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介绍10例轿车发动机电控系统故障及采取的措施。  相似文献   

为了校核某型柴油机机油集滤器固定支架的强度,建立了机油集滤器以及固定支架的有限元模型,利用Abaqus软件分别对机油集滤器固定支架的模态振型及频率值、应力分布进行了计算分析,并对疲劳安全系数和静强度安全系数进行了校核。结果表明,支架安全系数符合要求,但存在共振风险。  相似文献   

日产轿车公爵V30GL系列上装用的发动机有VG30S、VG30E,公爵CA20STD系列上装用的发动机是CA20S。现介绍这三种发动机的检查与调整。1怠速的调整对于汽油发动机,VG30S和CA20发动机怠速过程基本相似,仅以VG30S为例说明如下。(1)当发动机点火正时调整完毕后,将发动机在(2000~3000)r/min的转速下空转2~3分钟,然后以怠速运转。(2)将怠速调节螺钉以全关住置退出两圈左右。(3)用节气门调节螺钉调整发动机转速。手动变速箱式:(650~750)r/min自动变速箱式:(700~800)r…  相似文献   

发动机润滑系统故障分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发动机润滑系统的功用是对各摩擦部件进行润滑、清洗、冷却和密封。本文简述了该润滑系统的构成,并从机油压力过高、过低和消耗过多的角度说明了三种故障现象,归纳导致故障发生的原因,介绍了分析故障的方法。  相似文献   

在发动机检测中对机油压力的监测是保证发动机质量的重要一环。结合发动机冷测试原理,建立机油压力和机油温度关系曲线;提出机油温度补偿算法及发动机冷测试机油压力测试工艺参数制定方法,用以确定机油压力是否正确。引入质量管理中常用的控制图分析,从而判定机油压力在测试范围以内。运用AMESim仿真软件建立发动机机油压力测试模型,正确设置相关的参数,将仿真结果与实验数据做比较分析,验证了理论分析和数学模型的准确行,为实际生产提供参考。  相似文献   

机油温度和压力测试是发动机冷测试环节中,检测发动机是否装配正常的一个重要参数。根据发动机冷测试原理,结合发动机机油压力系统的结构特点,分析主要单元结构,包括机油泵、管道、机油冷却器、滤清器等,对机油压力控制图进行选择设置;基于AMESim搭建机油压力测试分析模型,对发动机机油压力波动过低和过高情况进行分析,并与实际测试结果进行对比分析,并对机油压力过高或过低产生的质量问题原因进行分析,通过分析结果验证理论分析和模型分析的准确性。结果可知:利用控制图判断机油压力波动是否超过允许范围,可有效判断压力测试是否合格;机油压力波动过低和油压过高均会引起发动机故障,需要根据具体问题,分析出现故障的原因,提出解决办法;实际结果表明理论分析和模型的准确性与可靠性,为发动机机油压力测试提供参考。  相似文献   

本文结合汽车故障诊断原理,以本田雅阁2.3 L轿车为例,通过理论与实验相结合的研究方法,详细提出汽车发动机故障诊断及排除思路。本文主要采取dSPACE半实物仿真实验模型,分别运用PicoScope6软件和PICO示波器等整车控制器模块,设计故障诊断方案,并将故障诊断策略下载到dSPACE中进行HIL仿真,针对本田雅阁2.3 L轿车发动机点火系统、水温传感器故障与正常波形进行数据采集与分析,利用PICO示波器波形为其提供了可靠的依据,希望给售后维修人员提供本田雅阁汽车方面的发动机故障排除启发。  相似文献   

结合LJ465Q汽油发动机售后维修实践中遇到的情况,阐述了汽车发动机在行驶过程中由于机油压力不足而引起的机油灯亮故障,及对发动机产生的影响和危害,并分析其产生的原因,提出了诊断与排除的方法措施。  相似文献   

本文针对迈腾轿车发动机启动异常,利用大众专用解码器、示波器、万用表等工具,分析发动机启动异常的故障原因,确定故障诊断思路,并排除故障,最后进行故障机理分析,对今后汽车故障诊断具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

文章以发动机油压力低故障为例,分析原因,提出对策,并指出在使用发动机时易出现的问题和处理方法。  相似文献   

An apparatus has been designed that allows the measurement of phosphorus volatility, which is important in, among other things, controlling the degradation of exhaust catalysers in automobiles. Following on from the original Noack volatility test, the Selby—Noack apparatus can measure up to 99.9% of volatiles. The apparatus has been used in the present work to assess the relationship between engine oil volatility and engine oil phosphorus volatility (from additives), some reflections on which are presented.  相似文献   

介绍了对电控发动机进行性能检测与故障诊断的基础项目之一的燃油压力检测的具体方法,并通过分析检测结果对燃油系中的一些元件做出性能判断.  相似文献   

Increasingly stringent emission legislation, together with the requirements for improved diesel engine performance, such as fuel economy, friction reduction, and extended drain intervals, have led to attention being focused on engine oil quality. The use of low‐friction engine oils can improve engine fuel efficiency and lead to a significant reduction of gaseous emissions. Therefore, engine oil is of importance when considering engine design parameters. This paper describes a study of the contribution of engine oil to diesel exhaust emissions. The investigations have shown that diesel engine particulate emissions as well as hydrocarbons and NOX emissions depend on the lubricant oil properties, in particular on the sulphur content, volatility, and metal content.  相似文献   

滑油压力是活塞发动机台架试车时最重要的监控参数之一,低滑油压力会导致发动机各摩擦副表面润滑不良,从而使发动机的各部件过早磨损,严重时会使发动机彻底失效.文中以莱康明IO-360-L2A航空活塞发动机为例,分析了导致滑油压力低的原因.  相似文献   

Setting engine emission targets to meet diesel car requirements is particularly important in engine performance development phase. Many researches are focused on associating vehicle performance with engine targets, but most work is done by testing, which is time and cost consuming, furthermore, the relationship of vehicle and engine will change when either engine or vehicle changes. A GT-Drive model to simulate New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) for passenger car is developed and calibrated by testing data, model precision is controlled within 5%. Time distribution of engine operating conditions when car running NEDC cycle has been analyzed, 10 critical major engine operating points are summarized according to running time proportion. Emission of NOx and smoke control regions containing these 10 points for target engine are set. Vehicle emissions are simulated and evaluated during engine development after engine performance test data are got, and engine combustion system layout and calibration are adjusted until vehicle targets are met. Vehicle is tested in chassis dynamometer finally, the testing results show a good agreement with the simulated results with an error of less than 5%, which proves that the emission value exchange of vehicle and engine is reliable. Performance target decomposition method for passenger car diesel presented can greatly shorten the development cycle and save costs.  相似文献   

The performance and particulate emission of a diesel engine are affected by the consumption of lubricating oil.Most studies on oil consumption mechanism of the cylinder have been done by using the experimental method,however they are very costly.Therefore,it is very necessary to study oil consumption mechanism of the cylinder and obtain the accurate results by the calculation method.Firstly,four main modes of lubricating oil consumption in cylinder are analyzed and then the oil consumption rate under common working conditions are calculated for the four modes based on an engine.Then,the factors that affect the lubricating oil consumption such as working conditions,the second ring closed gap,the elastic force of the piston rings are also investigated for the four modes.The calculation results show that most of the lubricating oil is consumed by evaporation on the liner surface.Besides,there are three other findings:(1) The oil evaporation from the liner is determined by the working condition of an engine;(2) The increase of the ring closed gap reduces the oil blow through the top ring end gap but increases blow-by;(3) With the increase of the elastic force of the ring,both the left oil film thickness and the oil throw-off at the top ring decrease.The oil scraping of the piston top edge is consequently reduced while the friction loss between the rings and the liner increases.A neural network prediction model of the lubricating oil consumption in cylinder is established based on the BP neural network theory,and then the model is trained and validated.The main piston rings parameters which affect the oil consumption are optimized by using the BP neural network prediction model and the prediction accuracy of this BP neural network is within 8%,which is acceptable for normal engineering applications.The oil consumption is also measured experimentally.The relative errors of the calculated and experimental values are less than 10%,verifying the validity of the simulation results.Applying the established simulation model and the validated BP network model is able to generate numerical results with sufficient accuracy,which significantly reduces experimental work and provides guidance for the optimal design of the piston rings diesel engines.  相似文献   

船只上的动力是由船舱内的发动机带动螺旋桨旋转提供的,发动机是船舶的心脏,其可靠性对船只的正常行驶尤为重要。针对某船厂柴油机起动时出现预润滑油压力低,导致无法启动的问题,分析柴油机预润滑油泵的安装及工作原理,进回油管路布置等,从多个方面排查找出导致发动机预润滑油泵压力低缺陷的根本原因;通过对预润滑油泵的进回油管重新布置及优化并更换大流量油泵,解决了发动机预润滑油泵压力低的故障,确保了发动机的正常启动。  相似文献   

Effects of refined palm oil (RPO) fuel on wear of diesel engine components   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Surapol Raadnui  Anant Meenak 《Wear》2003,254(12):1281-1288
In this particular research work, the effects of refined palm oil (RPO), as alternative fuel, on wear of diesel engine components are assessed. Fleet testing is carried for the qualifying candidates diesel fuel replacement, i.e. 100% RPO fuel or 50% RPO and 50% conventional diesel fuel mixture. The base line of the fleet testing is using pure conventional petroleum diesel fuel as an energy source in one of the tested vehicles in the fleet. Analysis of used engine lubrication oil, taken when the oil was changed on the vehicles, was compared to the analysis of used oil samples pulled from 100% diesel fuel engines. The finding suggested that the pure RPO and RPO blended fueled engines were wearing at a normal rate.  相似文献   

Organomolybdenum compounds are versatile lubricant additives of interest in the design of engine oils to meet the new ILSAC (International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee) GF‐3 performance standard, especially for fuel efficiency. In this work, organomolybdenum and 13 other components were studied by experimental design and statistical analysis to determine their effects on friction, wear, and oxidation properties. The resulting linear model was used to construct a trial engine oil formulation. Engine test results, including some new tests required for ILSAC GF‐3, confirmed some of the strengths of organomolybdenum compounds, as well as their sensitivity to other additives in the formulation.  相似文献   

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