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Hana Chockler Orna Kupferman Moshe Vardi 《International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)》2006,8(4-5):373-386
In formal verification, we verify that a system is correct with respect to a specification. Even when the system is proven
to be correct, there is still a question of how complete the specification is and whether it really covers all the behaviors
of the system. The challenge of making the verification process as exhaustive as possible is even more crucial in simulation-based verification, where the infeasible task of checking all input sequences is replaced by checking a test suite consisting of
a finite subset of them. It is very important to measure the exhaustiveness of the test suite, and indeed there has been extensive
research in the simulation-based verification community on coverage metrics, which provide such a measure. It turns out that no single measure can be absolute, leading to the development of numerous
coverage metrics whose usage is determined by industrial verification methodologies. On the other hand, prior research of
coverage in formal verification has focused solely on state-based coverage. In this paper we adapt the work done on coverage
in simulation-based verification to the formal-verification setting in order to obtain new coverage metrics. Thus, for each
of the metrics used in simulation-based verification, we present a corresponding metric that is suitable for the setting of
formal verification and describe an algorithmic way to check it. 相似文献
《Expert systems with applications》2014,41(8):3831-3849
Grid computing is the federation of resources from multiple locations to facilitate resource sharing and problem solving over the Internet. The challenge of finding services or resources in Grid environments has recently been the subject of many papers and researches. These researches and papers evaluate their approaches only by simulation and experiments. Therefore, it is possible that some part of the state space of the problem is not analyzed and checked well. To overcome this defect, model checking as an automatic technique for the verification of the systems is a suitable solution. In this paper, an adopted type of resource discovery approach to address multi-attribute and range queries has been presented. Unlike the papers in this scope, this paper decouple resource discovery behavior model to data gathering, discovery and control behavior. Also it facilitates the mapping process between three behaviors by means of the formal verification approach based on Binary Decision Diagram (BDD). The formal approach extracts the expected properties of resource discovery approach from control behavior in the form of CTL and LTL temporal logic formulas, and verifies the properties in data gathering and discovery behaviors comprehensively. Moreover, analyzing and evaluating the logical problems such as soundness, completeness, and consistency of the considered resource discovery approach is provided. To implement the behavior models of resource discovery approach the ArgoUML tool and the NuSMV model checker are employed. The results show that the adopted resource discovery approach can discovers multi-attribute and range queries very fast and detects logical problems such as soundness, completeness, and consistency. 相似文献
In formal verification, we verify that a system is correct with respect to a specification. Even when the system is proved to be correct, there is still a question of how complete the specification is, and whether it really covers all the behaviors of the system. In this paper we study coverage metrics for model checking. Coverage metrics are based on modifications we apply to the system in order to check which parts of it were actually relevant for the verification process to succeed. We introduce two principles that we believe should be part of any coverage metric for model checking: a distinction between state-based and logic-based coverage, and a distinction between the system and its environment. We suggest several coverage metrics that apply these principles, and we describe two algorithms for finding the non-covered parts of the system under these definitions. The first algorithm is a symbolic implementation of a naive algorithm that model checks many variants of the original system. The second algorithm improves the naive algorithm by exploiting overlaps in the variants. We also suggest a few helpful outputs to the user, once the non-covered parts are found.
Moshe Y. VardiEmail: |
Modeling and formal verification of embedded systems based on a Petri net representation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In this paper we concentrate on aspects related to modeling and formal verification of embedded systems. First, we define a formal model of computation for embedded systems based on Petri nets that can capture important features of such systems and allows their representation at different levels of granularity. Our modeling formalism has a well-defined semantics so that it supports a precise representation of the system, the use of formal methods to verify its correctness, and the automation of different tasks along the design process. Second, we propose an approach to the problem of formal verification of embedded systems represented in our modeling formalism. We make use of model checking to prove whether certain properties, expressed as temporal logic formulas, hold with respect to the system model. We introduce a systematic procedure to translate our model into timed automata so that it is possible to use available model checking tools. We propose two strategies for improving the verification efficiency, the first by applying correctness-preserving transformations and the second by exploring the degree of parallelism characteristic to the system. Some examples, including a realistic industrial case, demonstrate the efficiency of our approach on practical applications. 相似文献
Franjo Ivančić Zijiang Yang Malay K. Ganai Aarti Gupta Pranav Ashar 《Theoretical computer science》2008
This paper discusses our methodology for formal analysis and automatic verification of software programs. It is applicable to a large subset of the C programming language that includes pointer arithmetic and bounded recursion. We consider reachability properties, in particular whether certain assertions or basic blocks are reachable in the source code, or whether certain standard property violations can occur. We perform this analysis via a translation to a Boolean circuit representation based on modeling basic blocks. The program is then analyzed by a back-end SAT-based bounded model checker, where each unrolling is mapped to one step in a block-wise execution of the program. 相似文献
We describe a method for computing a minimum-state automaton to act as an intermediate assertion in assume-guarantee reasoning,
using a sampling approach and a Boolean satisfiability solver. For a set of synthetic benchmarks intended to mimic common
situations in hardware verification, this is shown to be significantly more effective than earlier approximate methods based
on Angluin’s L* algorithm. For many of these benchmarks, this method also outperforms BDD-based model checking and interpolation-based
model checking. We also demonstrate how domain knowledge can be incorporated into our algorithm to improve its performance. 相似文献
We present an environment for formally verifying hardware, based on symbolic computations. This includes a new concurrency model, called the combinational/sequential or C/S concurrency model which has close ties to hardware. We allow fairness constraints and describe methods for specifying them and for formally verifying in their presence. Properties are specified by either CTL formulae or edge-Rabin automata. We give algorithms, in the presence of fairness constraints, for model checking CTL or for checking that the language of our system is contained in the language of a property automation. Finally, techniques are given for hierarchical verification and for detecting errors quickly (early failure detection). 相似文献
As UML 2.0 is evolving into a family of languages with individually specified semantics, there is an increasing need for automated and provenly correct model transformations that (i) assure the integration of local views (different diagrams) of the system into a consistent global view, and, (ii) provide a well-founded mapping from UML models to different semantic domains (Petri nets, Kripke automaton, process algebras, etc.) for formal analysis purposes as foreseen, for instance, in submissions for the OMG RFP for Schedulability, Performance and Time. However, such transformations into different semantic domains typically require the deep understanding of the underlying mathematics, which hinders the use of formal specification techniques in industrial applications. In the paper, we propose a multilevel metamodeling technique with precise static and dynamic semantics (based on a refinement calculus and graph transformation) where the structure and operational semantics of mathematical models can be defined in a UML notation without cumbersome mathematical formulae. 相似文献
State-rich model checking 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Leo Freitas Jim Woodcock Ana Cavalcanti 《Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering》2006,2(1):49-64
In this paper we survey the area of formal verification techniques, with emphasis on model checking due to its wide acceptance
by both academia and industry. The major approaches and their characteristics are presented, together with the main problems
faced while trying to apply them. With the increased complexity of systems, as well as interest in software correctness, the
demand for more powerful automatic techniques is pushing the theories and tools towards integration. We discuss the state
of the art in combining formal methods tools, mainly model checking with theorem proving and abstract interpretation. In particular,
we present our own recent contribution on an approach to integrate model checking and theorem proving to handle state-rich
systems specified using a combination of Z and CSP. 相似文献
This paper shows the application of a type of formal software verification technique known as lightweight model checking to a domain model in healthcare informatics in general and public health surveillance systems in particular. One of the most complex use cases of such a system is checked using assertions to verify one important system property. This use case is one of the major justifications for the complexity of the domain model. Alloy Analyzer verification tool is utilized for this purpose. Such verification work is very effective in either uncovering design flaws or in providing guarantees on certain desirable system properties in the earlier phases of the development lifecycle of any critical project. 相似文献
Using probabilistic model checking for dynamic power management 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Gethin Norman David Parker Marta Kwiatkowska Sandeep Shukla Rajesh Gupta 《Formal Aspects of Computing》2005,17(2):160-176
Dynamic power management (DPM) refers to the use of runtime strategies in order to achieve a tradeoff between the performance and power consumption of a system and its components. We present an approach to analysing stochastic DPM strategies using probabilistic model checking as the formal framework. This is a novel application of probabilistic model checking to the area of system design. This approach allows us to obtain performance measures of strategies by automated analytical means without expensive simulations. Moreover, one can formally establish various probabilistically quantified properties pertaining to buffer sizes, delays, energy usage etc., for each derived strategy.Received November 2003Revised September 2004Accepted December 2004 by M. Leuschel and D. J. Cooke 相似文献
Enrico Tronci 《International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)》2006,8(4-5):355-358
In today’s competitive market designing of digital systems (hardware as well as software) faces tremendous challenges. In
fact, notwithstanding an ever decreasing project budget, time to market and product lifetime, designers are faced with an
ever increasing system complexity and customer expected quality. The above situation calls for better and better formal verification
techniques at all steps of the design flow. This special issue is devoted to publishing revised versions of contributions
first presented at the 12th Advanced Research Working Conference on Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods (CHARME) held 21–24 October 2003 in L’Aquila, Italy. Authors of well regarded papers from CHARME’03 were invited to submit
to this special issue. All papers included here have been suitably extended and have undergone an independent round of reviewing. 相似文献
Marie Duflot Marta Kwiatkowska Gethin Norman David Parker 《International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)》2006,8(6):621-632
This paper presents a formal analysis of the device discovery phase of the Bluetooth wireless communication protocol. The
performance of this process is the result of a complex interaction between several devices, some of which exhibit random behaviour.
We use probabilistic model checking and, in particular, the tool PRISM to compute the best- and worst-case performance of
device discovery: the expected time for the process to complete and the expected power consumption. We illustrate the utility
of performing an exhaustive, low-level analysis to produce exact results in contrast to simulation techniques, where additional
probabilistic assumptions must be made. We demonstrate an example of how seemingly innocuous assumptions can lead to incorrect
performance estimations. We also analyse the effectiveness of improvements made between versions 1.1 and 1.2 of the Bluetooth
specification. 相似文献
Per Bjesse 《Formal Methods in System Design》2009,35(1):56-72
In this paper we present a word-level model checking method that attempts to speed up safety property checking of industrial
netlists. Our aim is to construct an algorithm that allows us to check both bounded and unbounded properties using standard
bit-level model checking methods as back-end decision procedures, while incurring minimum runtime penalties for designs that
are unsuited to our analysis. We do this by combining modifications of several previously known techniques into a static abstraction
algorithm which is guaranteed to produce bit-level netlists that are as small or smaller than the original bitblasted designs.
We evaluate our algorithm on several challenging hardware components. 相似文献
对于安全关键系统容错是其实现安全性的重要手段,为最小化冗余单元之间的关联性,通常采用分布式冗余系统,典型的是三模冗余系统。为了在分布式环境下,实现基于三模冗余机制的容错系统,提出了一种可靠的广播协议-NOP(Node Order Protocol),它采用预定义的节点顺序解决共享介质冲突,并且在单一故障模式假设下,实现了有序的、可靠的消息传输服务,并采用基于模型检测的形式化方法进行了容错系统安全性的验证。验证结果显示基于NOP协议构建的三模冗余系统,在单一任意故障模式下,能够正确地进行故障的检测和诊断,并保证所有正常节点保持一致状态,从而保证单一故障节点被掩蔽,实现单一故障的容错能力。 相似文献
Cormac Flanagan 《Science of Computer Programming》2004,50(1-3):253-270
This paper proposes the use of constraint logic to perform model checking of imperative, infinite-state programs. We present a semantics-preserving translation from an imperative language with recursive procedures and heap-allocated mutable data structures into constraint logic. The constraint logic formulation provides a clean way to reason about the behavior and correctness of the original program. In addition, it enables the use of existing constraint logic implementations to perform bounded software model checking, using a combination of symbolic reasoning and explicit path exploration. 相似文献