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介绍胶基糖对香精香料的要求,胶基糖的香味评价,香精对胶基糖生产的影响,胶基糖香精的质量问题和可能原因分析,香精水溶性的快速测定,一些胶基糖配方的设计思路和一些花色品种的研发创意。   相似文献   

介绍胶基糖对香精香料的要求,胶基糖的香味评价,香精对胶基糖生产的影响,胶基糖香精的质量问题和可能原因分析,香精水溶性的快速测定,一些胶基糖配方的设计思路和一些花色品种的研发创意。  相似文献   

胶基糖生产质量问题的解决方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍胶基糖(口香糖和泡泡糖)生产过程出现的各种问题及解决、改正思路,胶基糖成品的质量 要求,胶基糖生产的质量控制。  相似文献   

简要介绍粉末胶基的性能、工艺的研究,以及在生产中的应用.  相似文献   

本系统的论述了胶姆基料、乳化剂、填充剂、香精等食品添加剂的性质及其对胶姆基质量的影响。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了胶姆糖的功能及组成,叙述了胶姆糖软化剂的试验原理及依据、试制过程和应用情况。  相似文献   

红河卷烟产品香精配方设计中单体香料的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对红河A产品卷烟香韵组成单一,香气丰富性不足的问题,比较分析了同等价位畅销卷烟的香气特征,通过对烟草本香香原料、烟草微量特征致香物质、辛香原料、水果提取物等烟用香原料的功能评价及筛选,结合红河产品特征定位,进行单体香精组合调配试验,并在此基础上完成了该产品表香配方的设计.经感官评价及香气成分分析,结果表明,表香调整后的产品在香气的丰富性、风格特征、感官品质上均较原配方产品有明显提升;对丰富烟香有重要贡献的香味成分也有一定的提高.  相似文献   

将浒苔经热水浸提制备的浒苔凝胶作为主要胶凝剂,对黄原胶、琼脂、魔芋胶、卡拉胶等常见果冻胶凝剂与浒苔凝胶复配成的混合胶的凝胶强度、凝聚性、弹性进行研究,以选取最佳果冻胶凝剂。结果表明浒苔凝胶、魔芋胶和卡拉胶复配形成的混合胶在凝胶强度、凝聚性、弹性方面均较好。选取浒苔凝胶、魔芋胶和卡拉胶,以凝胶强度为主要指标,采用L9(34)正交试验确定胶凝剂的最佳配比和用量为:魔芋胶:浒苔凝胶:卡拉胶=0.4%:0.5%:0.2%;结合影响果冻质量的凝胶强度、凝聚性、弹性三个指标,通过L9(34)正交试验筛选出混合胶复配制作果冻的配方为:混合胶添加量:白砂糖:柠檬酸=1.1%:20%:0.1%。按此配方制出的果冻口感细腻、风味爽口,在凝胶强度、凝聚性、弹性等方面均较好。  相似文献   

Flavoured teas have a good potential and popularity in the export market. In the present studies, four model flavouring compounds, i.e. citronellol, phenylethylalcohol, citral and bergamot oil, were incorporated in black tea and their storage characteristics were studied at three temperature conditions, 5°C, ambient and 37°C, using laminated aluminium foil, metal can and metallised polyester as packaging materials, for a period of 90 days. These were evaluated by instrumental (gas chromatography/ultraviolet) and sensory methods. Considerable flavour loss was observed in metallised polyester package, at 37°C and during the first month of storage. The first three flavoured teas showed a shelf life of 90 days while the bergamot flavoured tea had a shelf life of only 60 days. Highly significant linear correlation was established between the instrumental and sensory values.  相似文献   

通过对魔芋胶的流变学特性和加工特性,如持水力和冻融稳定性的研究,得到以下结论:魔芋胶为剪切变稀的假塑性流体,属于热不可逆凝胶;魔芋胶的持水力较好,但是其冻融稳定性不好。故在食品加工中要依据具体情况选择性使用魔芋胶。   相似文献   

本文针对流散调味品的特性和不同用户的需求介绍了如何选择制袋充填包装机,并对我国制袋充填包装机械的现状、存在的主要问题和国外发达国家同类产品的发展概况作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

Guar gum is a widely used ingredient in food processing industry. This work highlights the use of guar gum as a flocculant aid in potable water treatment. Current practice of using synthetic flocculants such as polyacryl-amide has raised controversies of acrylamide residues in water and thereby increasing health risk of the population. The flocculating effect of guar gum on the settling characteristics of flocs in a bench-scale potable water clarification process is presented in this work. Data from two experimental runs, namely, run A (guar gum and primary coagulant) and run B (primary coagulant only), were used to plot settling velocity distribution curves (SVDC). Observation of these curves revealed that guar gum increased the proportion of destabilised colloidal impurities settling above a stated minimum velocity. It was found that guar gum may be used along with alum to reduce raw water turbidity from 26.5 to 1.0. It may be concluded that guar gum can be used as a safer alternative to polyacrylamide in water treatment for drinking or food processing purposes.  相似文献   

为提高水产调味品中挥发性盐基氮测定的效率,对国标GB/T 5009.44-2003中的半微量定氮法进行了改进:用高氯酸溶液替代水来浸溶样品;用氢氧化钠溶液加消泡剂替代了氧化镁混悬液;用自动凯氏定氮仪替代半微量蒸馏装置和半微量滴定管.用改进的方法测定以市售蚝油和虾酱为基质的加标样品,回收率在98.82%~101.26%之间,相对标准偏差在0.80%以下.检测数据与GB/T 5009.44-2003中的半微量定氮法相比,无显著性差异.结果表明,改进的方法是一种简便、快捷、精确的水产调味品中挥发性盐基氮的测定方法.  相似文献   

香脆蒜片生产工艺与设备   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对香脆蒜片的生产工艺和设备作了分析和研究。提出了香脆蒜片的质量指标。  相似文献   

黄原胶与魔芋胶混胶黏度的影响因素研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
黄原胶和魔芋胶都是非凝胶多糖,二者在一定条件下共混可以出现强烈的协同效应。本文研究当黄原胶和魔芋胶以5/5的配比共混,总浓度为1%,温度,柠檬酸,蔗糖和功能型甜味对混胶多糖黏度的影响。结果表明:升高温度使混胶的黏度降低;当柠檬酸的使用量大于0.2%时,混胶的黏度下降;40℃时甜味剂的加入使得混胶的黏度升高。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of almond gum as dietary fibre source in enhancing the wheat bread quality. Different amounts of almond gum (2%, 5% and 10% (w/w)) were used in bread formulation. The volume, texture, crust and crumb colour, as well as the sensorial properties, were evaluated and compared to control (without almond gum). The obtained results showed that almond gum addition enhanced significantly the volume of bread. The highest volume was obtained using 2% almond gum concentration with 23.6% increase, compared to control. Using almond gum in bread formulation improved considerably its texture with a notable decrease in hardness by 61.7% and 42.5% when using 2% and 5% almond gum, respectively. The sensory analysis scores showed that the better overall acceptability was found for breads supplemented with 2% almond gum, as compared to control and breads supplemented with 5% or 10% almond gum.  相似文献   

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