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We study the neurogenesis of a distinct subclass of rat striatum gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic interneurons marked by the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (PV). Timed pregnant rats are given an intraperitoneal injection of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), a marker of cell proliferation, on designated days between embryonic day (E) 11 and E22. Birthdate of PV neurons is determined in the adult neostriatum and nucleus accumbens by using a BrdU-PV double-labeling immunohistochemical technique. PV-immunoreactive interneurons of the neostriatum show maximum birthrates (>10% double-labeling) between E14-E17, whereas PV-immunoreactive interneurons of the nucleus accumbens show maximum double-labeling between E16-E19. In the neostriatum, caudal PV-immunoreactive neurons are born before those at rostral levels, and lateral PV-immunoreactive neurons become postmitotic before medial neurons. In the postcommissural striatum, ventral PV-immunoreactive neurons become postmitotic before dorsal neurons. In the precommissural striatum, ventral neurons are born before dorsal neurons laterally, but a dorsoventral gradient is seen medially. At corresponding coronal levels, PV-immunoreactive neurons of the nucleus accumbens are born shortly after PV neurons of the neostriatum. Analysis of BrdU labeling intensity in the nucleus accumbens shows that medium spiny projection neurons of the shell become postmitotic before neurons of the core. Similarly, PV-immunoreactive interneurons of the nucleus accumbens shell are born before PV interneurons of the core. Compared with cholinergic interneurons of the neostriatum, PV-immunoreactive interneurons are born later, but neurogenetic gradients are similar. The period of striatum PV interneuron genesis encompasses the period for somatostatin interneurons, although the latter neurons do not show neurogenetic gradients, possibly due to heterogeneous subtypes. Consideration of basal telencephalon neurogenesis suggests that subpopulations of striatum interneurons may share common neurogenetic features with phenotypically similar populations in the basal forebrain, with final morphology and connectivity depending on local cues provided by the host environment.  相似文献   

The presence of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in neuronal elements expressing the calcium-binding proteins calretinin (CR) and parvalbumin (PV) was studied in the rat main olfactory bulb. CR and PV were detected by using immunocytochemistry and the nitric oxide (NO) -synthesizing cells were identified by means of the reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-diaphorase) direct histochemical method. The possible coexistence of NADPH-diaphorase and each calcium-binding protein marker was determined by sequential histochemical-immunohistochemical double-labeling of the same sections. Specific neuronal populations were positive for these three markers. A subpopulation of olfactory fibers and olfactory glomeruli were positive for either NADPH-diaphorase or CR. In the most superficial layers, groups of juxtaglomerular cells, superficial short-axon cells and Van Gehuchten cells demonstrated staining for all three markers. In the deep regions, abundant granule cells were NADPH-diaphorase- and CR-positive and a few were PV-immunoreactive. Scarce deep short-axon cells demonstrated either CR-, PV-, or NADPH-diaphorase staining. Among all these labeled elements, no neuron expressing CR or PV colocalized NADPH-diaphorase staining. The present data contribute to a more detailed classification of the chemically- and morphologically-defined neuronal types in the rodent olfactory bulb. The neurochemical differences support the existence of physiologically distinct groups within morphologically homogeneous populations. Each of these groups would be involved in different modulatory mechanisms of the olfactory information. In addition, the absence of CR and PV in neuronal groups displaying NADPH-diaphorase, which moreover are calmodulin-negative, indicate that the regulation of NOS activity in calmodulin-negative neurons of the rat olfactory bulb is not mediated by CR or PV.  相似文献   

Both silent and spontaneously firing spiny projection neurons have been described in the neostriatum, but the reason for their differences in firing activity are unknown. We compared properties of spontaneously firing and silent spiny neurons in urethan-anesthetized rats. Neurons were identified as spiny projection neurons after labeling by intracellular injection of biocytin. The threshold for action-potential firing was measured under three different conditions: 1) electrical stimulation of the contralateral cerebral cortex, 2) brief directly applied current pulses, and 3) spontaneous action-potentials occurring during spontaneous episodes of depolarization ( state). The average membrane potential and the amplitude of noiselike fluctuations of membrane potential in the state were determined by fitting a Gaussian curve to the membrane-potential distribution. All neurons in the sample exhibited spontaneous membrane potential shifts between a hyperpolarized state and a depolarized state, but not all fired action potentials while in the state. The difference between the spontaneously firing and the silent spiny neurons was in the average membrane potential in the state, which was significantly more depolarized in the spontaneously firing than in the silent spiny neurons. There were no significant differences in the threshold, the amplitude of the noiselike fluctuations of membrane potential in the state, or in the proportion of time that the membrane potential was in the state. In both spontaneously firing and silent neurons, the threshold for action potentials evoked by current pulses was significantly higher than for those evoked by cortical stimulation. Application of more intense current pulses that reproduced the excitatory postsynaptic potential rate of rise produced firing at correspondingly lower thresholds. Because the membrane potential in the state is mainly determined by the balance between the synaptic drive and the outward potassium conductances activated in the subthreshold range of membrane potentials, either or both of these factors may determine whether firing occurs in response to spontaneous afferent activity.  相似文献   

What is the relationship between the temporal jitter in the arrival times of individual synaptic inputs to a neuron and the resultant jitter in its output spike? We report that the rise time of firing rates of cells in striate and extrastriate visual cortex in the macaque monkey remain equally sharp at different stages of processing. Furthermore, as observed by others, multiunit recordings from single units in the primate frontal lobe reveal a strong peak in their cross-correlation in the 10-150 msec range with very small temporal jitter (on the order of 1 msec). We explain these results using numerical models to study the relationship between the temporal jitter in excitatory and inhibitory synaptic input and the variability in the spike output timing in integrate-and-fire units and in a biophysically and anatomically detailed model of a cortical pyramidal cell. We conclude that under physiological circumstances, the standard deviation in the output jitter is linearly related to the standard deviation in the input jitter, with a constant of less than one. Thus, the timing jitter in successive layers of such neurons will converge to a small value dictated by the jitter in axonal propagation times.  相似文献   

Neutrophilic urticaria (NU) is a histologically defined entity, but its clinical and pathogenetic aspects are poorly understood. We investigated 22 NU patients whom we identified by examining 118 biopsies of weals. The patients comprised 11 of 20 with acute urticaria, nine of 49 with chronic urticaria, one of 10 with cold urticaria and one of 10 controls undergoing prick tests. Clinically, NU patients had a shorter mean duration of disease than other urticaria patients and significantly increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate and leucocytosis. Histologically, not only neutrophil counts, but to a lesser extent also eosinophil counts and mononuclear cell infiltrates were significantly increased in lesional skin of NU, and there was more marked vasodilatation and endothelial swelling. On immunohistochemistry, increased tumour necrosis factor alpha and interleukin (IL)-3 expression was noted, compared with other urticarias, whereas IL-8 expression was only minor. These data characterize NU as an acute phase urticarial reaction associated with an intense inflammatory infiltrate and marked upregulation of some mast cell-derived cytokines.  相似文献   

Within the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM), there are two classes of putative pain modulation neurons: ON cells and OFF cells, which respectively burst or pause prior to withdrawal reflexes elicited by noxious stimulation. Alpha-adrenergic agonists injected into the RVM produce changes in the latency of spinal nocifensive reflexes and, when iontophoretically applied, alter the firing of RVM ON but not OFF cells. To provide further information about the contribution of norepinephrine to RVM neuron function, we analyzed the distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive (TH-ir) appositions upon RVM ON and OFF cells. In the lightly anesthetized rat, seven ON and five OFF cells were identified by changes in their discharge rate in relation to nociceptive withdrawal reflexes and were labeled by intracellular injection of neurobiotin. Sections containing labeled cells were visualized by using avidin conjugated to a Texas Red fluorophore. Tissue with labeled cells was subsequently processed for TH-ir by using a Bodipy fluorophore conjugated secondary antibody. The distribution of the Bodipy-labeled fibers and terminals upon the Texas Red-labeled neurons was mapped using a confocal laser-scanning microscope. All the labeled neurons exhibited close TH-ir appositions. Appositions were of two types: swellings and fibers. Although the numbers and density of appositions varied among the cells, there were no consistent differences that correlated with physiological properties. Thus the overall density of appositions for ON cells (29.0 +/- 22.2 x 10(4) microns2) did not differ significantly from that for OFF cells (25.4 +/- 22.2 x 10(4) microns2). Tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive (TH-ir) appositions upon ON and OFF cells varied with their location along the dorso-ventral axis with more ventral neurons having a greater density of TH-ir swelling-type appositions. In a separate study, TH-ir and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity (DBH-ir) were mapped in the same sections by using confocal microscopy. Nearly 97% of the TH-ir profiles co-localized with DBH-ir. These observations provide evidence that both ON and OFF cells in the RVM are targeted by noradrenergic inputs.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemistry and retrograde labeling were used to define the thalamic projections of calbindin- and parvalbumin-containing cells in superficial layers of the rat's superior colliculus (SC). Quantitative analysis revealed that 90.8 +/- 2.2% (mean +/- standard deviation) of the calbindin-immunoreactive neurons in the stratum griseum superficiale (SGS) projected to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd) and that 91.3 +/- 4.3% of calbindin-immunoreactive neurons in the stratum opticum (SO) projected to the lateral posterior nucleus (LP). In contrast, only 17.3 +/- 2.5% of parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons in the SGS were found to project to the LGNd and 16.5 +/- 3.1% of the parvalbumin-immunoreactive SO cells were retrogradely labeled after LP injections. Few of the parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons in either the SGS (7.2 +/- 2.5%) or the SO (9.2 +/- 2.5%) were GABA positive. The retrograde-labeling results suggest that parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons in the rat's SO and SGS may either be primarily interneurons or have descending projections, while calbindin-containing cells are primarily thalamic projection neurons. These results are consistent with data from other rodents, but almost exactly the opposite of data that have been reported for the cat for these same populations of SC projection neurons. Such interspecies differences raise questions regarding the functional importance of expressing one calcium-binding protein versus another in a specific neuronal population.  相似文献   

To assess the position of interneurons in the hippocampal network, fast spiking cells were recorded intracellularly in vitro and filled with biocytin. Sixteen non-principal cells were selected on the basis of 1) cell bodies located in the pyramidal layer and in the middle of the slice, 2) extensive labeling of their axons, and 3) a branching pattern of the axon indicating that they were not axo-axonic cells. Examination of their efferent synapses (n = 400) demonstrated that the cells made synapses on cell bodies, dendritic shafts, spines, and axon initial segments (AIS). Statistical analysis of the distribution of different postsynaptic elements, together with published data (n = 288) for 12 similar cells, showed that the interneurons were heterogeneous with regard to the frequency of synapses given to different parts of pyramidal cells. When the cells were grouped according to whether they had less or more than 40% somatic synaptic targets, each population appeared homogeneous. The population (n = 19) innervating a high proportion of somata (53 +/- 10%, SD) corresponds to basket cells. They also form synapses with proximal dendrites (44 +/- 12%) and rarely with AISs and spines. One well-filled basket cell had 8,859 boutons within the slice, covering an area of 0.331 mm2 of pyramidal layer tangentially and containing 7,150 pyramidal cells, 933 (13%) of which were calculated to be innervated, assuming that each pyramidal cell received nine to ten synapses. It was extrapolated that the intact axon probably had about 10,800 boutons innervating 1,140 pyramids. The proportion of innervated pyramidal cells decreased from 28% in the middle to 4% at the edge of the axonal field. The other group of neurons, the bistratified cells (n = 9), showed a preference for dendritic shafts (79 +/- 8%) and spines (17 +/- 8%) as synaptic targets, rarely terminating on somata (4 +/- 8%). Their axonal field was significantly larger (1,250 +/- 180 microns) in the medio-lateral direction than that of basket cells (760 +/- 130 microns). The axon terminals of bistratified cells were smaller than those of basket cells. Furthermore, in constrast to bistratified cells, basket cells had a significant proportion of dendrites in stratum lacunosum-moleculare suggesting a direct entorhinal input. The results define two distinct types of GABAergic neuron innervating pyramidal cells in a spatially segregated manner and predict different functions for the two inputs. The perisomatic termination of basket cells is suited for the synchronization of a subset of pyramidal cells that they select from the population within their axonal field, whereas the termination of bistratified cells in conjunction with Schaffer collateral/commissural terminals may govern the timing of CA3 input and/or voltage-dependent conductances in the dendrites.  相似文献   

We present rules for the unsupervised learning of coincidence between excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) by the adjustment of postsynaptic delays between the transmitter binding and the opening of ion channels. Starting from a gradient descent scheme, we develop a robust and more biological threshold rule by which EPSPs from different synapses can be gradually pulled into coincidence. The synaptic delay changes are determined from the summed potential--at the site where the coincidence is to be established--and from postulated synaptic learning functions that accompany the individual EPSPs. According to our scheme, templates for the detection of spatiotemporal patterns of synaptic activation can be learned, which is demonstrated by computer simulation. Finally, we discuss possible relations to biological mechanisms.  相似文献   

A preembedding double immunostaining technique was used to study synaptic relations between enkephalin-like immunoreactive and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase-like immunoreactive neurons in the rat area postrema. Enkephalin-like immunoreactive neuronal perikarya and dendrites were found to receive synapses from dopamine-beta-hydroxylase-like immunoreactive axon terminals. Synapses were also found between the same dopamine-beta-hydroxylase-like immunoreactive neurons. Compared with our previous study, the present results provide morphological evidence that dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurons have different synaptic relations with enkephalinergic neurons, suggesting that physiological functions, especially those related to enkephalinergic neurons, may be different from each other in the area postrema.  相似文献   

Dual-label immunocytochemical procedures were employed to provide ultrastructural evidence for the presence of substance P (SP) in afferents to estrogen-receptive neurons in the medial preoptic area (MPO) of the female rat. SP-immunoreactive axon terminals were observed to innervate the periventricular (PvPO) and medial (MPN) preoptic nuclei of the MPO densely, and to form synaptic connections at these sites with neurons which contain estrogen receptors in their nucleus. These results indicate that estrogen-receptive preoptic neurons may be regulated by SP-containing neuronal pathways via synaptic mechanisms.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and synaptic relations of neurotensinergic neurons in the rat dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) were examined. The neurotensin-like immunoreactive (NT-L1) neurons in the DRN were fusiform or spherical. The NT-LI perikarya could only be detected in colchicine-treated animals whereas the immunoreactive axon terminals could only be found in the animals not treated with colchicine. Although many NT-LI dendrites received synapses from nonimmunoreactive axon terminals, the NT-LI perikarya received few synapses. NT-LI axon terminals also made synapses on nonimmunoreactive dendrites. Occasionally, synapses were found between the NT-LI axon terminals and NT-LI dendrites in the cases in which the animals were not treated with colchicine.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the analysis of peptides in plasma at picomole to femtomole levels. Peptides are isolated from plasma by solid-phase extraction, the peptide of interest is purified by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and selectively digested using immobilized trypsin or chymotrypsin to yield specific di- or tripeptides. These di- and tripeptides are esterified using heptafluorobutyric anhydride, alkylated with pentafluorobenzyl bromide, then quantified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with negative ion chemical ionization. This method has been evaluated for a model synthetic heptapeptide, using a deuterium labeled analog as an internal standard. The half-life of the heptapeptide in human plasma was found to be 2 min. Extraction efficiencies of a tritiated peptide of similar size to the heptapeptide, [3H]DSLET, from plasma using either C18 or strong cation-exchange columns were 85+/-3 and 70+/-2%, respectively. Quantitation of fragments from the heptapeptide indicated that the analysis was linear from 1-50 ng of the heptapeptide per ml of plasma. This method was subsequently employed for pharmacokinetic studies of the biologically active peptide Met-enkephalin-Arg-Gly-Leu, where linearity was obtained from 50 to 1000 ng/ml in rat plasma. This method demonstrated negligible side reaction by-products due to autolysis, and has potential for extensive use given the wide availability of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

李英龙  卿黎 《黄金》1999,20(12):11-15
文中应用投入产出技术,对包括地下采矿主要工艺环节的采选生产过程进行投入产出分析,丰富了投入产出技术的矿山应用内容。  相似文献   

The accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) is the first relay station in the vomeronasal system and may play a critical role in processing pheromone signals. The AOB shows similar but less distinct lamination compared with the main olfactory bulb (MOB). In this study, synaptic organization of the AOB was analyzed in slice preparations from adult rats by using both field potential and patch-clamp recordings. Stimulation of the vomeronasal nerve (VN) evoked field potentials that showed characteristic patterns in different layers of the AOB. Current source density (CSD) analysis of the field potentials revealed spatiotemporally separated loci of inward current (sinks) that represented sequential activation of different neuronal components: VN activity (period I), synaptic excitation of mitral cell apical dendrites (period II), and activation of granule cells by mitral cell basal dendrites (period III). Stimulation of the lateral olfactory tract also evoked field potentials in the AOB, which indicated antidromic activation of the mitral cells (period I and II) followed by activation of granule cells (period III). Whole cell patch recordings from mitral and granule cells of the AOB supported that mitral cells are excited by VN terminals and subsequently activate granule cells through dendrodendritic synapses. Both CSD analysis and patch recordings provided evidence that glutamate is the neurotransmitter at the vomeronasal receptor neuron; mitral cell synapses and both NMDA and non-NMDA receptors are involved. We also demonstrated electrophysiologically that reciprocal interaction between mitral and granule cells in the AOB is through the dendrodendritic reciprocal synapses. The neurotransmitter at the mitral-to-granule synapses is glutamate and at the granule-to-mitral synapse is gamma-aminobutyric acid. The synaptic interactions among receptor cell terminals, mitral cells, and granule cells in the AOB are therefore similar to those in the MOB, suggesting that processing of chemosensory information in the AOB shares similarities with that in the MOB.  相似文献   

The postnatal development of the electrophysiological properties and morphology of rat neostriatum was studied using in vivo and in vitro intracellular recording and biocytin staining and light and electron microscopy. The principal neurons, the medium spiny neurons, were found to undergo a protracted postnatal development of their electrophysiological and morphological characteristics. Most of the intrinsic membrane properties of medium spiny neurons came to resemble those in the adult by the end of the 3rd postnatal week. Synaptic responses and spontaneous activity patterns in medium spiny neurons were dependent on the arrival and functional maturation of excitatory afferents from cortex and thalamus and did not become adult-like until the end of the 1st postnatal month.  相似文献   

"Minimal stimulation" was applied to evoke responses in an "all-or-none" fashion in presumed medium spiny neurons of rat neostriatal slices in the presence of antagonists for glutamatergic excitation. For comparison, responses were evoked in the same cells by compound stimulation. Bicuculline (30 microM) blocked responses evoked by minimal stimulation, indicating that they were gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA)-receptor-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPS), whereas responses evoked by compound stimulation were only reduced in amplitude. Likewise, R(-)baclofen (1-20 microM) blocked IPSPS evoked by minimal stimulation in all but one cell. On the contrary, responses evoked by compound stimulation were always reduced in amplitude but never blocked. Paired-pulse depression (PPD) of averaged responses to minimal and compound stimulation was observed at a stimulus interval of 300 ms. The GABAB receptor antagonist CGP55845A (0.5 microM) had no effect on PPD evoked by compound stimulation but abolished PPD evoked by minimal stimulation. In a second set of experiments, the two stimulation paradigms were used to evoke responses in neostriatal slices continuously bathed in R(-)baclofen (10-20 microM). In R(-)baclofen a strong PPD was evoked by minimal and by compound stimulation. The amplitude of the response to compound stimulation increased on application of CGP55845A (0.5 microM). At the same time, PPD evoked by compound stimulation decreased. On the contrary, IPSP amplitude and PPD evoked by minimal stimulation remained unchanged. We conclude that two types of GABAergic terminals exist in the rat neostriatum, only one of which is regulated by GABAB receptors. However, the other class of terminals, not regulated by GABAB receptors, displays a much more pronounced PPD.  相似文献   

Phasic and tonic motor neurons of crustaceans differ strikingly in their junctional synaptic physiology. Tonic neurons generally produce small excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) that facilitate strongly as stimulation frequency is increased, and normally show no synaptic depression. In contrast, phasic neurons produce relatively large EPSPs with weak frequency facilitation and pronounced depression. We addressed the hypothesis that mitochondrial function is an important determinant of the features of synaptic transmission in these neurons. Mitochondrial fluorescence was measured with confocal microscopy in phasic and tonic axons and terminals of abdominal and leg muscles after exposure to supravital mitochondrial fluorochromes, rhodamine-123 (Rh123) and 4-diethylaminostyryl-N-methylpyridinium iodide (4-Di-2-Asp). Mitochondria of tonic axons and neuromuscular junctions had significantly higher mean Rh123 and 4-Di-2-Asp fluorescence than in phasic neurons, indicating more accumulation of the fluorochromes. Mitochondrial membrane potential, which is responsible for Rh123 uptake and is related to mitochondrial oxidative activity (the production of ATP by oxidation of metabolic substrates), is likely higher in tonic axons. Electron microscopy showed that tonic axons contain approximately fivefold more mitochondria per microm2 cross-sectional area than phasic axons. Neuromuscular junctions of tonic axons also have a much higher mitochondrial content than those of phasic axons. We tested the hypothesis that synaptic fatigue resistance is dependent on mitochondrial function in crayfish motor axons. Impairment of mitochondrial function by uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation, dinitrophenol or carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, or by the electron transport inhibitor sodium azide, led to marked synaptic depression of a tonic axon and accelerated depression of a phasic axon during maintained stimulation. Iodoacetate, an inhibitor of glycolysis, and chloramphenicol, a mitochondrial protein synthesis inhibitor, had no significant effects on either mitochondrial fluorescence or synaptic depression in tonic or phasic axons. Collectively, the results provide evidence that mitochondrial oxidative metabolism is important for sustaining synaptic transmission during maintained stimulation of tonic and phasic motor neurons. Tonic neurons have a higher mitochondrial content and greater oxidative activity; these features are correlated with their greater resistance to synaptic depression. Conversely, phasic neurons have a lower mitochondrial content, less oxidative activity, and greater synaptic fatigability.  相似文献   

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