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简要介绍了水性涂料及其在人造板定制家具生产中的应用现状,并以水性UV涂料为例,从涂装工艺流程、复合造型门板涂装实例及效率分析等方面,探讨了水性涂料在人造板定制家具生产中的应用特点及前景。  相似文献   

绿色设计在家具产业中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
二十一世纪的朝阳产业——环保产业已引起了各行业的极大关注,家具作为一种文化形态,更应该把环保的理念渗透到家具设计的各个要素中,将其纳入环境保护的系统工程中。本文通过对绿色设计的原理、方法的系统研究,结合生态思维中的可持续发展原则,探讨了如何讲绿色设计原理与方法运用到家具行业中实现对家具产品的生命周期全过程(设计、生产、消费、回收、处理等方面)进行主动控制,通过低熵设计提高家具产品的绿色程度;同时还探讨了家具行业中的新技术、新工艺的运用以及与家具行业的交叉发展。  相似文献   

橡胶木被誉为“象牙木”,它色泽淡雅而均一,具有天然象牙色调;花纹美观,密度中等(约0.6g/m~3左右);材质细致,加工性能良好;不易变形和开裂是用于家具工业的优质原料。可直接制作实木家具;为节约原料也可使用橡胶木的旋切或刨切或刨切薄木作为其它基材的表面装饰材料。尤其与其它树种深色薄木配搭,组合成各种图案,加强装饰效果制作高级家具。国外对橡胶木家具很感兴趣。而目前在国内现代家  相似文献   

资源、环境、人口是当今人类社会面临的三大主要问题,特别是环境问题,正对人类社会生存和发展造成严重威胁。因此,绿色设计逐渐得到各国的认可。人有三分之一的时间是在办公空间中度过的,办公家具伴随人们左右。我们把绿色设计理念应用到办公家具的设计生产中:从材料,结构的可拆卸,可回收,绿色制造等入手,保护环境,节约资源。  相似文献   

工业工程是把技术和管理有机结合起来,去研究如何使生产要素组成生产力更高和更有效运行的系统,从而去实现提高生产率目标的工程学科。介绍了工业工程的作用以及它的核心内容,并结合我国家具制造业的发展现状,提出了将工业工程的应用引入到家具制造业中,探讨了家具企业的IE实施方法和组织发展方案,为家具企业生产系统的改进提供新的思路。  相似文献   

我国家具工业现状及其发展前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对我国家具工业现状、特点、存在问题及其发展前景进行论述。针对我国木材资源供应紧张及家具产品不适应市场经济需要的矛盾,为我国家具工业全新发展提供借鉴  相似文献   

This paper attempts to analyze the sustainability of the Asian wooden furniture industry. Despite booming exports, the furniture industry is besieged with stagnating productivity. The growth attributed to rising exports of low-value, contract furniture is not sustainable in the long-term as other cheaper manufacturers emerge. Industry liberalization coupled with the use of skilled workers, and not industrial policy, are the strategic elements for sustainability.  相似文献   

The sustainability of the Asian wooden furniture industry   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper attempts to analyze the sustainability of the Asian wooden furniture industry. Despite booming exports, the furniture industry is besieged with stagnating productivity. The growth attributed to rising exports of low-value, contract furniture is not sustainable in the long-term as other cheaper manufacturers emerge. Industry liberalization coupled with the use of skilled workers, and not industrial policy, are the strategic elements for sustainability.  相似文献   

The adoption of green manufacturing practices by the Malaysian wooden furniture industry is limited as is shown by a questionnaire-based survey of wooden furniture manufacturers. The lack of price premium for green furniture products and the high cost involved in adopting such practices have been identified as the major restraints. Currently most green manufacturing practices are related to the use of environmental-friendly materials.  相似文献   

The adoption of green manufacturing practices by the Malaysian wooden furniture industry is limited as is shown by a questionnaire-based survey of wooden furniture manufacturers. The lack of price premium for green furniture products and the high cost involved in adopting such practices have been identified as the major restraints. Currently most green manufacturing practices are related to the use of environmental-friendly materials.  相似文献   

A reliable series of statistics is the basis for any analysis within the forest industry sector. A dependable set of statistics is equally important for short-term developmental measures as well as long-term forecasting of the forest industry. The fact that international trade in wood products is increasingly interdependent on trading partners suggests that trade analysis can no longer rely on established national statistics, but need to be framed within the context of worldwide statistics. This article reflects the distortion in trade data, when analysis is simply based on national statistics, without any reference to the international trade statistics. Such trade data are often the source of inappropriate trade and industrial policies that explain the slow growth of the value-added wood products manufacturing sectors throughout Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

中国家具产业现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了中国家具产业20年的跨越式发展和走向全球化过程中实现了全球家具资源利用的效果。阐述了中国家具产业今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

赣南家具企业5960家,2008年至2011年以平均64.4%的年增长率快速发展,但89.9%的企业依然停留在粗放型经济形式,产业群经济发展遇到瓶颈。新形势下对赣南家具企业内部设计部门建立、设计人员的组成、企业设计思维现状、设计经费预算、外来经销商的采购定位等环节进行市场调查,并提出解决现状方法和未来发展思路,为企业发展提供帮助。  相似文献   

In contrast to non-sustainable, non-renewable fossil-fuel-based conventional chemical processes, so-called green reactions are sustainable, highly-efficient (fewer steps, fewer resources, less waste) and stable under ambient conditions and much more eco-friendly (achieved by the use of non-hazardous solvents and less-hazardous, minimized waste). They are assessed by 12 principles established by Anastas and Warner [Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, Oxford University Press, New York, 1998]. Recently steps have been taken to make textile materials and processing more environmentally friendly (or ‘greener’), including fibre production, dyes and auxiliaries, solvents, optimized and efficient processing with recycling of water and chemicals, bio-processing, the elimination of hazardous chemicals and the recycling of textile materials, and whilst it is acknowledged that mechanical aspects of textile processing also contribute to achievement of sustainability, this review focuses on the chemistry deployed.  相似文献   

South East Asia has emerged as a large furniture-exporting region in the world. Wood is the predominant furniture raw material used in the region, although other raw materials are also available. As a large contract-manufacturing base, the South East Asian furniture industry has not developed its original design and innovative capabilities, which has hampered its effort to produce greater value added furniture. New industrial policies and education schemes to diversify the furniture making raw materials are required to enhance the innovative capacity within the industry, if the regional furniture industry is to successfully shift to higher value added furniture manufacturing. Zusammenfassung In Südostasien ist eine große Region für Möbelexporte entstanden. Holz ist das vorherrschende Material für die Möbelherstellung, wenn auch andere Rohstoffe zur Verfügung stehen. Die Möbelindustrie in Südostasien, die auf großräumigen Kontrakten beruht, hat noch nicht ihren eigenen Stil und ihre innovativen Möglichkeiten entwickelt. Dies hat seine Bemühungen zur Herstellung höherwertiger Möbel behindert. Neue Industriestrategien und Schulungspläne zur Nutzung vielseitiger Rohmaterialien sind erforderlich, um die Innovation in dieser Industriebranche zu erhöhen, wenn das Ziel einer höherwertigen Möbelproduktion erreicht werden soll.  相似文献   

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