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The human risk assessment of feed contaminants has often been hampered by a lack of knowledge concerning their behaviour when consumed by livestock. To gain a better understanding of the transfer of contaminants from animal feed to animal products, a meta-analysis of public literature was made. Data concerning feed contaminant concentrations, feeding periods, residue levels in animal products, and other parameters were gathered and recorded. For each case a 'transfer factor', which was defined as the ratio of the concentration of a chemical in an animal product to the concentration of the chemical in animal feed, was calculated. Scientifically founded transfer factors were calculated and analysed for groups of chemicals based on their contaminant classes or physicochemical properties. These database-derived transfer factors enable a more accurate risk assessment in the case of a feed contamination, and enable rapid risk management decision-making and/or intervention.  相似文献   

化学污染物是影响全球食品安全和危害人体健康的主要因素之一。对食品中化学污染物进行风险评估是保障食品安全、促进食品贸易和健全食品安全体系的重要手段。本文简要介绍了化学污染物风险评估的内容和基本方法,对国外化学污染物风险评估开展情况进行了概述,重点对国内开展的食品中化学污染物风险评估的研究进展进行综述,包括重金属、有机污染物、农药残留、黄曲霉毒素等,并对国内开展食品中化学污染物风险评估的方法进行了分析比较。重金属、农药残留和黄曲霉毒素方面的评估结果均表明:儿童的膳食暴露量偏高,需引起重视。此外提出目前我国食品中化学污染物风险评估中存在的主要问题和建议,为进一步开展化学污染物风险评估提供借鉴。  相似文献   

食品中化学物累积风险评估方法及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
食品中存在的各种污染物、农药和添加剂等化学物可能会通过多种机制的联合作用对人体形成累积暴露,但传统的风险评估方法多以单一化学物暴露为基础。近年来,化学物累积暴露形成的健康风险受到越来越多的重视,一些累积风险评估方法,如类别每日可耐受摄入量(TDI)、危害指数(HI)、相对效能因子(RPF)、生理毒代动力学(PBTK)模型等也逐渐发展起来。本文对这些方法的特点及其应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Environmental contaminants originate from diverse sources and, owing to their ubiquitous presence in the environment, may appear in foods. Setting standards in food is increasingly important within the European Union and world-wide to protect consumers' health and to avoid trade barriers. This paper analyses how maximum levels for environmental contaminants in food were derived by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, by the European Union and by national authorities (USA, Germany). Both the risk assessment process (derivation of tolerable intake values and intake assessment by scientific bodies) and the risk management process (derivation of maximum levels by risk management bodies) are discussed. The various organizations show similar approaches and similar numerical values for maximum levels of the same contaminants in the same food items. In the area of decision-making for risk management, there was a noticeable lack of transparency in all the investigated systems. Recommendations are made for the development and harmonization of exposure assessment and communications between risk assessment and risk management processes, for improvements in documentation and for greater transparency within risk management decision-making processes.  相似文献   

Young, old, pregnant and immuno-compromised persons are of great concern for risk assessors as they represent the sub-populations most at risk. The present paper focuses on risk assessment linked to furan exposure in children. Only the Belgian population was considered because individual contamination and consumption data that are required for accurate risk assessment were available for Belgian children only. Two risk assessment approaches, the so-called deterministic and probabilistic, were applied and the results were compared for the estimation of daily intake. A significant difference between the average Estimated Daily Intake (EDI) was underlined between the deterministic (419?ng?kg?1 body weight (bw) day?1) and the probabilistic (583?ng?kg?1 bw day?1) approaches, which results from the mathematical treatment of the null consumption and contamination data. The risk was characterised by two ways: (1) the classical approach by comparison of the EDI to a reference dose (RfDchronic-oral) and (2) the most recent approach, namely the Margin of Exposure (MoE) approach. Both reached similar conclusions: the risk level is not of a major concern, but is neither negligible. In the first approach, only 2.7 or 6.6% (respectively in the deterministic and in the probabilistic way) of the studied population presented an EDI above the RfDchronic-oral. In the second approach, the percentage of children displaying a MoE above 10,000 and below 100 is 3–0% and 20–0.01% in the deterministic and probabilistic modes, respectively. In addition, children were compared to adults and significant differences between the contamination patterns were highlighted. While major contamination was linked to coffee consumption in adults (55%), no item predominantly contributed to the contamination in children. The most important were soups (19%), dairy products (17%), pasta and rice (11%), fruit and potatoes (9% each).  相似文献   

目的研究目前国际上食品中遗传毒性致癌物风险评估方法,为建立我国遗传毒性致癌物风险评估技术体系提供方法学支持。方法收集目前国际上食品中遗传毒性致癌物风险评估方法的科研文章和指南文件,梳理、对比各种方法的优缺点及其适用范围,研究其中可为我国风险评估借鉴和参考的内容。结果目前国际上对食品中遗传毒性致癌物进行风险评估的主要方法包括尽可能低作用水平(ALARA),毒理学关注阈值(TTC),低剂量外推和暴露限值(MOE)。尽管ALARA原则容易理解,但是它不能给出任何一个风险程度的指导,所以不能为制定现实的风险管理建议提供可靠的依据。在致癌剂量-反应关系数据缺乏或不足的情况下,若符合毒理学关注阈值适用范围,可以采用毒理学关注阈值的方法进行筛选评估。当来自动物试验的致癌数据可用时,可以采用暴露限值法,也可采用低剂量外推的方法,但推荐优先采用暴露限值法。结论我国应在充分参与国际遗传毒性物质风险评估相关工作的基础上,深入开展遗传毒性物质基础研究,尽快建立遗传毒性物质风险评估技术体系。  相似文献   


Dietary exposure of the Valencian region population to lead, cadmium, inorganic arsenic (iAs), chromium, copper, tin and methylmercury (meHg) was assessed in a total diet study carried out in the region of Valencia in 2010–11. A total of 8100 food samples were collected and analysed. Occurrence data were combined with consumption data to estimate dietary exposure in adults (> 15 years of age) and young children (6–15 years of age). The estimated intake was calculated by a probabilistic approach. Average intake levels (optimistic scenario) for lead, iAs, chromium and tin were 0.21, 0.08, 1.79 and 1.87 µg kg?1 bw day?1 respectively; for Cd and meHg average intake levels were 0.77 and 0.54 µg kg1 bw week?1, respectively, and for Cu, 1.60 mg day?1. In terms of risk characterisation, the results showed that 2.84% of the adult population may exceed the BMDL10 (benchmark dose lower confidence limit) established for Pb, which is linked to renal effects; whereas 28.01% of the young children population may exceed the BMDL01 related to neurodevelopment effects. In addition, 8.47% of the adult population and 12.32% of young children exceeded the meHg tolerable weekly intake (TWI).  相似文献   

食品化学物风险评估中一些重要参数的选择和使用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品安全风险评估是我国制定、修订食品安全标准、实施食品安全监督管理的科学依据,评估结果的准确性和可靠性将直接影响食品安全监管决策的科学性。评估方法、统计学参数、模型构建和健康指导值是影响评估结果的几个重要因素,而对这些因素的选择和使用往往存在模糊认识和误区。本文主要针对食品中化学物的风险评估,对上述几个参数的选择和使用进行探讨。  相似文献   

Multi-location supervised field trials were conducted in India at four locations of the All India Network Project (AINP) on Pesticide Residues to study the persistence, dissipation and risk assessment of flubendiamide and deltamethrin on cucumber (Cucumis sativus). Residues of flubendiamide and deltamethrin on cucumber resulting from three spray applications of a combination formulation (flubendiamide 90% + deltamethrin 60%, 150 SC) at recommended (22.5 + 15 g a.i./ha) and double the recommended (45 + 30 g a.i./ha) dose were analysed. On the basis of persistence and dissipation studies, the half- life (T1/2) of flubendiamide on cucumber varied from 1.40 to 2.98 (recommended dose) and 1.55 to 2.76 days (double the recommended dose), while that of deltamethrin ranged from 2.5 to 4.9 (recommended dose) and 2.7 to 3.9 days (double the recommended dose) at the four locations. On the basis of supervised field trial data and using OECD calculator, MRLs in the combination product of 3 mg kg?1 for flubendiamide and 1.5 mg kg?1 for deltamethrin has been proposed for consideration by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). Codex, EU and EPA have fixed MRL of 0.2 mg kg?1 for flubendiamide and deltamethrin.  相似文献   

Risk assessment is an interdisciplinary process used to quantify the risk linked to a hazard. In the present paper it is applied to quantify the risk linked to furan ingestion through the food chain for the Belgian adult population. Two approaches, deterministic and probabilistic, were carried out in parallel. The deterministic method relied on a case study, whereas the probabilistic approach involved statistical distributions of contamination and consumption data to calculate a statistical distribution of the daily intake. First, the deterministic method revealed a low estimated daily intake (EDI) for the average population (380?ng*(kgbw*day)–1) and a huge contribution of coffee consumption to the EDI (55%). Increasing or decreasing the daily coffee consumption by one cup can affect the EDI by about 22%. Afterwards, the probabilistic approach showed that the average population has a low EDI (494?ng*(kgbw*day)?1), and that high contamination levels were only registered in a small proportion of the population. Finally, a comparison of the RfDchronic oral showed that less than 10% of the Belgian population had an EDI above the reference dose proposed by the USEPA; the majority of the population had an EDI 20% below the reference dose. The margin of exposure (MoE) approach indicated that the level of risk related to furan intake through ingestion is low, with a MoE?>?10,000 for more than 10% of the population and no result?<?100.  相似文献   

The concentrations of trace elements were analysed in samples of home textiles (i.e. towels, bedclothes and pyjamas). Arsenic, Be, Cd, Sc, Se, Sm and Tl levels were below their respective detection limits, while Hg, Mo and V could be only detected in a few samples. The highest mean levels corresponded to Mg, Cu andSb. In agreement with previous findings in casual wear, home textiles made of polyester, either exclusively or partially, showed significantly higher levels of Sb than those made of cotton, while Ti levels were also significantly higher in synthetic fibre items. The levels of Cr and Cu were especially relevant in colour clothes. The dermal absorption of trace elements during sleeping and towels use were also estimated, being the health risks subsequently assessed. The maximum hazard quotient (HQ) for all elements was well below 0.01, indicating a safe situation. The only exception was Sb, whose HQ due to bedclothes/pyjamas and towels use was 0.4 and >1, respectively. Comparing with other daily activities, towels use, by towel-to-hand-to-mouth effect, was the most relevant action leading to dermal exposure for most trace elements. In general terms, cancer risks did not exceed threshold levels, excepting Cr(VI), whose risk was above 10-5.  相似文献   

While intake and exposure assessments can be readily carried out for a number of countries using complete datasets, the majority of European intake data are only available in the form of summary statistics published by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Only EFSA have access to the complete datasets which are used in scientific opinions it issues. The proposed High Exposure from Summary Statistics (HESS) method is derived from first principles, and compared to existing models used to estimate high consumer exposures from the EFSA Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database. The method is applied to recent US consumption data to test its usefulness for deterministic and probabilistic exposure models, where comparisons between model results and detailed exposure assessments are possible. HESS is shown to provide a modest overestimation of the actual high consumer exposure, with a level of consistency and predictability that is much better than existing methods used with the EFSA Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database.  相似文献   

Probabilistic and deterministic estimates of the acute and chronic exposure of the Danish populations to dithiocarbamate residues were performed. The Monte Carlo Risk Assessment programme (MCRA 4.0) was used for the probabilistic risk assessment. Food consumption data were obtained from the nationwide dietary survey conducted in 2000–02. Residue data for 5721 samples from the monitoring programme conducted in the period 1998–2003 were used for dithiocarbamates, which had been determined as carbon disulphide. Contributions from 26 commodities were included in the calculations. Using the probabilistic approach, the daily acute intakes at the 99.9% percentile for adults and children were 11.2 and 28.2 μg kg?1 body weight day?1, representing 5.6% and 14.1% of the ARfD for maneb, respectively. When comparing the point estimate approach with the probabilistic approach, the outcome of the point estimate calculations was generally higher or comparable with the outcome of the probabilistic approach at the 99.9 percentile (consumers only). The chronic exposures for adults and children were 0.35 and 0.76 μg kg?1 body weight day?1 at the 99.9 percentile, representing 0.7% and 1.5%, respectively, of the acceptable daily intake for mancozeb and maneb at 50 μg kg?1 body weight.  相似文献   

South Korea has a unique food culture. South Koreans enjoy wrapping meat and eating or making kimchi (traditionally fermented Korean food) and eating using raw leafy vegetables, stalk and stem vegetables. Therefore, there is a high chance of being exposed to pesticide residues of vegetables. The objective of this study was to investigate pesticide residues in leafy vegetables, stalk and stem vegetables from South Korea. A total of 8496 samples were mainly collected from Gwangju and Jeonnam area (the largest production region of leafy vegetables, stalk and stem vegetables) in South Korea from 2010 to 2014. A total of 230 pesticides were used for multi-residue analysis of pesticides. Among 8496 samples, 61 different pesticides (1029 times) were detected in 890 samples, of which 118 samples (1.4%) exceeded the Korea maximum residue limits (MRLs). Samples exceeding the MRLs were mostly found in leafy vegetables (brassica lee ssp. namai, leafy lettuce, spinach, perilla leaves, crown daisy, marsh mallow, aster scaber, pimpinella brachycarpa) and Chinese chive. Procymidone, dimethomorph and azoxystrobin were the most frequently found pesticides. A risk assessment of pesticides exceeding the MRLs was evaluated by calculating the estimated daily intake (EDI) and the acceptable daily intake (ADI). The ratio of EDI to ADI was 0.003–30.4%.  相似文献   

摘 要:目的 调查安徽某草莓基地土壤中的农药残留状况,评估其农药残留风险。方法 采用超高效液相色谱串联质谱法和气相色谱串联质谱法,对采集的205份土壤样品进行农药残留检测分析,并用环境标准值计算法评估草莓基地农药残留风险。结果 该地区205个土壤样品中共有179份样品检出农药残留,检出率87.31%;检出的有30种农药,检出最多的是咯菌腈、腐霉利和苯醚甲环唑3种杀菌剂,检出率分别为83.90%、87.32%、87.32%,对土壤质量安全及种植作物构成一定危害风险。对于表层土(0~20 cm)范围,其浅表层土(0~10 cm)与深表层土(10~20 cm)中的农药残留也有差异,浅表层土(0~10 cm)农药残留浓度高于深表层土(10~20 cm)。结论 该草莓基地由于杀菌剂等农药的长期使用,对土壤质量安全构成风险隐患,需要对高风险农药加强关注。  相似文献   

The assessment of acute and chronic dietary exposure to contaminants in baby foods is needed to ensure healthy infant growth. Monthly European Union market baskets of commercial baby foods were designed for the first 9 months of life by the ‘babyfood’ study group of the CASCADE Network of Excellence for the specific purpose of assessing exposure to potentially toxic substances in infants fed with such foods. The present paper reports the different steps that led to the preparation of monthly pooled samples of commercial baby foods (‘Infant formulae and follow-on formulae’ and ‘Other baby foods’) that may constitute the extreme case of the diet for an infant who would not be breast fed at all. Several market baskets were generated for an ‘average European Union infant’ and for infants of four selected countries (Italy, Sweden, Spain, and the Slovakia), fed with either milk infant formulae, soy infant formulae or hypoallergenic infant formulae and weaned (at the fifth month) with commercial baby foods and beverages available on the European Union market. Market share data for 2007 for baby foods were used to design the baskets. Holding companies and the name of all their products were identified. Monthly diets for European Union infants were elaborated in terms of food categories (e.g. infant cereals) of typologies of products (e.g. infant cereals without gluten) and of a specific product. The number of baskets generated was 30 for ‘Infant formulae and follow-on formulae’ (including 62 products) and 13 for ‘Other baby foods’ (including 35 products). These market baskets were designed to be used for the determination of certain contaminants and nutrients in the diet of European Union infants and for the assessment of their effects on infant health.  相似文献   

本论文简述了韩国国内常用的食品防腐剂危害性评价方法及每日允许的摄入量情况.并对食品防腐剂对韩国国民健康的影响调查结果进行了考查。  相似文献   

目的 针对《食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准》(GB 2760—2014)中具有每日允许摄入量(ADI)值和最大使用量的着色剂,开展理论风险评估,了解其使用的安全性和人体健康风险。方法 首先使用丹麦预算法计算着色剂的理论每日最大摄入量。对于预算法评估发现摄入量超过ADI的着色剂,进一步利用我国2012年总膳食研究的食物消费量数据和GB 2760—2014中着色剂的最大使用量,采用简单分布评估法开展理论风险评估。结果 本研究共筛选出21种具有数值型ADI和最大使用限量的着色剂。预算法评估发现其中有15种每日摄入量高于ADI。对这15种着色剂进一步开展简单分布评估,显示我国一般人群的每日平均摄入量均低于ADI,但有2种着色剂的高食物量消费人群(P95)摄入量超过其ADI;消费人群的每日平均摄入量也均低于ADI,但有8种着色剂的P95摄入量超过其ADI。结论 我国批准使用的大部分着色剂在我国人群中的摄入量较低,风险处于可接受水平,但仍有少部分着色剂的高食物量消费人群的每日理论摄入量超过ADI,需要进一步摸清这些着色剂在食品中的实际含量后开展更精确的风险评估,从而确定其对我国人群的健康风险水...  相似文献   

Heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs) as probable carcinogenic substances are mainly generated in meat products during thermal processing. Numerous studies have contributed to the analysis, formation, and mitigation of HAAs during food processing. However, few articles have comprehensively reviewed food safety aspects from both food processing and dietary intake regarding the formation, mitigation, metabolism, biomarkers for exposure, hazard control, and risk assessment of HAAs, and related food safety researches. Several factors may influence the generation of HAAs, including processing temperature, processing time, and chemical composition of the meat. Nonetheless, these mutagenic compounds are attenuated to different levels by the addition of natural or synthetic flavorings and antioxidant‐rich marinades, as well as pretreatments using technique such as microwave heating. After dietary intake, different types of HAAs are metabolized in humans by several enzymes, including cytochrome P450s, peroxidases, N‐acetyltransferases, sulfotransferases, uridine diphosphate‐glucuronosyltransferases, and glutathione S‐transferases. Their primary metabolites are further conjugated with DNA or ultimately excreted in urine and feces. The 2‐amino‐1‐methyl‐6‐phenylimidazo[4,5‐b]pyridine in hair as well as DNA, hemoglobin, and serum albumin adducts has been considered as biomarkers for exposure assessment. Dietary intake information obtained from questionnaires and the results of epidemiological investigations have shown a positive relationship between the intakes of red meat and processed meat and high risk of cancer incidence. As several cancers have been reported to be associated with HAAs, HAAs should be both effectively reduced during food processing and controlled from dietary intake to facilitate human health.  相似文献   

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