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A 53-yr-old woman with a history of hepatic cystadenoma 25 yr before presented with a simple hepatic cyst, which evolved over 9 yr into a complex cystadenoma with septations and internal bleeding. She was treated with a left hepatectomy. Review of the literature shows that hepatic cystadenomas, although rare, frequently can recur years later and have potential for malignant transformation. Histologic similarities of one variant with ovarian stroma raises interesting possibilities regarding the origin of these lesions. The best treatment results are obtained with radical excision.  相似文献   

Cell swelling is now admitted as being a new principle of metabolic control but little is known about the energetics of cell swelling. We have studied the influence of hypo- or hyperosmolarity on both isolated hepatocytes and isolated rat liver mitochondria. Cytosolic hypoosmolarity on isolated hepatocytes induces an increase in matricial volume and does not affect the myxothiazol sensitive respiratory rate while the absolute value of the overall thermodynamic driving force over the electron transport chain increases. This points to an increase in kinetic control upstream the respiratory chain when cytosolic osmolarity is decreased. On isolated rat liver mitochondria incubated in hypoosmotic potassium chloride media, energetic parameters vary as in cells and oxidative phosphorylation efficiency is not affected. Cytosolic hyperosmolarity induced by sodium co-transported amino acids, per se, does not affect either matrix volume or energetic parameters. This is not the case in isolated rat liver mitochondria incubated in sucrose hyperosmotic medium. Indeed, in this medium, adenine nucleotide carrier is inhibited as the external osmolarity increases, which lowers the state 3 respiration close to state 4 level and consequently leads to a decrease in oxidative phosphorylation efficiency. When isolated rat liver mitochondria are incubated in KCl hyperosmotic medium, state 3 respiratory rate, matrix volume and membrane electrical potential vary as a function of time. Indeed, matrix volume is recovered in hyperosmotic KCl medium and this recovery is dependent on Pi-Kentry. State 3 respiratory rate increases and membrane electrical potential difference decreases during the first minutes of mitochondrial incubation until the attainment of the same value as in isoosmotic medium. This shows that matrix volume, flux and force are regulated as a function of time in KCl hyperosmotic medium. Under steady state, neither matrix volume nor energetic parameters are affected. Moreover, NaCl hyperosmotic medium allows matrix volume recovery but induces a decrease in state 3 respiratory flux. This indicates that potassium is necessary for both matrix volume and flux recovery in isolated mitochondria. We conclude that hypoosmotic medium induces an increase in kinetic control both upstream and on the respiratory chain and changes the oxidative phosphorylation response to forces. At steady state, hyperosmolarity, per se, has no effect on oxidative phosphorylation in either isolated hepatocytes or isolated mitochondria incubated in KCl medium. Therefore, potassium plays a key role in matrix volume, flux and force regulation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Painful liver enlargement with fever are common signs of hepatic ambiasis. Exceptionally, atypical signs may also occur including symptoms suggesting renal sepsis. CASE REPORT: An 18-year-old woman from the New Caledonia was hospitalized in metropolitan France for suspected right-sided acute pyelonephritis. Urinalysis was normal and the kidney ultrasound suggested the need for an abdominal CT-scan which evidenced a voluminous 10-cm abscess pus. Serology for amebia was positive, confirming the diagnosis of hepatic amebic abscess. Outcome was rapidly favorable with intravenous anti-parasite treatment amebic abscess. Outcome was rapidly favorable with intravenous anti-parasite treatment and percutaneous drainage. DISCUSSION: Atypical signs of hepatic ambiasis may mislead diagnosis. The absence of a fetid odor at puncture helps guide diagnosis, confirmed by serology. Percutaneous drainage can hbe proposed for voluminous abscesses or if the risk of extrahepatic complications is eminent.  相似文献   

Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in an apparently nonimmunocompromised host   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Invasive aspergillosis generally occurs in patients with hematologic malignancies, neutropenia or other severe derangements of host defense. An adult patient without such a predisposition, and without a previous history of susceptibility to infections, had rapidly progressive respiratory failure associated with repeated growth of Aspergillus fumigatus on culture of sputum and bronchoscopy specimens. At autopsy he proved to have invasive pulmonary aspergillosis.  相似文献   

The efficacy of ear canal flushing and ear canal and mouth swabbing methods for the isolation of mycoplasmas was investigated in 39 goats. Of the 19 goats positive for Mycoplasma spp., 14 (73.7%) were positive with the ear canal flushing method, 4 (21.0%) were positive with both ear canal flushing and mouth swabbing methods, and 1 (5.3%) was positive by the mouth swabbing method. Mycoplasma arginini, M. mycoides subsp. mycoides, and M. mycoides subsp. capri were identified by direct immunofluorescence and growth inhibition tests. Previous reports on the isolation of M. arginini from the ear canal of goats were not found in the literature.  相似文献   

Secondary involvement of the genitourinary tract with malignant melanoma is a common autopsy finding, but rarely evident clinically. We report a rare case involving a previously asymptomatic patient presenting with gross hematuria and a large renal mass, which was found to be metastatic melanoma. We propose that metastatic melanoma to the kidney, although rare, be considered in the differential diagnosis of disease processes causing hematuria.  相似文献   

A 75-year-old man who worked at a horse racing track, had an abnormal shadow on a chest radiography. He had a history of dilated cardiomyopathy and mitral regurgitation but had not had any respiratory or systemic symptoms for two years. Chest radiographs and CT scans showed slowly increasing consolidation with internal areas of low attenuation, and without cavity formation, at the left S8. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein level, WBC count, percentage of eosinophils, and IgE level were 35 mm/hr, negative, 8400, 17%, and 3628 IU/ml, respectively. Eosinophils were found in samples of sputum. His immunological status was normal. Transbronchial lung biopsy yielded necrotic tissue, along with gram-positive and irregular acid-fast branching filaments that grew in culture. The microorganism was identified as Nocardia asteroides. Occupational inhalation of soil may have caused his disease.  相似文献   

A 61-year-old man who had a 10-year history of anhidrosis was found to have idiopathic diabetes insipidus. He showed no spontaneous sweating or pilocarpine-induced sweat response. Skin pathology showed a normal eccrine gland. Microneurography detected no skin sympathetic nerve activity. Within a month of desmopressin treatment for diabetes insipidus, sweating and skin sympathetic nerve activity returned.  相似文献   

We present what we believe is the first case in the literature of carcinoma of the lung presenting de novo as an intracardiac mass with bilateral, simultaneous popliteal artery embolization. Arterial thromboembolism of cardiac origin and in situ thrombosis of a preexisting atherosclerotic lesion or aneurysm account for the majority of cases of acute lower extremity ischemia. Less common causes include trauma, aortic dissection, venous ischemia, and foreign body or tissue embolization. Although the history, physical examination, and electrocardiographic findings may provide a likely explanation in many cases, noninvasive studies such as echocardiography may help further elucidate the embolic source.  相似文献   

We report a renal cell carcinoma which presented as a metastasis to the larynx. The only preoperative clue to the diagnosis was its hypervascularity.  相似文献   

The Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome consists of adnexitis combined with perihepatitis. Prompt therapy with adequate antibiotics is required to prevent damaging complications. We describe a young woman with an unusual presentation, leading to initial confusion about the proper diagnosis.  相似文献   

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