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The discovery of the obese gene in the mouse and its conserved homologue in humans has led to important discoveries in energy metabolism. One of the chief findings was the fact that the expression of the leptin gene was regulated and that it, in turn, could regulate metabolism and behavior. Much of the literature has focused on the physiological role of leptin in driving processes as diverse as reproduction, starvation defence, feeding behavior or body weight, all dependent on expression levels of the ob gene. Here, we will describe our work, in which we have begun to elucidate the regulatory processes controlling obese gene expression.  相似文献   

A physiological toxicokinetic model (PT model) was developed for inhaled isoprene in mouse, rat and man. Partition coefficients blood:air and tissue:blood were determined in vitro by a headspace method. Parameters of a saturable isoprene metabolism in B6C3F1 mice, Sprague-Dawley rats and volunteers were obtained from gas uptake experiments in closed systems, analyzed by means of a two-compartment model. Incorporation of these parameters into the PT model revealed that isoprene was metabolized not only in the liver but also in extrahepatic organs. Endogenous production of isoprene in man was quantified from experiments with volunteers breathing into a closed system. The PT model was validated for mice, rats and humans by comparing simulated values with data determined by other authors.  相似文献   

Several positron emission tomography (PET) studies suggest a contribution of the lateral aspects of the right cerebellar hemisphere to higher-level (cognitive) aspects of speech production such as controlled verbal response selection. As an alternative, however, 'inner speech', giving rise to subliminal activity of orofacial and laryngeal muscles, might account for the observed activation effects. Eighteen subjects underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during continuous silent recitation of the names of the months of the year ('automatic speech'). The right cerebellar hemisphere showed a significantly increased hemodynamic response concomitant with, among others, an asymmetric activation pattern towards the left side at the level of the motor strip. Since highly overlearned word strings, presumably, pose few demands on controlled response selection and since the projections of the right cerebellar hemisphere to the left precentral gyrus participate in motor control, the observed cerebellar activation, thus, seems to be related to the articulatory level of speech production rather than, as suggested by previous PET studies, to cognitive operations.  相似文献   

Ethenobases are exocyclic adducts formed with DNA by some environmental carcinogens such as vinyl chloride or urethane. In the last few years, they have received a renewed interest due to the development of sensitive techniques of analysis that made it possible to measure their formation in vivo. This minireview summarizes the information gained recently from the work of several laboratories, including ours. Increased levels of DNA etheno adducts have been measured in target tissues from rodents exposed to vinyl chloride or urethane. Hepatic tumours caused by exposure to vinyl chloride in humans and in rats and lung tumours induced by urethane in mice exhibit base pair substitution mutations in the ras and p53 genes which seem to be exposure-specific and consistent with the promutagenic properties of ethenobases. Background levels of etheno adducts have been detected in DNA from non-exposed humans or animals, pointing to an alternative, endogenous pathway of formation. This background may be affected by dietary factors. It could arise from the reaction of trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (or its epoxide 2,3-epoxy-4-hydroxynonanal), a lipid peroxidation product, with nucleic acid bases. Elevated levels of etheno adducts are found in hepatic DNA from humans and rodents with genetic predisposition to oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in the liver, and with an associated increased risk of liver cancer. These data suggest that DNA ethenobases could serve as new biomarkers of oxidative stress/lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

A fecal PCR assay for detection of Helicobacter infections in laboratory rodents was developed. DNA was isolated from murine fecal pellets, and a region of the 16S rRNA gene conserved among murine Helicobacter species was amplified. The fecal PCR was sensitive and specific. This assay does not require euthanasia of rodents, which is especially important for valuable rodents, such as transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Acute exposure of humans to ozone results in reversible respiratory function decrements and cellular and biochemical changes leading to the production of substances which can mediate inflammation and acute lung injury. While pulmonary function decrements occur almost immediately after ozone exposure, it is not known how quickly the cellular and biochemical changes indicative of inflammation occur in humans. Increased bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid levels of neutrophils (PMNs) and prostaglandins (PGE2) have been reported in humans as early as 3 hr and as late as 18 hr after exposure. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a broad range of inflammatory mediators are elevated in BAl fluid within 1 hr of exposure. We exposed eight healthy volunteers twice: once to 0.4 ppm ozone and once to filtered air. Each exposure lasted for 2 hr during which the subjects underwent intermittent heavy exercise (66 liters/min). BAL was performed 1 hr after the exposure. Ozone induced rapid increases in PMNs, total protein, LDH, alpha-1 antitrypsin, fibronectin, PGE2, thromboxane B2, C3a, tissue factor, and clotting factor VII. In addition, there was a decrease in the recovery of total cells and alveolar macrophages, and decreased ability of alveolar macrophages to phagocytize Candida albicans. A comparison of these changes with changes observed in an earlier study in which subjects underwent BAL 18 hr after an identical exposure regimen indicates that IL-6 and PGE2 levels were higher 1 hr after exposure than 18 hr after exposure, fibronectin and tissue-plasminogen activator levels were higher 18 hr after exposure, and that PMNs, protein, and C3a were present at essentially the same levels at both times. These results indicate that (i) several inflammatory mediators are already elevated 1 hr after exposure; (ii) some mediators achieve their maximal levels in BAL fluid at different times following exposure. These data suggest that the inflammatory response is complex, depending on a cascade of timed events, and that depending on the mediator of interest one must choose an appropriate sampling time.  相似文献   

Metabolism of the hypoglycemic agent, pirogliride, was investigated in the rat, dog monkey and human. Unchanged pirogliride plus six metabolites were isolated and identified using solvent extraction, HPLC and CI and EI-MS from urine and fecal samples. Pirogliride was metabolized in man to a small extent by oxidation of the 4-position of the phenyl ring. The monkey metabolized pirogliride mainly by oxidation of the pyrrolidine rings, while oxidation of the phenyl ring was the minor pathway. In contrast to the monkey, the rat metabolized pirogliride primarily by oxidation of the phenyl ring. The dog showed a balance of oxidation between the phenyl and pyrrolidine rings.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 19 extant species of rodents, with special emphasis on rats, mice, and allied Muroidea, were studied using sequences of the nuclear protein-coding gene LCAT (lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase), an enzyme of cholesterol metabolism. Analysis of 705 base pairs from the exonic regions of LCAT confirmed known groupings in and around Muroidea. Strong support was found for the families Sciuridae (squirrel and marmot) and Gliridae (dormice) and for suprafamilial taxa Muroidea and Caviomorpha (guinea pig and allies). Within Muroidea, the first branching leads to the fossorial mole rats Spalacinae and bamboo rats Rhizomyinae. The other Muroidea appear as a polytomy from which are issued Gerbillinae (gerbils), Murinae (rats and mice), Sigmodontinae (New World cricetids), Cricetinae (hamsters), and Arvicolinae (voles). Evidence from LCAT sequences agrees with that from a number of previous molecular and morphological studies, both concerning branching orders inside Muroidea and the bush-like radiation of rodent suprafamilial taxa (caviomorphs, sciurids, glirids, muroids), thus suggesting that this nuclear gene is an appropriate candidate for addressing questions of rodents relationships.  相似文献   

Patient 1: A 48-year-old man was admitted to Osaka Red Cross Hospital because of fever and dyspnea. Laboratory examination revealed pancytopenia, liver dysfunction and hematostatic abnormality. Chest radiographs obtained on admission revealed ground-glass opacity in both lung fields, and an analysis of arterial blood showed severe hypoxemia (PaO2:46.8 Torr). Pulse therapy with methylprednisolone was started. Although the hypoxemia subsided and radiographic findings rapidly improved, pancytopenia persisted. Examination of bone marrow aspirate revealed mature histiocytes with marked hemophagocytosis. Amplified Mycobacterium tuberculosis direct tests of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, sputum, urine, and bone marrow were all positive, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis was cultured from sputum and urine. Although the patient was taking antituberculous agents, his pancytopenia persosted. Treatment with etoposide induced remssion. Patient 2: A 19-year-old woman was admitted to Osaka Red Cross Hospital because of prolonged cough and fever. Laboratory examination revealed leukocytosis, liver dysfunction, and hematostatic abnormality. Serologic tests provided conclusive evidence of Mycoplasma infection and a CRP test was strongly positive. Chest radiographs obtained on admission revealed infiltration shadows in the middle and lower lung fields on both sides, with left pleural effusion. An analysis of arterial blood showed hypoxemia (PaO2: 54.2 Torr). Examination of bone marrow and pleural effusion samples revealed mature histiocytes with marked hemophagocytosis. Although treatment with antibiotics and pulse therapy with methylprednisolone was started, the patients respiratory functions deteriorated. Endotracheal intubation was performed. Therapy with etoposide induced remission. Hemophagocytic syndrome associated with Mycoplasma infection and tuberculosis appears to be exceedingly rare. In these 2 cases, it was difficult to achieve remission with therapy for the underlying infections, but etoposide treatment was effective.  相似文献   

The question whether penicillin V (pcV) given intermittently upon signs of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) in otitis-prone children might prevent recurrent bouts of acute purulent otitis media (AOM) is addressed. As compared with continuous long-term antibiotic treatment as prophylaxis in otitis-prone children, intermittent administration would reduce the overall consumption of antibiotics. Seventy-six otitis-prone children less than 18 months of age were included in this double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled multicentre study. Follow-up was from January till June. One hundred and twenty-three episodes of AOM occurred. The number of AOM episodes was reduced by 50% in the children on pcV during URTI episodes as compared with those on placebo. No obvious ecological drawbacks were noted. Thus, the described mode of pcV administration seems to be a rational and safe way to reduce the number of AOM episodes in otitis-prone children.  相似文献   

The data concerning the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and evidence for their efficacy in laboratory rats and mice are reviewed. This information is then extrapolated to clinical situations and dose rates that take account of ulcerogenic side effects are recommended. NSAIDs have the potential to be a very useful group of analgesics and should always be considered when attempting to provide pain relief in laboratory animals.  相似文献   

Comparative drug disposition studies in mice, rats, dogs, and humans indicate that cephapirin, a new semisynthetic cephalosporin antibiotic that exhibits broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, is metabolized to desacetylcephapirin in these species. Pharmacokinetic analyses of the concentrations of cephapirin and desacetylcephapirin in plasma and urine reveal that the rate and extent of deacetylation decreases from rodents to dogs to humans. The kinetic analyses also suggest that the kidney performs a role not only in the excretion but also in the metabolism of cephapirin to desacetylcephapirin.  相似文献   

The present article describes the cognitive and emotional aspects of human thigmotaxis (a wall-following spatial strategy) during exploration of virtual and physical spaces. The authors assessed 106 participants with spatial and nonspatial performance-based learning-memory tasks and with fear and anxiety questionnaires. The results demonstrate that thigmotaxis plays a distinct role at different phases of spatial learning. The 1st phase shows a positive correlation between thigmotaxis and general phobic avoidance, whereas there is no association between thigmotaxis and general phobic avoidance during later phases of learning. Furthermore, participants who underperformed in working memory tests and in a spatial construction task exhibited greater thigmotaxis and a higher potential for fear response. Findings are interpreted in the framework of interactions among emotion-, action-, and knowledge-controlled spatial learning theories. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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