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舒燕  许双华 《包钢科技》2001,27(1):61-64,67
没有水的可持续利用和保护,社会经济的持续发展就不能实现,本文基于这一认识,提出了建立不工业,养活水体污染,充分利用并保护水资源。  相似文献   

对南方某河流水环境质量现状进行了阐述,结合该河流2014年至2020年国控断面的逐月水质监测数据(包括化学需氧量、氨氮、总氮、总磷、水温)和季节性Kendall趋势检验方法,研究了该流域的水质变化趋势.通过分析水体存在的问题,提出了相应的水资源管理保护和水污染防治措施,旨在为中小型流域水环境污染综合治理提供对策建议.  相似文献   

本文以南泥湾地区矿山水资源为研究对象,以调查问卷的方式,对该地区矿山水资源情况、水质状况、水资源现状及水资源综合利用措施展开实地调查。结果表明,南泥湾地区矿山水资源相对匮乏,水质硬度大,所能利用的水资源较少。为了保护南泥湾矿山水资源,必须加强节约用水的意识,提高水资源综合利用率,同时对水资源进行合理分配,进而为南泥湾地区工业的经济快速发展,为工业发展水平提升提供保障。  相似文献   

地下水资源和人们的日常生活密切联系,其中,泉水与井水是用量较大的两种地下水。在地下水的开发及利用过程中,均可以在生活用水、农业灌溉或工业生产用水方面发挥较大功效。但是,近年来调查发现,地下水开发与利用存在较大问题,在诸多不良手段的影响下,地下水受到严重污染,这会对后续生态发展及生活用水造成严重影响。因此,要加大对地下水环境的保护,分析地下水环境的保护问题,并探讨防治策略。  相似文献   

运用模糊综合评价模型,对策勒乡水资源开发利用的有效性进行了评价,并给出了策勒乡水资源合理开发利用的对策建议.结果表明,策勒乡水资源开发有效利用率偏低,水资源开发处于低级及过渡阶段,农业经济属于耗水型结构,水资源综合管理水平低;水资源开发具有很大潜力.  相似文献   

济钢是个用水大户,十几年来,对水资源的管理十分重视,在节水方面取得了较大的成绩,吨钢综合耗新水由1984年的55.3m3/t下降到1996年的18m3/t,工业用水复用率由80.17%提高到90.1%.介绍了济钢制定的节水目标,采取的相应对策.  相似文献   

李刚  郑鉴 《冶金能源》2002,21(6):48-51
炼铁厂多年来坚持节水技术改造,使炼铁工序新水单耗不断下降,水资源节约及环境保护取得了明显的经济和社会效益,走出一条可持续发展的节水之路。  相似文献   

安钢水资源利用与节约的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对安钢目前水资源利用现状和节水工作的分析,提出了今后安钢水资源利用和节水工作思路.  相似文献   

申朝晖 《钢铁》2003,38(Z1):183-184
阐述了节约用水对石钢可持续发展的重要性,介绍了石钢近年来在水资源综合利用方面所取得的成绩.  相似文献   

为了揭示拉萨河流域河水与地下水之间的补给机制,于2019年8月通过采集并分析拉萨河水及地下水中的氢氧同位素,开展拉萨河流域水环境氢氧同位素特征研究。结果表明:拉萨河水δD和δ18O值分别在-151.22‰~-132.24‰和-20.49‰~-18.13‰,地下水δD和δ18O值变化范围分别为-147.69‰~-120.86‰和-19.56‰~-16.08‰,均在全球与中国大气降水范围值内,地下水重同位素富集程度较河水强,河水与地下水δD和δ18O值具有相似的变化特征,两者存在一定水力联系;当地大气降水均为流域内水体的主要补给来源,地下水除降水补给外,还接受拉萨河水的补给;流域内体现出明显的干旱和半干旱地区的气候特征,降水水汽主要受孟加拉湾海洋性气团的影响。  相似文献   

2009年6、11月和2010年4月共3个水情期(即丰、枯和平水期)对赣江流域一级支流袁河底栖动物群落结构进行了调查.结果表明袁河流域底栖动物17种,隶属于3门5纲12科,其中寡毛类4种,蛭类1种,腹足类5种,瓣鳃类4种,水生昆虫类3种.袁河底栖动物3期总密度和总生物量分别为1 762.29 ind./m2和982.37 g/m2,密度上摇蚊占优势,生物量上铜锈环棱螺占优势.不同水情期现存量也存在差异,平水期的密度和生物量均比丰水期、枯水期的大;丰水期的密度比枯水期的大,而生物量却比枯水期的小.袁河底栖动物优势种为摇蚊、铜锈环棱螺、河蚬和方格短沟蜷.Shannon-Wiener指数、Margalef指数表明袁河底栖动物多样性存在季节性变化,且下游多样性比上中游复杂;Shannon-Wiener指数和FBI指数的结果表明袁河水质已受到不同程度污染.  相似文献   

Optimization of water use is a complex problem in a large scale river basin. One of the most important approaches in optimizing water use in a river basin is to find the relationship between water demand and water supply. The parameters that affect demand, supply, and the methods of evaluation of such elements are discussed in this study. Also, a method is presented for providing objective and constraint functions from considering these effects. Fuzzy logic theory is used to modify the stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) method such that an optimization model is developed for allocating water and can be defined as the “stochastic fuzzy dynamic programming (SFDP)” method. This method is applied to optimize water use in the Kor and Seevand river basins, located in the Bakhtegan watershed, Fars, Iran. The primary water resources management consisted of the variability ranges of decision variables such as release from Doroodzan Dam and reservoir storage and was also used for allocating water in these river basins based on the SDP method. Therefore, in the present study, these variability ranges are obtained based on historical data, and divided into several record classes. Optimum class of release, a case of the record classes, was obtained from the optimization model for each month during the past 4 out of 25 years. Although, the SFDP method can be used in optimizing water allocation during each period, the method is structured and discussed only during the drought periods (4 years). Later, a comparison was made between optimum classes and record classes that were operated during the primary water resources management. During this period, the SFDP method reduced the difference between the release from the dam and the total water demand of the river basin. Therefore, approximately a 27% improvement in adaptation between release and demand could be attained. Finally, if the decision maker makes the decision for the release from the dam that is optimal according to our objective function, the reliability of reservoir operating can be increased by 51% during future droughts.  相似文献   

综合运用地理信息系统(GIS)、水质预测模型、数据库、空间分析技术,实地采集盘龙江水样数据,以 GPS 空间位置点数据和QnickBird 影像为基础,采用纳氏试剂比色法测定了盘龙江水样氨氮含量.使用样条函数插值的方法,对其现状水质进行了分类.对盘龙江下游河段,综合考虑缓冲区内居民和农田因素,同时简化了完全混合模型,预测了该区域的氨氮含量.  相似文献   

Two irrigation water assessment methods, the USDA classification scheme and the soil infiltration potential, were applied to water from three different locations (Ankwaso, Dominase, and Prestea) of the Ankobra River basin in Ghana, to evaluate its effectiveness as a sustainable water resource for irrigation. The study classifies water from all three locations into the low salinity, low sodicity zone with Prestea and Ankwaso having waters of the highest sodicity and salinity, respectively. A classification scheme based on effects of the water on the hydraulic properties of soils reveals that water from all locations of the basin has the potential to affect the infiltration properties of soils, especially when applied over a long period of time. Linear regression analysis indicates a strong relationship between electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) at R2 = 0.773 (n = 30) for Prestea. This relationship is probably due to the fact that Na, Mg, and Ca, which are the major determinants of water SAR, are also the major contributors to the water EC at Prestea, and this is probably due to surface mining activities, which encourage the weathering of calcic and albitic feldspars. Time series analysis reveals that EC and SAR for Dominase and Prestea, respectively, have increased from 1989 to 1992. On the other hand, SAR and EC have been decreasing since 1989, for the two locations. Forecast data from the time series analyses agree well with observed data, at 0.01 level of significance. Projections were made at ten time steps ahead of 1992 using time series analysis.  相似文献   

[目的]研究气候变化对黑河流域湿地生态环境的影响.[方法]利用1959~2009年黑河流域6个气象台站的气象资料,采用统计分析方法,研究了近51年气候变化对黑河流域湿地生态环境的影响.[结果]近51年来,黑河流域湿地气温、降水呈明显上升趋势,尤其是近20年来增温、增湿趋势更加显著;气候变化使黑河流域地表向干旱化发展的趋势加快,山区尤为显著;与气候密切相关的湿地生态环境也对气候变化作出了响应,具体表现为地下水位上升、湿地面积减少、农业种植结构改变、气象灾害增加、生物多样性遭到破坏等.[结论]该研究对湿地资源的保护和开发具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

构建完善的长江流域水污染防治法律体系是保证长江流域水污染防治的基础.通过修订相关法律法规,消除其不协调的因素,使新的法律法规更好衔接.同时,设立<长江流域水资源管理法>为长江流域水资源管理确立法律基础.  相似文献   

赵登合 《甘肃冶金》2011,33(6):82-84,118
灵台县位于甘肃省东部,东、南与陕西省接壤。达溪河自西向东流经灵台县中南部,全县工农业生产和生活用水主要源自达溪河及其支流的地表水及沟谷潜水。灵台县煤炭资源蕴藏丰富,是陇东能源化工基地的重要组成部分和甘肃省循环经济试点之一,水资源量及其分布是决定煤化工循环经济产业布局和规模的重要因素之一。本文依据灵台县水文站多年水文资料对达溪河流域地表水资源进行评价;根据实测结果参考灵台水文站多年观测资料对煤炭资源赋存集中地的达溪河上游新集干流及附近主要支流地表水资源进行评价,为境内能源化工循环经济产业整体规划和工业布局提供参考。  相似文献   

黄河污染带水质的模拟计算及其环境容量确定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用数学模型对兰州市区段主要入黄排污口CODCr污染带水质进行了计算机模拟计算 ,对污染带 (混合区 )的CODCr环境容量进行了计算确定 ,计算出兰州市区段主要排污口的剩余环境容量。  相似文献   

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