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陈恒水 《塑料科技》2020,48(6):48-51
聚酰亚胺作为一种超高性能工程塑料,在微电子领域起着十分重要的作用。文章就聚酰亚胺材料在微电子领域的应用,从聚酰亚胺的性能、国内外主要生产厂家和代表性产品以及在微电子领域的典型应用等方面进行了阐述,着重介绍了聚酰亚胺复合材料的研究进展,并就微电子领域中聚酰亚胺材料的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

建立了小鼠胚胎成纤维(NIH/3T3)细胞紫外辐射损伤的实验模型,考察小球藻类金属硫蛋白(Zn-MT-like)对NIH/3T3细胞紫外辐射的保护作用。结果表明,小球藻Zn-MT-like对NIH/3T3细胞的生长无抑制作用,且具有较强的抗紫外辐射能力。质量浓度为10 g/L的小球藻Zn-MT-like可显著减少NIH/3T3细胞空泡、降低细胞裂解的程度,可使经紫外辐射的NIH/3T3细胞保持较好的活性。  相似文献   

用进口和国产抗紫外聚酯母料和有光聚酯切片共混,利用流延铸片机制成铸片,在双向拉伸实验机上进行双向拉伸,制备抗紫外聚酯膜。利用紫外分光光度计对膜片进行抗紫外性能测试。结果表明:进口和国产抗紫外聚酯铸片、双向拉伸制膜顺利,工艺稳定;进口抗紫外聚酯膜的紫外性能要好于国产抗紫外聚酯的抗紫外性能。  相似文献   

通过对桦木、杨木等低档速生木材为基材浸入注入性较好的聚合物单体,经过γ射线辐照即可获得木塑复合材料(WPC)。所得到的木塑复合材料(WPC)具有较高的力学强度及较好的尺寸稳定性、耐磨和耐腐性能。同时,WPC表面自身光泽度高,着色性能好,制品色彩多样,无需油漆,维护方便,使用寿命是普通木材的8-10倍,可广泛用于公共场所和住宅居室的地板铺砌以及高档家具、楼梯踏板、体育用品、文娱用品等的制作以及不适合使用金属材料的场合。  相似文献   

研究了用添加结晶控制剂和光稳定剂的方法改善N*PP(A)纤维拉伸性能和抗紫外性能。结果表明,高等规度N-PP(A)纤维的力学性能优于低等规度N-PP(B)纤维,N-PP(A)纤维的抗紫外性能优于普通PP(3702)纤维;添加的结晶控制剂(0.1%)使N-PP(A)初生纤维的拉伸性能变好;光稳定剂A的加入(0.25%)使N-PP(A)纤维抗紫外性能显著提高,户外老化1344小时后,强度仅下降5.5%,明显优于试验所用涤纶。抗紫外N-PP(A)纤维(含抗氧剂和光稳定剂)具有优良的力学性能,特别是加入少量结晶控制剂的抗紫外N-PP(A)纤雏,其环扣强度没有明显降低。  相似文献   

本文对用聚乙烯作为潜在廉价的光接收体以测量抵达地面的太阳紫外辐射进行了研究.发现含特定添加剂的厚度0.2mm的聚乙烯片可用来连续累积测定波长范围300~400nm的太阳与天空紫外光的辐照量.按照光电法仪器的订定,投射到聚乙烯片曝露表面的太阳与天空紫外光的辐照量是归属为由聚乙烯的光降解导致生成的末端乙烯基的909cm~(-1)红外吸收峰的吸光度增量的幂函数.同时聚乙烯的光降解亦与其他气候因素有关,但它们的影响可以通过由曝露期间的平均气温建立的经验式予以修正.用本法在广州进行的全年连续监测结果表明,它的测量值与以光电转换为工作原理的仪器之测量值比较,偏差小于10%.  相似文献   

抗紫外纤维研究的新进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
介绍了无机纳米粉体在抗紫外纤维上的应用方法,发展现状及最新成果。并对目前存在的问题(团聚和分散)和发展方向提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

张野  夏秀丽  朱世锋 《合成纤维》2007,36(10):40-42
在聚酯的合成过程中加入磷系阻燃剂和抗紫外添加剂及其它助剂,使聚酯切片及纤维具有阻燃及抗紫外线性能。生产实践证明:阻燃抗紫外聚酯的可纺性良好,制得的纤维强度、伸长较纯聚酯纤维稍低,但仍可满足后加工要求;纤维的阻燃性、抗紫外性良好。  相似文献   

测定使高分子材料破坏的太阳光紫外辐射,特别是短波紫外辐射,对于研究高分子材料的耐候性,寻求大气老化与人工加速老化试验结果之间的相关性,具有重要的意义。本文介绍了国内外高分子材料耐候性试验中用于测定紫外辐射量的方法和仪器,如化学露光法、塑料露光法、积算照度计及紫外辐射计等。指出了不同类型的人工气候箱加速试验与自然环境试验结果之间存在差别,对评定材料的使用寿命有局限性。  相似文献   

杨红  孙乔  蔡晓光 《化工科技》2004,12(6):32-34
采用有机和无机2种抗紫外剂合成抗紫外聚酯切片。重点考察了抗紫外剂的加入量对切片合成的工艺条件、纤维的物化性能及其抗紫外性能的影响。实验证明,该切片合成工艺可行,可纺性能良好,纤维抗紫外效果较好,其织物的抗紫外性能符合AS/N2S 4399:1996技术文件标准。  相似文献   

Jute yarns soaked for 30 min in 2‐hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) + MeOH solutions at different proportions [1–20% HEMA in MeOH (v/v)] were irradiated in situ with a UV lamp for different periods. The treated jute yarns that were washed in acetone after the irradiation to remove the unused excess monomer HEMA gained about 10% polymer loading with enhanced tensile strength (80%) and elongation (95%). The tenacity was not further increased by incorporation of a minute amount (1%) of novel additives into the HEMA + MeOH solutions, but elongation was enhanced up to 140% when the additive urethane acrylate (1%) was mixed with the solution. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 71: 841–846, 1999  相似文献   

孙义明  李欢  黎曼  彭丹  寇志敏 《弹性体》2010,20(2):6-9,20
采用液相紫外光接枝方法,研究了室温硫化型硅橡胶与甲基丙烯酸β羟乙酯的接枝反应。利用红外光谱、扫描电镜对接枝物进行了表征,并讨论了引发剂用量、辐照时间对接枝率和接触角的影响,以及不同接枝率下接枝膜的吸水性能。结果表明:引发剂质量分数为为0.25%,辐照时间为2 min时,接枝效果较好;接枝后硅橡胶的亲水性得到明显改善。  相似文献   

紫外光固化粘合剂随着紫外光固化技术的发展获得了快速发展。详细介绍了紫外光固化粘合剂的应用机理及其组成成份 ,如齐聚物、反应单体、光引发剂。并列举了几种不同类型的紫外光固化粘合剂 ,即层压粘合剂、压敏粘合剂和双重光固化粘合剂等。  相似文献   

A partex surface was modified by a UV‐curing system with epoxy acrylate (EB‐600). A set of formulations was prepared with oligomer and the trifunctional monomer trimethylol propane triacrylate in different combinations of percentages (1–5%) of sand to study the role of sand in various physical properties of UV‐cured thin films, as well as partex surfaces. Increased pendulum hardness (PH), gloss, adhesion, and abrasion values were obtained by the addition of sand into the partex surfaces. The best results were obtained with the formulation containing 3% sand. An enhanced PH and a decreased percentage of gel content of the UV‐cured film was observed with an increase of the sand concentration. A simulated weathering test was performed with partex surfaces cured by a formulation containing 3% sand in the base coat. The losses of the physical properties were found to be lower over the surface treated with the formulation containing sand. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 86: 2385–2392, 2002  相似文献   

To improve the physicomechanical properties of jute yarn, grafting with 1,6‐hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA) monomer was performed by a UV radiation technique. A series of HDDA solutions of various concentrations in methanol were prepared. A small quantity of photoinitiator (Darocur‐1664) was also added to HDDA solutions. To optimize the conditions for grafting, the effects of monomer concentration, soaking time, and radiation doses were studied by varying the number of soaking times along with variation of monomer concentrations and UV radiation intensities. The extent of polymer loading and the mechanical properties like tensile strength (TS), elongation at break (Eb), and tensile modulus of both treated and untreated jute were investigated. The highest tensile strength, polymer loading, and modulus were achieved with 5% HDDA concentration, 5 min soaking time, and the 4th pass of UV radiation. This set of conditions was selected as optimum and produced enhanced tensile strength (67%), modulus (108%), and polymer loading (11%) over those of virgin fiber. To further improve the mechanical properties the jute yarns were pretreated with alkali (5% NaOH) solution and after that the alkali‐treated yarn were treated under UV radiation of various intensities. The pretreated samples were grafted with optimized monomer concentration (5% HDDA). Increased properties of alkali + UV‐pretreated and grafted samples such as polymer loading (12%), tensile strength (103%), elongation at break (46%), and modulus (114%) were achieved over those of virgin jute yarn. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 92: 18–24, 2004  相似文献   

辐射固化技术于20世纪60~70年代,在欧美市场上初步确立了自身的产业地位,成为全球经济体系中的一个组成部分.各种专业分工不同的企业(原材料生产供应商、化学配方产品生产供应商、装置设备制造供应商和下游客户),共同构建了UV/EB固化产业的价值链.近年来,世界三大主要地区(北美、欧洲和亚洲)辐射固化市场以近两位数的速度在增长,尽管全球经济形势持续低迷.2012年,全球辐射固化市场配方产品的消耗量据统计大约为457000t.亚洲市场消耗量已超过欧美市场而居全球首位.辐射固化配方产品在世界三大主要地区市场中应用的重点领域虽然各不相同,然而工业涂料在全球的市场份额中仍然比例最大.本文还列出了辐射固化原材料在不同市场中的消费量与价格.  相似文献   

分析了1998年以来紫外/电子束(UV/EB)辐射固化材料的全球市场需求量和销售量,重点介绍了近几年欧洲、北美、日本和中国等四个区域和国家的UV/EB辐射固化材料市场的发展情况。同时,对21世纪初世界该类辐射固化材料市场的发展趋势也进行了预测。  相似文献   

以硅烷偶联剂KH 570改性凹凸棒土(AT),制备了甲基乙烯基硅橡胶(MVQ)/AT复合材料,考察了紫外辐射对MVQ/AT复合材料物理机械性能及热性能的影响,并通过扫描电子显微镜表征了复合材料的微观形貌。结果表明,随着辐照时间的延长,MVQ/AT复合材料的邵尔A硬度和拉伸强度先增大后减小,扯断伸长率先减小后增加,热稳定性先提高后下降;MVQ/AT复合材料经紫外辐照后,表面颜色加深并出现裂纹,随着辐照时间的延长,裂纹数量逐渐增加,表面变得粗糙,并且有部分填料暴露在材料表面。  相似文献   

Jute yarns treated with MMA + MeOH solutions were irradiated either with Co‐60 gamma source or with UV radiation. In gamma radiation, polymer loading of MMA (methyl methacrylate) onto jute increased quite substantially, but the strength of the composite decreases sharply after 15% polymer loading. The gamma‐treated jute samples were very brittle. On the other hand, jute yarns irradiated in situ under UV radiation was found to be grafted with MMA. The tensile strength of the UV‐cured jute yarn composite increases with an increase of grafting level, in contrast to the behavior observed with the gamma‐irradiated jute composite samples. The tensile properties of the composites can be further enhanced by the incorporation of certain additives and coadditives into MMA + MeOH solutions. This opens diverse applications for jute materials. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 74: 900–906, 1999  相似文献   

超临界流体和高压液体在微电子领域的应用得到了广泛的研究,研究内容主要集中在芯片清洗,光刻胶去除,清洗后干燥等方面。此外,超临界流体还在低介电材料的保护和修复,显影和旋涂,微器件制造等方面有非常好的应用前景。上述超临界过程常可以解决常规处理无法解决的问题,极大的发挥了超临界流体的优势,将会是未来超临界流体的主要应用方向。  相似文献   

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