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The original nonlinear chirp scaling(NCS) algorithm was extended for high precision processing of the highly squinted curvilinear trajectory synthetic aperture radar(CTSAR).Based on the analysis of slant range model and the frequency spectrum characteristics of the echo signal,a novel nonlinear chirp scaling function and more complex phase compensation factors with both velocity and acceleration parameters were proposed in the new algorithm for accommodation to curvilinear trajectory.The processing flow and computational complexity of modified NCS algorithm were fundamentally the same as the original NCS algorithm.However,the higher order phase compensation,range cell migration correction(RCMC) and range-variant secondary range compression(SRC) caused by the non-linear aperture and the severe range-azimuth coupling were accomplished accurately and efficiently without interpolation.Simulation results show that data acquired with a curvilinear aperture and a squint angle up to about 50° for X-band can be processed with no evident degradation of impulse response function.  相似文献   

Time-domain Fast Back-Projection (FBP) is an accurate and efficient solver to generate high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) images. However, motion errors seriously degrade the performance of the FBP image when the accuracy of the position system does not reach the wavelength level. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-aperture map drift (MAMD) algorithm, which is implemented within the FBP iterations. The autofocus processing is realized by estimating the shift of sub-aperture images and it keeps the high accuracy of the FBP algorithm. Experiments by using real airborne SAR data validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Using an analytical bistatic spectrum and the spectrum analysis (SPECAN) method, an algorithm that is suitable for constant-offset spotlight bistatic SAR is presented. Firstly, the deramp function for bistatic SAR is deduced by analog of the monostatic case, which accomplishes the coarse focusing in the azimuth direction and solves the azimuth spectral folding problem effectively. Then an analytical bistatic spectrum based frequency scaling algorithm is applied to achieve the range cell migration correction, which is implemented through phase multiplication instead of interpolation. Data obtained with the large baseline can be processed accurately. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified with simulation experiments.  相似文献   

针对地球同步轨道卫星发射-低轨道卫星被动接收的异构双基合成孔径雷达系统中,由于收发时延长和接收机速度快导致的“走-停”假设不成立,复杂成像几何下回波信号在距离向和方位向具有严重空变性的问题,提出一种基于二维时域扰动的改进线性调频变标成像算法.首先基于双基观测几何推导出非“走-停”假设下的信号模型;然后通过时域扰动的方法校正回波二维空变性;最后对残余相位进行补偿.仿真实验表明,该算法可实现高低轨双基合成孔径雷达高分辨率宽幅场景的良好聚焦,且具有很好的保相性能.  相似文献   

In airborne bistatic synthetic aperture radar (BiSAR) imaging, not only the motion error of the airborne platform, but also the inaccuracy of data acquisition geometry will introduce an additional phase error that seriously degrades the focusing quality of the final image. For one-stationary BiSAR imaging, the influence of the inaccurate geometry is analyzed in detail and an applicable motion compensation approach is proposed. By using Doppler rates estimation, the phase error both from the motion error and the inaccurate geometry is appropriately compensated so that the focusing quality of the final image is consequently improved. Analyses of acquired raw data are presented to verify the proposal.  相似文献   

Aimed at the severe azimuth variation caused by the ultralong synthetic aperture time and very large scene in geosynchronous synthetic aperture radar (GEOSAR), this paper develops an azimuth variation correction method for GEOSAR. The method firstly obtains the two-dimensional spectrum by the method of series reversion (MSR). The Doppler and azimuth positions of the point target in the two-dimensional spectrum are serious coupled. The singular value decomposition (SVD) can be introduced to separate the Doppler position from the position of the point target. Subsequently, Stolt interpolation is used twice to compensate the high-order phase terms. Thus, a focused scene is obtained. Finally, simulation for scene targets validate the proposed method. All the targets in the scene are focused well.  相似文献   

针对大斜视情形下同轨双基合成孔径雷达(SAR)中目标的距离徙动和二次距离压缩(SRC)的空变性问题,基于严格解析的双基频谱,提出了一种适用于同轨双基SAR的非线性线频调变标成像算法.与适用于小斜视角条件的线频调变标成像算法不同,该算法不仅考虑了调频率随多普勒频率的变化,而且也考虑了其随距离的线性变化,更好地实现了同轨双基SAR中SRC的精确补偿,取得了满意的聚焦效果.仿真实验验证了所提算法的有效性.  相似文献   

为满足复杂低空环境三维成像需求,构建了旋转式合成孔径雷达干涉成像模型.针对不同高度的系统平台存在旋转轴中心偏移问题,采用旋转轴和场景整体平移的方法,将轴偏移等效为场景位置移动,进而分析场景位置变化对方位带宽和干涉相位的影响,获取斜距差和偏移量的关系式,最终通过构建补偿函数来实现附加相位补偿.仿真结果表明,该方法能够有效地消除轴偏移的影响,并能实现场景高程精确测量.  相似文献   

沿航向运动补偿的几何形变校正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行沿航向运动补偿后SAR图像存在几何形变.影响于图像拼接和多波段SAR图像融合.对沿航向运动补偿后的几何形变量进行了推导。提出一种校正沿航向运动补偿后几何形变的方法.该方法利用多普勒调频率的扰动项构造相位补偿函数进行运动补偿。根据多普勒调频率计算目标在理想情况下的位置.以及经过沿航向运动补偿后相对理想情况的位置偏移量,对SAR图像插值完成几何形变校正.采用仿真和实测多波段数据验证该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Based on the signal model of multiple carrier frequency (MCF) for linear frequency diversity array synthetic aperture radar (LFDA-SAR), we propose an enhanced back-projection (EBP) algorithm. Compensation for the quadratic phase error in echoes is executed and the spatial-variant range drifting amount and phase of the target are amended during the process of back-projection. The proposed algorithm can effectively rectify the image blurring and geometric distortion problem in classical back-projection imaging results, realize a high precision imaging of targets with an arbitrary imaging geometry and distinguish adjacent strong and weak targets. All results verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

为了能从雷达回波中快速有效地提取目标几何电磁特征,提出一种稳健而快速的属性散射中心模型特征参数提取方法.通过结合实际合成孔径雷达的应用条件,对属性散射中心模型简化,并利用简化模型构造基函数,继而采用RELAX算法对目标属性散射中心逐个估计与提取.通过引入快速傅里叶算法有效地提高了参数估计效率,并对属性参数的最大搜索间隔和搜索范围进行了理论推导.仿真和实测数据实验证明,这种算法对于目标的属性参数估计较为精确且对噪声不敏感,与传统参数估计方法相比,有效提高了运算效率.  相似文献   

0roAtpresent,thernostpopulaxSARprocessingtech-niqUesistheIang-DoPPler(RD)algorithm,especiallyitSmedifiedversionwiththesecondeqrmgecomPression.ThernaindisadvantagesofRDalgorithInarethesec0ndnyrmgecompressioncarinteasilyincooprateazimuthfre-qUencydePendencet',']andtheinteIPOlatorinrmgecellhagrationcorrectionreqUiressignificantcomPutationtimeandleadst0lossofimageqUality.TheWaveeqUational-gorithIn['Jisth..ti..ll;theoptimum,buttheSt0ltmaP-pinginfreqUencyd0Inainismorecriticalandcausesthe…  相似文献   

提出准正侧视合成孔径雷达小斜视角度的校正方法和子孔径参考信号相位对齐算法.准正侧视合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像的校正方法采用正侧视的予孔径聚束算法对准正侧视SAR的实测数据进行成像,根据所成的像估计出小角度斜视角,采用校正的斜视子孔径聚束算法完成最后的成像.子孔径参考信号相位对齐算法本质是将各个子孔径参考信号的相位调整为同相,并构造新的聚束窗函数进行SAR成像.理论分析指出,在不增加采样数据的条件下,该方法能增大雷达方位向成像场景范围.计算机仿真结果证实了所提方法的正确性.  相似文献   

非匀速平台SAR成像算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种波数域非匀速平台SAR成像方法.从波数和瞬时斜距的概念出发,通过对回波信号沿非匀速平台方位采样位置进行曲线积分得到理想的回波波数域表达式,再利用常规成像算法进行聚焦成像.该算法适用于任何已知平台方位采样位置的情况,不用进行插值操作,成像精度高.易于和已有成像算法结合.仿真结果验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

舰载无源综合脉冲孔径雷达射频干扰抑制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对舰载无源综合脉冲孔径雷达射频干扰的功率谱分布与相关特性进行了定量分析.利用距离拉伸后部分正距离单元和所有负距离单元内的回波数据,使用距离余弦加权对待检单元内干扰统计特性进行精确估算.然后,根据干扰功率明显强于雷达回波的先验信息,在自适应波束形成前由时域卡亨南-洛厄维分解对待检单元回波中的干扰进行了滤除.实测数据表明了分析与干扰抑制方法的有效性.  相似文献   

相位编码信号在综合脉冲孔径雷达中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从模糊函数概念出发讨论了稀布阵综合脉冲孔径雷达(简称SIAR)增大发射信号的时宽带宽积时存在的距离栅瓣效应.当采用相位编码调制各个阵元的发射信号时,不仅可以满足SIAR对各向同性照射的要求,而且可以克服这种效应.这表明大时宽带宽积信号同样可以用于SIAR这种新体制雷达,从而有利于提高其作用距离和分辨能力.  相似文献   

由于地貌、双基角和洋流等因素的影响,双基地海杂波形成的目标检测盲区会导致杂波被当作目标来检测和跟踪,形成大量的虚假目标.针对这一问题,提出一种快速抑制杂波方法:利用双基地海杂波频率特征的先验知识,结合海面的平稳特性,在距离多普勒(RD)谱上获取海杂波抑制的频率范围;应用Clean算法,先对通道时域数据进行海杂波抑制,之后进行数字波束形成,得到能够正常进行目标检测的谱数据.实际处理结果表明,该方法快速有效,能够实时进行数据处理.  相似文献   

In millimeter wave high resolution SAR imaging, the existing squint SAR cross-track motion compensation algorithm brings into a phase error of more than π/4 during the imaging process. The phase error would worsen the compensation effect. This paper transforms the squint slant range with the motion error into the side-looking slant range. We adopt the side-looking cross-track motion compensation algorithm to cross-track motion compensation. The proposed algorithm works well on the millimeter wave real data in the 10° squint angle and the results are better than those obtained by existing algorithms in the same squint angle.  相似文献   

Due to usually a small number of narrowband external illuminators and their uneven distribution, a single external illuminator and several receivers are used to synthetize aperture equivalently. The form of the target echo of the multistatic passive radar system is analyzed, and then the relationship of Fourier transform pair between target scattering function and the echo received by radar is deduced. Based on the prior knowledge of sparse distribution of the target, the algorithm of Compressed Sensing is used to recover the scattering coefficient of targets. Finally, the positions of receivers have been optimized by minimizing the correlation of the dictionary matrix based on minimizing the correlation coefficient of the dictionary matrix by the algorithm of Simulated Annealing (SA). Simulations show that the performance of the recovery of the image is improved significantly after optimizing.  相似文献   

In wide-swath missile-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging, the range-variant residual phase modulation, which is introduced by the presence of trajectory deviations, will seriously degrade the focusing quality of the final image. To deal with this problem, a motion compensation approach for missile-borne SAR is proposed. In the approach, the signal model of motion error for diving movement is established. Then, according to the inertial navigation system (INS) information, the range-variant residual Doppler rates of the echoes are extracted by using the Doppler rate estimation, on the basis of which the corresponding phase error can be calculated and compensated. Simulation results show that, by using the proposed approach, the influences of the motion error on focusing are greatly reduced with the well focused image obtained.  相似文献   

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