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采用切割-浇注法,以聚合物改性硫铝酸盐水泥为基体,铌锂锆钛酸铅(简称P(LN)ZT)为功能体制备了1-3型聚合物改性水泥基压电复合材料。研究了P(LN)ZT陶瓷体积分数对复合材料的压电和介电性能的影响。结果表明:随着P(LN)ZT陶瓷体积分数的增加,压电应变常数d33、相对介电常数εr和声阻抗率Z呈现明显的增大趋势;而压电电压常数g33和介电损耗tanδ则呈现下降趋势。与P(LN)ZT陶瓷相比较,1-3型压电复合材料厚度方向振动增强,机械品质因素明显降低,当P(LN)ZT陶瓷体积分数为30.86%时,其声阻抗率为8.24×106 N·s/m3,接近于混凝土的声阻抗率9.0×106 N·s/m3,适用于制作混凝土超声无损检/监测换能器。  相似文献   

为提高玄武岩纤维(BF)与水泥基体的界面结合力和桥接作用,分别采用HCl溶液(0~2.0mol/L)和NaOH溶液(0~2.0mol/L)对BF表面进行刻蚀糙化处理,研究纤维表面处理对BF增强水泥基复合材料的力学性能影响规律。结果表明:随着HCl溶液浓度增加,BF/水泥复合材料抗折强度与弯曲强度均先增加后降低,挠度呈现缓慢增加趋势,而抗压强度变化幅度较小;当HCl溶液浓度为1mol/L时,BF/水泥复合材料的强度与韧性最佳;碱处理BF后,BF/水泥复合材料的力学性能随NaOH浓度增加而显著降低,且复合材料韧性无明显改善;BF经HCl溶液腐蚀后的质量保留率变化规律与NaOH溶液腐蚀后的变化规律接近,而经HCl溶液腐蚀后BF强度保留率大于NaOH溶液腐蚀后的BF强度保留率。  相似文献   

1-3型水泥基压电复合材料的制备及性能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用切割-浇注法, 以硫铝酸盐水泥为基体, 制备了1-3型水泥基压电复合材料。详细阐述了1-3型水泥基压电复合材料的制备过程; 研究了0.375Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.375PbTiO3-0.25PbZrO3压电陶瓷柱的宽厚比w/t对1-3型水泥基压电复合材料的压电性能、 介电性能和声阻抗的影响。结果表明: 压电陶瓷柱的宽厚比w/t对1-3型水泥基压电复合材料性能有很大影响, 随着w/t的增加, 其压电应变常数d33、 机电耦合系数KpKt、 机械品质因数Qm、 介电常数εr和介电损耗tanδ均随着w/t的增加而减小, 而压电电压常数g33值几乎不受w/t的影响。在压电陶瓷体积分数仅为22.72%的条件下, 调节压电陶瓷柱的宽厚比w/t至0.130, 可使复合材料的声阻抗与混凝土的声阻抗十分接近, 从而有效地解决了智能材料在土木工程中的声阻抗相容性问题。   相似文献   

采用死端过滤(并流)对两种聚丙烯中空纤维微孔膜的低浊度水过滤性能进行了实验研究,并采用滤饼理论对聚丙烯微孔膜的过滤特性进行了描述.当被处理体系的阻力由膜阻力控制时,由于滤饼阻力的增加使得渗透通量快速衰减;当过程阻力由膜阻力和滤饼阻力共同主导时,渗透通量衰减变缓.在过程初期滤饼阻力与渗透总量成线性关系,但后期有偏离这种线性关系并有快速增大的趋势.分析结果表明,在相同渗透量下滤饼阻力的增加不仅与滤液本身性质有关,而且与微孔膜材料的本征性质有关,滤饼理论可以很好地解释聚丙烯微孔膜处理低浊度水溶液时的过滤性能.  相似文献   

韦璇  朱晓君 《功能材料》2007,38(A10):3846-3848
通过优化试验,以大量空心玻璃微珠填充环氧树脂体系制备出了密度低、强度高的复合泡沫材料,并对其密度和水下声学性能进行了表征。结果表明,所研制的轻质高强复合泡沫材料密度在0.3~0.5g/cm^3之间,且在高静水压下具有良好声学性能。  相似文献   

利用激光对玻璃纤维、玄武岩纤维和碳纤维进行表面改性后,以环氧树脂为基体,分别制备三种纤维增强环氧树脂复合材料。利用SEM和万能试验机对表面改性前后的碳纤维形态、力学性能及三种纤维/环氧树脂复合材料的力学性能和断面形貌进行表征,研究了纤维激光表面改性对三种纤维及其增强环氧树脂复合材料力学性能的影响。结果表明:激光表面改性对碳纤维/环氧树脂复合材料的力学性能提升最高,其拉伸强度最大提高了77.06%,冲击强度最大提高了31.25%,玄武岩纤维/环氧树脂复合材料的力学性能提升次之,而玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料的力学性能有所下降。因此,激光进行表面改性适用于碳纤维和玄武岩纤维。  相似文献   

1-3-2型压电陶瓷/聚合物复合材料的理论模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据Chan的1-3型复合材料理论模型和Newnham的复合材料串并联理论,提出了一种用于计算新型1-3-2型压电陶瓷/聚合物复合材料的介电常数和压电常数的理论模型.并制备了一批1-3-2型压电复合材料样品,把理论模型的计算值与实际测量的材料参数进行了比较,结果表明两者符合较好,误差小于10%.  相似文献   

空心玻璃微珠填充环氧树脂复合材料力学性能   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对不同填充质量比的改性空心玻璃微珠(HGB)/环氧树脂复合材料进行了拉伸、压缩准静态实验。研究了改性空心玻璃微珠不同填充量对复合材料密度、弹性模量、拉伸强度和压缩强度的影响, 并分析其应力松弛。实验发现, 材料的各项数据随填充比增加均有所降低。空心玻璃微珠的填入使材料表现出脆性破坏, 但破坏前有较大的变形, 破坏后回弹率大, 说明玻璃微珠的填充增强了材料的弹性。HGB/环氧树脂复合材料具有明显的应力松弛现象, 且填充比越高, 应力松弛速率越大, 可见HGB/环氧树脂复合材料具有明显的黏弹性。   相似文献   

采用塑性聚合物方法制备了高可塑性、高密度和高生坯强度的PZT5、PMnS、PBS陶瓷纤维,通过排列浇注法制备了1-3复合材料,研究了不同组成陶瓷纤维对复合材料性能的影响。结果表明,复合材料的介电常数、声阻抗和品质因数均比相应的陶瓷性能小了一个数量级,压电应变常数d33和平面机电藕合系数kp不同程度降低,但是压电电压常数g33和厚度机电藕合系数反大幅度增加,使得1-3复合材料的各相异性明显增强,复合材料的性能变化规律同压电纤维性能的变化规律相同,因此可通过改变纤维相性能而改善复合材料的性能。  相似文献   

X.X. Chu  Z.X. Wu  R.J. Huang  Y. Zhou 《低温学》2010,50(2):84-3397
Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) has been widely used as matrix material for high performance composites. In this work, 30% chopped glass fibers reinforced PEEK composites were prepared by injection molding, and then the tensile, flexural and impact properties were tested at different temperatures. The modulus, strength and specific elongation of glass fibers reinforced PEEK at room temperature, 77 K and 20 K have been compared. And the fracture morphologies of different samples were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed a dependence of mechanical properties of glass fibers reinforced PEEK composites on temperature. The coefficient of thermal expansion of unfilled PEEK and glass fibers reinforced PEEK were also investigated from 77 K to room temperature. The results indicated that the thermal expansion coefficient (CTE) of PEEK matrix was nearly a constant in this temperature region, and it can be significantly decreased by adding glass fibers.  相似文献   

Oil palm fiber reinforced high density polyethylene (HDPE) composites which can be used in several applications (mechanical part, fiber panel, etc.) were manufactured by twin-screw extrusion followed by compression molding. In particular, the effect of coupling agent (maleated polypropylene, MAPP) concentration (0, 2, 4 and 6 wt.%) was investigated for 30 and 40 wt.% oil palm fiber. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) and mechanical testing (tension and impact) were carried out to determine the effect of fiber and compatibilizer contents. The results showed that compatibilized composites have increased stiffness due to enhanced interfacial adhesion between the fibers and the matrix, as well as better homogeneity (better fiber dispersion) due to chemical bonding. The optimum MAPP content was found to be 4% for the range of conditions tested.  相似文献   

A comprehensive micromechanics model is developed to estimate the effective viscoelastic properties of hybrid composites containing polymer matrix, conductive inclusions and shunted piezoelectric inclusions. The model is derived using the viscoelastic correspondence principle in conjunction with the Mori-Tanaka approach and the orientation averaging scheme. Three dimensional complex moduli are explicitly presented for hybrid composites with any orientation distribution. The model is first validated by comparison with available experimental results. Then, the loss factors are examined for hybrid composites with inclusions of various volume fractions and of shapes ranging from thin disks to long fibers. It is seen that hybrid composites with randomly oriented inclusions exhibit shear loss factors which are not possible with monolithic piezoelectric plate. Furthermore, the numerical results indicate that composites with long spheroid inclusions provide the best damping performance. The results recommend that aligned inclusion composites are good for alleviating longitudinal oscillations. If oscillation energy needs to be dissipated in all directions and for all modes, three dimensional random composites should be used. It is also observed that spherical inclusion composites cannot improve shear damping irrespective of the orientation and the volume fraction. In general, to achieve a pronounced damping piezoelectric inclusions that lie in aspect ratio range 0.1?α?2 should be avoided.  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶法在α-Al2O3中空纤维载体上制备了Al2O3-SiO2复合膜,并对复合膜的制备条件及稳定性进行了研究.利用SEM和EDS对复合膜的微观形貌及化学组成进行了分析.结果表明,所制备的担载复合膜表面完整、无缺陷.气体渗透实验进一步说明,复合膜具有一定的气体选择性,在0.1 MPa下对H2/N2的分离因子为3.03,表明气体通过膜的扩散以Knuen扩散传质为主.用等温氮气吸附实验测定了非担载膜的孔径大小和分布,其比表面积为294.85 m2/g,总孔容为0.28 mL/g,最可几孔径小于3 nm.  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶法在α-Al2O3中空纤维载体上制备了Al2O3-SiO2复合膜,并对复合膜的制备条件及稳定性进行了研究.利用SEM和EDS对复合膜的微观形貌及化学组成进行了分析.结果表明,所制备的担载复合膜表面完整、无缺陷.气体渗透实验进一步说明,复合膜具有一定的气体选择性,在0.1 MPa下对H2/N2的分离因子为3.03,表明气体通过膜的扩散以Knuen扩散传质为主.用等温氮气吸附实验测定了非担载膜的孔径大小和分布,其比表面积为294.85 m2/g,总孔容为0.28 mL/g,最可几孔径小于3 nm.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的膜分离过程即非离子W/O型微乳液-中空纤维膜萃取,所用非离子型微乳液体系为(OP-7 OP-4)/苯甲醇/D2EHPA/煤油/盐酸.在不同微乳液流速、料液流速、微乳液内相盐酸浓度、料液浓度、以及不同中空纤维膜数等条件下进行了微乳液-中空纤维膜逆流萃取Nd3 的研究.结果表明,微乳液和料液流速越小,萃取率越高,内相富集倍数越大.微乳液内相盐酸浓度越大,萃取率越高,但富集倍数反而减小.料液初始浓度越小,萃取率和富集倍数越大.当微乳液流速为6 mL/min、料液与微乳液流速比为3∶1、微乳液内相盐酸浓度为4 mol/L、料液浓度为200 mg/L时,经过微乳液在三个中空纤维膜萃取器中的串联萃取,Nd3 的萃取率达96.3%,内相Nd3 浓度为4238 mg/L,是萃余料液浓度的572.7倍,内相富集倍数为21.2.膜萃取过程与膜溶剂萃取相比对Nd3 有更高的萃取效率.  相似文献   

Multilayered-connected biaxial weft knitted (MBWK) fabric reinforced composites have excellent tensile properties. Three kinds of different fabrics reinforced composites are used in this paper, which are three-layer-connected biaxial weft knitted fabric, four-layer-connected biaxial weft knitted fabric and five-layer-connected biaxial weft knitted fabric. The tensile properties of MBWK fabrics reinforced composites are studied with 0° and 90° directional testing with different carbon fiber volume fractions. The results show that the carbon fiber volume fraction has significant effect on tensile strength of MBWK fabrics reinforced composites. The linear correlation between tensile strength and carbon fiber volume fraction is very well in the certain range, and failure analyses are also available by means of sample debris examination to identify the failure modes and the fracture surfaces.  相似文献   


With the number of 3D printed concrete structures rapidly increasing, the demand for concepts that allow for robust and ductile printed objects becomes increasingly pressing. An obvious solution strategy is the inclusion of fibers in the printed material. In this study, the effect of adding short straight steel fibers on the failure behaviour of Weber 3D 115-1 print mortar has been studied through several CMOD tests on cast and printed concrete, on different scales. The experiments have also been simulated numerically. The research has shown that the fibers cause an important increase in flexural strength, and eliminate the strength difference between cast and printed concrete that exists without fibers. The post-peak behaviour, nevertheless, has to be characterised as strongly strain-softening. In the printed specimens, a strong fiber orientation in the direction of the filament occurs. However, this has no notable effect on the performance in the tested direction: cast and printed concrete with fibers behave similarly in the CMOD test. For the key parameters, no scale effect was found for the specimens with fibers, contrary to the ones without. Numerical modelling of the test by using the Concrete Damage Plasticity material model of Abaqus, with a Thorenfeldt-based constitutive law in compression and a customised constitutive law in tension, results in a reasonable fit with the experimental results.  相似文献   

We study the elastic deformation behavior of laminated epoxy composites reinforced with unidirectional carbon fibers and satin-woven glass fabric. The efficiency of various experimental procedures of determination of averaged elastic characteristics of laminates is analyzed. The effect of decreasing the test temperature to 77 K on the mechanical behavior of the above-mentioned materials is studied. The possibility of predicting stiffness and compliance parameters of unidirectional or satin-woven fabric composites is discussed. __________ Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 1, pp. 41–57, January–February, 2006.  相似文献   

1-3型水泥基压电复合材料传感器的性能   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以 123型水泥基压电复合材料作为传感元件制备了水泥基压电复合材料传感器。研究了水泥基压电复合材料传感器的频率响应、 线性性能以及应用于混凝土后的传感性能。结果表明: 当加载频率小于 5 Hz时 , 所有载荷下传感器输出电压的幅值均增大 , 但当加载频率大于 5 Hz时 , 所有载荷下传感器输出电压的幅值几乎与输入载荷频率无关 ; 传感器的输出电压幅值和输入载荷幅值之间存在明显的线性关系。水泥基压电传感器在实际混凝土结构中具有良好的传感特性 , 其输出电压与复杂载荷、 随机载荷和脉冲载荷均呈现明显的一一对应关系 ,且与输入载荷基本同步 , 不存在滞后现象 , 试验输出电压值与理论输出电压值也非常吻合。该传感器非常适合于土木工程结构的健康监测。   相似文献   

PZT/环氧树脂1-3-2型压电复合材料的制备及性能   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用压电陶瓷基板与1-3型压电复合材料串联连接,沿表面两相互垂直的方向切割PZT陶瓷,在切槽间浇注环氧树脂,制备出新型的1-3-2型压电复合材料.实验测试了材料的压电和介电性能,结果表明其d33常数达到400 pC/N,振动位移113.5pm,声速3500m/s,声阻抗17.6Mraly,厚度机电耦合系数0.62,带宽3.6kHz,相对介电常数817,介质损耗0.02.  相似文献   

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