  相似文献   

为了探究金刚石器件在机械研磨过程中原子层面的材料表面成形和亚表面损伤机制,利用分子动力学(molecular dynamics,MD)方法建立金刚石多磨粒研磨金刚石工件的模型,仿真研究金刚石材料表面成形的过程,并对比不同研磨深度对研磨力、材料回弹率和材料亚表面损伤的影响规律。分析表明:堆积在磨粒之间的切屑原子具有微研磨的作用,磨粒之间的相变区在研磨的作用下逐渐融合在一起,形成金刚石材料的加工表面;分别以h=0.36 nm、0.71 nm、1.07 nm、1.43 nm的研磨深度进行研磨,研磨深度超过0.71 nm后才能有效抑制金刚石晶体材料回弹,但增大研磨深度会增加金刚石工件表面堆积原子,不能改善其表面研磨质量;研磨深度在0.71 nm范围内的金刚石亚表层损伤较小且稳定,超过0.71 nm的研磨深度会使损伤快速增大,且会出现超过3.00 nm的大纵深损伤。  相似文献   

通过考察不同因素对砂轮锋利性、寿命及加工工件表面粗糙度的影响,优选出了端面超精磨CBN砂轮的制备工艺。通过对比实验,得出最优配比如下:CBN磨料的粒径优选添加40μm,陶瓷空心球的粒度优选添加240目,其添加量优选体积分数为20%,金属粉的优选体积分数为9%。该配方制备的CBN砂轮的锋利性、寿命及加工工件的表面粗糙度均达到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

为研究金刚石砂轮轴向进给磨削硬质合金时的磨削力,建立轴向力与法向力、切向力的转化模型;测量不同工艺参数下的磨削力变化;分析工艺参数对法向力、切向力、轴向力的影响规律并建立磨削力的经验公式。结果表明:在轴向进给磨削过程中,最大的磨削力是法向力,而轴向力略小于切向力。砂轮线速度对3个方向的磨削力的影响大致相同。磨削深度对法向、切向及轴向3个方向的磨削力的影响明显不同。进给速度对3个方向磨削力的影响不显著。   相似文献   

假设钎焊金刚石砂轮磨粒形状为八面体且磨粒分布均匀,用磨粒运动学轨迹模型及有限元积分法推导端面磨削时磨粒与工件的接触线长度,用平均体积法求得未变形磨屑平均厚度,进而推出端面磨削时切向磨削力与单位磨削力的关系式,并通过钢轨端面磨削实验建立单位磨削力数学模型并进行验证。验证结果表明:单位磨削力数学预测模型有效,可为后续端面磨削时磨削力和磨削温度等的计算提供理论支撑。   相似文献   

陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮在凸轮轴加工中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了陶瓷结合剂立方氮化硼(CBN)砂轮的优越的磨削性能,总结了应用经验.采用郑州磨料磨具磨削研究所研制的陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮在我厂进口的Landis数控高速磨床上进行了磨削冷激铸铁凸轮轴应用性试验.试验结果表明,加工工件粗糙度、砂轮的耐用度和寿命均达到进口CBN砂轮的水平.  相似文献   

Modeling and experimental study of grinding forces in surface grinding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Grinding forces are composed of chip formation force and sliding force. A new mathematical model of grinding forces in surface grinding is developed in this paper. Effectiveness of this model is proved by comparison of the experimental results and the model calculation results. Chip formation energy can be divided into static chip formation energy and dynamic chip formation energy which is mainly influenced by shear strain, shear strain rate and heat in the metal removal process. A formula for calculating the chip formation force is proposed by analyzing the relationship between specific chip formation energy and chip formation force. Combined with the achievements of other researchers, a new formula for calculating sliding force considering the influence of processing parameters on friction coefficient is obtained.  相似文献   

The cooling efficiency of grinding fluids in deep grinding, at different material removal rates and grinding speeds, has been investigated. Two ‘inverse’ methods have been proposed to determine the level of convective heat transfer coefficients of grinding fluids, by matching the theoretical and experimental grinding fluid burn-out thresholds or matching the theoretical and measured grinding temperatures. Instead of using a constant chip melting temperature to estimate the energy partition to the grinding chips, the chip temperature and chip energy were calculated using the newly developed approach considering the variation of chip size, deformation and heat transfer at the abrasive/work interface. The variation of grinding heat taken away by the process fluids and grinding chips under different process parameters has been calculated, which shows the importance of cooling effects by the grinding fluids and the transition of thermal characteristics of deep grinding from cooling dominant to ‘dry’ grinding regime, where a large percentage of grinding heat is taken away by the grinding chips.  相似文献   

本试验使用石墨白刚玉砂轮精密磨削铁氧体,可实现简化工艺的目的。实验结果表明:在磨削速度24 m/s、工件速度1~10 m/min、切深2.5~7.5 μm的普通磨削工艺条件下,铁氧体零件的表面粗糙度值均达到Ra 0.18 μm以下。最小的表面粗糙度值可以达到Ra 0.09 μm,磨削表面呈镜面。因此,该磨削工艺可以完全满足铁氧体零件的表面加工质量要求。   相似文献   

针对引入孔隙结构后,多孔金属结合剂超硬磨具耐用度降低的问题,提出利用超硬磨料钎焊技术改善胎体对金刚石磨料的把持力,以提高工具寿命,并成功研制出一种新型多孔金属结合剂金刚石磨盘。测试分析了新型磨盘的节块性能,并通过磨削花岗岩安溪红635试验,对新型磨盘的磨削效果进行评价。实验结果表明:新型磨盘节块强度在100MPa左右,孔隙率为60%,孔隙在节块内部分布均匀,且金属结合剂与金刚石表面发生了牢固的化学冶金结合;磨削石材的表面粗糙度Ra0.77~1.59μm,磨盘的磨削比达到760。  相似文献   

郑玲线 《机床电器》2004,31(1):28-29
目前,随着现代工业突飞猛进的发展,要求加工设备的精度越来越高。因此数控机床的需求量也越来越大。现就数控端面外圆磨床在磨削加工中容易出现的几个问题及其后果和如何利用数控系统的软件功能解决这些问题。  相似文献   

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