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The paper explores the interplay of elaborate light and sound technologies used in the worship services of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. During the renovation and reconstruction of the church venue from former basketball stadium to church auditorium, the church hired professional companies to design and outfit the huge 16,000 seat auditorium in order to create a worship space, which simultaneously is meant to serve as a meeting space for the congregation and as an intimate place for a personal encounter with God. Worship services at Lakewood Church are multi-sensory events in which lights on the ceiling, in the auditorium, and on stage interplay with sound, vision, and space in order to structure the worship service and to mediate divine presence. The analysis is based on fieldwork data acquired on site and textual data drawn from portfolios of the technological companies involved in the reconstruction and outfitting of the church auditorium. I argue that despite the capaciousness of the space an atmosphere of intimacy is created through a specific lighting scheme that departs from traditional church lighting practices.  相似文献   

张磊 《山西建筑》2014,(35):194-196
结合相关设计规范,对古交市红梁山隧道照明设计方案进行了研究,主要从亮度选择、灯具布置、配电控制、接地保护等方面对具体的设计方法作了阐述,并提出了相应的节能措施,以供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

光影、介质、空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈克宁 《新建筑》2009,(6):30-33
光影形成的气氛需要所视、所感的综合体验,这种体验持久而永恒。建筑光影是朴素、深沉的现象,它通过材料、质感、实与虚、透明度、荧光度、反射度等特质使物体得以成为物体。变化的光影度量着时间与自然,将空间和形式联系起来,成为建筑设计中的"材料"。光影赋形以生命,呈现出一种古典和虚幻的永恒主题。迷人的光影作为一种气氛,一种效果、一种情绪,不仅在视象,而且在心理上有着丰富的历史传载。在光影的交界处,光与影同时存在,强烈的光线与深沉的阴影互为比照,在这个转折之处,形式、体量和三维空间被明确地给予。  相似文献   

合理利用天然光,不仅可以改善室内的光环境,同时也有利于照明节能。为了实现良好的光环境,设计师需要在设计阶段准确把握光环境的效果、照明系统的性能和运行情况,从而进行合理的设计。随着计算机技术的发展,光环境模拟软件因其成本低、周期短和准确性高日益受到人们的重视,并在包括设计、建造、维护和管理等各阶段的建筑全寿命周期内得到了广泛应用。本文对目前常用的天然光光环境模拟软件进行了分类和简要介绍,并选择WINDOW、Sunshine、Radiance、Ecotect、Daysim等软件进行了比较分析,以便于使用者针对不同的应用进行选择和应用。  相似文献   

现有公路隧道照明系统多具有能耗大的弊端,导致照明电耗成为公路隧道运营的沉重负担。利用多功能蓄能发光材料结合LED灯具进行隧道照明设计,是公路隧道照明节能发展的新方向。为研究多功能蓄能发光材料辅助隧道照明的光环境特性,选取了一条长160 m的原型隧道结构开展照明试验,根据试验得出了不同色温LED光源下隧道内壁面与路面亮度、光源光谱与显色指数及小物体可视距离的变化规律。试验结果表明,多功能蓄能发光材料反射率较大,隧道侧壁涂装该材料后,壁面亮度与地面亮度比提升至1.3~1.4,增加了背景、路面与物体间的亮度反差,有利于提高司驾人员的视觉功效、增加司驾人员的视反应能力。LED光源色温为3 500~5 500 K时人眼感官最为舒适,且色温为3 500 K时光源功率较多地分布在波长480~580 nm区间、显色指数最高,隧道内小物体的可视距离最大,此时多功能蓄能发光材料的增光效果最佳。研究成果可为多功能蓄能发光材料辅助公路隧道照明设计及工程应用提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

从产品标准看我国消防应急灯具行业的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对消防应急灯具生产企业、产品技术发展,产品质量,相关标准及检验情况的评述,分析了消防应急灯具行业的基本现状,并对有关标准的实施和规范的制订提出了建议。  相似文献   

One of the most ubiquitous forms of religious education in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was the magic lantern presentation. These shows were used by diverse religious communities throughout the USA and Europe, and on countless missionary campaigns around the world. Scholars have, by-and-large, mobilized the magic lantern and particularly its production of reality effects within the context of the visual culture of spectacle and the advent of cinema. This article argues that the religious magic lantern presentation forces a reconsideration of the medium’s place within modern visual culture and religious experience. Presentation strategies, including directly addressing the audience, participatory mechanisms, and manipulation of the presentation format and narrative, stimulated active contemplation and evangelizing zeal, and contributed to the magic lantern’s position as the pedagogical tool par excellence for modern religious communities well into the twentieth century.  相似文献   

结合 LED 路灯在城市道路照明设计中的具体应用情况,阐述 LED 路灯光衰预补偿技术。介绍光衰补偿控制器的原理、 LED 路灯的光衰特性、光衰对应的路面照度变化、驱动电流与光通量的关系等。  相似文献   

张从文  贾庆 《工程质量》2009,27(12):34-37
轻型木结构住宅,具有节能、环保、抗震和建筑材料可再生性等特点。以南京市江宁某小区别墅为例,通过施工实践,介绍了轻型木结构住宅的施工要点。  相似文献   

本文采用内约束收缩应力方法研究了轻集料混凝土表观密度、水灰比、轻集料品种、不同矿物掺合料对混凝土收缩开裂的影响。结果显示,轻集料混凝土表观密度的降低增大了干燥收缩开裂趋势,过低过高的水灰比对干燥收缩开裂均有不利影响,粉煤灰、磨细矿渣粉、硅灰的掺入降低了收缩开裂风险,混凝土收缩开裂概率随着限制程度提高明显增大。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了《会议电视会场系统工程设计规范》的内容特点和编写思路。  相似文献   

梁开来 《重庆建筑》2005,(10):29-33
本文针对目前重庆轻轨轨道交通二号线(较新线)进行了深入浅出的分析,确定将轻轨的两大固定构筑件之一的支撑柱墩为研究对象,探讨其在城市空间中的生存现状及其被装饰的可能性,提出两种支撑柱墩装饰策略:面向大众与城市的策略和技术策略,且指在意象性层面上分析,并未深入到具体的方案设计。以一种城市设计的手法,对轻轨的支撑柱墩装饰在总体上提出要求,进行限定,并在风格统一的基调下,形成多样化。  相似文献   

光影的形而上学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈克宁 《建筑师》2010,(2):5-18
光影给予我们什么?光影所具有的力量,尤其是其在生活世界中,在具体物质世界和建筑空间中的性质、状态、存在和现实是什么?光影主导永恒、孤独、寂静、神秘、荒凉、幻像等情景.它对知觉和体验的影响深刻而令人难以忘怀。光影形成的气氛需要所视、所感、所书的综合体验,这种体验持久而永恒,具有谜一般的特质。光影与建筑以及人们对光影中空间的感受的交织是一种形而上学的交织。建筑中神奇的光影是建筑为人们所呈现的朴素而又深沉的现象,它的存在是一种强烈的形而上学呈现。阳光下产生的强烈光影对建筑的形体塑造起着决定性作用,光线通过建筑的材料、质感、实与虚、透明度、荧光度、反射度等特质使得物体得以成为物体,它将空间和形式联系起来。因此.光影成为建筑设计中的"材料"。影赋予形以生命,表现出一种古典和虚幻的永恒主题,从而成为超越的形而上学存在。时间中变化的光影使得风格和形式在某个时刻消失。迷人的光影作为一种气氛,一种效果、一种情绪,不仅在视象,而且在心里和精神上有着丰富的历史传载。杰出建筑空间中的光线和阴影具有一种持续、永恒和深沉的呼吸。在光与影的交界和转折处,光与影同时存在,强烈的光线与深沉的阴影互为比照,正是在这个转折之处,形式、体量和三维空间明确地呈现出来。  相似文献   

文章对深圳市交通综合治理工程中有效提高道路通行能力的经验-对信号交叉口拓宽渠化的方法进行了归纳总结。通过对路口渠化的基本思路、设计要素及改造前后交通状况的对比等分析,说明了这一方法的操作要领与实有性与可行性。  相似文献   

对重庆轻轨车站隧道施工险情段处理进行了较为详细的介绍 ,可作为城市浅埋隧道施工的借鉴  相似文献   

Valentina Croci reviews the recent work of realities:united, who first came into the spotlight in 2003 with their media facade for the Kunsthaus Graz. She highlights how recent projects, such as the Crystal Mesh for the Iluma Building in Singapore and the exterior of the C4 in Cordoba, Spain, transcend the notion of the digital facade as billboard. Lighting is dynamically applied, in order to enhance the three-dimensional experience of architecture rather than to flatten it. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Material Religion》2013,9(3):389-392

This study is an ethnographic and conceptual analysis of religious objects, their uses, and mediation of authority within the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (Universal Church) in Brazil. Drawing on scholarship within media studies, religion and media, and material religion, I distinguish between artifacts used to cement implicit contracts between Universal Church followers and their church community, which I call contractual media, or swag, and those that followers bring to meetings to be blessed and then take home to mediate both good and evil forces in family, work, and social life—these I call portable media. While portable object media are seen by their owners as powerful tools, contractual media, on the other hand, create implicit power relations that keep followers tied to the institutional church in a reciprocal exchange predicated upon expected prosperity as evidence of faithful attendance, fidelity, and personal sacrifice. The physical exchange of material goods in religious spaces constitutes a perpetuation rather than a disruption of institutional religious authority. As infrastructure, contractual object media establish and maintain conditions for otherwise mundane materials to mediate power on a daily basis. Through attention toward portable and contract object media, as part of what I am calling material microstructure, we can further complicate religious authority as it is mediated through objects, not just in one-way flows but as dynamic exchanges and trade-offs between personal empowerment and institutional control.  相似文献   

The ideas of urban aesthetics and the demand for new city forms appeared in the Eastern Mediterranean between 1900 and 1940 as a result of the coalescence of various events: the consolidation of European‐type nation‐states in the Balkans, the emergence of the Republican Turkey, the establishment of the Anglo‐French mandate in the Near East and the British influence in Egypt. The refashioning of traditional cities was undertaken by French, British, Italian and German experts, architects and planners, together with local professionals trained in Western Europe. The important number of projects produced at the time show evidence of the diffusion of urban aesthetics ideas emanating from West European centres and their implementation in the Eastern Mediterranean cities. Although this transfer of town planning concepts from the ‘centre’ to the ‘periphery’ was occasioned by different factors in each city, those projects are to be understood as reflecting wider strategies needed for regenerating socio‐economic and cultural life, and were linked to the broader debate between tradition and modernity, and to the construction of a nationally meaningful urban identity.  相似文献   

节能技术在办公建筑中的研究与运用——云电科技园设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
回顾云电科技园的设计实施过程,分析各项节能技术在办公建筑中的研究和实施,并注重节能技术的可实施性,指出通过多项节能技术的协调和共同作用,可以强化和扩大节能措施带来的节能效应,在降低能耗的同时创造出健康、舒适、高效的办公环境。  相似文献   

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