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王秋云 《食品与机械》2022,(12):151-155
为了解城市青少年在健康饮食与营养知识、传统饮食文化、食品安全等方面的认知程度,在中国人民解放军国防科技大学附属中学开展食育状况调查活动。以1 088名初高中学生为调查对象,从食物营养认知、正确饮食习惯培养与安全知识、传统饮食与礼仪的传承、食育知识认知及态度4个维度设计调查问卷,调查结果显示:城市中学生对食物营养知识、传统饮食文化与礼仪、正确饮食习惯的认知程度较高,并显示出对全社会食品安全状况与食育教育的较高关注度。大多数青少年能正确认知嗜好性食品存在的健康隐患,但在实际生活中不能有效克制。中学生对丰富多彩的食育教育活动参与意愿较强烈。建议加快食育教育进校园的进程。  相似文献   

在高等学校实木家具教学实践中,体验式教学模式有助于实现理论与实践的有效结合。体验式教学模式有助于转变以往乏味的师生"授受"关系,使师生在体验的过程中通过对话、交流与实际操作形成新的"共同体验"的关系。在此过程中,学生理解知识、发展能力、产生情感、生成意识的过程有助于学生形成缜密的思考体系,促使学生以好奇带动探索,以激情带动追求,激发学生"脑"、"手"、"心"共用的无限潜量,从而获得比传统教学更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of the introduction of the National Curriculum (England and Wales) and standardised assessment procedures on the culture and curriculum of a large culturally diverse secondary school in London during the period 1993-1995. It examines the processes through which centrally controlled definitions of knowledge and its assessment are imposed on teachers and learners through state control of curricula and assessment in a market led system of education. Drawing on material from interviews with teachers, it discusses the incursion of the state into the daily life and culture of a particular school. It uses the imagery of alchemy to question the hegemonic role of a national curriculum in crushing the expression of cultural difference and excluding other possible curricula which recognise and celebrate the knowledge and experience which pupils bring with them into school.  相似文献   

《食品安全追溯体系》课程教学改革以"价值塑造、知识传授和能力培养三位一体的培养目标"为抓手,系统地构建了课程内容的知识体系和能力体系,建立了三立足、五融入、五注重的"三五五方案"育人机制,探索了科技特派员与师徒制相结合、人才互育的培养模式,与企业联合构建了食品安全追溯体系闭环的线上线下案例库。实现了服务区域企业发展与学校教学模式从课堂到实践转型同频同步,提升食品优势特色学科水平与提高研究生培养质量同向同行,实现了高素质食品安全追溯人才培养供给与产业发展需求紧密对接的目标。  相似文献   

Comprehensive education appeared as a progressive form of school organisation characterised by a common, core curriculum that was to be offered to every student independent of their social origins and economic position. Up till now, we can say that comprehensivisation has worked as a school conception, but it has failed to build a schooling system. That is to say, it has worked as a school organisational system, but it has failed as a way of restructuring knowledge, and/or teaching and learning. This articleregards these aspects as complementary branches of the same comprehensive ideals. They need to be revisited in our technological and informational stage of development.  相似文献   

目的:了解北京市中学生营养知识掌握现况并探讨影响因素。方法:采用整群典型抽样,抽取北京核心城区和郊县城区数所代表性中学学生,开展现场问卷调查。结果:北京市6所中学1192名学生参与问卷调查,其中初中生789人、高中生392人,男生600人(50.80%)、女生581人(49.20%),平均年龄13.72±1.58岁(最小11岁、最大19岁);中学生营养知识平均得分为59.37,初中生59.78,高中生58.53;女生61.08,男生57.71;学生对不同类别营养知识的知晓率差异显著(P<0.05);女性学生、与父母同住、父母学历高与学生营养知识得分存在正相关关系。结论:北京市中学生营养知识得分处于不及格水平,对不同知识类别的知晓度差异显著,学生在初高中阶段学习和掌握营养知识缺乏系统连贯性。学校课程设置、年级、性别、父母学历、居住状况等影响学生营养知识掌握状况。学校应考虑家庭和社会参与,衔接初高中阶段课程教学,加强系统、综合和连贯性的学生营养教育。  相似文献   

调查了解当前大学生的营养状况和对营养知识的知晓程度,为引导大学生合理膳食提供科学依据。采用自行设计的"大学生营养状况、知识、态度及饮食行为的调查"问卷方式,以湖南、湖北的大学生为研究对象,对500名在校大学生进行随机问卷调查。调查结果表明,大学生营养状况较差、营养知识缺乏、饮食行为不规律,但对营养知识具有强烈的求知欲望。建议高校加强食育体系建设、强化食堂的专业建设和管理等提高大学生的营养意识及健康水平。  相似文献   

This article offers an analysis of the different aspects involved in each of the cultures which interact within school space public, academic, social, school and private cultures - the knowledge of which can help to clarify the body of multiple factors which condition the teaching-learning processes often included within the concept of hidden curriculum. School can be regarded as an ecological space where cultures meet and whose specific responsibility is the reflective mediation of those plural influences which different cultures permanently exert over new generations.  相似文献   

分析传统几何纹样的表现形式和几种代表性纹样的内涵,表现形式包括单独形式、散点形式、几何形式和缠枝形式。阐述与现代时尚元素有机融合的4种传统几何纹样的创新设计方法,包括形态简化、夸张变形、分散重构和中西元素融合。最后,结合小学校服设计,从色彩呼应、风格匹配、整体布局3个方面,阐述传统几何纹样的创新应用,为小学校服的设计以及传统几何纹样的传承与发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

数据库采用php语言和mysql数据库,以wordpress为内容管理系统,联系教学需求和学生学习实际,归纳整理相关面料知识,汇总面料产品信息。联合样品室,帮助学生查找面料参数,课后自主学习,为样品室的管理提供便利并实现辅助教学。  相似文献   

This article attempts to analyse and interpret Bernstein's recent theoretical construction, which indicates the internal structuring of the official pedagogic device, as well as its functional intentions in the process of constructing school knowledge. In particular, the study accepts that the contemporary pedagogic device of the official educational system is the condition for the selection, classification, distribution, transmission and evaluation of school knowledge. In this frame, the article attempts to elucidate the orientations of the pedagogic device, which seems to be dominated by the state's functional impositions. However, this work makes an effort to clarify the complexity of the social-ideological contradictions that, nowadays, arise in the field of symbolic control, as well as within and between the structures of the pedagogic device. These contradictions undermine the regulation of the potential meaning and result in the ineffectiveness of the 'controlled' pedagogic device.  相似文献   

This article examines discourses of cultural knowledge and ideology in Chinese language textbooks currently used for primary school students nationwide in China. Within the framework of critical curriculum theory and using critical discourse analysis, this article critically investigates how discourses of cultural knowledge are constructed and what ideological forces are manifested in the textbooks. First, it identifies a matrix of discourses that construct areas of knowledge through an inter-textual analysis. Then it analyses how textual features, such as lexical choices, grammatical elements and generic structures, are manipulated in the construction of a particular version of cultural knowledge for the child reader. The article concludes that the discourses constructed in the textbooks are a closed system that serves the purpose of social control but not the interest of children.  相似文献   

The goal of education is not only to impart knowledge but also to develop certain values. Teachers can try to stimulate the development of specific values in their students. This study gives an account of an investigation of values regarding labour teachers find important for their students. The research population consists of teachers educating 15- to 18-year-old students in the Netherlands. Both secondary education and senior vocational education have been included in the research. Teachers can not only differ from each other with regard to school type, but also to subject and personal characteristics such as experience, gender and age. This study, on the one hand, investigated the relationship between school type, school subject and teacher's personal characteristics and, on the other hand, the importance teachers attach to different aims in the field of values regarding labour.  相似文献   

基于知识点的CAI系统的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了以知识点为基础的CAI设计系统。系统采用三层网络访问模式,与传统的CAI系统相比提高了数据利用和共享效率。  相似文献   

为了弥补传统注塑工艺参数设置存在的不足,采用模糊产生式规则的知识表示方法,表示工艺参数系统的知识,并在知识表示中引入权因子。通过文章的研究表明,在模糊产生式规则中引入权因子,使前提事实的重要性程度得以体现,所进行的推理更具科学性。同时,还统一了模糊规则和精确规则的知识表示形式,使模糊推理与精确推理可以同时进行。  相似文献   

目的对咸阳市某高校在校大学生食品安全知识、态度、行为进行调查分析,探讨提高大学生食品安全认识的方法,为开展食品安全知识教育提供依据。方法采用分层抽样方法,用自行设计的调查问卷进行调查,经由培训的调查员现场发放问卷,填写并收回,有效回收率93.7%。结果被调查学生对食品安全相关知识知晓率较低,平均为51.2%。开设食品相关课程的学生其平均知晓率也不高。大学生主要通过学校课程教育、电视、广播和网络途径获得食品安全相关知识;男、女生除通过学校课程教育获得相关食品安全知识的比例差异有统计学意义(P0.05),其他知识来源途径的比例男、女生差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);54.6%的学生经常关注食品安全问题,有76.5%的学生支持学校定期展开食品安全知识的宣传活动;选购食品时,学生最关心是食品的生产日期和保质期,其次是商品的价格。结论被调查大学生的食品安全知识普遍贫乏,应该加强食品安全知识的普及,展开相关讲座,让学生树立正确的安全态度,改善不良饮食习惯和行为。  相似文献   

The personal aspect of knowledge - the everyday concepts - is located in the life setting of a person. These personal concepts are the foundation for the child's appropriation of subject matter concepts that qualify the child's personal concept so they can function as theoretical concepts. However, subject matter concepts are not universal, they are related to national curriculum traditions. The connection between personal and subject matter concepts is often much weaker for immigrants and refugees coming to a new country than for children with generations of ancestors in a society. One problem for teaching subject matter concepts to cultural minority children is: 'How can societal relevant knowledge be taught which is sensitive to both cultural and social differences and become functional in culturally different life contexts?' This question has motivated two teaching experiments with history and social science subjects. The first was an after-school project with Puerto Rican children in New York City and the second was a school project with young Palestinian boys in Aarhus, Denmark. The aim of both projects was to create a form of teaching that was (1) meaningful for the children (2) contributed to their acquisition of skills and knowledge, and (3) created a positive identity and acceptance of their cultural background, as well as the society in which they were living.  相似文献   

目的探讨基于健康教育的营养计划干预对小学生营养饮食行为和生长发育的影响。方法 2015年9月抽取某小学3、4、5年级中的各1个班级共126名小学生,设为干预组,另选取同校同级但不同班的3个班级的122名小学生,设为对照组。干预组学生开展基于健康教育的营养计划干预,干预时间为12个月,而对照组学生则不加以干预。结果干预后,干预组学生膳食指南知识、平衡膳食与膳食宝塔知识、合理营养相关知识得分均明显高于对照组学生(P0.05);干预组学生饮食行为优良率、合格率明显高于对照组(P0.05);干预组学生超重肥胖率明显低于对照组学生(P0.05),但组间贫血率比较,差异无统计意义(P0.05)。结论基于健康教育的营养计划干预可提高小学生对营养知识的知晓程度,改变其不良饮食行为,有利于生长发育。  相似文献   

School gardening interventions have been touted as an effective approach to improve children’s eating habits in developed countries, but there is little evidence for their impact in developing countries. We studied the combined effect of school gardens linked to complementary lessons and promotional activities on the eating behavior and nutritional status of 9- to 15-year-old schoolchildren in Bhutan. We also studied the effect on a range of secondary indicators derived from the impact pathway. We used data from 468 schoolchildren in 9 control and 9 treatment schools following a randomized controlled trial design. We found that the school gardening intervention significantly increased children’s awareness about vegetables, their knowledge about sustainable agriculture, and their preferences for healthier foods. We found an 11.7-percentage point increase in the probability that children included vegetables in their meals (p < 0.05), but not in the number of different fruits or vegetables consumed. These results support the idea that comprehensive school garden interventions, combining gardening with education and promotion, can positively influence food preferences and food behavior in developing countries.  相似文献   

丰硕  王珞 《食品与机械》2021,37(10):176-180
以中国古代食育思想为基础,总结了国内外食育研究现状,从中国古代食育思想中食礼、食养、食技3个方面分析了其对现代中小学食育的启示,并从传统礼仪教育、传统饮食营养搭配学习和传统烹饪技法锻炼3个方面提出了实践策略。  相似文献   

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