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Dislocation emission criterion for a wedge crack under mixed mode loading was investigated using Airy stress function. The order of singularity at the wedge crack tip due to remote loading was found to vary with the loading mode. The plastic zones for plane stress and plane strain were studied based on von Mises' and Tresca criteria. The dislocation emission criterion was examined for both loading modes. The mechanism of crack propagation was believed to be controlled by dislocation emission. Under an action of Mode I loading, the wedge tip movement occurred when a pair of edge dislocations of Burgers vectors be i and –be –i were emitted from the wedge tip where b and were the magnitude of Burgers vector and the angle between the positive x axis and the line connecting from the tip to dislocation. Similarly, under an action of Mode II loading, the wedge crack tip moved as soon as either an edge dislocation of Burgers vector along the x direction was emitted from its tip or a pair of edge dislocations of Burgers vectors be i and be –i were emitted from the wedge tip. The conventional mechanism of crack propagation based on the energy release rate was not expected to occur. The calculated results for a few special cases were presented and compared with those reported in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper presents some experimental results which demonstrate restraint of fatigue crack growth in an Al–Mg alloy by wedge effects of fine particles. Fatigue test specimens were machined from a JIS A5083P‐O Al–Mg alloy plate of 5 mm thickness and an EDM starter notch was introduced to each specimen. Three kinds of fine particles were prepared as the materials to be wedged into the fatigue cracks, i.e. magnetic particles and two kinds of alumina particles having different mean particle sizes of 47.3 μm and 15.2 μm. Particles of each kind were suspended in an oil to form a paste, which was applied on the specimen surface covering the notch zone prior to the fatigue tests. In order to make some fracture mechanics approaches, in situ observations of fatigue cracks were performed for the two cases using a CCD microscope, with a magnification of ×1000. The crack length and the crack opening displacement (COD) at the notch root, δ, were measured. First it was ensured by control tests that the wedge effect of the oil itself was negligible. Then it was found that the large size alumina particles were not effective in restraining crack growth because the paste was difficult to make due to the large particle size and the particles could not enter the cracks properly. However, both of the magnetic particles and the small size alumina particles effectively restrained crack growth, especially the latter which produced 143–350% increase in the lifetime to failure. From the in situ observations, in the case of the small size alumina particles, a pronounced retardation of crack growth was observed immediately after the crack length exceeded 0.4 mm, and this is considered to be due to the range of COD value, δmax ? δmin , being strongly affected by the wedge effects of the particles. The crack retardation effect continues almost through the entire lifetime if the alumina paste is re‐applied at specified intervals, while the effect is apparently lost after the crack length exceeds ~2 mm when such re‐painting is not continued. After the fatigue tests, some macro‐ and microfractographic analyses were performed using a CCD microscope, a SEM and an EPMA (electron probe microanalyser), in order to examine the mechanism of fatigue crack restraint by the wedge effects of the fine particles. From those analyses, it was reasoned that the fine particles that entered a fatigue crack are subjected to cyclic pressures between the crack faces and then form a kind of wedge which causes significant levels of crack closure that restrain crack growth.  相似文献   

We study the problem of wedging of an elastic wedge realized along the edge crack with the help of a hard wedge. The analytic solution of the problem is obtained by the Wiener–Hopf method. We determine the stress intensity factors, the distributions of stresses on the continuation of the crack and in the contact zone, and the circular displacements of the crack lips.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of determining the distribution of stress in an infinitely long elastic strip containing a Griffith crack which is opened by a thin symmetric wedge. We assume that the strip is bonded to semi-infinite elastic planes on either side and that there is an internal pressure on the part of the crack not in touch with the wedge. By the use of Fourier transforms we reduce the problem to solving a set of triple integral equations with cosine kernel and a weight function. These equations are solved using finite Hilbert transform techniques. The particular case of a rectangular wedge is considered in detail.  相似文献   

The interaction of a curved crack with a circular elastic inclusion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The solution to a curved matrix crack interacting with a circular elastic inclusion is presented. The problem is formulated using the Kolosov–Muskhelishvili complex stress potential technique where the crack is represented by an unknown distribution of dislocations. After an appropriate parameterization, the resulting singular integral equations are solved with the Lobatto-Chebyshev quadrature technique. The accuracy of the current solution is shown by comparing these results to previously published results. A preliminary investigation is conducted to study the effects of crack curvature and inclusion stiffness on the stress intensity factors and it is shown that in certain instances, the effect of the crack curvature and the inclusion stiffness are competing influences.  相似文献   

The stress relaxation of an eccentric (off-center) negative wedge disclination in an isotropic homogeneous cylinder by nucleation of a Zener crack has been investigated with a continuum model. The nucleated Zener crack is simulated with distributed edge dislocations. The stress intensity factor (SIF) at the sharp tip of the Zener crack is computed through solving the singular integral equations formulated. By enforcing the fracture criterion at the sharp tip, the critical disclination power to nucleate a Zener crack is determined. The equilibrium crack lengths of the crack are then calculated when the disclination power is above the critical value. It is found that there is a special position at which the critical disclination power reaches the minimum value. As the disclination deviates from this position, the critical disclination power increases. Two or four equilibrium crack lengths could be found for the Zener crack, dependent upon the power and off-center position of the disclination. The influence of the off-center distance on the equilibrium crack lengths and the dependence of the critical disclination power and stable equilibrium crack lengths on cylinder radius are also discussed.  相似文献   

Dynamic crack propagation in non‐plane strain (or 3D) slate blocks under wedge impact loads was investigated numerically in this part of the paper. A parabolic‐shaped crack trajectory was taken into consideration to model the crack propagation in slate blocks for analyzing the impact splitting of layered slate rock. Major and minor axes of the parabola were determined from the condition of equal mode I stress intensity factors (SIFs) along the crack front. Mode I SIFs were determined for experimental breaking loads for each increment of crack growth in a manner similar to that mentioned in part I of this paper. These values were compared with the plane strain material fracture toughness value obtained from experimental studies and very good agreement was obtained between them, for the case of actual load applied on the specimen. Numerical analysis of a field problem, i.e., separation of a large‐sized slate slab from the rock strata in a slate quarry using wedge impacting, was also carried out in this paper. It can be observed that a large magnitude of load is required to break large‐sized slate blocks; but this load is applied through a number of smaller load‐capacity actuators‐in‐parallel, requiring large power capacity for the hydraulic pumps. However, this required power could be reduced considerably if the load applied on the line of hydraulic actuators is cascaded across the (line of) actuators (starting from centrally placed actuators) with a small time delay (equal to the initial crushing time in slate rock).  相似文献   

The paper deals with the plane problem of stress distribution in an elastic ponderable layer with a stationary edge crack normal to the boundary plane. The layer is situated and fixed on a rigid foundation. The stresses are caused by action of body forces. By using the method of Fourier transforms the problem is reduced to a system of dual integral equations and next, to a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. The numerical analysis of the Fredholm equation permitted to determine the stress intensity factor and the crack opening displacement. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the asymptotic analysis of stresses near interface crack tips in the periodically two-layered elastic composites. The problem is investigated for the plane state of strain within the framework of the homogenized model with microlocal parameters. The angular dependence of stresses at the crack tip is presented for different mechanical and geometrical properties of the composite.  相似文献   

The issue of generating non-Gaussian, multivariate and correlated random fields, while preserving the internal auto-correlation structure of each single-parameter field, is discussed with reference to the problem of cohesive crack propagation. Three different fields are introduced to model the spatial variability of the Young modulus, the tensile strength of the material, and the fracture energy, respectively. Within a finite-element context, the crack-propagation phenomenon is analyzed by coupling a Monte Carlo simulation scheme with an iterative solution algorithm based on a truly-mixed variational formulation which is derived from the Hellinger–Reissner principle. The selected approach presents the advantage of exploiting the finite-element technology without the need to introduce additional modes to model the displacement discontinuity along the crack boundaries. Furthermore, the accuracy of the stress estimate pursued by the truly-mixed approach is highly desirable, the direction of crack propagation being determined on the basis of the principal-stress criterion. The numerical example of a plain concrete beam with initial crack under a three-point bending test is considered. The statistics of the response is analyzed in terms of peak load and load–mid-deflection curves, in order to investigate the effects of the uncertainties on both the carrying capacity and the post-peak behaviour. A sensitivity analysis is preliminarily performed and its results emphasize the negative effects of not accounting for the auto-correlation structure of each random field. A probabilistic method is then applied to enforce the auto-correlation without significantly altering the target marginal distributions. The novelty of the proposed approach with respect to other methods found in the literature consists of not requiring the a priori knowledge of the global correlation structure of the multivariate random field.  相似文献   

Interface crack in periodically layered bimaterial composite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A directional crack growth prediction in a compressed homogenous elastic isotropic material under plane strain conditions is considered. The conditions at the parent crack tip are evaluated for a straight stationary crack. Remote load is a combined biaxial compressive normal stress and pure shear. Crack surfaces are assumed to be frictionless and to remain closed during the kink formation wherefore the mode I stress intensity factor K I is vanishing. Hence the mode II stress intensity factor K II remains as the single stress intensity variable for the kinked crack. An expression for the local mode II stress intensity factor k 2 at the tip of a straight kink has been calculated numerically with an integral equation using the solution scheme proposed by Lo (1978) and refined by He and Hutchinson (1989). The confidence of the solution is strengthened by verifications with a boundary element method and by particular analytical solutions. The expression has been found as a function of the mode II stress intensity factor K II of the parent crack, the direction and length of the kink, and the difference between the remote compressive normal stresses perpendicular to, and parallel with, the plane of the parent crack. Based on the expression, initial crack growth directions have been suggested. At a sufficiently high non-isotropic compressive normal stress, so that the crack remains closed, the crack is predicted to extend along a curved path that maximizes the mode II stress intensity factor k 2. Only at an isotropic remote compressive normal stress the crack will continue straight ahead without change of the direction. Further, an analysis of the shape of the crack path has revealed that the propagation path is, according the model, required to be described by a function y=cx , where the exponent is equal to 3/2. In that case, when =3/2, predicts the analytical model a propagation path that is self-similar (i.e. the curvature c is independent of any length of a crack extension), and which can be described by a function of only the mode II stress intensity factor K II at the parent crack tip and the difference between the remote compressive normal stress perpendicular to, and parallel with, the parent crack plane. Comparisons with curved shear cracks in brittle materials reported in literature provide limited support for the model discussed.  相似文献   

A problem about the stress-strain state of an elastic wedge with an arbitrary angel of opening, when on its bisector there is a system of a finite number collinear cracks, is studied by the means of the theory of elasticity. The anti-symmetric mixed boundary conditions given on both wedge-faces, together with the forces applied to the cracks' surfaces are provoking the anti-plane deformation of the wedge. The displacement components are given for the same group of nonintersecting intervals on each wedge-face and the stress components are given on the rest of the faces. The problem is formulated as a known mixed boundary problem of the theory of harmonic functions for a half-wedge because of the wedge symmetry relative to its bisector. The solution of this mixed boundary problem is derived in the closed form by using the Mellin integral transformation in combination with the methods of singular integral equations. Based on this the density of displacements' dislocations on the cracks' surfaces, the stress intensity factors, the stresses on those intervals on the wedge-faces, where the displacements are given, and other characteristics of the investigating problem are determined by explicit analytical formulas. Particular cases are discussed as well.  相似文献   

The plane problem of a single crack in a periodically layered bimaterial composite is considered. For the case of a long crack loaded by opening normal tractions, the universal relation obtained between the Mode I and Mode II stress intensity factors show that the most dangerous crack location lies in the midplane of the layer. This crack location of the Mode I finite length crack is examined in detail. A closed form expression of the Green's function for a single dislocation is derived and the problem is reduced to a singular integral equation of the first kind. The study of the dependence of the normalized stress intensity factor upon the crack length reveals a wavy nonmonotonic behavior. A simple analytic formula for the limiting case of a semi-infinite crack is derived. It is found to be valid for a broad range of parameters.  相似文献   

A semi-infinite crack terminating at the boundary of an elastic half-space is considered. It is assumed that the crack is subjected to a mode-I load applied in a finite region remote from the crack plane, and the boundary of the half-space and the crack surfaces are free of tractions. The problem is formulated in terms of a hypersingular integral equation with respect to the relative crack-face separation defined over the region occupied by the crack. The behaviour of the solution near the corner point where the crack edge intersects the boundary is analysed and results which show the dependence of the stress singularity exponent on the angle of inclination of the crack edge are presented.  相似文献   

Numerical algorithm to simulate 2-D smooth crack is presented. The stepwise method based on local criteria of propagation is used. Two crack propagation criteria are employed. At the first stage of propagation, the maximum tensile stress criterion is used to take into account the abrupt change in tangent direction. At subsequent stages, the assumption that the stress intensity factor (SIF) K_2= 0 at the current crack tip is exploited. The analytical formulae for calculating SIFs are given. The displacement discontinuities (DD) involved in these formulae are found from the numerical solution of a complex hypersingular integral equation (CHSIE) for a piecewise homogeneous plane with curvilinear cracks. The new mechanism of smooth approximation of the crack path by circular arcs at each propagation stage is suggested. Numerical results are given. They confirm the efficiency of the algorithm suggested. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Low frequency diffraction of plane harmonic shear (SH) wave by an edge crack in an elastic wedge of arbitrary vertex angle is studied. Kontorowich-Lebedev transform is used to solve the mixed boundary value problem under consideration. For low frequency case, i.e. wavelength large compared to the length of the crack, the displacement field is obtained by successive approximation of the resulting Wiener-Hopf equation. For the limiting case of an elastic half space the results agree with those obtained by the method of matched asymptotic expansions.  相似文献   

双盘悬臂裂纹转子-轴承系统的动力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在考虑了非线性油膜力的基础上 ,建立了双圆盘立式悬臂裂纹转子 -轴承系统横向振动的动力学模型 ,利用Runge- Kutta法对该系统的动力学行为进行了数值研究 ,分析了该系统在有无裂纹两种情况下的分岔与混沌特性 ,通过对系统分岔图、Poincare截面图和幅值谱的分析 ,发现裂纹对该系统的动力学特性影响很大。由于油膜力和裂纹耦合的强非线性作用 ,在它的谱图上出现了 1/ 2、1/ 3等分频谱线  相似文献   

This paper examines the interaction between a crack parallel to the free surface of an elastic half-plane and an internal center of dilatation. The problem is decomposed into two auxiliary problems. When the center of dilatation approaches the crack tip, two kinds of singularity are analytically obtained. If the overburden stress and the friction on crack surface are neglected, both modes I and II stress intensity factors (KI and KII) are induced at the crack tips. The maximum of KI and KII occurs when the center of dilatation is located in front of the crack tips. The tensile cracking is likely to be prohibited by the overburden stress, while shear cracking remains possible even including the effects of both overburden and friction on the crack surface.  相似文献   

The problem of an anti-plane interface crack in a layered piezoelectric plate composed of two bonded dissimilar piezoelectric ceramic layers subjected to applied voltage is considered. It is assumed that the crack is either impermeable or permeable. An integral transform technique is employed to reduce the problem considered to dual integral equations, then to a Fredholm integral equation by introducing an auxiliary function. Field intensity factors and energy release rate are obtained in explicit form in terms of the auxiliary function. In particular, by solving analytically a resulting singular integral equation, they are determined explicitly in terms of given electromechanical loadings for the case of two bonded layers of equal thickness. Some numerical results are presented graphically to show the influence of the geometric parameters on the field intensity factors and the energy release rate.  相似文献   

A problem concerning a spherical interfacial crack is solved by the eigenfunction method. The problem is reduced to a coupled system of dual-series equations in terms of Legendre functions and then to a system of singular integral equations for two unknown functions. The behaviour of the solution near the edge of the spherical crack, and the stress-intensity factors and crack-opening displacements are studied. The case when the crack surfaces are under normal internal pressure of constant intensity is examined.  相似文献   

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