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Experiences with a new blood oxygen analyzer (BOA 802, Dr?ger-Bio Marine) are reported. In the range up to 100 mm Hg data about 6 mm Hg to high were found compared with the AVL Gas Check. In the range between 100-300 mm Hg there was an increasing difference between values measured with the BOA 802 and a conventional oxygen electrode, however this does not seem to be of clinical relevance.  相似文献   

Respiratory-related activity of the hyopharyngeus (middle pharyngeal constrictor) and thyropharyngeus (inferior pharyngeal constrictor) muscles was determined in decerebrate, tracheotomized adult cats and compared with the electromyographic activity of the thyroarytenoid, a vocal cord adductor. During quiet breathing, the hyopharyngeus and usually the thyroarytenoid exhibited phasic activity during expiration and tonic activity throughout the respiratory cycle. Respiratory-related thyropharyngeus activity was absent under these conditions. Progressive hyperoxic hypercapnia and progressive isocapnic hypoxia increased phasic expiratory activity in both pharyngeal constrictor (PC) muscles but tended to suppress thyroarytenoid activity. Passively induced hypocapnia and the central apnea that followed the cessation of the mechanical hyperventilation were associated with tonic activation of the hyopharyngeus and thyroarytenoid but no recruitment in thyropharyngeus activity. The expiratory phase of a sigh and progressive pneumothorax were associated with an increase in phasic thyroarytenoid activity but no change in phasic PC activity. The results indicate that a variety of stimuli modulate respiratory-related PC activity, suggesting that the PC muscles may have a role in the regulation of upper airway patency during respiration.  相似文献   

Electromyographic activity of the superior, middle, and inferior pharyngeal constrictor (PC) muscles was examined in 10 normal adult humans during wakefulness and sleep. Wire electrodes were inserted close to the midline of the posterior pharyngeal wall at the level of the soft palate (superior PC), tip of the epiglottis (middle PC), and corniculate tubercle (inferior PC). In general, the three PC muscles exhibited similar patterns of activation. The PCs were activated during swallows, repetitive "pa" sounds, changes in head position, and the last portions of slow inspiratory and expiratory vital capacity maneuvers. Respiratory-related PC activity was infrequent during quiet breathing during wakefulness; variable and inconsistent phasic activation in expiration in one or more of the PCs was present in seven of the 10 subjects, particularly after a swallow. Progressive hyperoxic hypercapnia and progressive isocapnic hypoxia were associated with recruitment of phasic PC activity, which was predominantly expiratory; however, variable discharge patterns were observed within a given muscle and a given subject. When phasic PC activity was present, preactivation during late inspiration was frequently observed. PC activity was absent in NREM sleep and exhibited sporadic, nonrespiratory-related bursts of activity during REM sleep. Passively induced hypocapnic hyperventilation in NREM sleep was not associated with PC activation. The results indicate that the PCs have very similar patterns of activation and exhibit phasic expiratory activity during relatively high ventilatory output states in wakefulness.  相似文献   

Drug abusers, particularly those who inject drugs s.c. ("skin popping"), may develop amyloidosis. Chronic infections are thought to play a pathogenetic role in this setting. A patient is presented who had a history of "skin popping" cocaine and heroin and developed nephrotic syndrome, with an elevated serum creatinine and a creatinine clearance of 61 mL/min. Renal biopsy demonstrated amyloidosis. Treatment with colchicine was initiated, and proteinuria decreased to near normal levels after 12 months. Concomitant with the decrease in proteinuria, creatinine clearance improved, although a repeat renal biopsy failed to show any significant improvement in amyloid burden. These observations suggest that colchicine may be a useful treatment in reversing the proteinuria of renal amyloidosis associated with drug abuse. Furthermore, clinical improvement may occur before any demonstrable regression in the amyloidosis.  相似文献   

Renal glomerular fibrosis was observed in a 1-year-old spayed female Japanese domestic cat that showed clinically advanced renal failure. In the glomeruli, increased homogeneous materials were stained strongly with aniline blue by Masson's trichrome and positive for anti-type III collagen antibody by immunohistochemical staining, causing mesangial sclerosis and capillary collapse. By electron microscopy, randomly arranged fibrils were observed in the expanded subendothelial and mesangial areas, and the fibrils showed periodicity characteristic of collagen fibers in longitudinal sections. These findings of glomerular lesions closely resemble those of human "collagenofibrotic glomerulonephropathy," which has recently been described as a new type of glomerulonephropathy.  相似文献   

A six-month-old Rhodesian ridgeback dog was presented for evaluation of facial swelling. Chronic renal failure was clinically diagnosed based on urinalysis, biochemical changes and ultrasonography. The facial swelling was due to fibrous osteodystrophy, which was evident on survey radiographs of the skull. On post mortem examination, chronic renal failure as a result of renal dysplasia was confirmed. This is the first reported case of renal dysplasia in this breed of dog.  相似文献   

Gradual occlusion of the splenic vein, using a specialized device (ameroid constrictor), was evaluated experimentally in three normal beagle dogs. Splenoportograms were used to verify that total occlusion of the splenic vein had occurred in all dogs within 4 to 5 weeks after application of the device. The ameroid constrictor (AC) was also evaluated as a method of gradual vascular occlusion in 12 dogs and two cats with single, extrahepatic, portosystemic shunts (PSS). Serum bile acid (SBA) concentrations were measured and portal scintigraphy (PS) was performed on all 14 animals preoperatively and 10, 20, 30, and 60 days postoperatively. Two dogs (14%) died from portal hypertension in the early postoperative period. One dog and one cat developed multiple acquired PSS, confirmed by mesenteric portography 90 days after the operation. Portal scintigraphy confirmed total occlusion of the primary shunt in the other 10 animals. Shunt fractions (SF), as measured by PS on postoperative days 30 and 60, declined significantly from preoperative values. Significant decreases were noted between preoperative and postoperative values for preprandial SBA on postoperative day 60 and for postprandial SBA on postoperative day 30. SBA concentrations did not correlate with SF. Based on this study, gradual vascular occlusion using the AC is recommended as a method for treatment of single, extrahepatic, PSS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent vasoconstrictor produced from the precursor big ET-1 in endothelial cells. The coronary effects of these peptides in humans in vivo are unknown. Therefore, the effects of ET-1 and big ET-1 on coronary blood flow in relation to plasma ET-1 and big ET-1 levels were compared in healthy subjects. METHODS AND RESULTS: The peptides were infused intravenously at the rates of 0.2, 1, and 8 pmol/kg per minute. Each dose administered for 20 minutes except the highest dose of ET-1, which was administered for 10 minutes. ET-1 and big ET-1 evoked dose-related increases in mean arterial blood pressure from 93 +/- 4 to 107 +/- 4 mm Hg and from 89 +/- 2 to 122 +/- 5 mm Hg, respectively, at the highest dose. ET-1 and big ET-1 reduced coronary sinus blood flow, measured with thermodilution by a maximum of 25 +/- 4% and 28 +/- 8% and increased coronary vascular resistance by 50 +/- 9% and 107 +/- 26%, respectively. Coronary sinus, but not arterial, oxygen saturation was reduced in parallel with the coronary sinus blood flow. The effects of ET-1 and big ET-1 were similar at corresponding time points. During infusion of ET-1, a 19 +/- 5% extraction of ET-1 was observed over the coronary vascular bed (P < .05). Administration of big ET-1 elevated arterial plasma ET-1 levels by 2.4-fold, and after correction for the local extraction of ET-1, a myocardial production of ET-1 was observed. CONCLUSIONS: ET-1 and big ET-1 induce comparable increases in blood pressure and coronary constriction in humans in vivo. The results also suggest a net local removal of circulating ET-1 and big ET-1 and a local conversion of big ET-1 into ET-1 within the coronary vascular bed.  相似文献   

Renal insufficiency is frequently reported in mutase-deficient methylmalonic acidaemia. We present a case report of a patient with mut- methylmalonic acidaemia who developed chronic tubulointerstitial nephropathy during adolescence. At 24 years of age, she developed end-stage renal failure and underwent renal transplantation. Both plasma and urine methylmalonic acid levels decreased significantly with improved renal function following transplantation. Complications included cyclosporin toxicity and development of diabetes. Renal, metabolic, and clinical status remained improved at 3 years after the kidney transplant.  相似文献   

We report the case of a patient with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) who developed renal cell carcinoma (RCC). At birth, this patient presented with macroglossia, diastasis recti, mild gigantism, hepatomegaly and hypoglycemia, and the diagnosis of BWS was made. At 22 months, an intrapelvic rhabdomyosarcoma was detected and resected. At 37 months, computed tomography (CT) demonstrated a small mass with high attenuation in the right kidney, which was surgically confirmed to be RCC.  相似文献   

In the light of a personal case and a review of the literature, the authors recall the specific features of renal endometriosis. This rare lesion, with a favourable prognosis, is difficult to diagnose and is rarely diagnosed preoperatively. Medical treatment by LHRH agonists is discussed and has been used exceptionally.  相似文献   

In effusion cytology the distinction of reactive mesothelia from metastatic carcinoma cells may be a diagnostic challenge. Immunocytochemistry using antibodies suitable to detect epithelial cells must be considered carefully due to limited sensitivity and specificity of these antibodies. Efficient results in histological differential diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma versus lung-adenocarcinoma applying a novel antiserum against the calcium binding protein calretinin inspirated us to investigate the value of anti-calretinin antibody in effusion cytology combined with an epithelial marker. Cytoslides prepared by cytocentrifugation from 42 malignant and 65 reactive effusion specimens were immunostained using antibodies against calretinin and the epithelial marker Ber-EP4. Positive immunoreaction for calretinin in normal and reactive mesothelial cells was noted in 93% of the cases, whereas immunoreaction for calretinin was completely negative in the metastatic cells in 95% of the malignant effusions. Metastatic carcinoma cells were detected with anti-Ber-EP4 in 83% of malignant effusions. Non-specific positive reactions for Ber-EP4 in single mesothelial cells were observed in 16% of all cases and, moreover, frequently with macrophages or neutrophilic granulocytes. Our results demonstrate high sensitivity and specificity of anti-calretinin antibody for mesothelial cells in effusion specimens. They support its application to improve the diagnostic reliability of epithelial markers, especially because anti-calretinin antibody could be helpful in the assessment of false positive and false negative reactions of epithelial markers.  相似文献   

Clinically distinct renal disease is said to be rare in sarcoidosis, but autopsy reveals an incidence of renal involvement is 23 or 26% in Japanese studies. There are three categories of renal disease in sarcoidosis: 1) renal changes by abnormal calcium metabolism, 2) interstitial nephritis or granulomatous nephritis and 3) glomerulonephritis. Some investigators add renal angiitis to the three categories. In some patients without clinical renal disorders, renal involvement is discovered by chance at the time of autopsy or renal biopsy. Renal disease may develop during the course of sarcoidosis, preceding the diagnosis of sarcoidosis, or may be found simultaneously with extrarenal involvements at the time of diagnosis. Renal involvement should always be considered for exact diagnosis and appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

Renal adenocarcinoma is an infrequent tumor in children. The clinical and radiographic findings in 4 adolescents with such tumors are described. The surgical therapies of these patients and the possible role of adjunctive chemotherapy and radiotherapy are discussed.  相似文献   

The Authors report a case of blunt renal trauma in a nine-year-old boy. Clinical and therapeutic approaches are discussed in the light of a wide review of the literature.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of this retrospective-prospective analysis of renal hypertension in 110 children indicate that hypertension may be secondary to a wide variety of acute progresive, and chronic renal diseases which may be either congenital or acquired. Affected children may be detected at any time from infancy through adolescence. Symptoms usually associated with acute glomerulonephritis (i.e., headache, swelling, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, fatigue, dizziness, and fever) occur in both acute and chronic renal diseases associated with hypertension. Headache and swelling are the most common symptoms in this series. Peripheral edema, rales, and increased heart size were found in between 10 and 25% of these children. Differential diagnosis may be approached by a consideration of causes of acute and chronic hypertension. The child with chronic renal disease usually presents with a long history of fatigability, poor growth, and pallor, and laboratory tests reveal elevation of the creatinine and BUN along with anemia, hypocalcemia, and hyperphosphatemia. In contrast, the child with acute renal disease and hypertension presents with a history of prior good health followed by the abrupt onset of signs and symptoms of renal disease; laboratory tests usually reveal modest elevations of creatinine and BUN, anemia is unusual, an abnormal urinalysis is common, and serum calcium and phosphorous levels are usually normal. Renovascular and asymmetric renal parenchymal disease represent uncommon but important conditions because surgery may be curative. Treatment may be surgical, medical, or combined. Surgical conditions include renal trauma, hydronephrosis, asymmetric renal disease, and renal arterial disease. Adequate blood pressure control without medication can be expected following surgery in instances of unilateral involvement with a normal contralateral kidney. Meticulous assessment of the contralateral kidney is needed to determine that it is normal. If surgery is unsuccessful or is not indicated, pharmacologic therapy is initiated with a stepwise regimen starting with the mildest agent (e.g., thiazides) and then adding additional antihypertensive drugs when adequate blood pressure control has not yet been achieved. The goal of therapy is the lowest, safest, tolerated blood pressure levels. Long-term, carefully designed studies of antihypertensive agents for children with renal hypertension are not available. The need for collection and critical analysis of data concerning the clinical course of children with renal hypertension is evident from a review of the literature and from the preliminary data presented in this series. The presentation of such information and a critique of outcome variables will provide a basis for program planning for affected children and improvement in patient care where indicated.  相似文献   

Renal biopsy was obtained in 11 primiparous and 9 multiparous patients with severe pre-eclampsia. The large number of patients with renal disease allowed for single-case evaluation. Eclamptic convulsions and fetal deaths were observed in association with renal disease without foci of additional primary glomerular endotheliosis. The data indicate that pregnancy can exacerbate renal disease and allow for early diagnosis. Fluorescence angiography revealed changes in patients in whom the optic fundi were normal. Tissues of glomerulonephritis stained by immune fluorescence against immunoglobulins and on occasion against human fibrinogen. Primary endotheliosis and nephrosclerosis stained against fibrinogen only. There was no pattern of laboratory data to make the differential diagnosis between primary endotheliosis and various forms of renal disease. Fibrinogen breakdown products were inconsistently increased in contrast to fibrin monomer formation, which was increased regardless of the underlying morphology. It is our feeling that renal biopsy with subsequent pathologic classification is the only technique we have at present which provides relevant information on the effect of renal disease on pregnancy and vice versa.  相似文献   

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