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In this report, we want to touch upon two aspects of teaching mathematics in middle and high school. The first of them is the eternal question of how to teach, to motivate students and make them involved in the educational process, particularly in mathematics, where the most important factor is the natural gifts. The second aspect concerns the question which became very urgent in the modern world: what, in fact, we want to teach the students in a world over-saturated with information of any kind. As a result of the information blowup, two aspects emerge. On the one hand, straight passing over the skills and knowledge to the students becomes irrelevant today (just like a teacher or lecturer, merely speaking to an audience, who is not that relevant for young people, accustomed from childhood to perceive information through dynamic color visuals). On the other hand, there is a change in emphasis in the objective function of the educational process from gaining knowledge to acquisition of skills of working with information, consideration and estimation, and choosing of the optimal strategy of a number of possibilities. This trend can be seen in the selection of problems in the international examination PISA (Program for international Student Assessment), in the new curriculum in mathematics and in the selection of problems in the matriculation exams. These considerations (along with others) make teachers took for rtew forms of teaming, more appropriate to the demands of modernity. In this report we suggest the idea of using a mathematical competition called "Mathematical debate" (mathematical fight) as an integral part of the educational process at different levels of learning mathematics, as an appropriate tool.  相似文献   

RS-232接口转换为USB接口的设计原理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
由于USB总线的诸多优点,外部设备越来越多地采用USB总线,因而传统的以RS-232接口为数据通信通道的外部设备正面临着淘汰的危险。设计一种双向的RS-232转USB的转换器就很有必要,本文以CypressCY7C64013为例,介绍总线转换器的硬件和软件设计。  相似文献   

The artificial intelligence rapid prototyping methodology has been employed in the development of an advanced workstation for non-computer-trained professionals.  相似文献   

The principle of functional invariance states that it is a natural law that conscious beings with the same functional organization have the same quality of conscious experience. A group of arguments in support of this principle are rejected, on the grounds that they establish at most only the weaker intra-subjective principle that any two stages in the life of a single conscious being that duplicate one another in terms of functional organization also duplicate one another in terms of quality of phenomenal experience.
Michael PelczarEmail:

当前界面设计模式缺乏统一的规范化描述,导致在利用多个界面设计模式的嵌套组合构建复杂用户界面模型时,不能满足在有限区域展示具有层次结构内容的需求。提出一种复杂界面的建模方法。基于对界面基本元素的抽象实现界面设计模式的规范化描述,并通过对界面元素的定制,实现复杂界面的建模和目标代码的自动生成。应用研究表明,该方法可对复杂界面的设计和实现提供有力的支持,提高用户界面开发的效率。  相似文献   

Advanced Operator Interface Design for Complex Space Telerobots   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
With technology advancements in computers and displays, computer interfaces can be used to alleviate the operator workload while controlling a complex robot. A graphical simulation of the robotic system can be used to improve development, train operators, and enhance their performance during actual operations. This paper summarizes the advantages realized using a graphical simulation to visually display telemetry from a multiple arm space telerobot. By displaying the commanded position of a manipulator graphically along with the actual position, the operator becomes more effective in diagnosing anomalies in the system. The negative impact of communication time delay can also be alleviated using this commanded display. The above advantages coupled with the simulation's ability to display multiple synthetic views, to move each view to any virtual location, and to highlight functions to emphasize important information, can ease the operator's workload, making him or her more effective in controlling a complex system.  相似文献   

当前界面设计模式难以表达复杂界面结构,不能满足在同一有限区域展示多项内容或具有层次结构内容的需求。为增强界面设计模式对复杂界面的支持能力,按普通模式、简单组合模式和重叠组合模式的划分方法总结和扩展界面设计模式,提出一种递归界面设计模式。该模式支持复杂界面设计和目标代码的自动生成。  相似文献   

Domain experts frequently know what questions they want to ask about a data set, but they do not necessarily know the mechanisms of using an information visualization (infoVis) system for investigating these inquiries of interest. In our work, we are researching the addition of a natural language (NL) interface for bridging this gap between NL questions and data exploration within an infoVis environment. In this paper, we present our approach to integrating an NL interface into an existing infoVis system. We illustrate the power of combining direct manipulation with NL interfaces, and we provide a real-life example of applying our approach to the analysis of a large, complex data set.  相似文献   

Recent learning sciences literature proposes to conceive learning as changes in the learner’s identity trajectory. In this paper, we use the analysis of dialogical positioning as a method to track down and understand shifts in identity trajectories. The Bakhtinian concepts of “polyphony” and “chronotopes” are considered as dialogical indicators of the identity positions, and are the basis of our method. A qualitative/quantitative nature is featured in this method, which is composed of three steps: a) reading of the data; b) definition of a tailored list of dialogical indicators; c) quantitative analysis. A highly collaborative, blended university course, drawing on socio-constructivist principles, was used as the context to test the method. Indeed, we believe such a course would foster dialogical identity development. All the notes posted online during the course by two selected students were used as the corpus of data. The students were selected because of their diversity in terms of level of participation and initial technology propensity. The application of the method revealed the uniqueness of the trajectories, the correlations between indicators, and their sensitiveness to the activities of the course and to the students’ personal circumstances.  相似文献   

Argument Based Machine Learning Applied to Law   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper we discuss the application of a new machine learning approach – Argument Based Machine Learning – to the legal domain. An experiment using a dataset which has also been used in previous experiments with other learning techniques is described, and comparison with previous experiments made. We also tested this method for its robustness to noise in learning data. Argumentation based machine learning is particularly suited to the legal domain as it makes use of the justifications of decisions which are available. Importantly, where a large number of decided cases are available, it provides a way of identifying which need to be considered. Using this technique, only decisions which will have an influence on the rules being learned are examined.  相似文献   

在C语言中,函数是实现程序模块化设计思想的手段.函数在调用过程中常常存在着实参和形参之间的数据传递.文章阐述了调用函数的过程中实参和形参之间数据传递的实质和属性,即值传递和单向性.  相似文献   

在C语言中,函数是实现程序模块化设计思想的手段。函数在调用过程中常常存在着实参和形参之间的数据传递。文章阐述了调用函数的过程中实参和形参之间数据传递的实质和属性,即值传递和单向性。  相似文献   

传统的安全概念已不适应今天开放环境下的复杂信息系统。随着现代社会对Internet依赖性的增加,计算机网络系统的可存括性的需求成为亟待解决的问题。该文分析了Internet可存活性的重要性,提出了可存活性的需求框架,并使用HWMSE作为测试和评估网络系统可存活能力的方法,为提高巨型计算机网络的可存活性提供了有效的解决途径。  相似文献   

In this article, we analyze the complex rationales—both transparent to us and, at times, made visible—underneath the instructional spaces in which we work and teach. To do so, we first situate space analysis in the larger, national conversations about instructional spaces and then through the work of computers and writing scholars. We conclude with an analysis of instructional spaces at our institution. These are spaces specific to our locale, but spaces we think are quite common at most institutions of higher education. Perhaps more importantly, we situate this space analysis on issues these spaces pose—issues of restricted movement, impaired ability to collaborate, sensory disruption, limited leadership ability, and functional/material constraints. We attempt to return to the roots of hacking and to situate hacking as a particular tool for negotiating and, at times, disrupting the assumptions built under, within, and across instructional spaces.  相似文献   

随着复杂信息系统在军事领域和民用领域的广泛应用及不断发展,人们对复杂信 息系统显示界面的设计有了更高层面的要求。通过可用性评估指导复杂信息系统界面设计改良, 降低系统复杂性带给用户的工作认知负荷,提高用户绩效成为亟待解决的问题。针对复杂信息 系统界面进行了研究,从界面特征、任务特征、认知特征进行了分析,提出了界面复杂性的影 响因素,构建了复杂度评估指标体系,采用层次分析法针对界面的复杂性的指标权重进行了研 究,并根据构建的复杂度模型提出了相应的可用性指标体系。  相似文献   

Business success requires that advances in technology be designed and applied within a human context. Too often technological advance has occurred without reference to human behavior. While research appreciates that electronic consumers are computer users, and vice-versa, few understand exactly how this is transforming consumer behavior. In other words, technological imagination has surpassed our knowledge of media-based consumer behavior. This paper seeks to re-dress the balance of understanding. By (i) integrating themes in human-computer interaction (HCI) with consumer behavior models and (ii) placing the results within a framework of relevant research issues, we present the conceptual foundations for a consumer interface.  相似文献   

Application of the principles of graphic design can bring friendly and effective communication to the Human/computer interface.  相似文献   

由于连接简单、真正的即插即用以及热插拔等特点,使用USB接口的设备越来越普遍。Cypress半导体公司的CY7C63001 USB控制器整合了USB SIE、通用I/O口以及USB优化RISC内核,它满足了USB的低价格、高性能两方面的要求,采用它能为不间断电源快速设计出低成本、高性能的USB接口。  相似文献   

事件抽取是信息抽取领域的研究热点。针对ACE事件抽取局限于当前单个句子而造成大量事件论元角色缺失的现象,提出了基于跨事件的缺失事件角色填充理论并实现了原型系统。系统分为缺失角色填充识别和缺失角色填充分类两个部分,识别部分用于判定缺失角色是否可被填充,分类部分用于从其它事件描述中选择合适的角色(实体)对可被填充的缺失角色进行填充。对ACE2005语料进行了后期标注,实验中两个阶段的F值分别达到72.97和74.68。  相似文献   

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