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Surface micromachined capacitive ultrasonic transducers   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The current state of novel technology, surface microfabricated ultrasonic transducers, is reported. Experiments demonstrating both air and water transmission are presented. Air-coupled longitudinal wave transmission through aluminum is demonstrated, implying a 110 dB dynamic range for transducers at 2.3 MHz in air. Water transmission experiments from 1 to 20 MHz are performed, with a measured 60 dB SNR at 3 MHz. A theoretical model is proposed that agrees well with observed transducer behavior. Most significantly, the model is used to demonstrate that microfabricated ultrasonic transducers constitute an attractive alternative to piezoelectric transducers in many applications.  相似文献   

Dynamic analysis of capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electrostatic transducers are usually operated under a DC bias below their collapse voltage. The same scheme has been adopted for capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (cMUTs). DC bias deflects the cMUT membranes toward the substrate, so that their centers are free to move during both receive and transmit operations. In this paper, we present time-domain, finite element calculations for cMUTs using LS-DYNA, a commercially available finite element package. In addition to this DC bias mode, other new cMUT operations (collapse and collapse-snapback) have recently been demonstrated. Because cMUT membranes make contact with the substrate in these new operations, modeling of these cMUTs should include contact analysis. Our model was a cMUT transducer consisting of many hexagonal membranes; because it was symmetrical, we modeled only one-sixth of a hexagonal cell loaded with a fluid medium. The finite element results for both conventional and collapse modes were compared to measurements made by an optical interferometer; a good match was observed. Thus, the model is useful for designing cMUTs that operate in regimes where membranes make contact with the substrate.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the results of finite-element analysis performed to investigate capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs). Both three-dimensional (3-D) and 2-D models were developed using a commercially available finite-element modeling (FEM) software. Depending on the dimensionality of the model, the membranes were constructed using plane or shell elements. The electrostatic gap was modeled using many parallel plate transducers. An axisymmetric model for a single membrane was built; the electrical input impedance of the device then was calculated in vacuum to investigate series and parallel resonant frequencies, where the input impedance has a minimum and a maximum, respectively. A method for decomposing the membrane capacitance into parasitic and active parts was demonstrated, and it was shown that the parallel resonant frequency shifted down with increased biased voltage. Calculations then were performed for immersion transducers. Acoustic wave propagation was simulated in the immersion medium, using appropriate elements in a 3-D model. Absorbing boundaries were implemented to avoid the reflections at the end of the medium mesh. One row of an array element, modeled with appropriate boundary conditions, was used to calculate the output pressure. The results were compared with a simpler model: a single membrane in immersion, with symmetry boundary conditions on the sidewalls that cause the calculations to reflect the properties of an infinitely large array. A 2-D model then was developed to demonstrate the effect of membrane dimensions on the output pressure and bandwidth. Our calculations revealed that the small signal transmit pressure was inversely proportional to the square root of gap height. We also compared FEM results with analytical and experimental results.  相似文献   

Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) have been introduced as a promising technology for ultrasound imaging and therapeutic ultrasound applications which require high transmitted pressures for increased penetration, high signal-to-noise ratio, and fast heating. However, output power limitation of CMUTs compared with piezoelectrics has been a major drawback. In this work, we show that the output pressure of CMUTs can be significantly increased by deep-collapse operation, which utilizes an electrical pulse excitation much higher than the collapse voltage. We extend the analyses made for CMUTs working in the conventional (uncollapsed) region to the collapsed region and experimentally verify the findings. The static deflection profile of a collapsed membrane is calculated by an analytical approach within 0.6% error when compared with static, electromechanical finite element method (FEM) simulations. The electrical and mechanical restoring forces acting on a collapsed membrane are calculated. It is demonstrated that the stored mechanical energy and the electrical energy increase nonlinearly with increasing pulse amplitude if the membrane has a full-coverage top electrode. Utilizing higher restoring and electrical forces in the deep-collapsed region, we measure 3.5 MPa peak-to-peak pressure centered at 6.8 MHz with a 106% fractional bandwidth at the surface of the transducer with a collapse voltage of 35 V, when the pulse amplitude is 160 V. The experimental results are verified using transient FEM simulations.  相似文献   

The radiation impedance of a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) array is a critical parameter to achieve high performance. In this paper, we present a calculation of the radiation impedance of collapsed, clamped, circular CMUTs both analytically and using finite element method (FEM) simulations. First, we model the radiation impedance of a single collapsed CMUT cell analytically by expressing its velocity profile as a linear combination of special functions for which the generated pressures are known. For an array of collapsed CMUT cells, the mutual impedance between the cells is also taken into account. The radiation impedances for arrays of 7, 19, 37, and 61 circular collapsed CMUT cells for different contact radii are calculated both analytically and by FEM simulations. The radiation resistance of an array reaches a plateau and maintains this level for a wide frequency range. The variation of radiation reactance with respect to frequency indicates an inductance-like behavior in the same frequency range. We find that the peak radiation resistance value is reached at higher kd values in the collapsed case as compared with the uncollapsed case, where k is the wavenumber and d is the center-to-center distance between two neighboring CMUT cells.  相似文献   

Modeling of capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (cMUTs) is based on a two-port network with an electrical and a mechanical side. To obtain a distributed model, a solution of the differential equation of motion of the diaphragm for each element of the transducer has to be found. Previous works omit the mechanical load of the cavity behind the diaphragm, i.e., the effect of the gas inside. In this paper, we propose a distributed model for cMUTs that takes this effect into account. A closed-form solution of the mechanical impedance of the membranes has been obtained, including the effect of the restoring forces because of the stiffness of the membrane and because of the compression of the air in the cavity. Simulation results based on the presented model are compared with the experimental data for two types of cMUTs reported in the recent literature. It is demonstrated that the compression of the air has a significant effect on the fundamental frequency of the air transducer, with a deviation of about 22% from the prediction of a model that does not consider the interaction between the vibrating diaphragm and the air cushion  相似文献   

Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (cMUT) have become an alternative to piezoelectric transducers in the past few years. They consist of many small circular membranes that are connected in parallel. In this work, we report a new detection method for cMUTs. We model the membranes as capacitors and the interconnections between the membranes as inductors. This kind of LC network is called an artificial transmission line. The vibrations of the membranes modulate the electrical length of the transmission line, which is proportional to the frequency of the signal through it. By measuring the electrical length of the artificial line at a high RF frequency (in the gigahertz range), the vibrations of the membranes can be detected in a very sensitive manner. For the devices we measured, we calculated the minimum detectable displacement to be in the order of 10-5 Å/√Hz with a possible improvement to 10-7 Å/√Hz  相似文献   

A new regime for operating capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report on a new operation regime for capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (cMUTs). Traditionally, cMUTs are operated at a bias voltage lower than the collapse voltage of their membranes. In the new proposed operation regime, first the cMUT is biased past the collapse voltage. Second, the bias voltage applied to the collapsed membrane is reduced without releasing the membrane. Third, the cMUT is excited with an ac signal at the bias point, keeping the total applied voltage between the collapse and snapback voltages. In this operation regime, the center of the membrane is always in contact with the substrate. Our finite element methods (FEM) calculations reveal that a cMUT operating in this new regime, between collapse and snapback voltages, possesses a coupling efficiency (k/sub T//sup 2/) higher than a cMUT operating in the conventional regime below its collapse voltage. This paper compares the simulation results of the coupling efficiencies of cMUTs operating in conventional and new operation regimes.  相似文献   

Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (cMUT) have large bandwidths, but they typically have low conversion efficiencies. This paper defines a performance measure in the form of a gain-bandwidth product and investigates the conditions in which this performance measure is maximized. A Mason model corrected with finite-element simulations is used for the purpose of optimizing parameters. There are different performance measures for transducers operating in transmit, receive, or pulse-echo modes. Basic parameters of the transducer are optimized for those operating modes. Optimized values for a cMUT with silicon nitride membrane and immersed in water are given. The effect of including an electrical matching network is considered. In particular, the effect of a shunt inductor in the gain-bandwidth product is investigated. Design tools are introduced, which are used to determine optimal dimensions of cMUTs with the specified frequency or gain response.  相似文献   

A 1.8-mm × 1.8-mm capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) element is experimentally characterized by means of optical measurements. Optical displacement measurements provide information on the resonant behavior of the single membranes and also allow us to investigate the dispersion in the frequency spectrum of adjacent membranes. In addition, higher order mode shapes are observed, showing that either symmetrical or asymmetrical modes are excited in CMUT membranes. Laser interferometry vibration maps, combined with quantitative displacement measurements, provide information about the quality and repeatability of the fabrication process, which is a basic requirement for 2D array fabrication for ultrasound imaging  相似文献   

We report the design and experimental results of a field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based real-time ultrasound imaging system that uses a 16-element phased-array capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer fabricated using a fusion bonding process. The imaging system consists of the transducer, discrete analog components situated on a custom-made circuit board, the FPGA, and a monitor. The FPGA program consists of five functional blocks: a main counter, transmit and receive beamformer, receive signal pre-processing, envelope detection, and display. No dedicated digital signal processor or personal computer is required for the imaging system. An experiment is carried out to obtain the sector B-scan of a 4-wire target. The ultrasound imaging system demonstrates the possibility of an integrated system-in-a-package solution.  相似文献   

We report experimental results from a comparative study on collapsed region and conventional region operation of capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) fabricated with a wafer bonding technique. Using ultrasonic pulse-echo and pitch-catch measurements, we characterized single elements of 1-D CMUT arrays operating in oil. The experimental results from this study agreed with the simulation results: a CMUT operating in the collapsed region produced a higher maximum output pressure than a CMUT operated in the conventional region at 90% of its collapse voltage (3 kPa/V vs. 16.1 kPa/V at 2.3 MHz). While the pulse-echo fractional bandwidth (126%) was higher in the collapsed region operation than in the conventional operation (117%), the pulse-echo amplitude in collapsed region operation was 11 dB higher than in conventional region operation. Furthermore, within the range of tested bias voltages, the output pressure monotonously increased with increased bias during collapsed region operation. It was also found that in the conventional mode, short AC pulses (larger than the collapse voltage) could be applied without collapsing the membranes. Finally, while no significant difference was observed in reflectivity of the CMUT face between the two regions of operation, hysteretic behavior of the devices was identified in the collapsed region operation.  相似文献   

The nonlinear relationship between the electrical input signal and electrostatic force acting on the capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) membrane limits its harmonic imaging performance. Several input shaping methods were proposed to compensate for the nonlinearity originating from the electrostatic force's dependence on the square of the applied voltage. Here, we analyze harmonic generation in CMUTs with a time-domain model. The model explains the basis of the input shaping methods and suggests that the nonlinearity resulting from gap dependence of the electrostatic force is also significant. It also suggests that the harmonic distortion in the output pressure can be eliminated by subharmonic ac-only excitation of the CMUT in addition to scaling the input voltage with the instantaneous gap. This gap feedback configuration can be approximated by the simple addition of a series impedance to the CMUT capacitance. We analyze several types of series impedance feedback topologies for gap feedback linearization. We show that for subharmonic ac excitation, although resistive and capacitive impedances result in a trade-off between input voltage and harmonic distortion for a desired pressure output, harmonic generation can be suppressed while increasing the Pa/V transmit sensitivity for proper series inductance and resistance feedback. We experimentally demonstrate the feedback method by reducing harmonic generation by 10 dB for the same output pressure at the fundamental frequency by using a simple series resistor feedback with a CMUT operating at a center frequency of 3 MHz. The proposed methods also allow for utilization of the full CMUT gap for transmit operation and, hence, should be useful in high-intensity ultrasonic applications in addition to harmonic imaging.  相似文献   

We report on a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) featuring isolation posts (PostCMUT) as a solution to the charging problems caused by device fabrication and operation. This design improves the device reliability. The PostCMUTs were fabricated using a newly developed process based on the wafer-bonding technique. Paired tests showed the superior reliability characteristics of the PostCMUT design compared to those of conventional CMUT designs. No deleterious effect of the new design was seen in preliminary ultrasonic tests or in process yield. PostCMUTs, a design that serves as a solution to the aforementioned reliability problem, constitutes a major contribution to CMUT commercialization.  相似文献   

Directional generation and detection of Scholte waves and other guided modes in liquids and microfluidic channels by capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (cMUTs) is reported. An interdigital transducer structure along with a phased-excitation scheme is used to enhance the directionality of Scholte interface waves in microfluidic environments. Finite element models are developed to predict the performance of the devices in both fluid half-spaces and microchannels. Experiments on the interdigital cMUTs show that a five-finger-pair device in a water half-space has 12 dB of directionality in generating Scholte waves at the design frequency of 10 MHz. A 10-finger device operating at 10 MHz in a water-filled microchannel has 13.4 dB of directionality. These directionality figures agree well with the modeling results. Using the results of the finite element model of a cMUT in a fluid half-space, it was determined that 41% of the acoustic power radiated into the fluid is contained in the Scholte wave propagating in the desired lateral direction. Transducers are demonstrated to perform bidirectional pumping in fluid channels with input power levels in the milliwatt range. Interdigital cMUTs fabricated using low temperature processes can be used as compact ultrasonic transducers with integrated electronics for sensing and actuation in fluidic environments.  相似文献   

A maximum processing temperature of 250/spl deg/C is used to fabricate capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) on silicon and quartz substrates for immersion applications. Fabrication on silicon provides a means for electronics integration via post-complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) processing without sacrificing device performance. Fabrication on quartz reduces parasitic capacitance and allows the use of optical displacement detection methods for CMUTs. The simple, low-temperature process uses metals both as the sacrificial layer for improved dimensional control, and as the bottom electrode for good electrical conductivity and optical reflectivity. This, combined with local sealing of the vacuum cavity by plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition of silicon nitride, provides excellent control of lateral and vertical dimensions of the CMUTs for optimal device performance. In this paper, the fabrication process is described in detail, including process recipes and material characterization results. The CMUTs fabricated for intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging in the 10-20 MHz range and interdigital CMUTs for microfluidic applications in the 5-20 MHz range are presented as device examples. Intra-array and wafer-to-wafer process uniformity is evaluated via electrical impedance measurements on 64-element ring annular IVUS imaging arrays fabricated on silicon and quartz wafers. The resonance frequency in air and collapse voltage variations are measured to be within 1% and 5%, respectively, for both cases. Acoustic pressure and pulse echo measurements also have been performed on 128 /spl mu/m/spl times/32 /spl mu/m IVUS array elements in water, which reveal a performance suitable for forward-looking IVUS imaging at about 16 MHz.  相似文献   

In the design of low-frequency transducer arrays for active sonar systems, the acoustic interactions that occur between the transducer elements have received much attention. Because of these interactions, the acoustic loading on each transducer depends on its position in the array, and the radiated acoustic power may vary considerably from one element to another. Capacitive microfabricated ultrasonic transducers (CMUT) are made of a two-dimensional array of metallized micromembranes, all electrically connected in parallel, and driven into flexural motion by the electrostatic force produced by an applied voltage. The mechanical impedance of these membranes is typically much lower than the acoustic impedance of water. In our investigations of acoustic coupling in CMUTs, interaction effects between the membranes in immersion were observed, similar to those reported in sonar arrays. Because CMUTs have many promising applications in the field of medical ultrasound imaging, understanding of cross-coupling mechanisms and acoustic interaction effects is especially important for reducing cross-talk between array elements, which can produce artifacts and degrade image quality. In this paper, we report a finite-element study of acoustic interactions in CMUTs and experimental results obtained by laser interferometry measurements. The good agreement found between finite element modeling (FEM) results and optical displacement measurements demonstrates that acoustic interactions through the liquid represent a major source of cross coupling in CMUTs.  相似文献   

The inter-element acoustic crosstalk problem in capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducer (CMUT) arrays is discussed in this paper. A transfer function matrix approach was used to derive modified transmit waveforms on adjacent elements to reduce the apparent acoustic crosstalk. The significance of this is that this technique relies on programmable waveforms, so that it yields a reduced crosstalk effect with no additional fabrication complexity if the requisite programmable waveform transmit circuits are available. The crosstalk reduction achieved by this method also was examined in combination with conventional (physical separation-based) crosstalk reduction approaches. A CMUT transducer array structure was simulated in a two-dimensional (2-D) model using finite element analysis (FEA), and the crosstalk reduction method was tested for both small and large alternating current (AC) (ultrasonic) excitation conditions. A 25 dB crosstalk reduction was achieved for small AC excitation conditions in which approximately linear operation is encountered. When the AC excitation amplitude was large compared to the direct current (DC) bias, an "iterative harmonic cancellation" approach (also based on programmable waveform techniques) could be applied in combination with the crosstalk reduction method to minimize the inherently transmitted harmonics, and a similar crosstalk reduction effect of 25.5 dB was achieved. This method also can be combined with other structure-modification based crosstalk reduction approaches.  相似文献   

Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (cMUT) technology is a prime candidate for next generation imaging systems. Medical and underwater imaging and the nondestructive evaluation (NDE) societies have expressed growing interest in cMUTs over the years. Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer technology is expected to make a strong impact on imaging technologies, especially volumetric imaging, and to appear in commercial products in the near future. This paper focuses on fabrication technologies for cMUTs and reviews and compares variations in the production processes. We have developed two main approaches to the fabrication of cMUTs: the sacrificial release process and the recently introduced wafer-bonding method. This paper gives a thorough review of the sacrificial release processes, and it describes the new wafer-bonding method in detail. Process variations are compared qualitatively and quantitatively whenever possible. Through these comparisons, it was concluded that wafer-bonded cMUT technology was superior in terms of process control, yield, and uniformity. Because the number of steps and consequent process time were reduced (from six-mask process to four-mask process), turn-around time was improved significantly.  相似文献   

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