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High-mobility-group protein 1 (HMG1) is a conserved chromosomal protein with two homologous DNA-binding HMG-box domains, A and B, linked by a short basic region to an acidic carboxy-terminal tail. NMR spectroscopy on the free didomain (AB) shows that the two HMG boxes do not interact. The didomain has a higher affinity for all DNA substrates tested than single HMG-box domains and has a significantly higher ability to distort DNA by bending and supercoiling. The interaction of the didomain with DNA is stabilized by the presence of the basic region (approximately 20 residues, 9 of which are Lys) that links the second HMG box to the acidic tail in intact HMG1; this may be, at least in part, why this region also enhances supercoiling of relaxed circular DNA by the didomain and circularization of short DNA fragments (in the presence of ligase). Competition assays suggest significantly different structure-specific preferences of single and tandem HMG boxes for four-way junction and supercoiled plasmid DNA. Binding to supercoiled DNA appears to be promoted by protein oligomerization, which is pronounced for the didomains. Electron microscopy suggests that the oligomers are globular aggregates, associated with DNA looping. One box versus two (or several) is likely to be an important determinant of the properties of (non-sequence specific) HMG-box proteins.  相似文献   

Membrane-associated proteins were isolated from adult Philippine strain Schistosoma japonicum by partitioning into the detergent phase of Triton X-114. A rabbit polyclonal antiserum raised against these proteins was used to screen an S. japonicum expression cDNA library. Positive clones were identified which encoded the species orthologue of SmIrV1, a Schistosoma mansoni protein which was initially identified by screening with sera from mice protectively vaccinated with irradiated cercariae [Hawn et al., J. Biol. Chem. 268 (1993) 7692-7698]. The S. japonicum molecule, which we term SjIrV1, is 83% identical to SmIrV1 at the predicted amino acid level and is a member of the calreticulin family of non-EF-hand, calcium-binding proteins. The Chinese strain S. japonicum orthologue of SjIrV1 was obtained by screening with the radiolabelled insert of the Philippine strain clone. Northern blot analysis revealed a single message of around 2.4 kb and gave no indication of alternative splicing. Southern blot analysis gave a simple pattern, indicating a single-copy gene, and showed a single restriction fragment length polymorphism between the genomes of Chinese and Philippine strains of S. japonicum. Recombinant, full-length SjIrV1 was expressed with a hexahistidine tag in Escherichia coli and the recombinant protein isolated by nickel-chelate chromatography. Recombinant SjIrV1 was shown to exhibit calcium-dependent, differential electrophoretic migration and to bind ruthenium red in the absence but not in the presence of calcium ions. The presence of conserved Ca(2+)-binding motifs predicted from the primary sequence, together with the Ca(2+)-dependent electrophoretic mobility of recombinant SjIrV1, confirmed that SjIrV1 was a functional calcium-binding protein.  相似文献   

The Elav-like proteins are specific mRNA-binding proteins that regulate mRNA stability. The neuronal members of this family (HuD, HuC, and Hel-N1) are required for neuronal differentiation. In this report, using purified HuD protein we have localized a high affinity HuD binding site to a 42-nucleotide region within a U-rich tract in the 3'-untranslated region p21(waf1) mRNA. The binding of HuD to this site is readily displaced by an RNA oligonucleotide encoding the HuD binding site of c-fos. The sequence of this binding site is well conserved in human, mouse, and rat p21(waf1) mRNA. p21(waf1) is an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases and proliferating cell nuclear antigen and induces cell cycle arrest at G1/S, a requisite early step in cell differentiation. The identification of an Elav-like protein binding site in the 3'-untranslated region of p21(waf1) provides a novel link between the induction of differentiation, mRNA stability, and the termination of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Preinduction culture conditions were found to have significant impact on the expression and post-translational modification of a recombinant human protein in Escherichia coli under heat shock conditions (30 to 42 degrees C shift). Higher preinduction growth rates (micrograms) favored better cell viability, greater cell mass yields, and increased cloned gene expression during induction. Formation of recombinant protein isoforms (those containing N epsilon-modified lysine residues) exhibited an increasing trend with increasing micrograms. The different extents of post-translational modifications were suspected to be linked to the different concentrations of certain heat shock protein chaperones resulting from different micrograms. In view of the extensive involvement of E. coli heat shock proteins in cellular activities-including the synthesis, processing, modification, and degradation of proteins-at elevated temperatures, it is believed that micrograms dictated the cellular resources available for synthesizing the heat shock proteins required for cell survival, which in turn determined the ability of the cells to respond to the heat shock. With a higher micrograms both the synthesis of host proteins (as indicated by cell growth and survival) and the cloned gene expression were enhanced. The results demonstrate that there exists an intermediate micrograms for optimum production of the unmodified foreign protein in a heat shock environment. More importantly, they also illustrate the feasibility of improving the recombinant protein homogeneity in fermentation, thereby facilitating downstream processing.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a Schistosoma mansoni cyclophilin (SmCyP) has been cloned by polymerase chain reaction amplification using degenerate oligonucleotides based on known conserved cyclophilin (CyP) sequences and by screening an expression cDNA library. The cDNA sequence encodes a 21.5-kDa protein, which shares 59% sequence identity with human CyP B. The SmCyP protein was expressed in Escherichia coli with a hexahistidine affinity tag at its amino terminus and antibodies to the purified (His6)-SmCyP fusion protein were raised in a rabbit. Fractionation of parasite material followed by immunoblot analysis revealed that schistosome CyP is a soluble protein. The N-terminus of the predicted protein contains a hydrophobic region, suggestive of a signal sequence. Accordingly, a recombinant SmCyP protein, lacking the first 23 amino acids was found to share the same gel electrophoretic mobility as the parasite-derived CyP protein, suggesting cleavage of a leader sequence. Hybridization of genomic DNA to a full-length cDNA probe indicates that the SmCyP gene is present as a single copy. Immunohistological experiments in conjunction with confocal scanning laser microscopy and immune electron microscopy show that SmCyP is present in abundance in the adult worm as well as in the schistosomula. The function of CyP in the schistosome is presently unclear, but since its ligand, cyclosporin A, has antischistosomal activity, its function is expected to be a vital one.  相似文献   

A caladium isolate of dasheen mosaic virus (DsMV-Ch) was cloned as cDNA from genomic RNA. The sequence of the 3'-terminal 3158 nucleotides, which consisted of the 3'-terminus of the NIa gene, the NIb gene, the coat protein (CP) gene, and a 246-nucleotide non-coding region, was between 57-68% similar at the nucleotide level and 72-82% similar at the amino acid level when compared with other potyviruses. Phylogenetic analysis of aligned, selected potyviral CP sequences indicate that DsMV-Ch is similar to DsMV isolates infecting taro and closely related to the bean common mosaic virus subgroup in the genus Potyvirus. A recombinant DsMV-Ch CP (approximately 39 kDa) expressed in E. coli was used as an immunogen and the resulting antiserum reacted with DsMV and several other potyviruses in Western blots and indirect ELISA.  相似文献   

Among the three kinds of the 2',3'-epoxypropyl beta-glycoside of disaccharides (GlcNAc-beta1,4-GlcNAc, Gal-beta1,4-GlcNAc, and Man-beta1,4-GlcNAc), the derivative of N-acetyllactosamine (Gal-beta1,4-GlcNAc-Epo) caused the dual labeling of human lysozyme (HL) most efficiently. The labeled HL was crystallized and analyzed by X-ray diffraction methodology. The X-ray analysis located the two Gal-beta1,4-GlcNAc-Epo moieties inside the catalytic cleft of HL. The attachment sites were the side-chain carboxylate groups of the catalytic residues Glu35 and Asp53 in HL. The first Gal-beta1, 4-GlcNAc-Epo moiety occupied virtually the same position as observed in the HL labeled with single Gal-beta1,4-GlcNAc-Epo molecule. The second Gal-beta1,4-GlcNAc-Epo moiety was recognized via the carbohydrate-carbohydrate interaction with the first Gal-beta1, 4-GlcNAc-Epo moiety in addition to the protein-carbohydrate interaction with the "right-side" catalytic cleft of HL through a number of hydrogen bonds including water-mediated ones as well as many van der Waals contacts. The two N-acetylglucosamine residues stacked with each other, while the two rings of galactose residues approximately shared the same plane. The dual labeling with two Gal-beta1,4-GlcNAc-Epo molecules was supposed to have occurred sequentially, which was accompanied with the alteration to the pKa of Glu35 derived from the esterification of Asp53 in the first labeling. Both asymmetric carbons in the connection parts between HL and N-acetyllactosamine moieties showed the same stereoconfiguration derived from the reaction with (2'R) stereoisomer concerning the epoxide group in the labeling reagent. The results demonstrated that the HL labeled with single Gal-beta1,4-GlcNAc-Epo was functional as a novel N-acetyllactosamine-binding protein, and the second labeling was performed by way of the first-ligand assisted recognition of the second ligand.  相似文献   

A novel porin, OmpG, is produced in response to a chromosomal mutation termed cog-192. Molecular characterization of cog-192 revealed that it is a large chromosomal deletion extending from the 3' end of pspA through to the 5' end of an open reading frame located immediately upstream of ompG. As a result of this 13.1-kb deletion, the expression of ompG was placed under the control of the pspA promoter. Characterization of OmpG revealed that it is quite different from other porins. Proteoliposome swelling assays showed that OmpG channels were much larger than those of the OmpF and OmpC porins, with an estimated limited diameter of about 2 nm. The channel lacked any obvious solute specificity. The folding model of OmpG suggests that it is the first 16-stranded beta-barrel porin that lacks the large external loop, L3, which constricts the channels of other nonspecific and specific porins. Consistent with the folding model, circular dichroism showed that OmpG contains largely a beta-sheet structure. In contrast to other Escherichia coli porins, there is no evidence that OmpG exists as stable oligomers. Although ompG DNA was present in all E. coli strains examined so far, its expression under laboratory conditions was seen only due to rare chromosomal mutations. Curiously, OmpG was constitutively expressed, albeit at low levels, in Salmonella, Shigella, and Pseudomonas species.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA clone for phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) was isolated from a rat brain. The cDNA was 0.761 kb in length and encoded 170 amino acids, which included a TGA-encoded selenocysteine at residue 46. The protein has a calculated molecular mass of 19,473 Da. We succeeded in the transient functional expression of a full-length cDNA for PHGPx, which includes the 3'-UTR, in COS-7 cells at the first attempt. Deletion of the 3'-UTR prevented the expression of the PHGPx activity and the incorporation of [75Se]selenious acid into the monomeric 19.7 kDa PHGPx protein. Thus, the 3'-UTR of the cDNA for PHGPx was required for the functional expression of PHGPx. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that the mRNA for PHGPx was widely expressed in normal rat tissues, especially in the testis. The mRNA levels of PHGPx in the cultured cells such as hepatomas, neuronal cells, nephroblastoma, and mammary myo-epithelial cells were higher than those of the tissues. The ratio of PHGPx to cytosolic glutathione peroxidase (cGPx) was significantly high in the testis and relatively high in the cultured cells. The mRNA levels of PHGPx in tissues were lower than those of cGPx.  相似文献   

We cloned the streptokinase (STK) gene of Streptococcus equisimilis in an expression vector of Escherichia coli to overexpress the profibrinolytic protein under the control of a tac promoter. Almost all the recombinant STK was exported to the periplasmic space and recovered after gentle lysozyme digestion of induced cells. The periplasmic fraction was chromatographed on DEAE Sepharose followed by chromatography on phenyl-agarose. Active proteins eluted between 4.5 and 0% ammonium sulfate, when a linear gradient was applied. Three major STK derivatives of 47.5 kDa, 45 kDa and 32 kDa were detected by Western blot analysis with a polyclonal antibody. The 32-kDa protein formed a complex with human plasminogen but did not exhibit Glu-plasminogen activator activity, as revealed by a zymographic assay, whereas the 45-kDa protein showed a K(m) = 0.70 microM and kcat = 0.82 s-1, when assayed with a chromogen-coupled substrate. These results suggest that these proteins are putative fragments of STK, possibly derived from partial degradation during the export pathway or the purification steps. The 47.5-kDa band corresponded to the native STK, as revealed by peptide sequencing.  相似文献   

Translation of the mRNA for the poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) may be autoregulated by the binding of PABP to the A-rich segment of its 5'-untranslated region (UTR). To test this hypothesis, we examined the effect of different fragments of the 5'-UTR from human PABP cDNA on the translation of the beta-galactosidase (beta-Gal) reporter gene. Presence of the A-rich sequence from the 5'-UTR of PABP mRNA inhibited expression of the chimeric beta-Gal gene in transfected HeLa cells. The differences in expression of beta-Gal polypeptide was due to the translational repression of beta-Gal mRNA containing the A-rich 5'-UTR of PABP mRNA. The A-rich region of the 5'-UTR located within nucleotides 58-146 of PABP mRNA was sufficient to mediate translational control of this mRNA expression. We also examined the effect of overexpression of PABP mRNA in HeLa cells. The ectopic PABP mRNA without the A-rich 5'-UTR region was translated efficiently, whereas the translation of the endogenous PABP mRNA was substantially inhibited in the transfected cells. In contrast, the ectopic PABP mRNA containing the A-rich 5'-UTR region did not show similar effect on the translation of the endogenous PABP mRNA in these cells. These results suggest that feedback control of mRNA translation is involved in regulating PABP expression in HeLa cells.  相似文献   

E. coli strain PPA305, which has a wild-type PTS system, and PPA316, which utilizes a proton-galactose symport system for glucose uptake, were used as host strains to harbor a phenylalanine overproduction plasmid pSY130-14 and to study the effects of using different glucose uptake systems on phenylalanine production. The non-PTS strain (PPA316/pSY130-14) produced much less phenylalanine, ranging from 0 to 67% of that produced by the PTS strain (PPA305/pSY130-14) depending on cultivation conditions used. The non-PTS strain PPA316/pSY130-14 had an intracellular PEP concentration only one-sixth that of the PTS strain, PPA305/pSY130-14. Additionally, PPA316/pSY130-14 had a substantially lower energy state in terms of the size of the pool of high-energy phosphate compounds and the magnitude of the pH difference across the cytoplasmic membrane. The non-PTS strain consumed oxygen at a higher rate, attained lower biomass concentration, and produced no acetate and phenylalanine during fermentation, suggesting more carbon was oxidized to CO2, most likely through the TCA cycle. Analysis of intracellular fluxes through the central carbon pathways was performed for each strain utilizing exponential phase data on extracellular components and assuming quasi-steady state for intermediate metabolites. The non-PTS strain had a higher flux through pyruvate kinase (PYK) and TCA cycle which, in agreement with the observed higher oxygen uptake rate, suggests that more carbon was oxidized to CO2 through the TCA cycle. Further analysis using rate expression data for PYK and NMR data for the intracellular metabolites identified the regulatory properties of PYK as the probable cause for lower intracellular PEP levels in PPA316/pSY130-14.  相似文献   

To determine the molecular mechanism of regulation of pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced calcium entry by the seizure-related gene, PTZ-17, the role of the 3'-untranslated region (3'UTR) and also interaction between 3'UTR and intracellular factors were investigated. PTZ-induced calcium inward current in Xenopus oocytes injected with PTZ-17 RNA varied in magnitude among strains of mice: RNA derived from the DBA/2 mouse, which has a high susceptibility to convulsions, showed the largest current and that from the BALB/c mouse with a low susceptibility to convulsions showed no PTZ response. The sequence of 3'UTR showed alterations among mouse strains: 3'UTR of BALB/c showed a sequence alteration from T to G and that of DBA/2 showed a GTG insertion compared with that of B6. The 3'UTR also regulated the translation of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) RNA depending on its sequence. A particular region within the 3'UTR demonstrated interaction with 60- and 47-kDa proteins. Sequence alterations in this region corresponded to disappearance or increase in PTZ-induced calcium entry. These findings suggest that a particular region within 3'UTR of the seizure-related gene, PTZ-17, is involved in PTZ-induced calcium entry via interaction between mRNA and specific RNA-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Adenovirus E1A proteins immortalize primary animal cells and cooperate with several other oncogenes in oncogenic transformation. These activities are primarily determined by the N-terminal half (exon 1) of E1A. Although the C-terminal half (exon 2) is also essential for some of these activities, it is dispensable for cooperative transformation with the activated T24 ras oncogene. Exon 2 negatively modulates in vitro cooperative transformation with T24 ras as well as the tumorigenic and metastatic potentials of transformed cells. A short C-terminal sequence of E1A governs the oncogenesis-restraining activity of exon 2. This region of E1A binds with a cellular phosphoprotein, CtBP, through a 5-amino acid motif, PLDLS, conserved among the E1A proteins of human adenoviruses. To understand the mechanism by which interaction between E1A and CtBP results in tumorigenesis-restraining activity, we searched for cellular proteins that complex with CtBP. Here, we report the cloning and characterization of a 125-kDa protein, CtIP, that binds with CtBP through the PLDLS motif. E1A exon 2 peptides that contain the PLDLS motif disrupt the CtBP-CtIP complex. Our results suggest that the tumorigenesis-restraining activity of E1A exon 2 may be related to the disruption of the CtBP-CtIP complex through the PLDLS motif.  相似文献   

Protein export in Escherichia coli is absolutely dependent on two integral membrane proteins, SecY and SecE. Previous deletion mutagenesis of the secE gene showed that only the third of three membrane-spanning segments and a portion of the second cytoplasmic region are necessary for its function in protein export. Here we further define the residues important for SecE function. Alignment of the SecE homologues of various eubacteria reveals that they all contain one membrane-spanning segment, compared with three in E. coli SecE, and that the most conserved region among them lies in their putative cytoplasmic amino termini; little homology exists in their membrane-spanning segments. The SecE homologue of the extreme thermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima was cloned and found to complement a deletion of secE in E. coli. Deletion or replacement of the cytoplasmic region of E. coli SecE eliminated SecE function, indicating that this sequence is essential for a functional secretion machinery. Mutant analysis suggests that the most important function of the third membrane-spanning segment is to maintain the proper topological arrangement of the conserved cytoplasmic domain.  相似文献   

Attacin, a bactericidal small protein is produced by the giant silk moth Hyalophora cecropia. This paper deals with our efforts to clone the attacin cDNA in a bacterial vector to express it in Escherichia coli and produce the protein in sufficient amount, for further studies. We chose two inducible expression vector/bacterial cell systems: pPL-lambda/N99cI+ cells which is able to be induced by nalidixic acid, and pET3d/BL21(DE3) cells carrying a T7 RNA polymerase gene which is IPTG-inducible. After cloning in the pPL-lambda system and under no addition of the inducer, isolated transformants carried this plasmid with at least 2 concurrent deletions that drastically affected attacin expression, even though attacin gene seems to be intact as deduced by its PCR amplification. It was concluded that basal attacin expression occurred in this system and bacterial growth was limited. Plasmid deletions may have emerged by selection pressure as a way to avoid bactericidal expression and allow bacteria survival. The second cloning attempt was done in pET3d vector/BL21 cells, that should not express the cloned sequence (they lack T7 RNA polymerase gene). Transformed BL21 cells gave 3 recombinant plasmids, 2 of them presented a C deletion that generated an early stop signal in the attacin coding region. The third clone, pET-ATT18, carrying an intact gene, was transferred to BL21(DE3)-IPTG inducible cells in order to be expressed. Attacin was undetectable in stained gels or by Western blot analysis. However, expression was visualized in grown cells after 30 min of IPTG induction and 5 min of [35S]-methionine labeling, as a 22.5 kDa protein band by using gel electrophoresis and fluorography. This low level of expression drastically affected bacterial growth. Considering that attacin has no lytic activity, these results suggest that this molecule should block bacterial growth directly at the cytoplasm by an unknown mechanism, since no signal peptide coding sequence was incorporated in this gene construction, precluding periplasmic or external destination of this protein.  相似文献   

We had earlier identified the pcnB locus as the gene for the major Escherichia coli poly(A) polymerase (PAP I). In this report, we describe the disruption and identification of a candidate gene for a second poly(A) polymerase (PAP II) by an experimental strategy which was based on the assumption that the viability of E. coli depends on the presence of either PAP I or PAP II. The coding region thus identified is the open reading frame f310, located at about 87 min on the E. coli chromosome. The following lines of evidence support f310 as the gene for PAP II: (i) the deduced peptide encoded by f310 has a molecular weight of 36,300, similar to the molecular weight of 35,000 estimated by gel filtration of PAP II; (ii) the deduced f310 product is a relatively hydrophobic polypeptide with a pI of 9.4, consistent with the properties of partially purified PAP II; (iii) overexpression of f310 leads to the formation of inclusion bodies whose solubilization and renaturation yields poly(A) polymerase activity that corresponds to a 35-kDa protein as shown by enzyme blotting; and (iv) expression of a f310 fusion construct with hexahistidine at the N-terminus of the coding region allowed purification of a poly(A) polymerase fraction whose major component is a 36-kDa protein. E. coli PAP II has no significant sequence homology either to PAP I or to the viral and eukaryotic poly(A) polymerases, suggesting that the bacterial poly(A) polymerases have evolved independently. An interesting feature of the PAP II sequence is the presence of sets of two paired cysteine and histidine residues that resemble the RNA binding motifs seen in some other proteins.  相似文献   

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